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17303400 No.17303400 [Reply] [Original]

not like it's going anywhere.

>> No.17303441

Julius Caesar, after his assassination, is transported to 1430 France. Drama ensues as he tries to gather his bearings, fit into a world he doesn't recognize and try to reclaim the Empire that was taken from him starting from nothing.
He also has a Jean of Arc join him because I think it'd be cool.

>> No.17303461
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A comprehensive speculative fiction about the world in which every single shitcoin that claims to have a use is used, and its consequences on geopolitics

>> No.17303475
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a loser in his late 20's goes back in time and fixes all his problems, becomes a chad and gets ALL the pussy.
I call it: "littéralement moi"

>> No.17303482

Lolita, but every character involved is Jewish

>> No.17303493

So, just Lolita then?

>> No.17303692
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I'd be willing to give it a read. It would be very interesting to see his reactions to Christianity and Islam, in particular.
Bitcoin is more valuable than gold.
Would unironically read, as long as it wasn't too long.

>> No.17303700

You forgot to take your name off Gardner poster.

>> No.17303712 [DELETED] 
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Haha, I didn't forget a thing. Just trying to encourage some future, anons, to follow their dreams and become a published author such as myself.

By the way, my books are free with Kindle Unlimited, which has a two month free trial! Give my series a try, you won't be disappointed.


They can be read in any order ;)

>> No.17304441

A school shooter is forced into the role of the hero when monsters from another dimension break into his school trying to eat everyone and he, being the only person with a gun, is the only one capable of defending himself and others.

>> No.17304513

From the outside it looks like a cookbook, "The Ultimate Haggis Cookbook," and there are real recipes with photographs and everything on glossy paper, but the further into the book you get, you start to notice weird details (in the ingredients lists, cook times, and even photo backgrounds) and you slowly start to realize this is a horror novel about cannibalism. The reader has to piece the clues together to figure out what is actually going on and the lore and stuff. But I'm trying to make it so that every page is an actual Scottish recipe that you could follow and cook if you wanted to.

>> No.17304536

Sounds really cool. You might actually get people to call the police and everything. It reminds me of one idea I had of writing a novella by hand on a notebook about the experiences of a serial killer, detail the place where I buried my victims and then drop it in a public place waiting for someone to find it. And of course, I would have dug a hole in whatever location I disclosed, and would leave some traces of there having been something buried there to really freak them out. Might make the news, might be an entirely fruitless effort.
But your idea is way better.

>> No.17304586

A village where all of the dogs go missing on a certain night of the year. It turns out they walk and speak as men and smoke hella weed in a big drum circle.

>> No.17304613

after a school shooting or massacre or something, Juan Atkinson and Harry B flee the town and go on an adventure. Eventually Juan has a hallucination with a talking fox. Juan kills himself when he is surrounded by police an Harry pleads not guilty and has a ted bundy style court battle

>> No.17304624

I really like that anon, do it faggot

>> No.17304638

so, animal farm?

>> No.17304681

also based

>> No.17304682

i hate this, so that means it would sell really well

>> No.17304903
File: 120 KB, 1024x345, Appalachia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a parody of Appalachia. Basically, a college student has decided to return to his hometown to gather material for his thesis on rural Appalachian culture. His intent is to put a spotlight on the poverty, ignorance, and corruption of this downtrodden region. He has this haughty idea of becoming a sort of, saintly spokesman, for Appalachia.

When he gets there, however, he remembers that Appalachia is far more erratic than the gentrified city he's been living in. He's been gone too long and forgotten his roots, and he realizes this as he interviews the more eccentric hillbillies in the area. There are chapters dedicated to these colorful characters:

A hapa offspring of a mail-order Filipino woman and white Appalachian man. He's a Filipino Nationalist manager at the local retail chain store, who refuses to speak English and has a burning hatred for the white man while also living in a region with 90% whites.

An obese 39 year old mother with 9 children, 3 being black, who survives off food-stamps, selling opioids, and feeds her family by ordering at local fast food chains and then coming back with the food demanding a refund and a fresh order, as she's found a dead rat inside her bag (placed by her, obviously).

