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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.06 MB, 4608x2280, 20210115_121759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17294009 No.17294009 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here write letters? Ive been letter writing for a few months, mostly for my work, thank you letters, but theres been some love letters to whores who dont deserve them, and a fuck you letter or 2. Mostly I just like writing by hand.

>> No.17294042

yea, it's called the epistolary genre.

>> No.17294059

They can be, if you ever become a renowned writer they will be included in your compendia if publically available.

>> No.17294074

>if you ever become a renowned writer
Or if I ever do something to make my famous or infamous, there are lots of people who arent writers that have all their personal letters published.

>> No.17294081
File: 6 KB, 225x225, hitchenscloseup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 Peter Hitchens poster

>> No.17294087

Whose Peter Hitchens?

>> No.17294110
File: 1.79 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201124_193739305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a great writer, and niggers can't read my handwriting, but I write them sometimes. I wrote this one to a girl I fell in love with in a whirlwind of a romance about 2 months in, she left me a few weeks later. Probably because I'm autistic and write letters desu.

>> No.17294155

>>Niggers can’t read

You were one word too many friend.

>> No.17294165

Found the nigger.

>> No.17294174

No U, Literally who?

>> No.17294192

Ayo what tf doesat say nigga? I be from Oklahoma btw.

But really I don't know if I would be able to read the second word if I didn't see the context, more especially if English wasn't my native language or if I was dyslexic. I'm picking up the words more by shape of the words and what I think the sentence should be than being able to pick out letters. The 'r' between e and s looks deformed, the 'a' looks more like an 'o', the following n is fine but the 't' is wild.

I don't write letters, but I do idly write cursive sometimes.

>> No.17294206

Fucking Dr. Sues over here. Look I’m no kid, and I’m not going to fuck you.

>> No.17294223
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Excuse you.

>> No.17294236

Autocorrect my nigga. Get android.

>> No.17294249

Can’t write “letters”

But somehow can when in cursive.

You don’t need to lie.

>> No.17294277

Something I've been wondering myself is also about writing, how are you meant to do it? To know the do's and don't's?
Are there like books that teach the fundamentals or are you expected to read the works of classic and renowed authors and develop a perspective of writing that amounts to an amalgamation of the things they do?

>> No.17294283


>> No.17294398
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>> No.17294476

If you put away your Superior intellect for just a moment you'll recognize that it's not even real cursive it just script that I've connected lmao. Jesus Christ.
There's actually a lot of rules and stuff to letter writing originally I got into it because I was writing Victorian Love Letters to my wife of 8 years before she left me but all it really comes down to is just etiquette and I've forgotten most of it. The only things that I've really retained is how you address someone how you sign off, use very high quality paper use very high quality pen and ink and never use lined paper. one thing that stuck with me as I was reading through a Victorian manual on letter writing was the line " anyone worth their salt past Primary School can write a straight line on unlined paper " mostly I use unlined writing paper because it looks fancy especially if you can write in straight lines. Pro tip if you have really high quality paper you can put a sheet of college notebook paper underneath it and use those lines to structure your writing. But mostly it's just personal preference for business letters that I write I always try and put the date and time on there, for personal letters it's not such a big deal and it's kind of loosey-goosey basically whatever my current mood is that I'm trying to convey. I also use different colors for different things like I use flat carbon black for business letters blue is generally to family or thank you letters romantic letters kind changes all the time the depending whatever I think will look best.
Don't fucking judge me you son of a bitch I'm a goddamn romantic that's probably why I always get left behind but so be it. "Bunch of slack-jawed faggots up in here this shit'll turn you into a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus just like me." That is the peak of literature.

>> No.17294579

Legit a little disappointed noone else wants to post their letters, ill post some more of mine after I redact them a bit

>> No.17294766
File: 2.90 MB, 3456x4608, 20210113_000059~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl this went out to is a complete psycho, we hit it off really well Id only been seeing her for like a month at the point of writing this letter and a couple weeks in she tells me she's fucked like 20 guys in the span of like 6 years and then she's all "oh I don't want to do it with another guy unless I'm serious" and legit i was tryna fug or cut her loose. 5'4 absplute little firecracker hardbody, I could've fell in love with her if she wasn't so insane.

>> No.17294786

Good attempt but not quite approaching proper doctor handwriting illegibility yet

>> No.17294800

Dang, that's my legitimate goal too, become a doctor and write niggers prescriptions that say, "just fuck this nigga up lmao"

>> No.17294812

what was the fuck you letter

>> No.17294818

Yes, I wrote Christmas letters to some of my older relatives. One of my aunties used to write an annual letter to the family telling them about her year, sprinkling in funny anecdotes and family updates, etc. I really loved it and think I might do something similar myself.

Regardless, letters are really nice. Be thoughtful, kind, honest, but uncontroversial in them, especially if it's the first letter you're writing to someone. It's a good way to preserve the human side of communicating without being face-to-face.

>> No.17294868

My fuck you letter was to my best friend since junior high school who ran away with my ex-wife basically talked behind my back for almost a year and convinced her to leave. You know the usual wouldn't give us some of that she was he was my best friend Etc I could forgive my ex-wife because women are fucking whores but he should have known better if it wasn't for the laws of this land I would have killed him by now. The usual.

