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/lit/ - Literature

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17293785 No.17293785 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do for a living, /lit/?

>> No.17293809
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I clean toilets and this is my current book. It's phenomenal.
at least try to make the thread a bit more /lit/-related

>> No.17293820

school custodian

>> No.17293832

NEET and currently not reading anything

>> No.17293839
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I Baby Drive

>> No.17293856
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>> No.17293859

Was in the army for six years, now I'm in college living off gi bill and disability pay.

>> No.17293881

Currently in college to become a white collar manager who will post linkedin motivational posts because thats the current zeitgeist

>> No.17293948
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I disseminate hopelessness

>> No.17294091
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120k usd, 1500/mo rent, 165k in bank/stocks/crypto
be jealous

>> No.17294098

I shouldve just taken the programmer pill before going to college, it looks so comfy
Proud of you anon

>> No.17294115

it's only comfy if you find a place with a lot of adults who have kids, otherwise being in a startup with mid-20s faggots who are willing to work 11 hour days is a real stresser.

>> No.17294119

work at Fedex. Going to start freelancing on Upwork and either start a trade or do a landscaping job to pass the time and get by. Fuck college and I tried programming but cant give a fuck enough to study it

>> No.17294144
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sophomore majoring in econ living off of rich parents. I have zero plans for the future and don't even know where to began. I just go to college to make my parents happy.

>> No.17294149

Butcher at local grocer

>> No.17294159

is this scary cosmic

>> No.17294164

think real fucking hard about what you want, I know its easier said then done but you seriously have to answer that as fast as possible, I almost did the exact thing you're doing right now. its not going to be easy and you're going to fuck up but you'll be a lot happier trust me

>> No.17294176

I like my job and I bought my mom a house, that should be enough info

>> No.17294178

software engineer, take this advice.

>> No.17294180

>introduction writer's name is more visible than author's
why live

>> No.17294187

software engineer. I made just over $300k last year, and I'm still miserable. Maybe more miserable than all of you, because I don't even have the "I'm only unhappy because I'm poor" excuse

>> No.17294207

well you can give some to me and become poor and then you have your excuse ;)

>> No.17294208

It's definitely enthralling.

>> No.17294212

Do you have no friends?

>> No.17294227

I wouldn't mind accepting a donative, the government is fucking us over and this month my wife will earn less than 60usd and I won't even get close to a thousand. Fuck Japan.

>> No.17294244

I just donate on onlyfans :^)
I have friends, but we don't interact enough to make me not lonely. Texting a bit every day is nice, but I have no friends in my current city, so I spend 100% of my time alone. I've always been good with being alone, but after a year of literally seeing no one, I've had a lot of trouble finding the point in doing anything.

>> No.17294245

>software engineer. I made just over $300k last year, and I'm still miserable.
Well that's because no matter how much money you earn, you're still a wagie.

>> No.17294248

Senior Software Engineer. It's terrible, I wish I could bludgeon all my colleagues daily.

>> No.17294265

Journalist with a local paper. Pay isn’t great, but it’s a cool gig. Finished MA in Lit last year.

>> No.17294266

Man is a social animal, no matter how much one copes with it

>> No.17294267

>no matter how much money you earn, you're still a wagie
lol until I go into soft retirement in 5 years with >$1 mil in savings, and can still afford the occasional trip to europe

>> No.17294272

>you have to exert energy to remain alive
>unlike man's natural state, where he sits on his ass and the bison and pussy come straight to him
>totally cucked, wagie

>> No.17294284

You'll still be miserable.

>> No.17294293

based zeitgeist-harnessing opportunist

I probably should be jealous, but I can't. Just spent three years on a (now dropped) PhD which turned out to be mostly code monkery, and it made me seriously consider joining ISIS out of pure spite. Also you must be pretty good to make 120k a year even as a programmer, it's not like mediocre programmers are hard to come by.

This, middle-aged guys with kids are unironically based because they know life outside work is more important.

Seconding this. Going through the motions without knowing what you want is a recipe for psychological despondency at age 30, unless you're very lucky and hit the right job straight away.

Think of it this way, spent only 30% of your salary after taxes and you should be nearly a millionaire after 6 years. Then you can retire.

NEET since september and for the first time in my life. Feels weird not being behind schedule for once. Not idea what I will do, expect try to write something smart.

>> No.17294301

>TFW gave up cushy job to join startup

>> No.17294316

Invest that money retard and retire. Pursue hobbies, go chop down a tree, craft a bow, and learn archery! Or atleast fund me to do it! I heard charity is good for the soul heh heh heh

>> No.17294329

What kinds of stories do you write?

>> No.17294363


>> No.17294386

> programmer
> making 60k in American city at first job

Code monkey friends, how do I level up?

>> No.17294388

Be my patron. We’ll start a lit mag and writer’s colony in the woods. You’ll feel less alienated living in community with shared goals. You’ll be constantly annoyed by having to manage the feelings of others in a social dynamic, but it will be an improvement over soul-level despair.

>> No.17294439

Code monkeying. Hoping to transition to independent consultant and just work less, as in, I decide when to tackle projects.

FAANG? Was it remote pre-COVID?

>> No.17294442

I've been focusing lately on how COVID-19 measures have impacted various parts of the community. College, schools, police response, etc. I'm in Ontario, Canada, and restrictions have ramped up considerably as of late.

I'm hoping to bust out and start freelancing for larger publications at some point in the not-too-distant future, with a focus on provincial/national politics.

>> No.17294458

not FAGMAN or FAANG and it was not remote before COVID and I haven't moved yet, but it is remote now and I'm looking to halve my rent with relocation this year

>> No.17294477

I know, but I won't be a wagie :^)

>> No.17294486

I already donate generously on onlyfans. Maybe I'll see you there :^)

>> No.17294497

damn you guys are thirsty. And you didn't even post your paypal or venmo or btc wallet. how am I supposed to be generous?

>> No.17294502

key word is "cope" here and I agree

>> No.17294524

i work full time at a local government position making less than 40k a year after taxes in a beach town where the rent for the avg apt is like 2k/month

>> No.17294528

How do you make do?

>> No.17294531

i live with my parents lol

>> No.17294534

NEET with $1.5 mil in stocks and $500k in crypto. So, no, not jealous. :)

>> No.17294538

Currently being reimbursed my taxes, both past and present, from the government.

>> No.17294543

how'd you acquire

>> No.17294545

You have a better excuse. You're a software engineer.

>> No.17294548

> tfw

There's so many retard programmers, it's incredible.

>> No.17294554


Call center supervisor for the Crown advisor, while I finish my Law (which is on indefinite hold with the fucking pandemic).

>> No.17294556

You don't seem to understand. With financial freedom you don't just sit around. That's a huge waste of privilege. Nor do you wage slave, however. That's even worse. You pursue all the projects you really want to do and live wherever you wish.

>> No.17294573

Used to be a frugal code monkey. I'd only spend money on essentials and I kept putting more money in Tesla back when it was a lot cheaper. Also made a lot on Workhorse this year.

