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/lit/ - Literature

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17303204 No.17303204 [Reply] [Original]

What were some of your favourite memories of /lit/ during the 2010s?

Who are some posters you haven't seen for a while?

For me it's:

>Tao Lin posting circa. 2015
>a brief, half-hearted attempt to rig erotica sales in ~2016 by 5-starring each other's self-published erotica stories
>Gas-kun and his motivational posts (hope you're doing well mate)
>finding out about Fernando Pessoa and a bunch of other writers I would have likely not come across for many years otherwise
>the Infinite Jest / DFW obsession a few years ago
>The April Reader

>> No.17303317


>> No.17303387

the kharms flavor of th month era was fun

>> No.17303447

The bugs.. meme was funny in a sign of this boards end kind of way. In 2016/2015 all the gnostic posters were annoying. Somehow there's still the same number of communists.

>> No.17303517

Scaring that poor girl off of YouTube

>> No.17303521

Whatever happened to that guy who worked at a gas station and had written an unpublished 8 volume fantasy series? This was in 16’ or 17’. I always assumed he would at least self-publish.

>> No.17303573

You’re going to have to be more specific, lol.

Katie, that cute Mormon ballerina or Ontilogicool?

>> No.17303606

Oh my god I forgot about Kharms, especially when another guy had a copy of it and kept promising to scan it for the guy requesting it every day.

>> No.17303609

I’ll never forgive foot-fags for running Mormon ballerina girl off the internet.

>> No.17303623

That's Gas-kun. I haven't seen him around in a while, though I don't lurk so much these days. He lived in Kentucky iirc.

>> No.17303661
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Remember the fallen

>> No.17303680
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I heard that Kat used to post here. Is this true?

>> No.17303682
File: 61 KB, 669x1000, 553590DC-2197-4C34-95E8-DF015EF97DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the fallen pt.2

>> No.17303983

>What were some of your favourite memories of /lit/ during the 2010s?


>Who are some posters you haven't seen for a while?










>> No.17304008

I miss the yearly top 100 lists we did through Strawpoll. DFW, Mishima, Pynchon, Harold Bloom ffs. Also that 2/3 of page 1 was discussions of books.

>> No.17304270

Before the pajeet invasion this place wasn't as boring honestly

>> No.17304356

Sorry, reached the point where the sexual satisfaction I was giving her vastly outweighed anything should could have got posting here

>> No.17304453

no, you're thinking of Kant

>> No.17304683

She's probably a virgin but too shy to admit it (seeing as how she's gone fully college-tier lefty).

>> No.17304931

Isn’t that almost every guy who works at a gas station?

>> No.17305657

The brief Girardanon phase was nice. One day I will read Girard.

>> No.17305671

the noodle incident

>> No.17305698

I’ve liked talking to other lawyers on here and complaining multiple times about law school in 8 post long rants that I’ve turned into part of a book I’m writing.

My favorite parts were the DFW threads. I sincere posted the fuck out of those and some anons actually responded well. That was nice.

I loved participating in the early BurgerPunk threads. Making that 200 page shared doc was hella fun.

I miss going to used book stores before rona and buying books anons were arguing about on the front page. Good times.

>> No.17305709

What DFW threads? Were they about a specific book?

>> No.17305764

I think the DFW threads that were more about what he would think about the modern world, which of course turned into conversations about his essays and interviews and how those themes were implemented in IJ. I think they happen at particular times. It’s when the readers of his stuff outnumber the shit posters that drop in and give the same 3 jokes.

>> No.17305797

Guenon fag was nice

>> No.17305810

This was a sad event in /lit/ history, I really think ontologicool did nothing wrong at all.

>> No.17305830

Fair enough, I still need to read IJ! I've come across some good The Pale King-related threads here over the years. And yeah the shitposting does seem to be increasing, although it may just be my increased desire to meaningfully engage or something.

>> No.17306013

my diary desu

>> No.17306041

This thread just makes me sad that I came to /lit/ way too late.

>> No.17306091

if you know you know

>> No.17306139

Back in 2012-2013 I deliberately made right wing philosophy and literature threads that were as inoffensive as possible so that the then-mod would delete them and ban me so that I could post screenshots of the ban, post them here and on /qa/ (or whatever the equivalent was at the time), and get people riled up at the shitty overbearing moderation. I remember specifically I posted an Evola thread and got banned and a lot of people were up in arms about it. From then on, right wing threads were mostly left undisturbed so it's possible I had a disproportionate influence.

Fuck you old mod, you were banning and memoryholing people just for saying "Marx was gay" or "I don't read woman authors." Humorless faggot.

>> No.17306181

shes still on insta

responds well to dms

>> No.17306188

the current janny is pretty pissy as well.

>> No.17306316

Rapture getting bullied by an old man in his own thread and Deep and Edgy's trip being cracked.

>> No.17306365

tell her to come here and post feet, then fuck off again

>> No.17306405

It really wasn't all that unless you enjoy a swamp of tripfags and their acolytes sniping at each other ad nauseum amidst the same 5 recycled DFW memes. There may have been more "discussion" about books but it was by and large as surface level as you can get. "No-one here reads" has been a meme since the beginning.

I'm not nostalgic. It was retarded then and it's just a different kind of retarded now. Nothing of substance has been lost.

>> No.17306419
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That mod used to delete Bloom threads too.

>> No.17306450

It was bad at the start but the board was better in basic posting quality prior to the 2016 spike in phoneposters and election tourists. That is what killed most of 4chan in general though.

I never minded newfags too much because they always acclimated, but phoneposting changed the structure of the site. If your homeboard is /lit/, try stepping outside it once in a while and even trying to effortpost, you will run into a sheer wall of "wtf lol why do you care so much" from people who exclusively use 4chan as a social media platform for making one-sentence replies. Zoomers fucking disgust me.