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File: 46 KB, 726x489, Life of Sylvia Plath through amazing vintage photos (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17305691 No.17305691 [Reply] [Original]

>commits suicide
>becomes a legend

Is that the secret?

>> No.17305703

No, more like writing something different.

>> No.17305706

enjoying your first day?

>> No.17305708

would tap

>> No.17305904
File: 66 KB, 466x514, plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sylvia was so cute

>> No.17305919

light of my life

>> No.17306049

The key is writing a bunch of journals in which you BTFO manlets. This lady had a serious acid tongue. And I'd sure like to know what that tongue do, if you know what I mean. By this, I mean I would like her to fellate me.

>> No.17306088

get to porn hub anons wtf

>> No.17306112

if you say so

>> No.17306144

yes, jack one off and come back

>> No.17306159

ted hughes coomed in her and wrote crow poems

>> No.17306183

yeah all it takes is one bullet to the dome and you achieve immortality amongst art hoes

>> No.17306301

timing is important too, feminists were looking for a cause celebre at the moment. contrast silvia's posthumous reputation with that of ana mendieta and you'll see how important timing is

>> No.17306310

and the iron man after she died, the film version of which (iron giant) is still a beloved classic. sylvia btfo

>> No.17306336

based hughesbro

>> No.17306345

Suicide's heavily romanticised when it comes to literature. Hemingway, Mishima, Plath, Hunter S Thompson, Virginia Woolf, DFW. I've heard all of their suicides romanticised at some point. It's a very immature mindset to view it in this way.

>> No.17306357

Actually BTFOing manlets was her grave mistake. It's the one strategic error that prevented her from being regarded as one of the all time greats. It was her decision to belittle manlets that relegated her to her role as the quintessential author for young women with personality disorders.

>> No.17306808

No she's also really good

>> No.17306816

try it out and let us know

>> No.17306823

She wrote some good shit

What is this, behind this veil, is it ugly, is it beautiful?
It is shimmering, has it breasts, has it edges?
I am sure it is unique, I am sure it is what I want.
When I am quiet at my cooking I feel it looking, I feel it thinking
'Is this the one I am too appear for,
Is this the elect one, the one with black eye-pits and a scar?
Measuring the flour, cutting off the surplus,
Adhering to rules, to rules, to rules.
Is this the one for the annunciation?
My god, what a laugh!'
But it shimmers, it does not stop, and I think it wants me.
I would not mind if it were bones, or a pearl button.
I do not want much of a present, anyway, this year.
After all I am alive only by accident.
I would have killed myself gladly that time any possible way.
Now there are these veils, shimmering like curtains,
The diaphanous satins of a January window
White as babies' bedding and glittering with dead breath. O ivory!
It must be a tusk there, a ghost column.
Can you not see I do not mind what it is.
Can you not give it to me?
Do not be ashamed-I do not mind if it is small.
Do not be mean, I am ready for enormity.
Let us sit down to it, one on either side, admiring the gleam,
The glaze, the mirrory variety of it.
Let us eat our last supper at it, like a hospital plate.
I know why you will not give it to me,
You are terrified
The world will go up in a shriek, and your head with it,
Bossed, brazen, an antique shield,
A marvel to your great-grandchildren.
Do not be afraid, it is not so.
I will only take it and go aside quietly.
You will not even hear me opening it, no paper crackle,
No falling ribbons, no scream at the end.
I do not think you credit me with this discretion.
If you only knew how the veils were killing my days.
To you they are only transparencies, clear air.
But my god, the clouds are like cotton.
Armies of them. They are carbon monoxide.
Sweetly, sweetly I breathe in,
Filling my veins with invisibles, with the million
Probable motes that tick the years off my life.
You are silver-suited for the occasion. O adding machine---
Is it impossible for you to let something go and have it go whole?
Must you stamp each piece purple,
Must you kill what you can?
There is one thing I want today, and only you can give it to me.
It stands at my window, big as the sky.
It breathes from my sheets, the cold dead center
Where split lives congeal and stiffen to history.
Let it not come by the mail, finger by finger.
Let it not come by word of mouth, I should be sixty
By the time the whole of it was delivered, and to numb to use it.
Only let down the veil, the veil, the veil.
If it were death
I would admire the deep gravity of it, its timeless eyes.
I would know you were serious.
There would be a nobility then, there would be a birthday.
And the knife not carve, but enter
Pure and clean as the cry of a baby,
And the universe slide from my side.