>> No.17294577

FAANG (FAGMAN needs to catch on, but posters in HN and r/programming have strawberries for brains and s o y in their veins). If you don't want to move, then I don't know. Maybe get into algorithmic trading.

>> No.17294587

OP here
my first job paid 65k

>> No.17294599

tasteless, you're less than a midwit. enjoy scraping my fat, sticky shits.

>> No.17294602

Penniless newly graduated doctor in Europe
Hate my life honestly and I feel like I’ve wasted it studying. Not a cool profession

>> No.17294605

> tfw I could have got into BTC at $75.

Then again, I tried to do it through Mt. Gox. Might have gotten wiped out. Might have sold at $300 for that matter. I try not to think too much about this.

>> No.17294621

Technical and videogames translator, working from home since 2017. I've got lots of free time to read and do my own stuff. Payment is great since I live in a shithole.

>> No.17294632

High school English teacher. It's not without its difficulties, but I enjoy it.

>> No.17294658

financial freedom doesn't mean you can do literally whatever you want. Even Elon Musk doesn't have the money to do that. I have relatively cheap interests (baking bread, cooking, playing the piano). What my life is lacking isn't adventure, it's love and companionship. And that can't be purchased, except an approximation.

>> No.17294667

cs student at one of those "top schools". any tips? how do I get into FAANG or at least a good job?

>> No.17294672

At least he’s a paid janny, and not one that cleans up fat sticky shits in the internet for free

>> No.17294675
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I funnel my student loans into BTC shorts and live with my parents so I don't have to spend any money

>> No.17294708
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SMBC is funny, but it's sometimes annoying how delusional the author is.

But why do you have trouble with women? You're loaded and, blessedly, have a cool hobby.

>> No.17294734

Big law
250k third year out of law school with a 15k bonus
No debt 90k in stocks 300k in investment real estate.


>> No.17294737

FAGMAN shouldn't be hard if you're at a top school. Thought guys at those are trained at all the algorithmic bullshit FAGMAN interviews for. Try to get an internship there. More tryhard, try to get code into a popular open source project.

>> No.17294748

fuck yeah dude

>> No.17294780

getting into faang is only two components, especially simple as a NG
1. get an interview
2. perform well in the interview
Step (1) is maybe tricky for college students without connections, but top school will help a lot (can I ask which?). If you know (even very tangentially) someone from your school who graduated and works at one, use them to get in the door. Getting in the door is the part that can be less straightforward as a NG.
Step (2) for a NG is really just how well you can solve the problems and code the answers. Communication is important too, so you need to be able to explain why you're doing things, how you're thinking about the problem, the things you're sure of and the things yoe're still trying to figure out. But just doing a couple hundred LC mediums and hards will basically guarantee success. You can succeed with far fewer, too, but if you put in the work (and started somewhat competent, which I'm assuming based on school), you are essentially guaranteed to succeed -- maybe not an offer from every company you apply to, but you'll get at least half.
>why do you have trouble with women?
I don't have trouble in the sense of difficulty getting a date. I'm not some stud or anything but I get dates fine if I want, and sex if I can actually build some sort of passing connection with the woman. But of the 4 first dates I've set up the past 3 months, I backed out all of them same day because I just didn't want to go... The dating process, especially through dating apps, is painful and really wears you out. I haven't had a crush in years. The only feelings I really have left are for my oneitis, who still reaches out every year or so to remind me that we'll never be together. And I haven't had sex that didn't make me feel worse after than before in so long, I don't know if I ever want to have sex again.

>> No.17294802

Anyone done a TEFL course? Learning Spanish and if I could get a job in Spain that would be sick and Im a chicano so it doesn't take me over a year to learn proper spanish. Would also consider the same thing for Portugese since Im interested in learning that. Just want to know if this shit is a scam like those people that say they do online nomading

>> No.17294816

Neet since almost one month after having been an oyster-farming for 2 years and a half. Feels good, even though I don't clearly know what I want to do. I'm already 29, I have only a meme degree. On the brighter side, I have a respectable amount of money, need to invest it.

>> No.17294841

Classics student with plans to go into the advertising industry

>> No.17294850
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Forklift driver, basically listen to podcasts/music all day then read before bed.

Any /lit/ approved podcasts on spot-if-eye?

>> No.17294876

Well, you sound like you're mature, like you don't have any developmental arrests going on. Just you and the harsh reality that life has no seatbelts. There are no formulas, no guarantees.

Have you tried therapy? Psychiatry?

>> No.17294910

You should and off yourself after, you are contributing to the destruction of the human race with every line of code that you type.

>> No.17294922

I can't tell if this is sarcasm.

Yeh. I've tried therapy. It was expensive though and I disagreed with my therapist's overall worldview. I've had more success through addiction-related stuff (recovering alcoholic). The whole addiction recovery system largely revolves around a version of stoicism. I guess most people probably don't know this, but most AA meetings end by everyone standing in a circle and holding hands and saying a prayer. A common one is the serenity prayer. I'm not religious, but it makes me cry almost every time
>God, front me the serenity
>To accept the things I cannot change;
>Courage to change the things I can;
>And wisdom to know the difference.

>> No.17294924

Don't go to Spain, ese. Them niggas are going through a tough economic cycle.

>> No.17294925

I'm a lawyer. Had my Bar call in April and let me tell you, I fucking miss being in school and just being able to read books and write the occasional essay all day.

>> No.17294933

>you are contributing to the destruction of the human race with every line of code that you type.
If this was really the case I'd enjoy my job a lot more than I do, anon. The reality is much more banal and soul crushing.

>> No.17294939

Independent Real Estate Agent.
150k in 2020, no boss, just a decent PPC strategy and an above average website, I own 2 rental properties & no school debt thanks to cheap Canadian Universities. I'm 25

>> No.17294964

strippers make good cash too anon. i could never be jealous of a coping code monkey

>> No.17294976

what do you plan on doing with the MA? I doubt you needed it to land that role.

>> No.17294994

hindsight is 20/20 anon. you could say these sorts of things about literally any investment. just think of the number of people that got fucked with the dot com bubble, pulled out, and then got fucked again by the survivors shooting to $1000 a share. if you knew last week's lottery numbers a year ago you'd be a millionaire. don't kick yourself.

>> No.17295012

Not spotify, but:
is the go-to philosophical podcast on /lit/. A new 20 min episode every week, already over 300 episodes released, all for free, currently covering the history of Western philosophy from Thales to the Renaissance, including the much-underrated medieval philosophy of Europe, Byzance and the Muslim world.

Very accessible and enjoyable and done by a guy who obviously knows his stuff. Deal a lot with the culture and context of the thinkers discussed, and also includes interview episodes with leading academics.

>> No.17295015

Freelance editing and writing. Also doing a PhD.

>> No.17295018

Auxuliares de conversacion if you're young and ok with working in a pueblo. I did it for a couple of years before coming back to the us. I'm living with a gf at the moment and we are basically broke but very happy.