That one got replies going back and forth twice I think but he was just completely indignant and saw that he had done nothing wrong it ended with me basically telling him "Name the place, show your face I'll meet you anytime for a mortal duel" something to that effect.

I wrote that one with a very broad fountain pen in very dark red ink it looked like blood. I was and am still proud of that.

And yes that offer still stands if your reading this you son of a bitch, id gladly trade lead with you motherfucker.

>> No.17294884

*You know the usual bullshit he was my best friend etc*
Doing voice to text my b.

>> No.17294888

this is the cringiest thing I've ever read in my life

>> No.17294909

Post letter or fuck off.

>> No.17294926

>I wrote that one with a very broad fountain pen in very dark red ink it looked like blood. I was and am still proud of that.
Jesus Christ my dude, have you absolutely 0 self awareness for how embarrassing you're coming across? Your whole post is just autism in text.

>> No.17294940


>> No.17295047

Not the same guy. But here's the text of a letter I sent to an older relative:
>Dear [blank],
>It has been a long and tumultuous year, but at least a fresh year will soon be upon us. A lot of social and economic changes, when they happen so suddenly, can be distressing for even the most mature individuals. My hope is that you, your family, and all of our shared relations have found ways to weather the storm, so to speak. It’s too soon to predict what kind of world we’ll see on the other side of the various events of 2020. I’m ashamed to admit that my short-term forecast is bleak. My long-term forecast, however, is bright.
>I am not known for being an optimist, nor for being particularly adaptable to the technological and social changes that seem to define day-to-day life for all of the people born after my generation. Nonetheless, I am watching and I am learning. I am recognizing the evolution that is occurring in most aspects of our lives. Being of an earlier generation, I can only assume that your experiences have made you even more accustomed to rapid changes, recognizing in each new wave either an improvement on, or the unraveling of, the old ways of doing things.
>Either way, I hope that the coming year brings you many blessings, joyful memories, good health, and lots of company. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
>With Love,

>> No.17295377

extremely based thread

>> No.17295468

would be a 10/10 letter but you didnt post a pic, so 9/10

I know my handwriting isnt great, but it is what it is, I just like the act of writing, I think its very personal and a sign of respect even if most people dont see it that way.

>> No.17295623

I didn't take a pic of the letter before I sent it...

>> No.17295641
File: 214 KB, 1080x1440, thumbnail (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isnt a Fuck you letter, but it might as well be.
It was sent to my ex, who left me after 8 years, not the proudest of it, but I stand by it. Doomed relationships are very hard to go through, this was one of the first letters I ever wrote, a final goodbye to the one who got away. After she left I found some old journals and notes she wrote to me about, some absolutely horrible things she wrote recently that I could barely stand to read standing in the broken pieces of our life, and even some older love letters and journals talking about how much she loved me and our wedding and our future lives together. I included those with this letter, it was the last time I saw her, and I held my head high, hard as it was.

>I dont know how much you have lied to me over the years, I dont even flinch at finding new evil little journals. Maybe you changed your mind or simply forgot. Either way I can't tell whats real and what was ego or obligation. We have this image of each other in our heads that may or may not have any basis in reality anymore.
>I do believe I dread seeing you more than you do I, as always issues of the heart continue to vex me. Of course, this is in line with your character, Im sure you chuckle thinking of what a heart breaker you are. To Keep things you never enjoyed and made my life miserable when I tried to is simply an extension of you getting off on making me do a walk of shame the first night we met. I suppose that might be your true character. Rose colored glasses and the like.
>I deserve someone who dosent delight in the mockery of my romance, or sabotages every positive aspect of my personality. I had hope that would be you, but here we are, strangers again. Im not 17 anymore, am not who I was, and yet I am. Writing yet another letter to the coldhearted says so. And you are as ever, practically uncanny how little youve changed.
>Enjoy your just desserts, and a little time capsule from a time long gone.
>As always, and forever

This one was very hard, forgetting it would be horrible, but forgetting her would be even worse, I think.

Then how did you write it up nigger?
Come on.

Sometimes I ask people for a picture of the letter I wrote them but thats awkward, I take pictures because i almost never can recall what I wrote after I send them.

>> No.17295698

>I do believe I dread seeing you more than you do I
God what a disaster of a sentence

>> No.17295710


>> No.17295731

It is characteristically so. Like the words seem to be tripping over each other. If it wasn't so pitiful it would be art.

>> No.17295757

>If it wasn't so pitiful it would be art.
Wow, I legit dont know how to take that. Like Im said im not proud of the writing in that one, but im not gonna rewrite it for anonymous on 4chan, to sate my own ego.

>> No.17296874

Idk what I expected desu, maybe there would be some letter writers on the literature boards, but I guess not lmao, back to /fit/ and /k/

>> No.17296897

You write like someone who imitates the speech patterns of the last book they read.

>> No.17296945

Post your letters.
And your not wrong

>> No.17296972

>Post your letters.
I don't write letters. They've been obsolete for a while now.

>> No.17297394

I'd like to write letters anon, but I have nobody to write them to nor a reason to write them. I write notes by hand though, for class, and I've used it as a means of developing and practicing cursive. D'nealian isn't that great, so it's been great fun and satisfying to personalize my handwriting and try new techniques. I recommend you try the same.