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File: 998 KB, 1242x1750, D228705C-290C-4A3E-B8E8-82A44850C4BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17296049 No.17296049 [Reply] [Original]

How tf does Peterson look so fucking REGAL in every pic?

Is he the last true philosopher, in terms of /physiognomy/?

>> No.17296114

just looks like a benzo addict to me in that pic OP

>> No.17296155

>last true philosopher
Most of the stuff he’s famous for is just generalized self help columns.
As far as his work in his professional field, I haven't read enough to know one way or the other,

>> No.17296177
File: 161 KB, 1242x2208, ogbIGZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Lenny is the only person that qualifies as a philosopher in modern day.

>> No.17296413

i said in terms of physiognomy

ergo, he LOOKS like the last great philosopher

>> No.17296475

Could you direct me to some of Big Lenny's material

>> No.17296608

A lot of people shit on JBP cause they don't 100% agree with him but let's be real he's done a lot more good than harm.

>> No.17296623

late stage angloism + benzos

>> No.17296651

He's handsome, dresses well, and, generally, has a serious demeanor. That's it. You faggots are so easily impressed.

>> No.17296694

Ironic thing about mr Peterson is that he took a lot of young men who might otherwise have become far right or incels or something and turned them into just normie conservative types focused on boot-strap stuff. Yeah they go on about le sjw cultural marxists but they would have done that anyway, likely in more extreme forms. The guy has literally been a left-ward force in society.

>> No.17296765

JP is OK for some basic psychological help. But when he talks about philosophy and marxism he is completely wrong.

>> No.17297004

last man might be more apt

>> No.17297130

he is larping as some sort of hero and a saviour of western civilization, thats why in the photo and in many other examples he tries to be taken with dead seriousness and not smile which just makes him look autistic and weird. He lives in his own reality. He is the one who keeps the neo marxists at bay and if it werent for him we would become soviet union.

>> No.17297156


>> No.17297194
File: 78 KB, 600x400, Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think JBP is old enough yet. Philosophers reach peak aesthetic in old age.

>> No.17297244

Please cut your dick off.

>> No.17297314


>> No.17297329

I feel this too.

>> No.17297406

Incel is a very harsh insult and only faggots ever use it. It used to hit me so hard. The feeling that you were so worthless that no woman would ever let you have sex. Now that I have a gf of 2 years, it doesn't affect me, but that term is so misused. At least most insults don't hit that close to home. You have to do nothing but not have sex "early enough" by society's standards. Cucks have to get watch cuck porn, bitches have to be rude women, faggots have to be gay, etc. Incel all you have to do is be male and unsuccessful with women. It has nothing to do with self-worth, and my political views never changed afterwards. Blog over.

>> No.17297836

I dont believe you have a girlfriend incel

>> No.17297906
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17297930

Good posture is all it takes for OP to grovel over pseud cock

>> No.17298142
File: 16 KB, 458x439, A6C823E5-1D96-4BB0-9CE5-603D0B2925B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he’s about to go comatose from a benzo addiction.

>> No.17298756

2 years

>> No.17298951

>Incel all you have to do is be male and unsuccessful with women. It has nothing to do with self-worth, and my political views never changed afterwards. Blog over.
Language manipulation is literally dark magic. All the "magician" has to do is find an arbitrary label to absolutely destroy and distort an individual's sense of identity, as well as the culture's narrative (i.e: hey, it's incels vs Chads now!)
You are basically given the identity of a worthless strawman, and you internalize it when you believe it, even though it was never true that's what you truly are in essence.
Don't let anyone tell you what you are. Look between your legs. What do you see? That's right, you are a man. That's what's real.

>> No.17298961
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaze upon this regal visage

>> No.17298970

he's constantly making that dumbass expression

>> No.17299257

You have to question. A man who has dedicated so much of his life to his work. Looking at his personal life, and even his daughters strange behavior; he is a clear example of a man/father who was around but never there.

