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17303773 No.17303773 [Reply] [Original]

>reading won't get you women

how do you respond?

>> No.17303780

That's true, but I read for myself, not for the sake of women.

>> No.17303791

Lies, books are (if you are handsome enough) a good way to lure women into asking what you're reading about when you're just "minding your own business"

>> No.17303807

You should read Stirner and mind your own concerns.

>> No.17303808

you are reading the wrong books

>> No.17303811

False knowledge is power homo

And if you're not too idiosyncratic*

>> No.17303834

That's simply not true.

>> No.17303838

Unless you feel like I'm your cause.

>> No.17303843

Wow so you read to get women, but not for itself? found the faggot pseud.

>> No.17303855

I don't care.

>> No.17303866

You forgot a comma :* :*

>> No.17303869

Thank fucking God.

>> No.17303875


>> No.17303877

I shut my book shut in front of her face, trapping her nose between the pages
>Got your nose!

>> No.17303896

That's a little too idiosyncratic loser

>> No.17303904


>> No.17303915

If you pull on a woman's nose they get wet

>> No.17303917

Unless you live in a vacuum you will eventually bond a women, anon.

>> No.17303919

even more based!

>> No.17303930
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>Unless you live in a vacuum you will eventually bond a women, anon.

>> No.17303933


>> No.17303944


>> No.17303950

Just take a shower once in a while

>> No.17303951

utterly false. good women want the good man. the good man do the good thingy of reading.

>> No.17303958

untrue.. started reading, got a job in a bookstore and suddenly there were book thos all over me...

>> No.17303976
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well done

>> No.17303998
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Would getting a bookworm gf be a good idea, or is she only going to read YA novels?

>> No.17304045

Books have gotten me women

>> No.17304047

It could if you are attractive

>> No.17304054


>> No.17304058

then, the deciding factor wouldn't be books

>> No.17304075


Yeah, but books can be a way for a girl to start a conversation with you.

>> No.17304078

This. Does anyone have that tinder pic where a hot guy says he is a rapist pedophile and the women are not even paying attention and are saying they want to have sex with him? Basically if you’re giga Chad you can do/be whatever. Only less attractive guys need hobbies and shit.

>> No.17304090

No one said they were

>> No.17304135


>> No.17304145

I'd say it's implied by faggot OP

>> No.17304151

that's fine, my life doesn't revolve around reading books

>> No.17304199

>This. Does anyone have that tinder pic where a hot guy says he is a rapist pedophile and the women are not even paying attention and are saying they want to have sex with him? Basically if you’re giga Chad you can do/be whatever. Only less attractive guys need hobbies and shit.

Women are coomers and the only privilege that actually exists is beauty privilege? Imagine my surprise.

>> No.17304204

Anons aren't that different, anon. Some are probably even worse.

>> No.17304218

Why do women make these threads? It drops the quality of the board

>> No.17304346

I'm not trying to "get women."

>> No.17304347

as if newfags and pseuds, who don't read mind you, don't keep worsening it

>> No.17304760

this is true, a person is more approachable with a book than earbuds or headphones

>> No.17304774

>a 10/10 woman tells you she wants to smash but she has killed people horrifically before and basically raped babies
what do?

>> No.17304787

She is not a 10/10 then, anon. More like a 2 or 3.

>> No.17304797

And you would probably be better having anything to do with one of those sex dolls.

>> No.17304803

If you pick up something and the primary motive is getting female attention or whatever yngmi

>> No.17304804


>> No.17304814

Muh let me fuck this person who might probably drug and kill me. Definitely a 10/10.

>> No.17304849

A 10/10 means a gigastacy, anon. Don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.17304892

cope and lies, nobody would reject the pleasure of having a 10/10 whatever she's done, same goes for women who dont reject gigachad

>> No.17304906

Unironically a bugman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis#Sexual_cannibalism

>> No.17304941

This is like saying that gigachad is an empty husk. That you could step inside his body and be him, instead of you inside his head, anon.

>> No.17304943

I used to read out in public spaces all the time in college and never had anyone ask about what I was reading or otherwise approach me. Does that actually happen to some people?

>> No.17304968

I usually use an e-reader, it is definitely handy to read weird stuff in public. But that happened usually friends, never had random people approaching me asking that, I think.