>> No.17307478

why doesn't it rhyme?
anyone can write shit without rhymes

>> No.17307506

She succ dicc down like air RIP

>> No.17307573

Post some of her diaries talking about manlets.

>> No.17307584

Get it on libgen, anon. I'm lazy and ended up deleting. Going to read Kafka's first

>> No.17307703

I wish I could have saved her

>> No.17307711

With your schlong?

>> No.17307722

with my BBC

>> No.17307840

She hated:

>Men under 6'4"
>men who weren't white
>men who weren't beautiful
>men who didn't lift
>men who didn't speak at least 3 languages fluently
>men who weren't wealthy
and some others I'm forgetting

she literally killed herself because no man could fit those expectations she had. what makes you think you could save her?

>> No.17307853

KEK is this serious, anon?

>> No.17307855

What makes you think I said she had a choice in the matter? She'd have to get used to my 3 inch schlong real quick.

>> No.17307856

I have a BBC and can make that dead pussy drip drip drip

>> No.17307858

imagine what her expectations would have been like if she lived in the tindr era and was a chad orpohan (can't remember the proper incel term but basically it's 6/10 women who had 1 night stands with 9 or 10/10s and think they deserve men of that level in LTRS)

>> No.17307867

This has nothing to do with it. It is some fanfic retardation. She had problems with abuse or something, got depressed. Her husband was a fucking jerk.

>> No.17307868

have you even read her work?

>> No.17307871

>the height of suffering for the "supposed" greatest female literary mind was being unable to have a family with a demigod

meme gender

>> No.17307891
File: 132 KB, 1200x630, The Haunted Reader and Sylvia Plath COVER FINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do 4/10s always think they can have the expectations of a Stacy

>> No.17307893

she was a woman

>> No.17307894

Yes, she probably killed herself over depression, anon. That is why the bell jar is famous on the first place. She wrote about her struggle with mental issues.

>> No.17307897

She was a qt, anon. What are you talking about?

>> No.17307901

That's a 10/10 in burger land.

>> No.17307905

But I wouldn't want to have anything to do with her, because it is not like I wouldn't torment her life even further and vice-versa.

>> No.17307907

literally all women are like this

Even more attractive women are subjected to hell since they have (quite honestly) unattainable standards. r/FemaleDatingStrategy has plenty of suicidal former models who have completely given up on dating.

>> No.17307935

I just wanna punch a woman in the back of the head while we have sex to make her pussy clench up, too bad I'm a christian and can't have premarital sex (I think it's ok if you are engaged tho)

>> No.17307940

I read it a bit and it seemed funny, but I dunno, anon. I'm trying to give up on this kind of useless entertainment.

>> No.17308058

fuckable, with mouth gagged. who?

>> No.17308086

some burger roastie who stuffed her head in an oven

>> No.17308572


>> No.17308727

Haha holy shit that subreddit is just full of female projection and cope, old roasties complaining about men preferring younger women and throwing a hissy fit at the mere thought that a man might hold power in a relationship. Really what they all want is to be free of expectations and demands; men should just accept them unconditionally as they are and if you dare point out she gained 20 lbs since you met her you are a chauvinist pig incel balding manlet etc.

>> No.17309318


>> No.17309764

Mommi gets the dicc to the back oven.
Doody booty nudie, cutie?

>> No.17309978
File: 421 KB, 1717x819, 1610868295859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17310294
File: 319 KB, 575x620, 4EE5C11E-B218-4933-B549-661BB57854B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.17310498

that's sylvia plath you fucking retard

>> No.17310506

pornhub is kill

>> No.17310509

is this the one that walked into the ocean or the one who stuck her head in an oven

>> No.17310566

Rhime being no necessary Adjunct or true Ornament of Poem or good Verse, in longer Works especially, but the Invention of a barbarous Age, to set off wretched matter and lame Meeter.

>> No.17310702
File: 577 KB, 828x1136, SylviaSwiftputsherheadintheoven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commits suicide
>becomes a legend
Honestly, you don’t even need to do that much anymore.

>> No.17310746
File: 24 KB, 399x388, UBWiC1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17311148

alpha widow is the word you are thinking of

>> No.17311150


>> No.17311157

>Her husband was a fucking jerk.
and she said yes anyway. how can anyone with a brain have sympathy for women abused by their men? they chose to make it happen.