>> No.17299274

He stands or sits up straight with his shoulders back

>> No.17300680

>Look between your legs. What do you see? That's right, you are a man. That's what's real.
This statement doesn't make me feel any better, the opposite really, it makes me feel even less of a man.
T.ugly, weak incel

>> No.17300853

he practiced a lot

>> No.17300858

He wears a suit, has good posture, and he's a silver fox. That's it.

>> No.17300890


hair transplant helps too

>> No.17300915

t. mentally colonised by memes created by teenagers on r9k and incel subreddits

>> No.17300923

He does have very nice hair, but I consider that under the purview of "silver fox".

>> No.17300926

>in terms of /physiognomy/?

>> No.17300935

He looks like a reflection of his personality traits; that is to say he's a cuck with a taste for medication.

>> No.17300946

I know what physiognomy is, but I'm more confused by the slashes surrounding the word. I guess OP tries to copy the /ourguy/ meme or something, but its just looks retarded.

>> No.17300996

lmao shut up newfag

>> No.17301116

Is this man insane or schizophrenic or something? There's clearly something wrong with him.

>> No.17301153

Nah, probably autistic, or assburger, or something

>> No.17301256

Honestly he doesn’t need to be “ philisophical” to have value. In fact I find his “sells help” stuff to be far more valuable than any philosophy that I’ve read.

>> No.17301264

Unfortunately, that genuinely does make one standout today given the state of things.

>> No.17301269

I think JBP practices what he preaches honestly, which is admirable. I get the impression that he’s acutely aware of how many eyes are on him and how many young people, rightly or wrongly, look up to him for guidance and so he tries to comport himself in a manner that’s respectable in light of that. Unfortunately, I think that burden also led to his unraveling.

Whether you think he’s right or he’s wrong, he’s a principled person and that can be appreciated. Most people would’ve buckled immediately when they started getting the heat that he’s gotten for several years now.

>> No.17301276

He’s got good genetics.
Too bad his life was destroyed by his daughter’s munchausen’s by proxy

>> No.17301378

>I think JBP practices what he preaches
He preaches hierarchies of competence and publically critiqued Marx to a large audience without having read any of Marx' works.

>> No.17301397

Quote it.

>> No.17301432
File: 921 KB, 1032x441, ROMANOV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Jordan Peterson comes from the royal Romanov dynasty.
When the Civil War began in Russia, the Windsors (who are blood relatives of the Romanov-Holstein-Gotta; Queen Victoria was the grandmother of Tsar Nicholas) organized a plan to save the Romanovs. At first, they wanted to make the Romanovs kings of Ireland, but changed their minds when this plan was revealed and unrest began in Ireland.
The Windsors first came to an agreement with Denikin, then they began to negotiate with the Bolsheviks. Yakov Blumkin organized a fictitious execution of the royal family, but in fact he was responsible for saving it. The Romanovs were sent to Europe, only Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich remained in Russia, for whom a fake genealogy and documents were created, he became known as Alexei Kosygin.
There is no doubt that Jordan Peterson has ancestors in the royal family of Russia. It is also possible that he is the son of Alexei Kosygin (Romanov). They have striking similarities. I must say that information about Alexei Kosygin is still classified, but it is known that Stalin and other politicians called him "Tsarevich Alexei", this is a documented fact.

>> No.17301446

Quote what? He spoke on Marx in the Zizek debate while having read nothing other than communist manifesto (and even that not carefully).

>> No.17301457

Quote his critique of Marx and his admission of having not read Marx.

>> No.17301482

>I think JBP practices what he preaches honestly, which is admirable.
The addicted addiction specialist you mean?
>"Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping"
Induced himself into a coma to avoid a benzo detox despite all western medical professionals advising it's an horrendous idea.
>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
His whore daughter capitalises on his simp fans and her gallivanting around central Europe was the reason he contracted corona.
>"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world"
His house has been an absolute shambles the entirety of the time he's been peddling his self help nonsense. Both metaphorically and literally.
>"Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie"
He's consistently obscured the facts around his benzo addiction because he's fully aware it detracts from his self help message.
>"Be precise in your speech"
This is the most hilarious rule imo considering his constant jabs at "postmodern neo-marxists" and his inability to solidly define one person that represents that ideology, or even what it means to any degree.

