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17297861 No.17297861 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most disturbing books you've ever read? I'm looking for something so terrifying that by the time I finish it I'm happy with the life I have.

>> No.17297867


>> No.17297869
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>> No.17297887

Call of the crocodile.

>> No.17297889

KEK did you make this?

>> No.17297896

I can't find this on amazon.

>> No.17297910

They banned it

>> No.17297913

When you say disturbing, what do you mean exactly? A book that produces fear? Or discomfort?

I liked Stephen Florida by Gabe Habash. I think it convincingly depicts paranoia and narcissism. Wouldn't say it strikes fear into your heart though.

Silent Cry by Kenzaburo Oe left me feeling numb afterwards. Demons by Dostoyevsky is kind of similar - the deleted At Tikhon's chapter comes to mind.

>> No.17297929
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>I'm looking for something so terrifying that by the time I finish it I'm happy with the life I have.

As long as it fits this it doesn't matter. Thanks anon.

>> No.17297949 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17297957

No longer human. It has a bigger impact than a novel about a poor african child with an abusive father would have. You can't help but think: I am glad I am at least not this pathetic. And this is a problem most of us deal with, being pathetic, that is, so one can relate on a scale.

>> No.17297961

Belladonna by Dasa Drndic

>> No.17297982

“The whisperer in the darkness”

- lovecraft

>> No.17298061
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unfortunately I already went through most of Lovecraft. 10/10

>> No.17298154

>I'm looking for something so terrifying that by the time I finish it I'm happy with the life I have.
Contentment is perhaps the single greatest vice on Earth - it makes man approve of his mediocrity. Happiness is not a matter of comparing yourself to the downtrodden and destitute, but of pursuing the greatest virtues and heights in your sight. Disturbance and acceptance is a contradiction - when man is disturbed, he is moved into action, not complacency. You want to accept your life simply as is? Then do not read, declare yourself to be the summit of humanity, then pose as a rock.

>> No.17298196

How disturbing is the Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littel?

>> No.17298198
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I'm not trying to escape anything.....just chasing a feeling

>> No.17298245
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I'm little drunk and just wanted to post some asian titites for you guys too.

>> No.17298400
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>> No.17298405


>> No.17298411

It's so dark and disturbing, exploring many subversive themes which are only for mature readers. You shouldn't read these books ever unless you are sure that you can handle them because they are very intense, and frightening. Look out Steven King F Gardner is the new Steven King.

>> No.17298412
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>> No.17298428

Oh crap. What do you do then if you think "oh finally, someone as pathetic as me"

>> No.17298437 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17298474

not bad but sorry for your ban anon.

>> No.17298507
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>> No.17298524

I used to think Asian chicks were hot/cute.
Now I think they all kind of look the same, and I find that I'm less and less attracted to them. (Obviously, I would still fuck a hot/cute chick regardless of race, I'm not a total faggot lol.)

>> No.17298529
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>> No.17298558

I read demons at the height of the riots and the chaz last year. It was too on the nose

>> No.17298563


>> No.17298569

A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations

>> No.17298577

The Color of Space and Brave New World both made my stomach churn when I was younger.

Of course, I was also suffering from an upset stomach at both separate and unrelated events that happened to coincide with my reading these books, so I cannot be sure how much was mere displeasure at what I was reading and how much was tummy aches.

>> No.17298601

Yo I feel with you, stomache problems are one of the most unpleasant problems one can have. The quality of life immediately drops to 0. To rule out whether it is not a food intolerance or something similar, one should rather go to the doctor right away. Or especially if you are a sensitive person, you should rather strengthen yourself mentally instead of smoking or drinking. But nobody understands that lol.

(You can only strengthen yourself mentally if you keep yourself fit at the same time, just to mention that)

>> No.17298626

Book of Disquiet

>> No.17298666


Wtf. So this is why people don’t want us posting about F. Gardner’s books. That excerpt was fucking disturbing. Too far! Glad the mods took it down.

>> No.17298674

>The Sound of Insects

>> No.17298784
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Pic related is the only book that has genuinely made me lose sleep.

>> No.17298813
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Available for free on Kindle

>> No.17298825

Who cares if Piers Paul read it?

>> No.17298869

There was a /pol/ thread about 6 months ago with the topic of the most horrific crimes ever. That one kept me up at night. A few specific cases include the one about the German guy that locked his daughter in a dungeon for 20 years and impregnated her several times, and this Japanese murder nicknamed the "50 days of hell" where these guys chained a woman up in their house and did about every horrible thing you can imagine to her then stuffed her corpse into a garbage can.