>> No.17311632

this is very nice guyish so I'm gonna explain it to you as a femanon

yes, there's plenty of friendly nice men out there, but we have absolutely zero control over who we're attracted to. Zilch. We can't do anything about it to change. in the past I've forced myself to consider some guys who would just not press my buttons physically since they were really cool and genuine, but I could not. most of us are like this. and unfortunately, the men that we are attracted to almost invariably turn out to be assholes and douchebags. we hang on for that glimmer of hope that they'll change (happened to my old bf who used to beat me for a year then turned a new leaf, broke up on good terms). in short, there is no choosing when it comes to finding a partner. it's either the abuse or dying alone.

>> No.17311683

>bf stops beating you
>break up with him
Female IQ is breathtaking

>> No.17311733

Damn she could have dated me, she didn't hate men with a micropenis right?

>> No.17311773


I'm not sure I'll find it, but the best one is in about the first 200 pages of her journal about a double/triple date she goes on in college with her friends. She shreds the guy who her friend tries to set her up with so hard (in the journal) that he were to have read it, I'm absolutely certain he would have necked himself.

Here's a good one tho, sort of the opposite of her BTFO'ing manlets:

"Emile. There it is; his name. And what can I say? I can say he called for me at nine Saturday night, that I was still weak from having two wisdom teeth out that morning. I can say that we went on a double date dancing at Ten Acres, that I drank five glasses, in the course of the evening, to the bottom, of sparkling tawny gingerale, while the others drank beer. But that's not it. Not at all. This is how it was. I dressed slowly, smoothing, perfuming, powdering. I sat upstairs in the moist gray twilight, with the rain trickling down outside, while the family talked and laughed with company down on the porch. This is I, I thought, the American virgin, dressed to seduce. I know I'm in for an evening of sexual pleasure. We go on dates, we play around, and if we're nice girls, we demure at a certain point. And so it goes. We walked into the bar and sat down, two by two. E. and I had the initial strangeness to rub off. We began to talk - - - about the funeral he went to this morning, about his twenty year old cousin who broke his back and is paralyzed for life, about his sister who died of pneumonia at twelve years. "Good lord, we're morbid tonight," he shuddered. And then, "You know something I've always liked... I mean wanted to like? Dark eyes and blonde hair." So we talked about little things, how words lose their meaning when you repeat them over and over; how all people of the Negro race look alike until you get to know them individually; how we always liked the age we were at best. "I pity Warrie," he said, nodding at the other boy. "He's twenty-two, out of Amherst, and he has to work the rest of his life. When I figure... only two more years of college."
"I know, I've always dreaded birthdays."
"You don't look as young as you are."
"I don't see," I said, "how people stand being old. Your insides all dry up. When you're young you're so self-reliant. You don't even need much religion. "
"You're not by any chance a Catholic?" He asked as if it were quite unlikely.
"No. You?"
"Yes." He said it very low.

>> No.17311777

Thompson and Hemingway had lived long and full lives. I don't see anything wrong about choosing to go out how they wished at that point. The others though, are unfortunate depressives.

>> No.17311783


There was more small talk, more laughing, sidelong glances, more of the unspoken physical friction that makes each new conquest so delightful. In the air was the strong smell of masculinity which creates the ideal medium for me to exist in. There was something in Emile tonight, a touch of seriousness, a chemical magnetism, that met my mood the way two pieces of a child's puzzle fit together. He has a fine face, dark hair, and eyes with enormous black pupils; a straight nose, a one-sided flashing grin, a clean-cut chin. He is neatly made, with small, sensitive hands. I knew it would be the way it was. On the dance floor he held me close to him, the hard line of his penis taut against my stomach, my breasts aching firm against his chest. And it was like warm wine flooding through me, a sleepy, electric drowsiness. He nuzzled his face in my hair; kissed my cheek. "Don't look at me," he said. "I've just come out of a swimming pool, hot and wet." (God, I knew it would be like this.) He was looking at me intently, searchingly, and our eyes met. I went under twice; I was drowning; and he flicked his gaze away. On the way to Warrie's at midnight, Emile kissed me in the car, his mouth wet and gentle on mine. At Warrie's, more gingerale, more beer, and dancing with the dim light from the porch, Emile's body warm and firm against mine, rocking back and forth to the soft, erotic music. (Dancing is the normal prelude to intercourse. All the dancing classes when we are too young to understand, and then this.) "You know," Emile looked at me, "we ought to sit down." I shook my head. "No?" he said. "How about some water, then. Feel all right?" (Feel all right. Oh, yes. Yes, thank you.) He steered me out to the kitchen, cool, smelling of linoleum, with the sound of the rain falling outside. I sat and sipped the water he brought me, while he stood looking down, his features strange in the half-light. I put the glass down.