He's the least principled "self help" shill on the market at the moment.

>> No.17301516

>Quote his critique of Marx and his admission of having not read Marx.
That's not specifically what the person you're replying to is talking about. He's referencing how in his preparation for the Zizek debate, Peterson reread The Communist Manifesto. He then contextually mentions that the only other time he had read it was 40 years ago when he was 18. Seems a bit strange for someone constantly critiquing Marxism, no?


>> No.17301559

Where does he constantly critique Marx? He doesn’t. As far as I know, his only critique of Marxism is simply a matter of its consequences and historical fact. What he constantly critiques rather are these so-called “cultural Marxists” that he sees as pervasive through Academia and people play semantic games with him about this just like Zizek did in the debate. Everyone knows perfectly well who and what he’s talking about but they do these stupid little “gotchas’ that are almost irrelevant to what he says. To feign ignorance regarding what he means is just despicable.

>> No.17301592
File: 7 KB, 227x222, thatsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does he constantly critique Marx?
The linked video is quite literally him participating in a debate against Marxism.


What exactly do you think the "Marxism" part of "Cultural Marxism" is referring to?

>> No.17301629

He’s very clearly referring to the tradition of thinkers and idea who have followed from Marxism. He’s talking about all those 1970s academics that became cultural critics and were heavily inspired by Marxism while being admirers of the USSR that sowed their ideas across Western Europe and North America. These are the people who started writing about power dynamics, race relations, critical theory of gender. Some of them remain the single most cited academics in the modern academy and his critique is quite obviously regarding the consequences of that both in the East and the West. This whole “What Marxists, Jordan?” or “You haven’t read Marx” is literally, ironically a Marxist tactic and it’s totally disingenuous. Everyone knows exactly what he means but they feign ignorance so they can play label games and grow fallacies at him to discredit what he says. You can’t honestly sit here and tell me with any shred of honesty that you’re not perfectly aware of who and what Peterson is talking about.

>> No.17301677

We are aware, it's why the first line of the Wikipedia article trying to define cultural Marxism states:
>"Cultural Marxism is a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory..."
We're aware he's just saying "da joos", it's why nobody takes him seriously other than /pol/tards.

>This whole “What Marxists, Jordan?” or “You haven’t read Marx” is literally, ironically a Marxist tactic and it’s totally disingenuous.

>> No.17301703

Verry reddit. You must be one of their armchair detectives that are heading their Epstein investigation.

>> No.17301708

>ou can’t honestly sit here and tell me with any shred of honesty that you’re not perfectly aware of who and what Peterson is talking about.
Name one.

>> No.17301784

So he critiques 1970s "cultural marxism" by replying to the communist manifesto?

>> No.17301813

It’s very clearly not a conspiracy theory. Again, this is leftist tactics. Because he uses a label that they can’t agree with they just dismiss it as conspiracy theory. Everyone is perfectly aware what thinkers and ideas he’s referencing. They just play dumb like you are right now.

No argument

Michel Foucalt

No. That is your misguided interpretation. He merely mentions the communist manifesto coincidentally as a work of Marxist literature that he’s read. All of this is failing to engage the man on the basis of what he’s actually talking about. It’s literally semantic games because he doesn’t work in the faculty of philosophy as a critical theorist and isn’t keen to the exact terminology, which has become a bit of an obsession on the left and a convenient tool to dismiss the ideas behind the language.

>> No.17301822

>Michel Foucalt
You can't even spell his name right lad. These topics are very clearly beyond you.

>> No.17301854

His criticism of Post Modern thinkers is even more ridiculous. He just makes up opinions for them and then ridicules them for the opinions he made up for them:

>> No.17301862

> you made a typo so therefore your whole argument about people like me playing little linguistic semantic games and not engaging you on the ideas is invalid
Exhibit A

>> No.17301872

If by regal you mean geriatric then I agree.