A local KKK group where every member is actually in the FBI, but unaware that each other is an undercover agent.

A white supremacist who won't join the aforementioned KKK, since everyone knows they're all FBI. At the end of his chapter he threatens suicide unless the protagonist says The Confederacy wasn't about slavery.

A hermit family deep in the mountains that believes Prohibition is still a thing and runs their own illegal moonshine distillery.

Etc. It's not fully fleshed out, but these are some of the ideas.

>> No.17304924
File: 116 KB, 672x640, 59069CEE-2B27-4EB3-AB29-EF4DFD9FD430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write an epic western set in the 1880-90s that deals with themes of inheritance both material and metaphysical wherein the protagonist and antagonist both have inherited sins from their families who were on opposite sides of brutal blood feuds during the bleeding Kansas. I was hoping to have the protagonist be the son of the family that fought for slavery but have him be a true hero who comes to reject parts of his father’s views without abandoning his family as it is their massacre he is set on avenging. He will at one point in the novel come to even come in contact with a community of former slaves and see and appreciate their inherent humanity.

The antagonist of the story will be the son of the family who were vehement abolitionists who in their apparent zeal for righteousness exterminated the protagonists whole family in an ambush near the southern Missouri/Kansas border. Conveniently after this slaughter it is the abolitionist family who ends up with the deeds to the slain family’s farm, thus representing the dual natures of inheritance. By the time our story takes several of the antagonist’s family members have died, some quite suspiciously, but some quite naturally to the point that he is the sole heir. However, he believes that his family is cursed or marked, and so has sold everything in Kansas (for a great sum) and moved to California where he runs a raucous saloon in a gold mining town near Yosemite Valley. He quickly earns a reputation as a violent and vile pimp and is perpetually drenched in whiskey and champing at a lit cigar and runs it alongside his sadistic mistress who is mostly responsible for keeping the whores in line.

He pays off the law who works for him and the gold company loves him because he keeps the miners poor, drunk, and sapped of ambition.

Our hero’s journey is his commitment to travel half the continent and exact his revenge but along the arduous journey (for he is poor and must slowly and painstaking make his way with odd jobs between stretches of travel marked by privation) he learns about community, platonic love, and his decision at the end to kill is one with great conflict and a heavy heart. And honestly even I as I’m writing am not sure if he will go through with it.

>> No.17304930

A world in the distant future, where humanity has genetically engineered themselves into bees, to create a perfect world. There's 1 enormous building (extending into the underground) that houses every person in the world. But in that giant network of hallways, elevators, tunnels, etc., 1 man is looking for revenge (looking to kill a criminal that killed his family). But the only way to kill him is by using his stinger, which would also end up killing himself. He must ask himself if this really is a perfect world. He concludes that it is, because it gave him the opportunity to enact revenge, while also punishing him for it.

I guess the point of the book is that though the world may be perfect, we are not. And I wanted to ask what the price of justice might be, and if revenge would be worth it if it means it is the right thing to do.

>> No.17304934

Nice would read.

>> No.17304938

Hitler and Mussolini peepee in the poopoo

>> No.17304974
File: 217 KB, 970x920, Screenshot_20210116-183402_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A local KKK group where every member is actually in the FBI, but unaware that each other is an undercover agent.
Kek. Would definitely read. You might have trouble getting a publisher to touch something like that though.
Are you from Appalachia?

>> No.17305044


this seems straight out of GK Chesterton's book, "The Man who was Thursday." Except in that book, it was Anarchists, not Klansmen.

>> No.17305106

This is great.

>> No.17305138

Really interesting, but how would you make a story out of that? In order to be really interesting you'd have to somehow put a story in there I reckon, if not then it'll be considered a silly comedy book. Would be interesting to see how you manage to write it though. Would read.

Put some literary value into it and it'll be good. Also if that appears the news it'll be very funny.

Would read, very funny premise.

