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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 681x1024, 6E3660A8-1F35-4B8C-958E-EED19B3D109A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17290272 No.17290272 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a store online to buy banned/rare books?

>> No.17290326


>> No.17290337

z library

>> No.17290373

Thank god the "fascist" novel and writers I like are rarely translated into English so I think im safe

>> No.17290407

The Turner Diaries was written as a satire.

>> No.17290424


>> No.17291182

No one banned anything you hysterical faggot, it's still widely available, just not from Amazon.

>> No.17291191

yet it predicted many things

>> No.17291195

It'd be nice to have a list, like with banned subreddits so I can download them all.

>> No.17291251

Where can I buy a paper copy then? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.17291265

>t. retard

>> No.17291456

Buying it used would not help the white supremacy movement

>> No.17291459

What else did they take off?

>> No.17291461

Buying it new will not help it either. Can not even be rational in his delusions, how sad.

>> No.17291467 [DELETED] 

ebay sell new books as well retard

>> No.17291760

This is why you shouldn’t buy from Amazon (not that I have any interest in reading The Turner Diaries). The more you buy from them, the more you create a monopoly, and when they are in the business of removing controversial books from sale a monopoly will mean some books would become completely inaccessible.

>> No.17291784

Of all the reasons to not buy form amazon, this is pretty low on the list. They are a middle man and serve no purpose but their own and that is all the reason one needs. Your /pol/ bullshit does not even come close to playing into it, your sort cutting off amazon is like if I used one square less of toilet paper when wiping my ass, meaningless.

>> No.17291815

That's actually something I'd like to see.

>> No.17291860

>someone BANNED it to protect their profit margin
>that means its truth!

>> No.17291885

>/pol/ bullshit
rent free

>> No.17291894

That was probably the first time I even considered your sort in weeks. Like I said, one square of toilet paper per wipe and I really do not pay attention to how many squares I use.

>> No.17291904

>your sort
rent free

>> No.17291910
File: 139 KB, 666x888, omc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Necronomicon isn't real, dude

>> No.17291927

Does that make you feel like you won something?

I pretty much live in a cave, I just found out about the whole whitehouse storming about 12 hours ago. I am wonderfully oblivious to such things.

>> No.17291947

>I just found out about the whole whitehouse storming about 12 hours ago
Don't think so buddy. Take some time off the internet for a while, it's legit taking it's toll on you. This isn't about win or lose, but if that's what you want to make it about, you lost a while back. You're obsessing over the opinions of strangers on a board you don't even frequent. In fact you're so obsessed you project the identity onto anyone you disagree with. As I said, rent free.

>> No.17291978

Haha. No toll taken. I was thrilled to hear about it, the parties are destroying themselves and i could not be happier.

I love that you think I am newfag. Typical stormfag.

>> No.17291998
File: 2 KB, 348x211, poiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical stormfag.
Nice spacing there.

>> No.17292034


Depending on what country you live in, it might be illegal for you to import the book.

>> No.17292045
File: 100 KB, 680x438, making the mother of all shitposts here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh spacing
You're a newfag, and even worse you never scrolled through the archives to see what you missed.

>> No.17292052

lol. It is somewhat refreshing to see people new enough to think they can change chan culture with such tactics. haha. Spacing. That is great.

>> No.17292056

Based, now take down 4chan

>> No.17292058
File: 118 KB, 801x928, hitlerbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely rent free

>> No.17292059

FTN is always runs ads for a booksyore that specializes on rare and banned books, unfortunately I forgot its name. Listen to one of their episodes, it should be somewhere in there. Here's a good one, on the creation of Fox News:

>> No.17292064

hahah. the naive use of standard memes brings me so much joy. Thanks anon, the laugh was good.

>> No.17292069
File: 326 KB, 588x522, stupid sexy Grinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say dumb shit
>get mocked for saying dumb shit
>"hurr durr rent free"
Lurk more faggot.

>> No.17292072

funny how newfriends are always first to cry about muh newfags

>> No.17292083

Everyone, come quick! >>17292072 is taking his first steps!