>> No.17301873

Right. Post-modernists in Europe in the latter 20th century wrote works overtly related to identity, specifically critical theory of race and gender, even including “whiteness” and “colonial oppression” referencing Haiti specifically but they had nothing to do with identity politics and identity politics aren’t a consequence of them... sounds logical

>> No.17301897

For those perusing the thread, you’ll see the critics of Peterson, particularly those with affinities for either Marxism or Post-modernism or both, will simply deny deny deny. They’ll go so far as to deny that they use linguistic gotchas by using a linguistic gotcha and when challenged on their ideas will default to assertions that are totally baseless or just dismiss you outright. This is exactly what Peterson is critiquing and anyone with eyes and ears can identity it plainly.

>> No.17301903

>It’s very clearly not a conspiracy theory.
>the idea that many important political events or economic and social trends are the products of deceptive plots that are largely unknown to the general public:
Given that he can't concretely define who or what a "cultural marxist" is beyond vague words alluding to academic institutions, and attributes them (who he still can't point to) as being responsible for social movements he disagrees with without a single shred of evidence firmly points towards it being a conspiracy theory.

I seem to remember a manifesto that touched on largely the same topic. I think his name was Anders something?

>> No.17301924

If you're worried about your penis length, women who don't have or want casual sex won't care about that. I talk about the type of women who prioritize an emotional connection first and may have nevr had sex. What matters is that you do have a member of any length wtih the potentiality for impregnation, affirming your right to be a man. If your penis is missing testicles or cut off at the base then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.17301970

Because it’s an amorphous collective of thinkers who have all been influenced by Marx in someway. Your problem is you desperately want him to apply a label or categorization and he can’t possibly do that. These people are overwhelmingly critical theorists of culture and have all be influenced heavily by Marxist thinking. “Cultural Marxists” is far from the most absurd label you could possibly apply to these people but because they don’t accept it, it gets dismissed. Peterson didn’t grow up in the faculty of critical theory. It’s ridiculous to expect him to play by the exact linguistic rules that all the critical theorists play by. In fact, doing so would almost undermine his entire critique. Instead, they just dismiss him because he doesn’t under the philosophical-linguistic arena on their terms and they do that because it’s convenient. There is not salient alternative that would be appropriate in their eyes which would also allow him to convey his critique because he necessarily has to approach them from an outsider lens and also because regardless of the specific language, it’s still quite obvious what and who he’s talking about. These are the most widely cited thinkers in the entire academy. To feign ignorance is simply deceptive.

>> No.17301983

You're gonna need a lot of quotations here.
If you watched 2 minutes of the video instead of just readoing the title you would've seen a quote from Foucault that's the opposite of Petersons boogeyman.

>> No.17301993

>if she's not a slut she won't care about my micropenis
Lol if only your dick was as big as this cope

>> No.17302038

>Your problem is you desperately want him to apply a label or categorization and he can’t possibly do that.
Wanting him to provide evidence for his baseless claims isn't feigning ignorance. There's no proof for this "amorphous collective of thinkers who have all been influenced by Marx in someway", and Peterson's leap in concluding that Marx's critique on capitalism has somehow been the driving force behind contemporary social movements is unfounded and frankly ridiculous.

Peterson fans are the first to say "source" when anything is aimed at their surrogate father, but conveniently ignore the need for proof when it's coming from him. You want to know what's disingenuous? Ignoring how unfounded someones claims are and justifying away their lack of proof because their rhetoric appeals to your intuition.

>> No.17302039

>These are the most widely cited thinkers in the entire academy
>but quoting a single one is impossible

>> No.17302102

irl Ned Pointsman lul

>> No.17302318

Yeah, because she can't see it since it's tucked away into your pants. You walk around naked, swanging, all day, Anon?

>> No.17302374

the absolute state of this fucking board, its so tiring

>> No.17302385

>Michel Foucalt
Someone actually worth reading that intellectually mogs the shit out of Peterson

>> No.17302386

Physiognomy has been vindicated as a science with machine learning.

>> No.17302395

it's not an accomplish to have an ogre gf, incel

>> No.17302626


Not a philosopher.