>> No.17311798


"That was quick," he said. "Should I have taken longer?" I stood up and his face moved in, his arms about me. After a while I pushed him away. "The rain's rather nice. It makes you feel good inside, elemental, just to listen." I was backed against the sink; Emile was close, warm, his eyes glittering, his mouth sensuous and lovely. "You," I said deliberately, "don't give a damn about me except physically." Any boy would deny that; any gallant boy; any gallant lier. But Emile shook me, his voice was urgent, "You know, you shouldn't have said that. You know? You know? The truth always hurts." (Even clichés can come in handy.) He grinned, "Don't be bitter; I'm not. Come away from the sink, and watch." He stepped back, drawing me toward him, slapping my stomach away, he kissed me long and sweetly. At last he let go. "There," he said with a quiet smile. "The truth doesn't always hurt, does it?" And so we left. It was pouring rain. In the car he put his arm around me, his head against mine, and we watched the streetlights coming at us, blurred and fluid in the watery dark. As we ran up the walk in the rain, as he came in and had a drink of water, as he kissed me goodnight, I knew that something in me wanted him, for what I'm not sure: He drinks, he smokes, he's Catholic, he runs around with one girl after another, and yet... I wanted him. "I don't have to tell you it's been nice," I said at the door. "It's been marvelous," he smiled. "I'll call you. Take care." And he was gone. So the rain comes down hard outside my room, and like Eddie Cohen," I say, "... fifteen thousand years - - - of what? We're still nothing but animals." Somewhere, in his room, Emile lies, about to sleep, listening to the rain. God only knows what he's thinking."

Another good Plathism:

"- If I didn't think, I'd be much happier; if I didn't have any sex organs, I wouldn't waver on the brink of nervous emotion and tears all the time. -"

>> No.17311808

This is either the best bait I've ever seen or... I don't even know at this point.

>> No.17311833

intensely myopic and self-centered style

>> No.17311841

Yes. Do it right away.

>> No.17311896


I understand how it's self-centered, but I don't think I understand how it's myopic, since it's a journal. My own journal is similar - if you're writing to be able to preserve memories, obviously it will be intensely focused on yourself. Perhaps I'm missing something.

>> No.17312743

any retard can write with rhymes
many women write that way too
sylvia is still read in time
the same will not be said for you

>> No.17312783

women are a bait gender anon

>> No.17312810

"anyone can rhyme so let's throw away the entire tradition"

great argument.

>> No.17313568

syllabic rhythm >> rhyming

>> No.17313596

I don’t like porn, the girls are unattractive and the angles are the worst possible for what I’m into. I’ve maybe found a few porn videos ever that mildly turn me on

>> No.17313655

dont speak for all women, dumb whore

>> No.17313688

>tfw you bake yourself because the Übermensch eludes you

>> No.17313749

You do understand how long the tradition of non rhyming poetry is, right? You are seriously outing your level of ignorance by acting like this is some 'modern' trend, and not something that has been a norm for millennia.

>> No.17313985


In some sort of time machine?

>> No.17314003
File: 87 KB, 576x1024, 1602106898038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to porn hub anons

>> No.17314257

>r/FemaleDatingStrategy has plenty of suicidal former models
That subreddit is entirely made up of fat 30 plus year old women. Literally all wine aunts.

>> No.17314295

This is why I hate women, even these "respected female authors" are not above using their sex appeal to bolster their popularity.

>> No.17314342

I hate:
>women who don't have D cup breasts or up
>women who aren't white
>women that aren't beautiful
>women who don't cook
>women who don't clean without nagging me
>women who aren't wealthy

>> No.17314362

> Don't look at me," he said. "I've just come out of a swimming pool, hot and wet.


>> No.17314364

The passage doesn't exist. Fucking lanklets

>> No.17314370


wasn't that a private photo

>> No.17314376

Yes, I figured. Such a lady wouldn't be that retarded. Not that hard to figure it out from her book.

>> No.17315622

It's obviously fake and I implore you to lurk for a few years before posting.

>> No.17315995


>> No.17316168

Dubs don’t lie