>> No.17295028

No, it's not sarcasm, you really do sound experienced. World-weary even. Just sounds like you need hope. Or a pill. I used to be reluctant to get those, but now I'm more comfortable with accepting mood and demeanor are truly nothing but chemicals, and if there's any chance there is anything transcendent, emotions and emotion inducing experiences do not lead there.

>> No.17295048

Is it fun?

>> No.17295056

I have a half-serious job working for my family's somewhat large company. My days are split between reading and getting on the occasional call to tell my direct reports what to do. Every once in a while I have a project that I need to do actual work on and just put all my efforts into that until its done.
Its v comfy. Stay mad poorcels.

>> No.17295057


>> No.17295061

therapy is often just a bunch of fluffy platitudes for people who truly haven't taken the time to understand themselves and why they're actually fucked up. i'm not saying that all counselling from non-MDs is useless, but after a certain point it's diminishing returns.

you may benefit from seeing an actual psychiatrist, a real professional. if your brain is refusing to cooperate with you no matter what, there's often a real dysfunction going on. especially if you're a person who should otherwise be fulfilled by their life. trying to white knuckle undiagnosed mental illness would be like if you refused to go to your AA meetings and wrestled with sobriety with no support.

>> No.17295077 [DELETED] 

I write and aim to become a writer.
Wanna see, check out my first published book.

>> No.17295093
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I work under the table for a small family farm that sells everything at a farmers market thus doing my part to facilitate the dual system of anarchism until such a day as the statist system undoes itself with it’s own schizophrenic violent coercion. I read in my off time and contemplate/listen to audiobooks while I toil in the field. I also endeavor into various aspects of homesteading and holistic preservation techniques.

>> No.17295105

oh, and I've tried a few meds. they all destroyed my dick and that made me super depressed when I was with this beautiful girl I met in Prague, possibly prettiest girl I've ever been with, we fucked for a week straight and I came twice. I don't want that to ever happen again. Well, she enjoyed it at least.
I guess the irony is if I hadn't had the meds, we might never have met in the first place. idk. It made me way less anxious, but I didn't feel better. The people around me liked me more, but I didn't feel better. And I was on a very light dose, not way over medicated or anything.
>sounds like you need hope
desu that is exactly what's missing. I've always had "the next thing" to look forward to. even my job was enjoyable until a couple years ago, when I realized, I already have everything (material) I want in life and far more, and that it's unhealthy to continue to strive for more. So I stopped. But I haven't had anything to replace those feelings with -- there is no external thing that is lacking in my life, so there's no easy hope of gaining that thing and everything improving.
I have had some good breakthroughs with my emotions recently, with noticing that sometimes I find myself feeling like I /want/ to me upset or something. And I stop myself, and the feelings go away. I've gotten really good at avoiding negative thoughts and feelings. But I just can't inspire the positive thoughts.
>therapy comments
agreed. I think if I were a less self-aware person, it may have been more useful. But I found I was the one doing most of the analysis in my therapy sessions, and the therapist didn't have much to actually help, he just agreed with my assessments for the most part. Sometimes disagreed, but often that was reflective of a fundamentally different worldview we had that I don't think had anything to do with his competence as a therapist, so I didn't think too much about that. I know I should have tried a few others, maybe still should,xbut it was fucking $300/session, "evidence-based", well-regarded place, and his and my personalities actually worked all right together -- it wasn't like we couldn't get along or I couldn't talk. It just didn't give me anything very useful... (this was a PhD psychotherapist btw, not a random counselor)
>actual psychiatrist
agreed. I need to do that. I've gotten prescribed stuff by GPs but I think it's worth getting a more specialized opinion. Meds have gone pretty bad for me in the past (3 tries) -- always resulted in suicidal and obsessive nihilistic thoughts (even post-25). I'm honestly scared I'll get on the meds and just fucking kill myself. And I'm alone except my dog so I don't even have someone to watch out for me. It's scary. Treatment might end up worse than the disease.

I know I need help but all my attempts to get it have failed.

>> No.17295116

Unfathomably based and breadpilled

>> No.17295120

I work as scientist at Environmental Agency of my country. I could be making more money somewhere else, but I feel validation with the idea that I am contributing to society in an altruistic manner.

>> No.17295186

GPs are happy to hock SSRIs and benzos at people because they think they're silver bullets. a psychiatrist is more likely to be intimately aware of side effect profiles and how they manifest in different people. don't let some retards just out of med school discourage you. your brain needs help, one way or another

>> No.17295196
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Thanks bruh. I’m happy.

>> No.17295201

Got it. I will go to one. Are you male? have you been on meds? Do you have any advice about difficulty achieving orgasm? Do I just mention that to the psychiatrist and they try to find a med with less of that side effect?

>> No.17295214

I had a doc try to sell me on how this side effect was actually a good thing because girls like it... Sorry man, I'm a healthy man, my stamina's just fine normally. I don't need something numbing my dick to satisfy a woman.

>> No.17295222


>> No.17295225

i've personally never been SSRIs but I know from friends that sexual issues of all kinds are common. definitely mention that. maybe do some reading too


>> No.17295264

proud NEET

>> No.17295275

It’s pretty chill. I just load/unload pallets and move stuff around the yard. I’m left alone and just prompted to do certain things as and when. Only problem is the weather in Wales, UK is cold and wet most of the time. Without headphones it would be a drag. I’d recommend it to people who don’t want to deal with customers bullshit in shops etc. It’s the kind of job where even if you fuck something up it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.17295325
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Rich neet with no skills or care about anything really. Nothing feels worth pursuing because I don't know if it's "the thing" I want to be doing. I've tried writing, making music, reading philosophy. All feels like as much of a waste of time as when I binge anime or play video games because I have no strong singular vision for what I want out of my life.

>> No.17295335

I'm 23 and work as a Subway sandwich artist.

>> No.17295343

cool bro i'm 30 and am unemployed but used to work retail at office depot

>> No.17295373
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Garbage truck man and a painter

Pays well enough and I get to "work out". While painting is still my hope and a curse

>> No.17295382


>> No.17295397

i'm 23 also.
not working lol

>> No.17295425

Jesus go to a real psychiatrist don't take meds from anyone else fuck that gp anon wtf. Tell him about all your past experiences with meds and your fear of turning suicidal.
I've been on Effexor for about 4 months and I'm way better than I used to. Had a limp dick and some other mild side effects for the first few weeks but they all went away.

>> No.17295435

Honestly, I kind of did the MA because I was given a direct offer of admission and a fantastic funding package. I was interested in developing my research capabilities further.

I'll likely stick in journalism, but I like the idea of lecturing the odd uni/college course in the future.

Journalism sort of happened by accident. Wrote an article once at my uni's paper, got offered an editor position, found out I loved it.

>> No.17295442

This is how I wasted my life, now I'm going back to school @ 30 in a medicine-related field that will give me a surefire career that I'm hoping will be tolerable. Passion is a spook, there's nothing out there.