>> No.17305021

This may sound very autistic but once a girl sat close to me while I was reading at campus. I felt her looking at me so I looked up and said “hey”. She said hey back and there was an uncomfortable silence, then she said she was meaning to ask me what I’m reading. Told her it was GoT and she made some comments on the series. Back then I was way more autistic than nowadays and answered with closed sentences. Props to her for trying to keep the convo.

>> No.17305053

literal fucking retard

>> No.17305116

"I'm gay"

>> No.17305119

Good looking people pls get off our board

>> No.17305136

reading will help you get women

>> No.17305146

Reading will, however, make you dislike women even more.

>> No.17305150

I will unironically pick something to say if someone ask me that when I'm reading some weird shit on my kindle. Thanks, anon.

>> No.17305170
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Regardless of what I'm reading on the kindle I'll always stare them in the eyes, breath loudly through my mouth, and tell them that it's "one of Mr. Nabokov's best works" with a wink and subtle moan.

>> No.17305236

I’m 7/10 at best. Being terribly generous. I also have a resting disdain look on my face.

>> No.17305288


>> No.17305298

I already have a pure qt3.14 Japanese gf so idgaf

>> No.17305310

Fucking duh?

Bookish artsy chicks like Hemingways and Byrons

Not effete wannabe philosophers

>> No.17305311

dakimakuras and delusions don't count

>> No.17305319


>> No.17305327

Guess I'm gonna stop reading now.....

>> No.17305656


>> No.17305712

I'm so sorry

>> No.17305737

i don't read or lift for women

>> No.17305758

Yes, me neither. Being your own best friend is the best thing one can do.

>> No.17305802

I get them hooked with my looks, but they stay for the (conversations about) books.

>> No.17305892

*gets a woman*

>> No.17305907

I'm a wizard!

>> No.17305915

I wish women were attracted to me.

>> No.17307259

F**K women

>> No.17307272

I hate w*men

>> No.17307287

>doing things for women
>cucked simp etc.

>> No.17307415 [DELETED] 

Females obstruct the path to greatness.

>> No.17307425 [DELETED] 

Your mamma

>> No.17307429

>how do you respond?
First, I force myself on her, then, once satisfied, I let her know that I've garnered this knowledge from Japanese hentai comics, thus proving her statement wrong.

>> No.17307434

Females obstruct the path to greatness.

>> No.17307446

Your mamma

>> No.17307466

"that doesnt seem right. let me read up on that."

>> No.17307501

In this retarded thread:
>OP being a faggot
>Flamming fags
>People pretending women read actual books.
>Virgins coping, "I don't need women they'll just slow me down" you'll never make something of yourselves
>General Incelry
>Trannies who will never be women
>Chads who fuck, like me and these guys probably

>> No.17307554

if u stinky and look like an incel I will date you

>> No.17307562

Nerdy, bad-looking men are hot

>> No.17307736
File: 51 KB, 700x473, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got told by a girl i resemble an "ethnic zizek"

was she right?

>> No.17307745

Just world fallacy and foolishly naive. Nothing is guaranteed in the world, and not everyone will find a woman they are compatible with. Some are destined to be alone forever.

>> No.17307754

you are zizek's son

>> No.17307763

Are you a hegelianon?

>> No.17307770

As an Anlo, isn't Zizek already ethnic?

>> No.17307772

Isn't everyone?

>> No.17307774

Read what you want.

>> No.17307780

change tampon

>> No.17307805
File: 524 KB, 595x590, EYDX2lKWoAENdv9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several women have fucked me because I read almost nothing but French poetry in the original French and they think it's mysterious and cool. They think something deep is happening in me when I read but really it's just Rimbaud talking about how he got raped by the Communards or Verlaine talking about pantomimes. The key is the allure. They see X French poet, and boom, that's all they need. They don't have to know anything about the poet or his works. It's just an image with a feeling attached to it. (I'm also an 8, tan and lift weights daily- reading is cooler when you're cool and healthy, not a stick in the mud!).

>> No.17307814

lol yes

>> No.17307815

KEK this is retarded, but yes women usually are into this kind of thing, anon.