I also once read what I hope was a creepypasta about some guy on an internet forum who had bragged about amputating a woman's arms and legs and replacing them with steel rods that allowed her to be suspended from a chain and used as a live sex doll. It was probably some creepy fetish thing but it went into pretty graphic detail and freaked me plumb the fuck out.

>> No.17298881

>50 days of hell
The Junko Furuta one right? Very depressing story. And yeah that doll pasta is obviously bullshit

>> No.17298914
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Took me a while to see Gojira

>> No.17298955

Well... Let's hope no one tries to [rape your wife].

>> No.17298959

I just finished Call of the Arcade, myself. So good.

>> No.17299225
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i remember being disturbed by the ending of 1984 but honestly i think its not that great of a book, and if you are specifically looking to be disturbed it wont be worth it!

>> No.17299244

Lurk more connard

>> No.17299250

The last cycle in the flowers of evil, La Mort, is genuinely one of the most "disturbing" pieces of lit I've ever read, and it haunted me for weeks the first time I read it

>> No.17299262

Any non-fiction?

>> No.17299282

Any good books about a world that seems normal and someone discovering and peeling back the facade hiding away a terrible supernatural underbelly?
Kinda like Darkwood's ending

>> No.17299291

The Obscene Bird of Night

>> No.17299356

No wonder, it was extreme

>> No.17299405

American Psycho

>> No.17299427

Nietzsche - A Philosophical Biography

>> No.17299437

Just remember, when you wonder why kids are born with bone cancer, things like this are why.

>> No.17299446

what did he mean by this

>> No.17299479

>A few specific cases include the one about the German guy that locked his daughter in a dungeon for 20 years and impregnated her several times
Josef Fritzl, an Austrian. He's still alive, but his health is declining. He shows no remorse for his crimes, including murder. He's fucking evil as shit.

>> No.17299480

Manchild mentality.

>> No.17299960

When Rabbit Howls

>> No.17299977

A Posthumous Confession is pretty fucked. It's Notes from the Underground but instead of being a total sniveling shithead, the narrator is just an actual sociopath who is recounting his life leading up to him murdering his wife.

The way he describes his brain and inability to take blame for anything feels so much like some of the people on this website.

>> No.17299989

You need to be 18 to post here, I remember when I was 17 and idealistic like this too

>> No.17300006


>> No.17300019

Joseph Fritzl and Junko Furuta.
You should check out Unit 731

>> No.17300027
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Just found out he went to the same school as I did and lived not too far away from me either

>> No.17300066


>> No.17300067
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>> No.17300168

Entertain me: what event in your life made you lose your idealism?

>> No.17300312

The Wasp Machine.

>> No.17300341
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This was horrific. More so because it's nonfiction.

>> No.17300350

What's it about

>> No.17300355

It's about gay men who have sex with their dads and post it on anonymous bugchasing forums.

>> No.17300707
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>> No.17300720
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>> No.17300727

Jude the Obscure.

>> No.17300741

You don't need books for that. Just open the daily news every morning, then close them down and take a deep breath.

>> No.17300825

Ah, perfect. I was looking for this kind of opinion for a character in the story I'm writing. I couldn't articulate it myself, you see, because I'm no longer a self-important teenager.

>> No.17300827

>>17298666 (666)
kek, the unholy trips.
Should I believe what this guy says?

>> No.17300851
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Thanks For The Memories

>> No.17300877

This is a really good one.

>> No.17300983

reading your posts

>> No.17301010

Have you just turned 18? Otherwise, there wouldn't be any cause to imply I'm 17.

>> No.17301024

yes reading your drivel has turned me into an old man

>> No.17301040

>I also once read what I hope was a creepypasta about some guy on an internet forum who had bragged about amputating a woman's arms and legs and replacing them with steel rods that allowed her to be suspended from a chain and used as a live sex doll. It was probably some creepy fetish thing but it went into pretty graphic detail and freaked me plumb the fuck out.
I've read this and after all these years i get a knot in my stomach whenever i think about it. As i remember it it was in the form of an ad from the deep web for a guy who created these live sex dolls for sale. The level of detail was astounding and the horror lies in the possibility of it being real

>> No.17301062

My apologies, I only written drivel because there has yet to be anything of value in this thread.

>> No.17301065

Ah, kids. These are just individual cases, wait till you hear about things like cannibal island. Most of human history outside of your sheltered bubble is fucked like you wouldn't belive.