>> No.17295499

Welfare NEET. More than enough money for my needs so I don’t see the point in being a wagie if I can just do what I want all day.

>> No.17295507

Dropping out of school was the best choice I ever made because it allowed me to invest my savings. I would feel awkward going back to school at 30 now even though it would simply be for fun.

>> No.17295520


1500/mo rent in my city is literally the bare limit. kys

>> No.17295527

Get outta there man. There’s so many decent towns and cities that don’t ass rape you like that it’s stupid.

>> No.17295528

You should unironically read Stirner. Do not let the spooks cloud your brain and haunt your spirit.

>> No.17295536

Advice to the youth: learn about the existence of this potential path


>> No.17295552

I've never had limp dick, but I've had difficulty cumming...

>> No.17295560


>> No.17295563


>> No.17295570
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Warehousing/delivering hvac. Went to college and got a degree in broadcasting, never got a job so I've done factory work and a lot of driving jobs. Shits great, I personally love physical jobs and driving around the state and dealing with weirdos in bumfuck towns, plus I usually get a break to catch up on some reading.

>> No.17295615

Then slave forever while others retire at 30 and write novels

>> No.17295634

data entry, invoices + some web development freelancing.

>> No.17295646

statistically speaking, those novels won't be good

>> No.17295697

Thanks for the replies. Looks like I need to prepare for interviews then.
>can I ask which?
Yeah, it's UC Berkeley.

>> No.17295776

Go get help. If you're at zero debt you are a fucking retard.

>> No.17295785

Hahaha jokes on you I’m already writing my novel and I’ve never held a “real” job in my life. I’m >>17295093. Working inside the system even one year leaves your irreconcilably marred like a primordial mammoth trapped in a tar pit of your own despair.

>> No.17295850

Just because your job is like that of an illegal immigrant doesn’t mean you’re not in the system.

>> No.17295854


>> No.17295860

KEK anon, are you unironically serious? Pay some therapy and stay away from 4chan ffs.

>> No.17296044

I've been on this site since before you were born anon

>> No.17296060

And that is exactly why you should leave. You are clearly not Übermensch, considering that you are miserable, this place is not doing you any good. Why not try change something and see if anything improves?

>> No.17296074

how did you get this job? I want to do the same thing. Assuming you just have to know them right?

>> No.17296081

No one who makes that kind of money goes on the chin

>> No.17296090

>day-trading buttcoin
Lol, burning your money for heat would be a better use of it

>> No.17296094

uh, not sure what ubermensch has to do with anything
I've changed a lot of things. some things have improved. but not enough
I've been on this site since 2008 basementposter. SWE is the most 4chan career, it's just most people here are complete failures instead of semi-failures like me

>> No.17296101

I have no sympathy for people like you, in fact I derive great satisfaction from your misery

>> No.17296112

Yeah just hit up places near you. Everyone is different. I know people who have moved across country tho to get mentored by regenerative farmers and CSAs. Check out Joel Salatin books too. I posted a link in another thread idk if you’re him too lol. https://www.localharvest.org/csa/.. There’s a forum for the master/apprentice thing I mentioned earlier but I cannot think of the name. Snoop around google for a bit and go to a farmers market and chat up the hippy booths.

>> No.17296118

Again, that is an advantage of being poor. The simultaneous belief that your own unhappiness stems from lack of money, while simultaneously believing rich people to be delusional for thinking money should make them happy.

>> No.17296135

Turn on tune in and drop out brotha

>> No.17296139

Work in a warehouse for minimum wage. Fifty hours this week, with a 45 minute break each day. Today a guy started work who must be at least sixty years old, did an eight hour shift of constant walking and I could tell he was making a lot of mistakes. I talked to him briefly and he was a really innocent, cheerful guy and I started crying in one of the aisles when I saw him in the distance walking around with a wrong item to replace with a confused look on his face. A lot of middle-aged men who are beaten down by life, only earning a tiny fraction more than minimum wage for being on staff and working ten hour days every day and being forced to work weekends and come in early due to the nature of the work. Some guys commute one-and-a-half hours to work on a bus every morning from poor towns. Almost all of them are helpful, good natured and basically good people who likely had no real encouragement from people in their youth and are now stuck in what the manager openly refers to as a dead-end job, albeit in a region where a lot of jobs are dead-end. I genuinely wish nothing but the best for these people and if I ever make over a certain amount of money I will spend the rest on anonymous donations to people like this. The sight of wealthy people spending massive amounts of money on vanity, status-enhancing or garbage in general makes me angry, however angsty and butthurt that makes me seem.

>> No.17296146


>> No.17296159

see theory of the leisure class by veblen, guy who coined conspicuous consumption

>> No.17296166

Society is fake and gay find your own way and do what brings you happiness. As long as your basic needs are met there’s no reason to trip over money one way or the other whether you have it or you don’t. I’m not saying it’s easy it can be a bit tricky at times but is worth it to think and move from this original perspectives in your decision making process.

>> No.17296180

Eh, I'm not poor but I've been there. I'm also not pulling in 6 figures. It just seems like a lack of imagination to me, you have a 300k salary and probably make more from investments, right? And yet you can't marshal those resources in any way to reduce your loneliness or even achieve a fleeting sense of happiness.

He's telling you to drop acid. It might help.

>> No.17296182

ok, not sure what it is you think you're responding to. I've already realized money doesn't buy happiness.

>> No.17296203

I prefer shrooms myself but yeah man anon needs something. He’s not fulfilling himself in a certain way probably isn’t fulfilling others either but that’s just a hunch. Humans need the reciprocal positive vibration of community. I know I sound like a new age pseud but man there’s some truth to these axioms. You gotta like keep your pitcher full but also fill others glasses. I dunno man read some philosophy and theology.

>> No.17296206

I write a college alumni magazine.

>> No.17296231

Nah I’m saying you have to find the things that bring you joy. It’s good that you found that money can’t buy it but that’s just the first step now you have to go about discovering what does have true meaning to you and what will bring you great joy. Can you think of anything that you would lay it all on the line for your life and everything? What do you yearn for in your heart of hearts. It’s there somewhere you just might have buried it and become disconnected from it somewhere along the way a long time ago. Whatever it is just know that it’s worth pursuing and don’t let your insecurities or other people tell you otherwise.