>> No.17305525
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i have a few ideas about writing two stories in particular.

the first one is about a group of mercenaries covering up for another group of higher ranking soldiers in ethnonationalist conflict raging between two neighbouring countries in central asia where the situation has escalated in a state of perpetual hell. there are a lot of factions including one of the countries's entire army wing, private military contractors, refugees fighting for their right to live and rogue dissident terrorists. the main character is a woman who is ordained by god to bring an end to the conflict. there's going to be something about psychic dreams in it too but i haven't figured out that part yet. i honestly just want to write something cool without having to think about having to follow a linear pattern. the story ends with everybody dying after a recreational nuke is set off by one of the terrorists.

the second one is about a conservative catholic korean girl coming to terms with the fact that she's a lesbian, or at the very least bisexual. she's very traditionally feminine, she dresses modestly and never really swears. she lives in a rural area which has virtually no displays of degeneracy anywhere. the area is half-submerged due to an environmental disaster that happened years prior. one day she just sees this one cute girl strolling by, dressing modestly the same way she does. she greets her with a nice smile which makes her heart flutter and she immediately falls in love, seeing her as a gift sent from god himself. they go on dates, reading books together, reading the bible together, taking pictures of each other and the countryside, having picnics together, raving about art, god and life. obviously she's scared of having to come to terms with her homosexuality but the more she represses her thoughts, the more she tries to pray the gay away, the more she struggles with who she is, the more she wants to kill herself. all she wants is to go on dates with the girls she loves while holding her in her arms as they both discover they can fall in love with one another just fine even if they're two girls. she doesn't act like a degenerate, she's just a scared little girl when all she truly wants is to kiss her girlfriend and live happily, nothing more.

>> No.17305596
File: 84 KB, 828x878, IMG_20210103_100534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem you got this one all figured out. do it. reminds me of a scorses type movie. i'm sure it will be amazing to read.

>> No.17305617

You seem to have a knack for this sort of stuff. Would love to give it a read if you go through with it

>> No.17305765

I’ve been thinking about it for like 6 years lol

>> No.17306584

Thousands of years ago, a group of people from all over the world were sent by an omnipotent force to live on a cloud. They go on to form groups and battle over various explanations as to why they are there until one wins out. The group that wins believes that the residents of this cloud should evolve into a better version of the humans that live on earth, and create an idyllic society completely cut off from the rest of humanity.

Cut to the present and the society is now under an authoritarian state, inconsiderate of what the omnipotent force would want for them to do. Fairly recently, the gov’t came up with the idea that instead of straight-up killing and torturing dissents and antisocial people, that they would just simply throw them off the cloud and into the sea, which sounds less harsh and less likely to rile up the plebs. They throw out a teenage girl for accidentally not showing enough admiration for the passionate supreme leader.

Instead of landing directly into the ocean, the girl lands on a forest near the shore. She wakes up, and in a deep state of denial, thinks that she is being sent to record and tally different stuff around the earth. She stumbles upon an asocial young man, who she is convinced to be an admirer of the cloud society, and thinks that he is constantly surveilling the cloud from his house. He doesn’t take anything she says seriously, but he is shallow enough to entertain her delusion to secure easy affection from a somewhat pretty girl.

They eventually develop a platonic relationship together until she decides that since she wasn’t given a date to come back, that she is to return home when she thinks she has recorded enough/ got bored. She asks the young man to help her make a hot air balloon and send her off to the cloud. Once the young man finds out that she isn’t joking and that she’s crazy, he tries to stop her but gets stuck and has to ride along with her towards their likely deaths.

They actually make it to the cloud, and everyone there starts to freak out. The teenage girl gets immediately rejected and the two have to flee before they get caught by the guards. Once they succeed in doing so, the girl decides to officially renounce her old life and make do with the rest of humanity on earth, for better and for worse. (1/2)

>> No.17306595

The story then divides into two, One side shows the life of the girl on earth, her relationship with the young man, and how she slowly loses her mind, being under constant moral conflict with wanting to live a good earth life (whatever that is) and the thoughts at the back of her mind that are telling her that the cloud society had the right idea of what to do on taking care of its citizens. The other side deals with the aftermath of the incident within the cloud, some lore, the political turmoil, and the eventual downfall of the society. The two eventually collide with a failed invasion of earth that kills the girl. The rest of the story is about the young man coping with everything and how the omnipotent force mentioned earlier comes into play, which is a part that I still need to work on. (2/2)

>> No.17306628

The best twists are ones where someone kills someone you think they're going to spare, or spares someone you think they're going to kill.

