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17310047 No.17310047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Uh, Landbros...?

>> No.17310145

No accfag spamming this pseud will not generate interest

>> No.17310422
File: 64 KB, 658x901, dunce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got too cocky landbros....

>> No.17310443

H-he's just being accelerative... Right?

>> No.17310451

i'm just happy he didn't get Jack Ma'd like we feared

>> No.17310546

since theres a thread, anyone remember the youtube shorts called 'alien intelligences' or something of the sort? its like updated meltdown or some sort with same dalooz jargon with good footage visuals, came out around 2 years ago i think

>> No.17310585
File: 31 KB, 614x586, 1604034923855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based beyond belief

>> No.17310806

lol said the methy. what a hack

>> No.17310828

>used to be an acclaimed and repsected academic philosopher
>became a cult leader of incels and mentally ill trannies
is there a worse timeline?

>> No.17310847

>became a cult leader of his own spamming twitter and /lit/
>does anyone even care about this non-timeline?

>> No.17310850

LANDfag retards BTFO by Land himself
What a time to be alive!

>> No.17310973

The way its meant to be

>> No.17311031


>> No.17311162

no, definitely inspired by this but this was more recent and updated but has the same style with newer footage.

>> No.17311387

So Land was the anti-accfag guy.
No way!

>> No.17311406

>the anti-accfag guy
>an accfag

>> No.17311454

the anti-accfag was the accfag, read Hegel

>> No.17311470
File: 104 KB, 557x603, accposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17311580

Refer to >>17310973

>> No.17311688
File: 124 KB, 828x605, 1586827362967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long has it been now?

>> No.17311895

Academia is a cult as well

>> No.17311954

>why is he so obsessed with digits
I think this has something to do with gematria and numerology

>> No.17312981

banger tweet

>> No.17313000

what is accfag, can someone explain

>> No.17314565

>used to be an acclaimed and repsected academic philosopher
No he wasn't

>> No.17314593

There's two guys that comment on every thread of accelerationism. One of them is accfag, the other is anti-accfag. That's it.

>> No.17314707

>gets outed for samefagging and pretending to be anti-acc
>there's two guys
I wonder who posted this.

>> No.17314756

accfag is an autist who spams the board constantly. Has no awareness and accused anyone who made fun of acc of being one guy. Outed multiple times for samefagging and playing both sides. there's literally images in the thread

>> No.17314825

>what is accfag
So now that OP's request has been fulfilled, lets talk about why we love Nick Land.
I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on /lit/ I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.
29 years and I am not a videogamer. No bait, just my real thoughts. My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?
Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.

>> No.17314838

All of this but unironically

>> No.17314891

There is a strangely potent bitterness to anti-accel-fag-posting that makes me wonder, why would anyone react to accelerationism in such a vindictive way? It's an ideology of resignation and despair, it eschews political offense or confrontation. It's like getting mad at someone for not arguing with you. Very strange.

Also imo using big words allows the brain to manipulate big ideas. The information packed into a definition does not linearly scale with the cognitive toll of using or understanding them, so having large numbers of well defined terms literally makes you smarter in a given subject and anyone who calls Land's writing pretentious inadvertently reveals themselves as stubbornly and proudly brainlet.

Land isn't a pseud. Maybe you are just a brainlet.

Creating meaningful neologisms is the most important development of any philosophy.

>> No.17314908

What the hell is wrong with antiacc retards that quickly swarm land threads and quickly outnumber and drown out actual acc posters?
I don't understand how a group of people could be so pissy and so misinformed at the same time. You would think having no idea what is going on would be a humbling experience but no, it seems to inspire a sort of disproportionate pettiness and evasiveness.
Just imagine, for a moment, what was going through the mind of the person who made pic. related. Imagine being so self-unaware that you post nothing but greentext snippets of the people you are replying to and derivative meaningless quips for the sole purpose of upping the frequency of ani-acc posting in any given thread. It's so tedious I can now preemptively reply to my very own posts:
>so pissy and so misinformed
>disproportionate pettiness and evasiveness
>preemptively reply to my very own posts:
wtf accelfags, cope harder

>> No.17314918

When these were posted someone noticed that Nyx Land used the same wording. Good chance he's accfag

>> No.17315039

He's a CDPR shill begging you to try a second playthrough.

>> No.17315748

not watching this shit give me the tl;dw

>> No.17315759
File: 1.40 MB, 1370x878, Goodbye Nick Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17315860

i remember discovering acc and thinking i was part of the cool internet underground. now i only sigh

>> No.17316214


>> No.17316240

he wouldnt get jack ma’d because he’s based and isn’t a capitalist who tried to challenge the supremacy of the Chinese proletarian dictatorship.