>> No.17296247

SWE is the most telltale larp on this board, if you believed larpers on here than every 3rd user does this for a living and makes 200k+.
I work for HR in a software firm, so I know what that job actually pays. Realistically anyone in the 4chan age group who actually was a SWE would be making around 60-75k, a very select few over 100.
The only ones who make the money you claim to make are in their 40s and have been doing it for 20+ years, and by the hours they work they would have absolutely no extra time to be shitposting on here

>> No.17296260

>marshal those resources to reduce loneliness or even achieve a fleeting sense of happiness
How do you think "those resources" help with any of that? The closest I've gotten so far was flying to Prague, I was going to meet prostitutes there, but I actually met a girl while visiting a museum. We spent the rest of the day together. We climbed up a high tower and looked all around. We went back down and sat on a bench in the slow fading summer light and kissed like teenagers. We walked hand-in-hand throughout the city for a few hours. We got dinner, and walked back to the river. We saw the castle illuminated by lights, and I caressed her breast as we kissed softly but passionately. We spent the next four or five hours walking along the river, stopping occasionally to explore the remaining uncharted territories of each other's bodies. By three o'clock, we were exhausted. We split the bill for a hotel and made love. In the morning she said she had to go, she had a 7am train. I asked if I could take it with her. I did. We spent the next 3 days exploring the strange slavic wasteland that is the former Czechoslovakia. On our last night together, I convinced her to let me fuck her without a condom, telling her Plan B is easily available in Slovakia. I came on her back. Puddles. It was after a week of sex and only one previous orgasm. Fucking Jewish mind drugs. I showed her a picture of her back. We went to a few museums that day. I left by train back to Prague that evening. We said we'd meet again, but we stopped talking a month later. It was that movie, Before Sunrise. Including the whole thing being entirely vacuous and never going anywhere.

>> No.17296285

Are you trying to get me to dox myself? I work for a tier two tech company in bay area (tier 1 = faang, tier 2 = linked in, uber, stripe, etc.). I got lucky on some equity timing and I have 5 YOE. My compensation is not at all unusual -- I'm very happy with it but many of my friends with similar backgrounds have gotten themselves in much better positions.

>> No.17296291

I teach English to foreign students at a private academy. The pay’s solid, but the job is pretty unfulfilling. What Abe wrote in “The Woman in the Dunes” about teachers being like stones in a stream is the honest truth. You’re like a midwife, never getting to do things for yourself.

>> No.17296302

It might honestly be the Bay Area that’s bringing you down. I’m from NorCal too and that place has gotten downright dystopian. I’m trying to get out of the state as we speak.

>> No.17296308

Cardiology resident.
Amazingly cool job but hours and on call leave no time for enriching hobbies, just phone posting on the toilet.

>> No.17296315

>Realistically anyone in the 4chan age group who actually was a SWE would be making around 60-75k, a very select few over 100.
Eh. I make 70k a year, but that's because I'm at a govt job which pays below market. My friend who graduated at the same time as I did is making over six figures as a tech lead at Fannie mae.

>> No.17296316

>Can you think of anything that you would say it all on the line for your life and everything?
My oneitis, unironically. It's reciprocated to like... 75%? she's crazy about me, but she's 2000 miles away, and she doesn't want me to move for her. She said she would try again if I moved for myself, because I wanted to be there. And I'd move for her, but it wouldn't work if it were for her. And I can't just lie. So it's just a fucked situation. Money is supposed to enable me to avoid this shit. But it doesn't. And it just makes me even sadder it can't.
I moved to Seattle (area -- outside the city) when the quarantine started in March. I feel tons, tons better here than I did there, but I still feel not great. You're right though, a normal person would be mentally ill there within a year.

>> No.17296391


That sounds good.
Where i work, the forlift drivers are so stressed because the job.

>> No.17296415

Work as a press consultant. I got interested in this Jewish racket after reading Bernard and its exactly as morally reprehensive and fun as you'd imagine.

>> No.17296428

Dude just move for her, she doesn’t want to feel guilty like she made you move which is honestly a good sign because it shows she cares about you for you and your autonomy. You should talk to her and tell her you WANT to move for her because you love her and that she has nothing to feel guilty about. Just make sure you mean it and don’t do or say things passive aggressively later on about how you moved for her ya know what I mean? But yeah man I’ve done the long distance thing with my now wife and it was tough but we always knew our situation was temporary. 100% tho if this is the real deal and you’re miserable without her it’s worth a shot.

>> No.17296431

Why wouldn't it work if it were for her? Sounds like either you or her are overcomplicating things.

>> No.17296437

Lad whereabouts in Wales are you? I work in a warehouse full of forklift drivers, but most of them are older men and foreigners.

>> No.17296453

i process missing parcel claims for an internet retailer. it's pretty ok

>> No.17296469

I would prefer not to

>> No.17296487

>dude just move for her
I've had 2 opportunities to do this. I didn't either time because she didn't want me to. But she still won't leave me alone. My brother lives like 3 miles from her. I've wanted to go live with him for a while, and he's offered. God, I feel hopeless, man.
>say passive aggressive shit later
no man, I'm not like that. my choices are my own. unless I was actively deceived, it's only me who made a decision.
I'm just not 100% sure it's like you say. I think some of it is actually just her maybe preferring me as an idea than an actuality.
It's too much pressure. It's not like we've lived together and been soulmates for years. We might get together and be around each other 3 months and realize it's just not working. She's worried about the pressure if I move for the relationship, because then she'll feel like a dick if after 3 months she's kinda "meh", so she's less likely to actually end the relationship. And then we'll end up in a longer term half hearted relationship that no one's happy with. Or something like that. Use your imagination.

>> No.17296523

I still think you should explain this sentiment you’ve posted here. Tell her that you’re willing to take the risk that it ends up not working out because not taking the risk at all is killing you. Very Kierkgaardian dilemma you’re in. You both gotta just take the leap of faith together. Plus your brother IS there so you won’t be all alone. Don’t pressure her into moving in together tho I don’t recommend. Could you move in with your brother first til you get your own place?

>> No.17296570

I don’t want to work hard to end up giving half my money to the taxman who gives it to “refugees” so i decided to become a parasite myself. feels good to be dead weight

>> No.17296576

I mean, I can do any of these things super easy. Move in with brother is not hard. She wants me to only do it if I want to build a life there, that sorta thing.... which idk if I do, but I /would/. But I also would a lot of other places.

>> No.17296579

Have you seen Idiocracy? This reminds me of the opening, where a couple of doctors endlessly dithering and waiting for the exact right circumstances to have a child wind up never having one. It really sounds like you have to do the irrational thing and take the plunge.

>> No.17296583

Don't blame you. Fuck the system. It's always been shit but the systematic, mainstream demoralising of whites is enough reason to drop out. Fuck this shit life. Uprising NOW.

>> No.17296591

Parasites are never happy in the long run. You'll see this if you stay a neet for too long.

>> No.17296602

>How do you think "those resources" help with any of that
Again, I see it as a surfeit of imagination. You say all your friends are in another city, go see them. Or bring them to you for a weekend. Or make some friends where you are now. Do you really even need to be in this city for work? Is there nothing outside of work and shitposting that gives you joy (and no, I don't mean your stupid "oneitis")? Figure it out, man. You have tons of money, use it for something worthwhile for god's sake instead of just hoarding it like some sort of goblin. I swear, wealthy people who insist on their misery are either retarded or they actually enjoy being miserable.

>> No.17296605

how long in your experience?

