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17305347 No.17305347 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else never buy used?
I hate reading a book that has greasy thumb stains, crinkled pages, or worst of all -passages underlined that I never would have underlined myself.
I almost exclusively buy new, that way I know what I’m getting and whatever annotations I add are my own.

>> No.17305429


>> No.17305432

With used books, they're either annotated and torn, or they're practically like new. I only take that chance on books I don't care that much about, such as gen ed college textbooks. I always buy new if it's a book I actually want to read and will keep.

>> No.17305476

Say that to my face and not online I dare you

>> No.17305494


>> No.17305502

I tend to open books before I buy them

>> No.17305513

Your a punk, bitch

>> No.17305552


>> No.17305576

That the best you can do pussy?

>> No.17305587

Fuck you punk, your mom rode me so hard last night she popped my waterbed and waterdamaged my floor I'll send you a bill tomorrow

>> No.17305921

New books don't smell good. Older books are made from paper that yellows with age and exposure. Maybe that's not a good thing for everyone; but such paper smells good. New books feel like plastic and smell of solvent.

Also, 2nd-hand bookstores tend to sell used books, and I like going to those.

If I need a book for a specific purpose other than erudition, interest, or enjoyment, I'll just get a PDF. Likely enough, it'll be for free.

>> No.17305927

KEK found the brainlet who doesn't read anything out of print.

>> No.17305957

I used to be like this. Think it's because the Hardy Boys library books I got as a kid had boogers smeared in them.

>> No.17306834

most of my collection is used books because it costs much less. Anyone that really appreciates books for their content should buy used if only because it makes that content easier to obtain. Autistic obsession over having new books is indicative that you are too distracted by a vain novelty.

>> No.17306901


>> No.17308516

I use libgen for literally everything. I'd rather die than pay some Jew for a new print of a 50 year old book.

>> No.17308554

I buy used books exclusively. I never buy new unless I have no choice, and can't find a used copy or an ebook rip anywhere.

>> No.17308568

I just buy used books at a used book store so I know exactly what I am getting.

>> No.17308723

Most of my books are used. Either bought in person or on thriftbooks. Quite a decent percentage have obviously never been read. Ex-library books are good, they've usually got a plastic cover on and have never been checked out.

>> No.17308793

Never have, never will. I'm not destitute like 90% of this board; I actually have more money than things to do with it. I will exclusively buy Everyman's editions when possible.

>Anyone that really appreciates books for their content should buy used if only because it makes that content easier to obtain
Being made to trawl countless used bookshops and thrift stores around an entire city is "easier"? No mate, you have it backwards; all of my books are new because the easiest thing to do is browse a BookDepository catalogue and have it sitting on my porch waiting for me while I don't actually have to perform any extracurricular labor.

>> No.17308811


>> No.17308865

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Book Buying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Get It From Libgen Like Nigga It's Free Haha

>> No.17308950

KEK found the brainlet who doesn't use printing on demand services for books out of print

>> No.17310417

Just make sure they're not in shitty quality before buyin, retard

>> No.17310943

Yes Im going to look through every single page to make sure no pseud has tainted any passage, why havent I thought of this before thanks you fucking imbecile

>> No.17311565

i buy used books on thriftbooks, shows up at my door just fine, ive only had one book in unusable condition show up but i restored it.

>> No.17311718

Always buy new if possible, can't stand other people.

>> No.17312011

About half of my books are used and I've never come across anything like you've encountered. Perhaps there's a note on the inside cover or a few wrinkles on the binding if it's a real old paperback. I buy a lot of these books from Goodwill and other thrift stores too, so I can only guess you bought books that someone found dumpster diving.