Frank Castle, No Country for Old Men, Sicario, etcetera

>> No.17307503

yeah that's what I'm going for I want a real moral battle within the protagonist to symbolize the mores he is from and the mores he is becoming and his ultimate decision will tear his psyche apart no matter the decision and inaction tears him apart moment by moment.

>> No.17307535

do the cute korean one

>> No.17307970

romeo and juliet but juliet ends up with paris as intended :)

>> No.17307999

A guy who was missing in action from Vietnam wakes up into the future like Captain America to become a soldier through cryogenic freezing like Fallout 4 and it turns out it is the post apocalyptic future on a colony on the moon like Metal Gear Solid he is sent on a mission to stop an evil force from taking over Star Wars and he does this by being a bounty hunter/ government agent The Mandalorian.

>> No.17308263

A girl goes through a traumatic rape insident and after many years of psychological and social suffering her parents take her to a psychologist. The 2 of them start getting closer but as more and more details of that night open up it turns out that the biggest sin of the psychologist has came to his doorstep. Turns out he had a sinful past and he was one of the people who did the sin with that girl. Both of them gradually become friends and eventually become a couple and the whole time the psychologist tries everything to hide his past and seek forgiveness from the girl

>> No.17308308

Does this become your theme music?

>> No.17308344

Conspiracy fiction/murder mystery where several different politically motivated factions benefit from a public figure's death. In the end, none of the parties actually know who did it, just that they all had a tragedy to spin into rhetoric.

>> No.17308358

Written in English or your native language?

>> No.17308407

kekd and checked :)

>> No.17308519

it would be better if they HAD to know who killed him for their goal.
Like faction A idk was talibans and they had to be like "yeah we did it we want freedom now"
and faction B "yeah it was us and now we can finally make bread"
idk something like that.
And they do not know who did it and now it was all pointless

>> No.17308531

man & girl go out to drive under moonlight they stop at on at a side of road.
he turn to his girl and say:
"baby, i love you very much"
"what is it honey?"
"our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken. ill walk and get some more fuel."
"ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen"
"good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty"

so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now". then the girl here a scratching sound and voice say "LET ME IN"

the girl doesnt do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and fins her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door


>> No.17308535

Franz Kafka: The only book that everyone knows it is from him

Just write everything word for word BUT he never changed into a bug, he is just a guy, and the parts where they talk about his little legs and round back is just his feet and him just there on the bed all normal like.
Why? fuck if I know

>> No.17308545


>> No.17308575

does anyone else feel like plot is for simpletons?

>> No.17308584

Only simpletons. Plot is like any other literary device, used well and not overly relied upon it is great, but if all you have is a plot it is kind of a bore.

>> No.17308592

you read fantasy

>> No.17308594

Sounds like a really fun read, definitely go ahead with this one!

>> No.17308600

I have never actually completed a single fantasy novel. IJ is probably my favorite novel, ama.

>> No.17308603

A long, meandering, semi-autobiographical story about a group of young adults finding meaning in a post-apocalyptic world. I started writing it in 2017-18, so the fact that the apocalypse was a pandemic is very annoying to me.

>> No.17308604

sci fi is fantasy

>> No.17308606

Not really sci-fi, but whatever.

>> No.17308607

Shit, I actually really, really want to read this.

>> No.17308613


>> No.17308686

I am improving my English fren

>> No.17308698

You got me, I am terrified of being baited by a troll on an anonymous message board.

>> No.17309017

Something involving each of the Zodiac signs being represented as characters. Something similar to the idea of American Gods, although the story would be limited to the twelve characters. Not sure what it would be about.

>> No.17309094

i would beat her brains out with a rock
the world would be a better place

>> No.17309111 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 318x451, 1610890816071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a manga exactly like that.