>> No.17296631

Just tell her a version of the truth if it makes you more comfortable. SF and Seattle has you burnt out and you are feeling down and want to be close to family, your brother. This isn’t a lie at all but it takes the pressure off of her. I think either way if you are super down in the dumps and on good terms with your brother moving near him might be a great option. You have the means to do so and it’s wonderful being near family when they are healthy impacts on your life. Isolation is the last thing a depressed person needs.

>> No.17296653

i fell for the university is overrated meme so now im stuck doing shitty boring min wages jobs that make me want to kms

>> No.17296676

Go on autismbux and write poetry in your underwear

>> No.17296684

>Journalist with a local paper.
Hey, me too! Do you photograph too or just write?

>> No.17296716

I play the organ at my local cathedral.

>> No.17296731

What's the pay like?

>> No.17296735

800€ a month.

>> No.17296739

It's obvious he enjoys being miserable otherwise he would have done something about it. I know lots of people who are like this

>> No.17296743

Yeah, he should just buy a house wherever he's from and move back. He can definitely afford it. Obviously working remote is a possibility, and it's not like they have to move in together as soon as he gets back.

>> No.17296746

take the plunge
there's a pandemic. And I do go see friends elsewhere. it's fun. the problem is the day-to-day life with no companionship. I have a feeling of friendship with a few people, it's just I live alone and don't have anyone to spend most of my time with.
>nothing outside of work and shitposting that gives you joy
not really. I worry sometimes it might be anhedonia.
I mean that's not far from the truth at all. that is the truth, I don't want to be here except money, I've been looking for a reason to leave since I got her. That's what makes me wonder whether she just wants the idea of me instead of me. But living with brother I want I think

>> No.17296749

Hey, not bad at all, especially for a job that I assume has pretty limited hours

>> No.17296792

That’s cool af. Plus you’ll go straight to heaven for serving the LORD

>> No.17296796
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KEK I make 28K€ a year (+1k bonus) in France as a junior php back-end and it's considered a good wage for less than a year of experience.

>> No.17296807

>I've been looking for a reason to leave since I got her.
Interesting slip.

>there's a pandemic
Nigga you went to Europe, fuck off with your pandemic excuses. And anyway, go climb a mountain or something. Go walk around in that shitty Seattle weather. It is my firm belief that a little bit of physical discomfort is a great balm for existential angst.

>> No.17296810

Outside (((Paris))) obviously.

>> No.17296819

Seething redditor, it's free money if you can figure out a solid indicator and understand basic market trends

>> No.17296827

is this after taxes? cause it honestly seems like a joke

>> No.17296830

I went to Europe in 2019. And yeh, physical discomfort has been nice for ignoring things. But eventually I have to face it. I want to fuck her so bad right now.

>> No.17296872

Oh so you're just hung up on a chick, got it. She isn't that great, no one is. Either go for it or put her out of your mind for good, this in between shit isn't good for you or her

>> No.17296876

>I want to fuck her so bad right now.
Belle Delphine?

>> No.17296886

>Either go for it or put her out of your mind for good, this in between shit isn't good for you or her
Going after woman is the biggest pleb filter, the incels are even worse.

>> No.17296888

I rent a 30m2 apartment for 580€ which seems like a significantly lower price than what you Americans pays.
So maybe the overall cost of life is just really lower.
And the taxes aren't that bad either(they're hardcore on companies tho).

>> No.17296891

What's the next move smart guy? Though I do plan to buy some next time it crashes and just hang onto it for awhile. Shorting on it doesn't feel worth the effort

>> No.17296932
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I work at a defence contractor. That's all I can say due to NDA.

>> No.17296938

I already explained.

>> No.17296944

Man, you're living in a shoebox. I assure you that unless you live in New York, DC, or San Francisco, you can get a bigger place for less money

>> No.17296959

or, any suggestions on finding a hooker that is actually hot and not a cop?

>> No.17296974

Well I can live and study with that money. But I really do think that I mainly serve my ego when playig while mass. I am fighting it though.

>> No.17297005

As a software dev, I'm genuinely curious as to why anybody aspires to be FAANG / Silicon Valley. That shit is mad stressful.

Take it from me - everywhere needs programmers. You don't have to shoot for the most cutting edge shit to be relevant.

I'm currently working on federal contracts and while it can be somewhat challenging from time to time, it's slow-paced, people are checked out by 4, and you don't have to worry about any competition since most of the devs you'll be working with are in their 40s.

It's not glamorous, but you can make bank - I went to a coding bootcamp and went from 80k as a PM to 140K as a developer. Now I just have to get out of the hellhole that is DC...

>> No.17297009

Dubs of truth I believe you.
I love my country to much to leave... Maybe if I leetcode hard and get to a good level I'll try to go in a GAFAM and get my 10k per month but that's just a distant dream.

>> No.17297032

The display of materialism in this thread is digusting.

>> No.17297055

Nah it should feel uplifting to serve the faithful. As long as you stay humble and enjoy seeing their joy you’re all good.

>> No.17297101
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I study hard, get good grades, and hope that universities give me money. Starting a graduate degree in engineering this fall
It's important to realize that there's no secret career that's going to automatically set you for life. I see CS being peddled online getting to the point of le $150k starting nuclear/petroleum engineering meme used to be.
If you're lucky or a 0.01% genius then you'll excel in CS, get paid good money and probably work on some interesting projects. The vast majority of people in CS are middlemen code monkeys competing against 100000 Indians to put together JS or create database, and if you're just doing it for the money then you will hate it 10x more.
Look at every aspect of a career in the field that interests you. Are you making value back vs cost of living such that you can invest? Do you have time to build a family? Is the work rewarding and creative? what are the long term health effects? This anon is obviously hard working and lucky, but don't chase someone else's dream for cash.

>> No.17297108

>humble and enjoy seeing their joy you’re all good.

This is indeed the case. At the side I also teach philosophy and latin at a catholic all girls residential school for higher daughters. But just as a substitue teacher for 10€/h.

Still love the job though, they are so well behaved and upright.

>> No.17297129

Save every sheckle you get and invest, your parents will eventually cut you off, be ready for it.

>> No.17297166

28yo working on my bachelor in the humanities. Working on the side, parents pay the rest.

You got advice?

>> No.17297230

I have a meme degree(history), live in the US, 0 debt. I'd like a job without heavy manual labor where I get to work outside, or failing that anything non-stressful. Any advice or what? Thanks in advance.

>> No.17297241

currently in my third period of NEET-dom. went to college without any desire to, had utterly no clue what i was there for. ended up changing my major 6 or 7 times and eventually got kicked out for poor grades. went back in 2018 and get kicked out a second time. worked as a dishwasher for the first of that year and then became a NEET again in 2019. went to community college in 2020 for a semester, again no clue what i was doing there and decided to not go back, again becoming a neet. really not sure what there is to do at this point I'm just ready for all this to be over with.

>> No.17297290

24, and currently doing consulting. 72k base with no debt and 2 degrees, currently working on a second master's now. Only 12k in crypto though. I want to get a FAANG job just so I can focus on my PhD sooner.

