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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 133 KB, 986x1002, reading pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17300256 No.17300256 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a link for a big dump of epubs of various good books on stuff like philosophy, good fiction, non fiction, etc? Like a MEGA link or a torrent link.

>inb4 epub fag
I use epub because I can adjust the font size and line spacing so it looks better on my ereader, PDF just looks too small on my ereader.

>> No.17300310


>> No.17300868

I have to download each file individually and I don't want that, I want a big file with all the epubs already there.

>> No.17301131

>i don't want that i want that other thing. NOW! NOW NOW NOW

>> No.17301134

Kys zoomer subhuman

>> No.17301267
File: 364 KB, 762x785, 1598292334039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to download each file individually and I don't want that, I want a big file with all the epubs already there.
You dumb retard, download them individually so you get only what you want and you can check that the files don't have any issues. Make a list and go from there. What the fuck is wrong with you?
rope fegghit.

>> No.17301404

Not OP but I'd also want a big file. What if I want to go off the grid for a few months and don't want to spend hundreds of shekels on physical books?

>> No.17301417

Then download them manually. You can get 10 FREE ebooks off of zlibrary every 24 hours, more if you donate a bit of money. It's not hard at all.

>> No.17301422


You can download all of Gutenberg's English books with Kiwix. It's 40GB

>> No.17301558

Thanks boss!

>> No.17302073

since we're on about ebooks, what about audiobooks? Is there a place where I can download audiobooks and put them on my kindle without shilling out money to audible?

>> No.17302077


>> No.17302333


You can always search the archives for more megas
And never download more books than you can read

>> No.17302445

Go to libgen and you can download 40+ books per day without paying anything. It's not as if you're actually going to read even 1/10th of these books.

>> No.17303611

>https://mega.nz/#F!lkNUwIYI!cugQ-Yoclk6AEnzWbfMA6Q Accelerationism
Damn, that folder is down, I remember it had 23 gb of unique content, do you or anyone happen to have a mirror, anon?

>> No.17303646

I would recommend the other way around, anon, one should download more books than one can read for perservation purposes, for one never knows when a virtual library is going to be taken down

>> No.17303907

>40GB of text files
Holy fuck.