>> No.17292091

>hurr durr rent free
Almost like you can't see someone you don't agree with without sperging out about people on boards you don't even visit and defunct sites.

>> No.17292099

cringe posts big guy. moth tier. post some shitty anime pic with it next time.

>> No.17292113
File: 31 KB, 300x281, transcendent-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moth tier?


I have no anime pics, sorry. How about them apples?

>> No.17292121

>trying to lump in unrelated posts
>on an anonymous imageboard
Stop it, newfag.
Complaining about how anons are quick to name the /pol/ack doesn't excuse your mindless regurgitation of the reddit spacing meme.
Also, while you try and come up with another witty reply, keep in mind that everyone can see the IP count not go up and laugh at you.

>> No.17292135

Arktos has a section specifically for books banned by the mainstream sellers. At this point I'm wondering how long until Plato and Aristotle are banned for being fascist authors.

>> No.17292136
File: 9 KB, 200x202, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i'm not new i swear, you're new!
>pfft we're all laughing at you you know
lol cry about it faggot

>> No.17292154
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, desperate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17292165

Poster count has not increased. I wonder why? Could a newfag be samefagging? Nah, couldn't be, he clearly showed himself to be 'in the know,'

>> No.17292167

The Anarchist Cookbook is still on Amazon. Which way western man is gone.

>it’s all so tiresome.jpeg

>> No.17292172
File: 210 KB, 600x806, 236 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-nooooooooo stop posting

>> No.17292177

You might be my favorite poster ever. Please contine.

>> No.17292179

Of course the poster count didn't increase retard. People aren't limited to 1 post.

>> No.17292182

so anons have just started to larp as me and him? Sure that sounds likely.

>> No.17292185

track down the publishers and buy it directly from their website

>> No.17292187

>please please please stop posting i wanna have the last word
not gonna happen champ. been up for days already. even if you manage to stay up long enough i'll just snipe the last post before the thread dies.

>> No.17292189

Sorry, Him and I.

>> No.17292196
File: 171 KB, 827x624, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone but me is allowed a single post in this thread
>everyone arguing against me is a single person
Consider suicide
>inb4 pic related, again

>> No.17292199

Yeah it does actually I do it like half the threads I'm in.

>> No.17292201

You can have the last word, I have no issues with that. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed this. I will leave now and let you have the last word, but please keep posting.

>> No.17292202

I win.

>> No.17292210

Hahaha. Had to respond to say, well done.

>> No.17292258

Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.17292260

>t. lonely

>> No.17292292
File: 1.08 MB, 2925x2160, bookshelf1610410513910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon whose bookshelf looks like picrelated mentioned Chaos Press and Wewelsburg Archives from telegram

also, pretty much the entire catalog of counter-currents.com has been banned off amazon, same thing for most things written by Kevin MacDonald and Jared Taylor.

>> No.17292294


>> No.17292309

it may be difficult to buy from them. Visa and Mastercard ban many right-wing publishers from using credit cards, so you'll have to rely on either cash, money order or Bitcoin.

>> No.17292312
File: 94 KB, 828x480, 1587594473307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. value judgment suzy

constantly sucking more dick to compensate for validity to be recognized by others, when you dont realize that validity should come from yourself,


>> No.17292459

cosmotheistchurch.org or Bookshop.org

>> No.17293526

told you so

>> No.17294263

Do you think with your actions you'll make a difference? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.17294387

I have no interest in reading or owning a copy of the turner diaries, but Amazon's ability to effectively ban books definitely spooked me into collecting a ton of books that I am not in any hurry to read just so I'll have them in physical form if the classics ever start coming into scrutiny.

I take solace in my perception that twitter lynch mobs never actually read anything older than Marx (if they even bothered with that) in college and dismiss the western canon as old, dead white man shit as cope, but you never know.

>> No.17294520

Do you even know who Dr. William Pierce is?

>> No.17294533
File: 9 KB, 250x208, lit books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I don't know how these are still available.

>> No.17294555

>Didn't include Call of the Chinese Jew
Seems kind of gay leaving out the best one