>> No.17297343

Why are people so obsessed with working at FAANG? It's stressful, you work long hours, and the pay really isn't that great considering the cost of living.

>> No.17297378

> The Dan Simmons on the bookshelf

Are Endymion and Rise of Endymion worth reading anon? I really liked Hyperion but didn’t realize you basically have to read the sequel. And then Fall was alright but the ending felt kind of rushed, like they explained some things really quickly and other things never get explained at all

>> No.17297465

Im co-running my family's Mexican Restaurant. Its alright. I studied CS but realized its a dumb meme with no soul. I'm the eldest, so I'll have the restaurant. I work 12 hrs four days a week but I'm glad knowing I have my own business and will continue my family's business

>> No.17297543

What do you mean federal contracts? You're independent?

>> No.17297553


>> No.17297570

Based and wholesome pilled

>> No.17297599

>be jealous
Why? I have the same job.

>> No.17297682

Binance leveraged tokens (BTCDOWN). Interest cost equivalent to standard trading cost, unlike traditional leverage, meaning you get more profit. Not as much effort as a standard leveraged short, easier to get in and out of quickly. And most importantly, can't get liquidated on large swings. If you know the right indicators it's easy to swing (even without looking at indicators you can scalp single pennies and still be in profit, which works out well if you can quickly identify points where it crabs and not be greedy). It's pretty simple from here, but BTCDOWN, hold all the way down, at least 100% gain within a month, and then buy in 2 years time with more capital

>> No.17298138

How much does the business net? Especially in times like this. I imagine the margins must be pretty low.

>> No.17298254

Watch the edges son.
Sadly they more or less share the same flaws. I have other books written by Simmons, and I think he can't reach a really satisfactory ending if the book isn't at least 800 pages long.

>> No.17298266

Can you hook me up with a burrito or will I have to go Ted K. on your ass?

>> No.17298593

In Montreal, I assume?

>> No.17298655

i want to die

>> No.17298749

Do you, by chance, work for Google?

>> No.17298808

>72k job at 24
How the fuck do you get a job like that right out of college unless you're rich and well connected?

>> No.17298819

no, but similar category of company

>> No.17298830

130k usd, 2100/mo mortgage, 325k in banks/stocks/investments, 300k in home equity
not jealous; these are middle/barely-upper-middle class income/savings levels.

>> No.17298952

For one, I've got my master's (immediately went into a 16 month program after undergrad). Two, I have several FAANG internships under my belt, so finding a job becomes incredibly easy.

>> No.17299083

Work in CF37, live near Talbot Green. It’s only the hgv drivers that are foreign for me. Literally 9/10 are Polish.

It’s a small yard but part of a big company overall

>> No.17299086

I have a degree in English but I’ve been doing groundskeeping/landscaping on college campuses mostly for the past few years, which definitely involves less heavy labor than commercial landscaping. My goal is to eventually move into wildlife technician type work/botany/national park shit which is all mostly non-laborious outdoor work. It will probably require taking some classes in forestry/botany/environmental science etc. but if you work on campuses like I’m doing you can take classes for free or heavily discounted

>> No.17299627
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Been neet. Had a dream of becoming firefighter. Become one. Damn it's stupid grunt work.I can't believe how dumb 99% of the job is. Can't really switch cuz old already. :(

>> No.17299632

>Dropping computer major to join isis
This is actually not the first time I've heard of someone doing this

>> No.17299650


>> No.17299656
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I work in capital markets for a mortgage lender...

>> No.17299763

Student and soon-to-be neet; will probably end up like >>17295499 since I don't care about much besides reading and learning japanese so I might as well do that instead wasting my time doing the only meme degree I would probably enjoy (ancient near eastern philology) and having to interact with others all the time.

>> No.17299787

I'm homeless. Gave away my inheritance.

>> No.17299798

jesus it's like me. Everybody says "work hard" and I try but always fail because I can't work hard at something I don't like because I dont like anything. I've been comming to chan to look for people alike as this place is strange but I rarely do. I googled the shit out of"what to do if you dont like anything" but there seems to be no answer to it. Maybe I did less "just do anything, just do" but Ive been beaten down by life so low...

>> No.17299802

who did you give it to and why

>> No.17299823

Chucked it in backpacks over random fences. Partly out of spite because people were willing to tear me limb from limb for a portion.

>> No.17299844

You're a schizo but I understand that feeling, in elementary school everyone would ask for a piece of my sandwich during break and one day I couldn't take it anymore and I threw it in the trash. Then I made my parents give me saltine crackers and yogurt instead.

>> No.17299924

My entire family started resenting me because they were not named in the will. My fiancee started suggesting that I might die and she'd get the money. So I disappeared.

>> No.17299935

>haha i posted this incel nazi sperg he's totally like me
>I have zero plans for the future
Throw yourself off a rooftop fucking faggot nazi sympathizer

>> No.17299970

leech. destitute. i want to work on a boat

>> No.17300764

I'm a NEET who lives off of my passive income.

>> No.17300779

Have you considered the military?

>> No.17301016

Raise chickens and till the soil you fucking asshole

>> No.17301049

goethe uni?

>> No.17301059

you're neolib-pilled anon. the real parasites are up there laughing at seething nationalists like you. stop hating on refugees for being in the same boat as you

>> No.17301098

I've been a neet for five years. I don't know where to even begin with myself. I don't know how people get jobs and just live that cycle, let alone get educated and actually make a lot of money. It just feels like people are meant to be one way and they don't have any choice in it.

>> No.17301101

>enter a country and culture that don't belong to you
>disrespect the native population
>demand free money
The guy you're replying to is just demanding free money. Different boat if you ask me.

>> No.17301115

Pharma consulting

>> No.17301129

Also, 100k annually ain't what it used to be.

>> No.17301137

I used to stock snacks in the break rooms at Google. Ask me anything about Google employees' fave snackerinos, or about getting high with my boss and riding goog bikes to the free goog food and stealing the Googlers' beer.

>> No.17301301

I work in University admin

>> No.17301314

Sounds fun. How’d you pay rent tho?

>> No.17301317

How much can you get paid? Money isn’t that important to me but I have pretty substantial students loans.

>> No.17301326

Which humanities field? What year?

>> No.17301477


>> No.17301562

sounds comfy anon, good for you. is the pay ok? which country?
what passive income?
they're both being played by the oligarchs so I'd put them in the same boat, although the refugee most likely got fucked harder

>> No.17301588

>I just donate on onlyfans :^)
kys, seriously

>> No.17301678

uh, sweaty, girls need to get by too

>> No.17301687

True, replacement migration benefits that oligarchs. But I think the immigrants are getting a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.17301723

I've thought about doing that. I need to go buy some land out in Appalachia somewhere. I still want internet tho.

>> No.17301739
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>what passive income?