>> No.17302637

Sure he is

>> No.17303442
File: 66 KB, 854x480, 3adlvt4swzd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philosopher of MUH DIK

>> No.17303473
File: 6 KB, 250x249, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who sees this?

>Critical public figure leading a movement that undoes demoralization and exposes conspiracy at a mass scale.
>Decades of hard work and trillions in investments about to go down the drain if he's not stopped.
>Attempts are made to buy him off.
>When he refuses, threats are made.
>He still refuses to comply.
>His daughter is set up with a Russian honeypot.
>He still refuses to comply.
>His wife gets the cancer gun.
>He still refuses to comply.
>It's late 2019 now.
>Tired, defeated, and horrified, he continues to make public appearances. Literally on the verge of tears in every appearance.
>Every public appearance is a choice to put his principles before his own life and potentially the safety of his family.
>He gets disappeared in perfect time to be absent during rollout of plandemic.
>Peterson family is told that he's been hospitalized due to medical reasons. Only Jordan knew about the threats, wanted to keep his family safe.
>His glowing Russian son-in-law convinces the family to have Jordan "sent to a hospital" in Moscow.
>Jordan is tortured just as promised in the threats.
>Months later, he still hasn't given in.
>Glowies realize they're wasting their time so they fry his brain and release him as a new man.
>He's now physically and neurologically damaged beyond recognition making it trivial to keep him in line.

>> No.17303484

>Am I the only one who sees this?
Yes, because you've stopped taking your meds.

>> No.17303496

Just mind games that only go so far because we're not psychological robots


>> No.17303505

>One, little, Fox!

>> No.17303512

>tells others to clean their room
>has shit strewn all about

>> No.17303685

Can’t wait for this mentally ill faggot to die

>> No.17303720

Why would he constantly re-read trash?

>> No.17303729
File: 39 KB, 640x615, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, good one anon!

>> No.17303731

but has he read the capital

>> No.17303734

Faggot version of bloatlord griz
Cioran's cool.
He's out of his mind on benzos in that pic
No, you are not the only homosexual on this board, OP is too.

>> No.17303750

Because he's trying to sell himself as someone who's not being wilfully ignorant?

>> No.17303784

Read another book

>> No.17303812

I despise Marxism as retarded, inverse hegellianism; In fact, I guarantee I'm further right than you are. I've still read Marx though.

>> No.17303822
File: 470 KB, 994x768, 1601875783071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're reading linearly not foundationally. To understand more about politics you don't read more politics. To know how addition works you don't do x+y up to infinity. You'll never understand it and simply take axioms. Read a different book.

>> No.17303830

are you for real?

>> No.17303832

Also don't try and mog me, I was more Hitlerian than you were analytically and influentially. I'm one of many proofs that the redpill meme is garbage.

>> No.17303900

You're a fucking moron.

Please summarize Capital, Pbeomenology of spirits, prussianism and socialism and the philosophy of hegel as a doctrine of the concreteness of god and humanity, each in 1 sentence. You're a fucking pseud. Also, >>17303830 isn't me.

>> No.17303932

Why would I have thought that was you? Take your pills.

Again unless you can link his metaphysics towards those politics and prove it and its implications you're just reading miscellaneous garbage.

Also I'm not sure why Hegel came up considering Marx rejected him for materialism. He certainly doesn't account for all politics and his dialectics were kicked to the curb in math in favor of Frege.

>> No.17303948


>> No.17304635


>> No.17305376

I'd watch that movie. But who would play Peterson?

>> No.17305960

I agree with this anon.

>> No.17306089

is he still alive?

>> No.17306100

If by regal you mean miserable and addicted to painkillers a la the look of every philosopher after Camus, then yes

>> No.17306102

we have /pol for you (I'm not even left wing, I just hate conspiracies)

>> No.17306427

what is this dumb nigger even saying half of the time? Chaos dragon? He unironically sounds retarded half of the time, and the other half is just obfuscated trash to make himself sound smart. He gets BTFO everytime he debates and pulls out a large helping of thats not what I mint everytime he's actually confronted. This nigga is retarded and while he maybe convinced a few retards to remove their cummy socks from the ground, this doesn't make him anything more than a helpless pseud who's eventually going to die from benzoids.