>> No.17307987

Don't know what that means bro, you implying I'm a woman?
I'm actually a dude. I fuck bitches too (always in the mouth and pussy, sometimes in the ass - when it's clean of course) unlike you faggot.

I'm just sick of seeing pathetic virgins and incels every time I get on 4chan. We all know women are weak and retarded but no one wants to read your cope pseudo-scientific psych theories for why you can't get none.
It's like they don't realize that all you have to do to get pussy is take a shower, groom yourself, get /fit/, and stop being a little bitch (and even then you really only need to do half of those things).
It's really not that hard, it just takes a little effort but it makes life 10x better. But no, they would rather seethe and cry on every thread that mentions women and bring down the quality of 4chan with their sadsack cult. It's insane how brainwashed some people can be.

>> No.17307990

You can wash the pig, put makeup on the pig, and dress it up in a suit, but it's still a god damn pig.

>> No.17307991


>> No.17307996

KEK you definitely don't even need that fit part. More like not being disgusting and actually trying, it is not that hard.

>> No.17308001

Humans aren't pigs, anon. You have to become a person then. And undo this pig metamorphosis.

>> No.17308012

Dude, do you honestly think your a pig?
If your fat just lose weight.
If your short just be confident and find some chick whose into it or doesn't care.
Most people exaggerate what they find wrong with themselves.
Most of the time, you are your own worst critic.

>> No.17308015

I go to the gym regularly, am fit, keep my hair styled, shower every day, groom, buy fashionable clothes, have a wide range of hobbies, work a well paying job, and I still cannot get a woman

>> No.17308020

I'm not fat
I am short but that's not what I'm concerned about
I am diseased mentally. Mild autism, probably like 5 other psychological disorders. Cant be fixed.
Put my brain in Brad Pitt's body and he will manage to become an incel

>> No.17308031

my face looks like dogshit

>> No.17308034

you are definitely looking at the wrong place

>> No.17308037

a child won't get you man

>> No.17308038

I use Tinder. There's nothing there beyond a few overweight girls or women I have nothing in common with. Women I'm actually attracted to are not interested, and I've consciously and actively tried to maximize my looks, skills, and money

>> No.17308039

I find this hard to believe.
Do you actually talk to people (esp. women) or are you antisocial?
You can't just expect people to come up to you unless you're literally Apollo or some shit.
I've seen some of the most boring ass people who basically fit your description manage to pull pussy just by talking to chicks.

>> No.17308045

stop trying so hard bro

>> No.17308052

When I have talked to women I've had very little success. They sense something wrong with me, red flags. I delete and reinstall the apps frequently.

I have been able to get dates, but not succeed on the dates.
I've gone to parties and I was ignored. I don't approach women in real life because it seems creepy.

>> No.17308079
File: 25 KB, 378x484, 18a138e57a2ef3d5dea3903e547fb0b57245bfc1_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use Tinder. There's nothing there beyond a few overweight girls or women I have nothing in common with.
If this is the case, you should expand your horizons. Today I matched with a Bosnian girl in my city who makes art and she asked me how to get into poetry and she's really hot. We talked about learning Sanskrit together and the importance of having an artistic outlet. Stop being boring! Get good like me, bro. Also secret tip: STOP JERKING OFF. NEVER DO IT. KEEP YOUR FUCKING SEED. If you jerk off, you're immediately unattractive to women. They have invisible antennae measuring your fertility at all times and they can sense your post-coom low energy/languidness. Supplement ZMA, glycine and eat your eggs daily. Then never jerk off. Women will magically want to fuck you. They lose control. It's literally sex magic. Read into taoism/tantra. Get good, brother!

>> No.17308091
File: 26 KB, 413x450, CWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also mildly autistic (why else would I be on this shitty site?) still managing.
If you are only mildly autistic can't you largely still function enough to find someone? Like how bad is it?
Personally, as a side quest, I've been looking for an autistic chick to date.
Haven't found one yet (everyone I meet is a normie or ugly kek). Maybe you could do the same?

>> No.17308132

Is she a communist? Maybe you can smash

>> No.17308137

You're mainly supposed to pick up chicks at parties. Also, it's not creepy to pick up girls unless you make it creepy.
In real life try to be friendly.
Come to think of it, do you have any female friends anon? I get introduced to chicks from friends and I've dated a few friends.
It's a lot harder to get chicks if you barely interact with any.