>> No.17301782

>the refugee most likely got fucked harder
You mean the person that was eating dirt in his homeland, troubled by goat-fucking-tier, backward practices? That same one that comes to a land that does not belong to and demands both money and a change in culture (that’d make his new country more similar to that disaster of a nation he’s nostalgic about)?
Well, what the fuck

>> No.17301792

warehouse employee, 26, neeted for 4 years, working for 2 years now, in the 2 years saved 25k euros and 5k in material goods, i am happy that once i am brave enough to pull the trigger i will have something to leave behind and not go with shame

>> No.17301800

I want to join the Army. I just don’t want to join my country’s Army.

>> No.17301932

I'm an accountant. My work is boring and tedious, and I feel I've ruined my life. At least the software engineers made a good amount of money.

>> No.17301965

I work for a think tank which boils down to reading the newspapers for a living, with some text redaction/editing thrown in. In the mean time I'm getting a side hustle off the ground so I can make money online and move.

>> No.17301980

I hate to say it but Paul Skallas is completely correct with his 4HL phenomenology. Wage-slaving is bad for the brain, body and soul. Hunting is payoff space.

>> No.17301986

27000$, first year software developer in Russia. Apparently here it is considered a pretty good salary, even in Moscow. But I can't really compete with anons in usa, coz I live in shitty country

>> No.17301991

work in warehouse. I got two masters degrees.

>> No.17301996

You would think so because the folks over on /fit/ never believe me when I tell them about my sex life. Fact is I've been posting here since 2007 but I still kept working on myself in the mean time.

>> No.17302000

i am this dude >>17301792
and working has been nothing but a blessing for me

at worst even in my worst state i am atleast working during those 8 hours i could have been just at home doing nothing

>> No.17302002

I understand what you mean, even if the others won’t. Neither money nor freedom can satiate privation and that’s the fundamental issue.

>> No.17302025

What refugees are demanding a "change in culture?"

>> No.17302036

The majority of them since that’s the natural consequence of mass importation of another culture whether they intend that or not. If you think you can insert a large number of Russians into Vietnam and have no Russianizing influence, then I don’t know what to say.

>> No.17302059

>Even Elon Musk doesn't have the money to do that.
I think about this often. BAP brought it up first I think. African warlords are more free than Bezos and Musk. They can't have a harem of 200 young women and they can't take whatever they want through sheer power of force. They are completely dependent upon the system in which they operate, whereas the average African warlord or pirate lives outside of it and does as he pleases in a much more meaningful way. Us NEETs can strive towards a similar fate by disconnecting from the system as much as possible: making a bit of money in passive income online, moving to the third world, and enjoying the freedom even if material conditions aren't perfect. You can move to Romania and just bribe the cops and do what you want.

>> No.17302066

people there are literally monkeys

>> No.17302072

Let's not fuck around with stupid hypotheticals

>> No.17302083


>> No.17302093

>whereas the average African warlord or pirate lives outside of it and does as he pleases in a much more meaningful way
Until they get deposed or killed lol. No American (especially not the kind of American who frequents /lit/) can just move to Romania and become successful in the criminal underworld or whatever. The other criminals would eat you alive, assuming bribing the cops even works in the first place. I feel like a bitcoin billionaire trying to live a "truly free" life in a shitty country would just get laughed at

>> No.17302114

I don’t know why people think like this. Mike O’Hoare is one of the most famous African mercenaries ever and the guy was an accountant.

>> No.17302121

Okay. Change Russian to Turkish and Vietnam to Germany and it’s no longer a hypothetical.

>> No.17302127

The point is you can live like a king on $2000 per month in Romania/Thailand. It's not that hard to make that amount online and relatively passively (let alone $1000/mo which is still very good in those countries).

>> No.17302138

same here man. I did the do anything and I feel a bit better but yeah, not really having a passion for work can be rough

>> No.17302192

a lot of people's work resembles hunting

>> No.17302194

how do I make $2000 passively online?

>> No.17302196

I sell my labour on stone fruit farms. it's brutal, shitty, and I don't like it.

>> No.17302215

>Mike O'Hoare
He fought in WW2 before returning to England to be an accountant

>> No.17302225

Funny they call it "a living" when it's entire purpose wasting your time not living it.

>> No.17302232

have about 10K in Bitcoin
have a good youtube channel and outsource the videomaking
have a few niche websites (you built in 2010 when it was viable)
build websites for boomer companies who aren't online yet and outsource most of the work and charge exorbitant prices to old people who don't know any better and have money to spare

>> No.17302247

Google "make money free online," that should get you started

>> No.17302248

Oh I guess he did. Well, I still maintain my point. I cannot diverge personal details but I have a relative who was a totally normal kind of nerdy guy that even posted on 4 Chan but he went on to serve in a very elite military unit for a long time.

>> No.17302249

Poor as shit student that works as a dishwasher in a restaurant

>> No.17302252

>have about 10K in Bitcoin
don't have
>have a good youtube channel and outsource the videomaking
I don't know how to do youtube
>have a few niche websites (you built in 2010 when it was viable)
don't have

>> No.17302267


>> No.17302290

I doubt Elon Musk is having too much trouble getting women. I know what you mean, but I'd rather be a normal dude in the west than a warlord in africa.

>> No.17302299

I’m a phone poster
Don’t nitpick

>> No.17302311

Don't tell me what to do bitch

>> No.17302419

Muslims? Haven’t you seen what they did in France? The sharia-run neighborhoods in Sweden? Certain parts of London are now Little Turkey, haven’t you noticed?
Are you Arab or delusional, anon?

>> No.17302442

>I tell them about my sex life
Fuck it, I’ll bite. Good or bad?

>> No.17302487

How? How did you make that money with stocks? Where can I learn more about this?

>> No.17302591

Do you work in Nantgarw by any chance?

>> No.17303282

I've been to Syria a couple of times and it's not nearly as "backwards" as people like you try to portray it as.
>That same one that comes to a land that does not belong to and demands both money and a change in culture (that’d make his new country more similar to that disaster of a nation he’s nostalgic about)?
you mean the same one that gets cucked by western-funded terrorist groups, regime change attempts, massive inflation, ruthless dictators and slave labor outsourcing? You'd have to be utterly pretentious and dishonest to say that you wouldn't go to europe under those circumstances.
Don't want them in your country? Then don't treat them as mere means for your end.

>> No.17303305

>America fights a war for Israel
>for some odd reason, londoners must pay by accepting arab grooming gangs with open arms
Fuck off, retard

>> No.17303396

>some odd reason
Yeah I wonder what reason Israel would have to want to import low impulse control populations into countries whose peoples they've hated since the dawn of their existence.

>> No.17303470

I never said it was fair for europe to accept refugees when the US is the main aggressor and I agree that the US should take the responsibility for their actions (lol one can dream) but let's not pretend that europe is innocent (uk and france especially, don't test me on this). But then again other arab countries accepted more refugees per capita than europeans, despite being so much poorer and on the brink of total collapse (look at lebanon).
Also, just as a sidenote, capitalism is at fault for this. read lenin.