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17303038 No.17303038 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your biggest white pill books, I'm in need of some hope anons.

>> No.17303055

the moment you stop having hope is when you can begin to chill

>> No.17303064

Hope is just the other side of the same coin as fear

>> No.17303072

Dracula. Yes, I am serious.

In fact, I know it's not the Halloween season, but would people mind if I were to start a weekly thread for Dracula, like one of those "/lit/ reads" threads?

>> No.17303074

The Notebook
Pride & Prejudice
Crime & Punishment
The Sirens of Titan
Twelfth Night
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Slaughterhouse Five
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
The Grapes of Wrath
Watership Down

Sorry you're having a bad time anon. I love you.

>> No.17303090
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Thanks fen, noted them all

>> No.17303095
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this will change your life OP

>> No.17303106
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People who have never read it, much to my dismay, will say i am shilling, and, of course, will be very, very, wrong. I happen to know the author personally, and, i must say, he put a herculean effort into this series, which, we would agree, is a magnum opus of 21st century horrific fiction, and, whats more, it could be read in any order. Enjoy the series... i recommend you don't read it at night....

>> No.17303109

Hemingway, Big Two-Hearted River.

Rare Hemingway whitepill. Beautiful, immersive prose.

>> No.17303116

the notebook was a joke tho. don't read that shit. and a couple of those might actually be enormously depressing depending on where you're at in life. sirens, unbearable lightness could both leave you not feeling. but they could also be enormously uplifting. The sirens of titan taught me the meaning in life and I'm forever grateful: to love whoever is around to be loved

>> No.17303120

God is Real

>> No.17303122

The biggest "white" pill of all lol

>> No.17303132

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

>> No.17303136

I am not aware of what a white pill is. I just figured OP could use a good recommendation. Adeiu

>> No.17303138
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Pic related.

>> No.17303151
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I sometimes like to read Job when I'm a little down.

I'm sure you'll be okay, anon. God loves you unconditionally.

>> No.17303202
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despite everything, despite all the pain and suffering, humans still manage to love each other. I think, after everything, that's what'll be remembered most of all.

>> No.17303438


>> No.17303459

What a stupid statement, I could say the same thing but in reverse, "despite everything, despite all the love and comfort, humans still manage to rape and brain each other on a regular basis, I think after everything, thats what'll be remembered most of all" shut up

>> No.17303468
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>> No.17303483


>> No.17303537

Yes, you are just a cuck.

>> No.17303557

Actually, you make me mad. What's the point of being so resolutely bitter? Yeah, you can switch it around, but why? You're one of those dickheads that thinks they're so smart because they hate everything. Eat my entire asshole.

>> No.17303558

Turner Diaries

>> No.17303589

Im not bitter, but your statement was fucking stupid. I see beauty in the world, but its balanced with the violence and the hate. It honestly sounds like you dont even look at the world as anything except some gay little playground you run around in and everyones happy and its all love! Seriously get a grip.

>> No.17303662

>It honestly sounds like you dont even look at the world as anything except some gay little playground you run around in and everyones happy and its all love!
Are you kidding me? When did I even imply anything remotely like that, you fucking spastic? Don't fucking @ me again.

>> No.17303674
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Read Hesse's Siddharta maybe? Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, and Franny and Zooey? Or... since you already are in the mood, read Zapffe's The Last Messiah. It might give you some comfort in your misery. Godspeed anon.


>> No.17303677

Nah go ahead, sounds comfy

>> No.17303739

Get a stuffed animal, The Swiss Family Robinson, make a hot cocao, get all cuddly and just be warm and comfy for a while.

>> No.17303754

thanks, anon

>> No.17303758


>> No.17304481

You lose LOL

>> No.17304504

when im feeling down, i read wooster and jeeves by wodehouse or the pickwick papers by dickens. best of luck bud

>> No.17304790

The denial of death. You’ll feel great after reading it. I promise.

>> No.17304817

there's no way back

>> No.17304864

I definitely felt this when I stopped having hope that the girl I was talking to was going to stop treating me like shit

>> No.17304919


See I prefer Ecclesiastes. But I'm drawn to the books of the Bible where there's a real struggle with one's faith. Job is also good.

>> No.17304926


Be careful with Life, A User's Manual as there is a pretty graphic scene within the first 20 pages. But even so, it's one of my favorite books and pure bloomer

>> No.17304939

not OP, but i'm gonna try the magic mountain. thanks!!

>> No.17304946

Did you just give a trigger warning? faggot

>> No.17305000
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I got blackpilled a decade ago and it just never really got any better. Knowledge truly is a terrible burden to bear.

>> No.17305008


OP is asking for white pill books and, while Life, A User's Manual is one such book, two people also get violently murdered in the first 20 pages. That could turn off someone looking for a life-affirming book and I wouldn't want them to abandon the book because of one scene.

>> No.17305010


>> No.17305078


>> No.17305158

based, Zapffe is probably the blackest pill you could give someone

>> No.17305178

I have that. When we starting and when will the threads be?

>> No.17305341

wtf, half of this shit is depressive

>> No.17305351
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>> No.17305360

Jane Eyre and Emma desu

>> No.17305474
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The End of Our Time by Berdyaev is about hope for humanity in the modern era despite everything in the modern era going to shit.

>> No.17305791
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Representative Men of Japan

>> No.17305820

Berdyaev is a top tier writer, probably my favorite of that generation of Russians

>> No.17306109

House of Leaves might be pretentious bullshit, but it really does have a happy ending
It's all about letting go, which you obviously need to do

>> No.17306127

The Little Prince

>> No.17306307

Good recommendation with ecclesiastes. I'm sure in the Jewish context it was quite a depressing book (and to some extent of still is). But it truly highlights the Good News and joy we have to look forward to, as well as changing the perspective of our life as a result.

>> No.17306416
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I have just the thing for you. Are you interested in justice?

>> No.17306798

Correct answer.

>> No.17306811 [SPOILER] 
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You have to follow my advice

>> No.17306826

The Metamorphoses is a white pill you get as you fight through the ups and downs throughout all off history told through Greek and Roman mythology.
I highly recommend it. Keep pushing forward

>> No.17308257


>> No.17308275

the Gospel of John. Hope things get better anon

>> No.17308277

Little Lord Flaunderroy
A Little Princess
The Secret Garden
The Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.17308285

Montaigne's Essais always makes me happier after my defeatist attitude starts to emerge deep from within me.

>> No.17308294

This. This a million times. It might have saved me from suicide.

>> No.17308300

Thanks for sharing this anons. I did not know about him.

>> No.17308384

fuck you lmao
if he had someone he loved who loved him back OP wouldn't ask for books to stop him from suiciding you idiot

>> No.17308416

checked and based pic