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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 318 KB, 715x750, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17295387 No.17295387 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best translation of Don Quixote? It's Tobias Smollett, isn't it?

>> No.17296111

I dunno man I'm reading it in Spanish, abridged for highschoolers.

>> No.17296238

Pierre Menard's


>> No.17296342

Grossman is actually really really good

>> No.17297022
File: 894 KB, 1050x672, 1582585032441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17297071

I don't know what this spic is saying, but his pic rel is based.

>> No.17297172

He's not a spic, his syntax is shit, I can't even understand what he's talking about.
>t. spic

>> No.17297245
File: 223 KB, 1200x942, 480612_ra484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Smollett, though it's mostly just a tarted up transcription of previous translations (but tarted up in an appealing way.) Grossman is the worst--there are glaring errors or at least highly inapposite choices in her translations of Golden Age Spanish poetry. It almost makes one wonder whether she has the proper reference materials. Nonetheless, I can see how she's popular with people used to reading contemporary internet journalism, blogs etc.

>> No.17297267

¿Por qué chupas tantas vergas?

>> No.17297302
File: 130 KB, 742x716, 1605362372747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is Jesus Maestro, he really hates amerimutts...he is right.

>> No.17297342

I've been looking for this image for many days, thanks.

>> No.17297414

Si no entiendes lo que dice allí es por que eres prácticamente analfabeto.

>> No.17297461

Anon, está escrito como la mierda. Los elementos sintáxicos estan colocados literalmente de manera invertida.
>Fiesta tiene México
Quiere decir que México tiene fiestas? (Celebraciones) o es una mala traducción de "party"?
>España tiene siesta
Supongo que se refiere a que España tiene la tradición de tomar una siesta, esto basándome en pic related porque no tiene ninguna relación con la afirmación anterior.
>Estados Unidos la Israelí Correa

>> No.17297480

Los ninis (NEETs for you ignorant Anglos) son basados.

>> No.17297576

Something is seriously fucky with that Ameritard math

>> No.17297595

Point me toward some of those glaring errors, holier-than-thouposter

>> No.17297605

Estás bien burro

>> No.17297617

Entonces explica que quizo decir el pedófilo wanna be romano.

>> No.17297634

No manches, ¿estás seguro que el español es tu lengua nativa? ¿Si quiera lees literatura? No lo parece.

>> No.17297655

Sigues sin responder, no, no tengo ni puta idea que es "la Israelí Correa".

>> No.17297676

It's a Borges tale, you fkin fgt.

>> No.17297696
File: 721 KB, 2400x3672, the_spic_autist_rant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your welcome anon, here is a better version.

>> No.17297727

Yes. Smollett

>> No.17297737

Southern European culture is so based. Except Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Northern Italy, and Sicily.

>> No.17297791

Tobias Smollett is the patrician's choice. He was a good novelist in his own right, as well as having translated the complete works of Voltaire.

>> No.17299224


>> No.17299272

i love this guy

>> No.17299361

sometime managers and supervisors are too lazy to fill paperwork so if the director don't notice and some departments are ignored as long they do their job.

>> No.17299906

This is so fucking retarded

>> No.17300063

what is left then ?

>> No.17300349

Once you cut away all the shit parts, you're left with a 200 square meter patch of uninhabited beach on the western coast of Corsica.

It's quite beautiful.

>> No.17300376

>not Sardinia

>> No.17300383

Sardinia is full of Sardinians, retard.

>> No.17300461

the best people in Europe

>> No.17300529
File: 76 KB, 938x493, 8fBBAKaT2xEipSLuUxk3aPYs6mUi6pQwkdvukHCP-Iw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that Spaniards stay at work until like 8 or 9 in the evening, rather than just working in a more focused manner and going home before 4 like in Northern European cunts.

>> No.17301185

Clearly photoshopped :(

>> No.17302016


>> No.17302032

All literature is to be enjoyed in it's original language.