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17311507 No.17311507 [Reply] [Original]

>book written by an urban dweller
Instantly dropped

>> No.17311524

Rural people have such inferiority complexes about cities and the people in them.

>> No.17311553


>> No.17311585

Why have 4channel suburban LARPers suddenly adopted ruralism as their identity? A large percentage of ruralites outside their fictionalized view are crass, low-IQ, dysgenic wiggers with a contempt for nature. Rural North America is more trailer parks, asphault, gas stations and industrialized agriculture then idyllic landscapes filled with comfy cottages and permaculture. It's a sad state of affairs but it's true.

>> No.17311606

>inferiority complexes
No, they're simply superior and they know it. Cope urbanlet

>> No.17311614

They hate the Internet and think it's a waste of time. They idolize rural living because they think they'd be productive bastions of self-control if only they didn't have electricity. They are clueless, really.

>> No.17311635 [DELETED] 
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>Book written by an anon
>Instantly loved.

>> No.17311641

Ruralites, historically, have always been the soul and pride of a country weather people acknowledged this or not..

>> No.17311646

Some flyover rectangle filled with obese wiggers that produces only corn syrup and hormone-filled beef is not superior to the centres of industry, culture and commerce. Fucktarded views like this continue to stunt and self-sabotage the Right.

>> No.17311953


>> No.17312038

Small town America is by and large a low brow cultural wasteland filled with fat consoomerists. I don't know what kind of fantasy you have in your head.

>> No.17312053

This is true. Rural America is full of chubby boomers who are mystified by things like trains.

>> No.17312161

>America is by and large a low brow cultural wasteland filled with fat consoomerists

>> No.17312219

>Small town America
Holy shit, dude.

>> No.17312819

your inferiority complex is showing, city slicker

>> No.17312941
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Cope. I'm responding to you from a cabin in the middle of the woods, while I read comfy books and shitpost on 4chan. You will never know community or oneness with nature.
>industrialized agriculture then idyllic landscapes
Are you retarded or an ESL?

>> No.17312946
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Based, fuck urbanites

>> No.17312951

if you had community, you wouldn't be shitposting on an anonymous board of chuds

>> No.17312976

People in cities are more prone to behavioral sink. I think that's the main reason rural people tend to be healthier and happier, and why rural culture tends to have more decency.

>> No.17312977
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>book is written by someone who isn't a white/asian male

into the trash

>> No.17312995

That's your urbanite mentality speaking. In rural society we can have enjoy the fruits of all things in moderation. You live in dichotomous concrete jungles and will never be free.

>> No.17313052

Ah yes the places with ads blasted in your face for the latest netflix show isnt a low brow consoomerist shtithole.

>> No.17313069

Yeah but your existence in the cabin in the woods depends entirely on infrastructure and destruction. Without the ugliness existing you'd be barefoot sweeping dirt out of your house with a bushel of grass.

Just because you get to live a slightly privileged life.. well it doesn't mean much. Its only a veneer. Youre the same ugly shit as the rest.

>> No.17313180
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Nope, I built this house with my own two hands with wood I cut and varnished myself, use well water for plumbing, and while I do use electricity, I also have solar panels for back up. I also garden, hunt, and while I don't have livestock right now, I grew up on a farm and know animal husbandry. If the world went under, I could survive almost as easily as I do now. I just wouldn't have internet, which isn't a big deal, as nice as it is.
>Youre the same ugly shit as the rest
Cope. As usual the concrete homonculus must resort to insults and denigrate his fellow man to feel better about his unnatural position. You will never know community or oneness with nature as long as you remain in that world.

>> No.17313518

In case you didn't know, CS Lewis despised cities. Great, relatable intellect in his essays

>> No.17313750

I literally grew up on an organic farm and live in a rural fishing village. I'm speaking from experience. Good for you for living in a comfy cabin and enjoying nature, 95% of ruralites don't live like that at all. They're equally or arguably more degenerated then their urban counterparts, they poach, dump their shit in the woods, spray their fields with chemicals, clearcut their land every 80 years, and so on.

These LARPing 'ruralists' living in suburbs and posting Linkola memes while talking about le based eco-fascism burn the cites kill all urbanites blah blah piss me off to no end as they're self-sabotaging the RIght. Power is not wielded from a cabin in the woods, it is held in the cities, and has been since the first organized civilizations. Both rural and urban must be harmonized. It's the suburbs that aught to be eliminated if anything.

I never said that we're not facing immense societal decay, just that rural areas hit just as if not harder and they're not remotely like a lot of retards here make them out to be.

>> No.17315659

fuck off, cunt.

>> No.17315664

>I'm responding to you from a cabin in the middle of the woods

>> No.17315669

>They hate the Internet and think it's a waste of time.
It's not wrong.

>> No.17315723

So are American cities, with the added benefit of air pollution. America is entirely a cultural wasteland.

Within the decade, China will overtake you and you'll no longer even have a hegemony to show for your lack of everything else.

>> No.17315803

If anyone was envious about the country, they'd move there. It's an easy transition. Much harder to go the other way. People from small towns will drink martini glasses filled with semen in front of a camera crew just so they don't have to move back.

>> No.17315930

Retard. Moving to an established rural community you don't belong to is a lot harder than a city where everyone is a stranger.

>> No.17317141