>> No.17301084

Don't be obnoxious

>> No.17301140
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>> No.17301160

>I'm mild and proud

>> No.17301225


>> No.17301245

according to some christian schizos human sin has a direct negative effect on the world, or rather we were expelled from paradise with adam and eve - and so the existence of murder makes immortality impossible to be selected for genetically or something

>> No.17301266
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Mouchette is super hopeful, idk what it's doing on that list.
afaik Frisk and Necrophiliac are very dark, sexual and disturbing. Inspired by libertines like Sade.
Pic related fucked me up, but it was more of an anxiety thing.

>> No.17301273

I was referring to the simple concept of transmigration and karma nerds

>> No.17301277

>I will die crippled and miserable by the idea that I did not achieve greatness

>> No.17301288

so the children with bone cancer are reincarnated murderers?

you're even more retarded than I thought

>> No.17301307

Not necessarily murderers. I fail to see how this line of thought is retarded at all. Our deal old Plato thought roughly the same.

>> No.17301312

What? It's milquetoast. What kind of idiot are you?

>> No.17301318


>> No.17301321

The Kindly Ones has some pretty unbelievably disturbing scenes in it
>shit we just killed this Ukrainian mother and realized she had an infant child
>as the narrator is speaking one of his fellow Nazi soldiers picks up the baby by the legs and bashes it open against a rock
>if I remember correctly our narrator responds by putting a bullet in the head of the soldier who just did this
>lots of diarrhea scenes
>fucks his ass with a tree

>> No.17301325

Plato didn't believe in "karma" dude

>> No.17301342

Go read Crito and Phaedo right now retard, and I think there's even a bit in Timaeus about it. He never used the word "karma" obviously, but the exact same concept is in his description of the afterlife. He even argues that planets are alive somehow, and are the superior realms of existence that philosophers (men who seek and achieve "the Good") move to after death.

>> No.17301354

>I'm looking for something so terrifying that by the time I finish it I'm happy with the life I have.

Death on Credit should do the trick.

>> No.17301371

that's not karma

>> No.17301387

Yes, it is. Karma simply means action/doing, and is transposed to the metaphysical level. It's not actually that complicated in its most basic use.

>> No.17301410

Is coffee alright?

>> No.17301413

>You can't help but think: I am glad I am at least not this pathetic.
I wonder if it's intentional
reading NLH had me thinking that the guy must be a real freak
the same wasn't true for Underground

>> No.17301418

One is a concept that you're automatically judged for everything that you do, another is a concept that you can reach enlightenment through philosophy. Karma is tied to the material world, while in Platonism the material is not some end-all-be-all right and just place. Completely different things which only seem similar if you posses a surface-level understanding.

>> No.17301425
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Bastard out of Carolina was cozy imo. 95% of the books was about how cozy and homey the south is, 5% was marginally uncomfortable content (but nothing that made me cringe even a little bit).

>> No.17301431

>One is a concept that you're automatically judged for everything that you do, another is a concept that you can reach enlightenment through philosophy
No, I only gave you the most extreme positive example of Plato's, that of the philosopher. Plato also asserts that morally inferior persons are sent to infernal realms in the earth to live as wretched creatures in line with the nature of their human actions. You clearly have not even read the parts of Plato I'm referencing.

>> No.17301436

tell plato he can believe in my cock faggot

>> No.17301604

>Peter Sotos
The dude who made all of that shit about pedophilia?

Literally just listen to Buyer's Market, it's the most disturbing shit on the internet.
It's about victims of pedophiles and what happened to their lives, including the testimony of a mother whose son has his genitals mutilated.

>> No.17301622

>Unit 731
I know this doesnt get as big of a marketing budget in the west as the holocaust but holy shit the experiments that came out of there make the angel of death seem like he wasnt even trying.

>> No.17301660

>Not on libgen
>Not on zlibrary

>> No.17301734

This and The Furuta case made me a racist towards the Japanese, and other "white" Asians. I don't want to be, and I know that everywhere has it's share of truly horrifying shit, but I can't help it. It's like a reflex.

>> No.17301743

>This and The Furuta case made me a racist towards the Japanese, and other "white" Asians
This is because you're a teenage midwit.

>> No.17301747

hhhhhhnnnnnnnnngggggggg her mouth

>> No.17301775

No. I just don't trust their entire culture, and the more I read about it, the less I like it. It's a culture that cultivates callousness.

>> No.17301785

>I just don't trust their entire culture
What an unfathomably retarded take.

>> No.17301795


>> No.17301801

All cultures have nuance, something you're unable to appreciate or even internalise. This is why I've been calling you a midwit.

>> No.17301807

What? You really think that chick is built? Holy shit dude you really need to lift and eat more you sound like a little twink. I can't imagine looking at a random instathot and thinking she's "built" because you constantly get mogged by women.