Shouta Handa is a jobless 25 year old who is sick and tired of his boring life. One evening, at the class reunion, he gets to meet all of the cute girls that used to be his classmates. He soon discovers that they are all successful with interesting careers, and even more importantly—really beautiful now, with bigger curves. Unfortunately, it seems that they are all aware of his boring, unsuccessful life, so they mock him and call him a loser, just like in the old days.

Everything changes when Shouta goes for a walk to have a smoke and accidentally falls into the school swimming pool. This triggers a supernatural phenomenon that takes him back ten years into the past. He finds himself in the same swimming pool during swimming class, surrounded by his female classmates in bikinis. How is Shouta going to deal with their cuteness and closeness now that he is a grown man in a boy's body?

>> No.17309150
File: 204 KB, 1148x746, c0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western about a daughter of a rich plantator seeking refuge after being wrongly accused of poisoning her baby half-brother and justice for anyone who actually did this but it was actually her lesbian lover who did this because she was looking for a revenge on her own step-mother, who was the same person.

>> No.17310480

It's an old fun story. In the first episode of Miami Vice, 3/4 of everyone caught in the operation "selling" drugs is a cop.

>> No.17310651

After a deadly plague ravages humanity, leaving only a few hubs of survivors and untold deaths, aliens invade the Earth and make contact with the remaining humans. A recreation of the conquest of the Americas, except planet sized.

>> No.17310761

I've been working on a modern fantasy series on-and-off for six years.
There is a particular scene which takes place at the planned end for book two which I've been writing drafts of among other chapters all over the planned trilogy.

It involves the protagonist, after defeating a cult that had somehow acquired the means to freeze entire regions, discovering what exactly this weapon was: a woman with the power to influence the surrounding weather through her emotional state.

The cult had kept and tortured her, known to them as the Tempest, and yet when the hero comes upon this woman he cannot help but recognize that somehow she had maintained her innocence.

He pleads with her to leave with him, but she then begs to be killed knowing that others will come for her and not even the hero could keep her safe forever.

Of course he relents for some time, not only due to the requested deed but rightfully thinking how unfair it is that this innocent lady should be condemned for what she cannot help, and to compound this: he imagines a life with her that cannot be—something that is hinted as being mutual.

It is then she commands he plunge his sword through her heart, affirming this is the way and that she will still be with him. It is done with tears from both of them.

The endless blizzard that had consumed an entire region begins to subside after a cold snap, and as her innocent blood coats his sword: the blade turns a shade blue.

>> No.17311137

Could be good. It's a lot of fun imagining very dynamic figures from history transplanted. How would they fare? If you put Alexander the Great or Gengis Khan down in the middle of nowhere in the present day, would they rise to the top?

>> No.17311154

It's quite gimmicky so it would make a better short story than a novel, I think.

>> No.17311166

This is fun. I remember some modern novel I was given for a birthday a while back which was based around cooking, but it wasn't as go-getting as this. The key is to make the mystery exactly hidden enough but not too hidden.

>> No.17311180

The first sentence is intriguing.

>> No.17311181

The Continuing Adventures of The Artful Dodger, or Jack Dawkins in Australia
You can steal it, I'll probably never start writing it.

>> No.17311190

Lawyer gets trapped in haunted endless Mexican restaurant. Like, you go into another room and it's a very similar room type deal. DIY Punk kids who go there to eat, shit faced, at 3am after a show discover him and try to help. They are not trapped there and so the only time they remember to help is when they go for food after a show. He discovers a cult under the restaurant. Something something, respecting cultures. I don't know.

>> No.17311215

Sounds a bit like Under Milk Wood. The same idea of a bunch of eccentrics except that's a Welsh seaside town. (It was originally going to have more of a plot but DT eventually scrapped that and just made it more-or-less a bunch of vignettes).

>> No.17311320

Yeah, I agree; I was just shitposting but I might try to write this, see where it goes.

>> No.17311335

>If you put Alexander the Great or Gengis Khan down in the middle of nowhere in the present day, would they rise to the top?
Very likely not. They were extraoirdinary men, but they were highly dependent on their environment. The world has changed so much in technology, mentality, systems of government and such that they wouldn't be able to do what they initially did.