>> No.17308151

What do you mean trying hard?
Even if didn't want girls I would still shower, groom, stay fit, etc. lol. I'm just trying hard to better myself (also why I read philosophy and study math) not get girls, they're just a plus.

>> No.17308163

>I fuck bitches too (always in the mouth and pussy, sometimes in the ass - when it's clean of course) unlike you faggot.
sounds like something a 9th grader would say. just a heads up

>> No.17308262

Yeah but it will get me a cute fascist anglo e-boy boyfriend. Hahahaha checkmate femoids.

>> No.17308326

>reading from top to bottom
top kek

>> No.17308361

I don't know what you're expecting me to write like, I'm on 4chan. I always write raw and borderline retarded here unless I'm effort-posting just because I can. There's nowhere else where I can freely be bigoted, retarded, and autistic. In short, there's no where else where I can be me :)

>sounds like something a 9th grader would say.

>I enjoy sexual intercourse with, and exclusively with, persons of the female sex, not for procreation but for mutual pleasure; such sexual acts as I and the woman I happen to be in congress with regularly engage in include fellatio and vaginal coitus. I also, on much less frequent occasions, perform sexual acts on these maidens via anal penetration―provided, of course, that their anus is satisfactorily hygienic. I posit, by way of provocation, that you have not experienced engaging in the aforementioned acts that I surely have myself engaged in. Furthermore, I accuse you of being flamboyantly homosexual (which I believe to be a negative trait).

>> No.17308377

hello elliot-san

>> No.17308434

>I'm a compensating virgin flexing on anonymous people on a Cantonese paper hat manufacturing forum
That would have sufficed.

>> No.17308493

Dude, not everyone here is a virgin.
I imagine that at least 60% of the people on this site have had sex before.
I also don't think that sex is that important in the grand scheme of things. Sure it's fun but unless your planning to have children (I am but not right now) it's insignificant. That's why I think it's silly that virgins and incels make it such a big part of their identity. I honestly, can't remember caring that much about it when I was a virgin and though I'm pretty misogynistic by normie standards, I never out right hated women.

>> No.17308498


>> No.17308520

okay virgin lol

>> No.17308533

Whatever cope.

>> No.17308580


You could do some things to appear more attractive to women (nothing wrong with that, pussy is delicious) but reading should never be one of them, son.

>> No.17309232

I read because i try to understand women

>> No.17309243

They are weird af, I unironically started to get my mom when I was almost 30.

>> No.17309258

Neither will posting a reply-bait on 4chinz.

>> No.17309268

>started to get my mom
In what way? I wish i could talk and joke with girls like i do with mom.

>> No.17309274

In terms of behavior, culture, religion.

>> No.17309281

>I imagine that at least 60% of the people on this site have had sex before
Interesting, at least 60% of all posts are worthless.

>> No.17309296

>In terms of behavior
elaborate on this

>> No.17309306


>> No.17309313

I have to leave, got an an exam. And just read things, anon. Get introductory books to psychology, they aren't that hard, then move to some articles. Don't bother trying to talk to psychologists on the internet because most are fucking jerks. Maybe you'll have more luck than be but still.

>> No.17309321
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>> No.17309339

>I fuck bitches too (always in the mouth and pussy, sometimes in the ass - when it's clean of course) unlike you faggot.
you do it for free right? like you're the janitor for women.

>> No.17309409

>If you've had sex before your opinion is worthless.
Do internet virgins actually believe this?

>> No.17309746


>> No.17309761

doesn't matte everyones gay here anyway

>> No.17310647

Height check?

>> No.17310659

Cheers SolBrah

>> No.17310670

You haven't found an autistic chick yet? not an autist myself but I know several, all on the light aspergers side and have patrician tastes in literature, music, and film. You'll find her soon anon!

>> No.17310779

I don't read for women.

>> No.17310810

No u

>> No.17310830

I only fuck bussy tho

>> No.17311654

reading won't get you women, but spreading will get you men

>> No.17311831

Care to repeat?
I was busy with my manuscript.