>> No.17301861

I'm not saying it's not a valid culture, or that I don't think it's interesting- there's a lot I like about it, love even. I just don't trust it. Like I said, it's like a reflex.

>> No.17301868

I think there are very discrete cultural attitudes towards violence that differ between different groups, nothing wrong with recognizing patterns.

Asian cultures seem to lack the same shyness or embarassment towards violence that European cultures do. Not that they are more barbaric than Europeans, but they can be extremely cruel by European standards. Europeans have reduced killing down to simply pushing a button and inflicting pain and suffering at a distant location (guns, bombs) whereas Asians seem to have no qualms about dismembering living things and being totally unphased by their shrieks of agony. The fact that they are intelligent and have sophisticated technology makes it all the more horrifying to a westerner because they obviously have the ability to engage in violence in less cruel ways but it simply doesn't occur to them because apparently they see no utility in reducing suffering.

>> No.17301888


>> No.17301894

So many spelling mistakes in so few words, white piggu.

>> No.17301936

"Blindness". Society going to literal shit because we all lose something so fundamental to us as it is our sense of sight is terrifying.

>> No.17301937
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I tried my best

>> No.17302027

That’s about the cannibal gulag island right?

>> No.17302239

I only read Call of the Arcade, but it's pretty fucked up.

>> No.17302262

Just read the wikipedia summary
>mixes his own personal observations of life in the gulag with fiction and stories he'd heard from other people

I really wish people wouldn't do this. If an event was horrific enough, that should be self apparent after a presentation of the facts. Embellishments just give tankie antifaggots an excuse to say the gulags werent that bad, in fact they always hand wave Solzhenitsyn away for that very reason. Same with jews making up retarded shit about the holocaust that does nothing but give red meat to deniers.

>> No.17302289


No Longer Human is the worst meme on /lit/

Navel gazing whining from someone leading a life of privilege while somehow still finding a way to play the victim at every moment

I just realized why /lit/ likes it so much

>> No.17302533

Just finished reading The White People by Arthur Machen and it legit horrified me. If you like folk horror you should definitely read it.

>> No.17302654


>> No.17303028


>> No.17303042

Agreed. The whole shtick of always feeling like an actor looking for external validation is interesting for like 5 pages. But it's hardly interesting enough to be the central topic of any decent novel.

>> No.17303079

Reading this made me realize I don't miss being 17

>> No.17304097

Link ?

>> No.17304206

this way to the gas chambers ladies and gentlemen by Tadeusz Borowski is terrifying

>> No.17304304

Any of F. Gardner's books.

>> No.17304320


>> No.17304646


Second. That book hollowed me.

>> No.17305683

The Consumer by Michael Gira or Cows by Stokoe

>> No.17305719

Jhonny got his gun.

>> No.17305845
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Don't delete my coomer pics mods

>> No.17305911

mods do your job

>> No.17306042

What's her name?

>> No.17306073 [SPOILER] 
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I gotchu OP

>> No.17306142

Fuck off with your horrible novels.

>> No.17306143

There was also another one about a guy in south east asia who kept orphaned girls as sex slaves, impregnated them, and then fucked the mouths of the babies they birthed until their jaws dislocated. Again, probably all just creepypasta deep web edgelord fanfiction but the fact that your mind can even entertain for a second that that's not outside the realm of possibility is fucked. There probably was someone somewhere at some point who did something atleast on the same level of evil as that shit.

>> No.17306168

Any cruel thing you can think of that isn't just extremely bizarre or complex has probably been done. It only takes a handful of psychos

>> No.17306194

Why is everyone shilling the hell out of these books? I'm convinced the author himself is botting this or some shit.

>> No.17306303

It's ok anon.

>> No.17306414

Tila Tequila

>> No.17306428

Call of the Crocodile. Hands down the most disturbing book I've ever read.

>> No.17306441

Because they have terrible covers and awful grammar. The books are somehow really fun to read, despite that (I read Arcade and Cherokee). Plus the author is advertising on 4chan, which has launched them to meme status.

>> No.17306666

This. Fun fact: the author made suicide pact with a girlfriend and didn't follow through, but the girl did.
Eventually, he killed himself and then another author that looked up to him also killed himself at his gravestone because of that, too. lol
Mishima also hated his guts

>> No.17306669
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alos check em you stink niggers

>> No.17307508

>they see no utility in reducing suffering
even ISIS gives you heroin before they behead you

>> No.17307557 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17308230

Uh the Wasp Factory is one of my favorite books and it was really just an interesting, beautiful exploration of teenage identity, and how people deal with their issues.

Yeah I'm not impressed by this list. I'm confused by what people claim is "uncomfortable".