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17296606 No.17296606 [Reply] [Original]

post what youve read so far, you faggots.
for prose:
>the peoples history of the united states
>harrasment architecture
>pnin by nakobov
>the trial by kafka

for poetry
>love is a dog from hell (bukowski)
>on cats (bukowski)
>complete poems of ana akhmatova

>> No.17296612

So far this year?

>> No.17296625

My Diary Desu

>> No.17296648

Do you mean this year only?

>> No.17296667

I've been reading Escape from Freedom. Sometimes i read just a few pages per day because i can barely concentrate.

>> No.17296697

the Death of Ivan Ilyich and some other Tolstoy shorts. Now I'm doing Ubik. Probably jumping back into Ulysses after

>> No.17296710

For prose i've read dfw's e unibus pluram essay, gaddis' recognitions has been a ton of fun this month, and for poetry i've been reading rilke's duino elegies and pessoa's collected poems. All of its been pretty good but i'm worried with pessoa because his style is very statement/personal truth oriented and its decent but something isnt vibing w me there.

>> No.17296721

What do you think of buk's poetry? I hated love is a dog from hell so much i had to finish it to know how i never want to write

>> No.17296732

William Golding Pincher Martin
W. Somerset Maugham The Magician
Richard Yates A Special Providence
Mary Shelley Frankenstein
Molly Keane Good Behaviour
Roberto Bolaño The Savage Detectives
Richard Brautigan The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966

i'm doing good this year

>> No.17296785


>> No.17296790

yes, i mean this year only !

>> No.17296805

hes very entitled and thinks hes the best writer ever, i loved on cats and love is a dog was alright.

>> No.17296828

Land — Fanged Noumena
James — The Varieties of Religious Experience

>> No.17296907

You just finished Fanged Noumena this year or started and finished?

I'm behind. I did Wait N6 by Chekhov(kind meh novela), Macbeth and Of Mice and Men, currently in the middle of Steppenwolf and loving it.

>> No.17296925

Some of Jim Corbett's hunting memoirs, a horror novella about a demonic kangaroo and Blood Meridian.

All good so far.

>> No.17296933

B*kowski and a tryhard meme count as reading negative books, anon

>> No.17296942
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Only thing I’ve finished so far.
Currently about 80 pages into Copse 125 by Ernst Junger

>> No.17296949
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I got into reading last year, read 1984, Lord of the flies and, the metamorphosis. This year I have read Hatchet, animal Farm and I am currently halfway through Emma and loving it. I have bought pic related but only 4 have came. So after Emma I might read great expectations.

>> No.17296963

this is nice and i wish you well

>> No.17296979

Thank you kindly anon, I wish you well too.

>> No.17297028

Started reading texts for university on 02/01 this year without much interruption so far. Ancient Greek/Roman/Byzantine architecture is quite a comfy topic. Reading some Byung-Chul Han and Gaddis’s letters too. Going to finish Vineland after the next exam.

>> No.17297133

How are his letters?

>> No.17297135

>the peoples history of the united states
How long did it take you to finish?

>> No.17297142

I mean Gaddis'

>> No.17297163

I have a security guard tier job in terms of time I can read so yeah, finished it in a few days.

>> No.17297200

Props, I have a programming degree, but often seriously consider switching to something where I can read, but never go through.

>> No.17297294

I’m enjoying reading them. He traveled quite a bit starting at a fairly young age and had interesting stories to tell in his letters. He wrote to his mother frequently. If you’re a fan of his novels you’ll get a better idea of his writing process. Overall I’d recommend the collection, even if you just end up skipping through the more interesting stages of his life.

>> No.17297367

You'll probably retire before me; plenty of time to spare either way

>> No.17297749

I see what you mean. I want to read you get so alone at times but liadfh really sapped me of any desire. Some of his poems are stunning but idk if its worth it

>> No.17297803

Yasar Kemal - Memed, My Hawk
Tommy Wieringa - These are the Names

I'm also a decent way through the following books (in the case of Boll, it's a mix of novellas and short stories, about ~800 pages of them)
Heinrich Boll - The Stories of Heinrich Boll
Noah Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Demons

>> No.17297842
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Best 'trip report' I ever read. Much better than Huxley's.

>> No.17298525

Star by Yukio Mishima
Illuminations by Walter Benjamin
Cosmos by Witold Gombrowicz
Currently reading Hopscotch by Cortazar and The Plague by Camus

>> No.17298571

this year
>Factotum by Bukowski
>Hollywood by Bukowski
>The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai
>Plato's Republic
>The Koran
>Historical Figure of Jesus by EP Sanders

>> No.17299119
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>The Sun Also Rises
>The Fellowship of the Ring
>Tuck Everlasting
>The House of the Seven Gables

Poetry: Various works by
>Jessie Redmon Fauset
>Langston Hughes
>Jean Toomer
>e e cummings
>T.S. Eliot
>Georgia Douglas Johnson
>Claude McKay
>Vachel Lindsay

>> No.17299569

I havent read anything yet this year :(

>> No.17299587

So far I've done
>The Spectator Bird-Wallace Stegner
>The Complete Far Side-Gary Larson
>Tarka the Otter-Henry Williamson (Unrelated to that post weird coincidence)
>Season of Migration To The North-Tayeb Salih
>The Pilgrim Hawk (Can't remember author, pretty unremarkable)
>Doppelganger-Dasa Drindic

>> No.17299607

Man Without Qualities has eaten my January so far. Such a fucking 'tell don't show sludge'. Fuck Ulrich and all those phony mouthpiece characters.