>> No.17306677

Fucking lazy little bitch. Using that info graphic instead of using Blooms shows your true side.

>> No.17306687

At least post that photo so you will only ironically come off as a bitch.

>> No.17306695

This guy is high all the time.

>> No.17306707

Benzodiazepines when consumed in a quantity large enough to be considered "abuse" essentially cause you to black out. It's quite a weird experience because unlike say, an alcohol blackout you can seem comparatively composed. With my own experience being addicted to them I can almost guarantee he has entire months he can't remember, and it's probably why he was such a hyperbolic emotional bitch all the time.

>> No.17306736

Jordan please don't kill Eric

>> No.17306849

Yeah, I'm getting Socrates vibes.

>> No.17306889
File: 668 KB, 1575x2100, DA29641B-4CB5-4468-8A2A-F5E928F2C386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch the debate with zizek simply for the fact that shortly before that debate his addiction spiraled out of his control, leaving him completely unprepared, and hot headed. Then he disappears, and BOOM! Outta nowhere he’s in rehab, but since he doesn’t want to deal with withdrawals (I’m not saying they’re easy but I’ve seen severely addicted people get off cold turkey at the hospital after years of abuse-JP exaggerates) so this guy goes to Russia for experimental treatment. In this time his wife’s getting cancer, daughters working on her first (Of many) secret abortion.

Who in their right mind would want to be this fucking neurotic piece of shit.

Btw. He’s back on benzos. He’s not good with Nietzsche.

>> No.17306906

>>please summarize pffft, pssffft, prtfffit.

Please suck it.

>> No.17306919

>pic related
Why don't they have "Stanford" like the others?

>> No.17306923

Speaking from personal experience again, he was on benzos for quite a long time to make a coma seem like a viable alternative to the withdrawals.

In the video Mikhaila released when he was checking into rehab she said he'd been prescribed a low dose of them following an "extremely severe auto-immune reaction to food" a few years ago. Then after his wife got cancer the dosage was upped and he "accidentally" got addicted. This is obviously not true and is a PR damage control spin - he'd been eating them for years and knew the chickens were coming home to roost.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

>> No.17306967

>I just hate conspiracies
Realize the term "conspiracy theory" is just a linguistic strawman to dismiss any attempt to uncover the truth. Every single "anti-conspiracy" fag I've met has this biased emotional reaction autistic screech whenever you try to reason with them
It's a retarded logical fallacy.

>> No.17306972

You need to go back to your containment board now.

>> No.17306975

take meds

>> No.17306982

There you go. Like clockwork.

>> No.17306993

I specifically didn't mention /pol/ so you would fill in the blanks, and I'm glad you did.

>> No.17307011

>what 3 years of postmodern marxist ideology does to a mf

>> No.17307113

If you're getting told to go back to pol often enough that it's like clockwork, you probably should.

>> No.17307128

The jewish question is /lit/ as fuck. Always has been.

>> No.17307140

What does that have to do with my post? Please take your meds.

>> No.17307162

Jordan Peterson is a joke.

>> No.17307163

>post shizo conspiracy bullshit about muh joos

>> No.17307206

It was an example to illustrate the strawman fallacy of "anti-conspiracy theorists". The fact that it produced so much autistic screeching only proves my point that is has an irrational basis to it. Everything labeled as "conspiracy theory" instantly receives a visceral rejection regardless of its legitimacy.
It's just a stupid fucking label.

>> No.17307299

please ask your doctor to refill your prescription already

>> No.17308324

absolutely. he is fantastic for getting your life together.

>> No.17308351

He is a trained psychologist after all and knows his stuff.
Everything else he talks about is pure bullshit though

>> No.17308494

>clean your room before changing the world
>addicted to benzos while constantly complaining about some postmodern neo-marxist conspiracy

>> No.17308499

JBP books for getting your shit together?

>> No.17309063

Yes but most of all his lectures.

>> No.17310564 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 750x937, 1610905585853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being able to read nietzsche in german

>> No.17310736

You're a joke