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File: 33 KB, 474x284, Sexual Revolution 60s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17288317 No.17288317 [Reply] [Original]

I have seen it referenced in many things I've read and I think its worth a closer reading. What books are redpilling on the Sexual Revolution, from what it seems its role was to destroy the roots and traditions of Western society.

>> No.17288767
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it didn't happen, any social "revolution" is just us catching up with our technological society

>> No.17288928

It was a femcel uprising

>> No.17289264

Screwball Asses if you want a look into the start of queer theory and how anticapitalistic the gay rights movement was in theory.

>> No.17290985


>> No.17291007

>what it seems its role was to destroy the roots and traditions of Western society.
i.e.. I want books to confirm my incel worldview that le ebil gommunism is the reason I can't have sex

>> No.17292740

seethe degenerate

>> No.17292766

Have sex.

>> No.17292775

I have a Gf so your insult is redundant. You're a slave to your vices, its not too late to free yourself anon

>> No.17292777

have sex incel

>> No.17292804

You'll definitely want Sexual Utopia in Power and Adam and Eve After the Pill

>> No.17292819

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control

>> No.17292828

Any good places to buy this for a decent price?

>> No.17292829

Theodore Dalrymple's Life at the Bottom and any of his essay books really
Unlike other writers against the sexual revolution who approach it from a theoretical perspective involving interviews and "experts", he is an actual witness testimony of the disaster caused by the sexual revolution

>> No.17292917

The author has been recently banned from Amazon because pointing out who some of the people behind Sexual Liberation were is “antisemitic” according to the ADL.
You will have to buy it directly from his website fidelitypress.com
Check out some of his talks to give you an idea on what he is about:

>> No.17292981

All you need to know is ordinary men didn't get it.

>> No.17293359


>> No.17293362

the pdf is everywhere

>> No.17293430

Entertainment for Atheists and women is just sex and crime stories.

This is because atheists and women have morality beyond hedonism, but still have the deep desire to see themselves and being told that they are virtuous. However, hedonists know that they are subhumans, and since nobody tell them that they are righteous, they are addicted to stories about sex and crimes which go wrong, in order to 1/ comment and gossip on the character's decisions, 2/ feel superior to the characters.

Don't forget that atheists and women are natural born schizophrenic so they dont have nay critical thinking in their lizard brain. IE they actually survive by being sex and drug addicts because they see nothing wrong with building a narrative in their little heads were they pass as righteous.

This is why also in atheism, the society is build on commentaries, by editors, journalists and the plebs, and the topics are female centered, ie about sex.

>> No.17293485
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>> No.17293497

>atheists are natural born schizophrenic
Your post was very insightful overall. Why did you go full retard here?

>> No.17293506
File: 24 KB, 466x280, 879588-rytrwcicux-1526734585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world divided between theistic enthusiasts and secularist depressives there is little patience for the atheist who nurtures a passionate hatred for God. The mixture of naturalism and blasphemy that characterizes the Sadean text occupies the space of our blindness, to which Bataille’s writings are not unreasonably assimilated. If there is contradiction here it is one that is coextensive with the unconscious; the consequence of a revolt incommensurate with the ontological weight of its object. That God has wrought such loathesomeness without even having existed only exacerbates the hatred pitched against him. An atheism that does not hunger for God’s blood is an inanity, and the anaemic feebleness of secular rationalism has so little appeal that it approximates to an argument for his existence. What is suggested by the Sadean furore is that anyone who does not exult at the thought of driving nails through the limbs of the Nazarene is something less than an atheist; merely a disappointed slave

>> No.17293538

>Roots and traditions of Western society?
What are you talking about, can you specifically tell us what you mean by this, I'm genuinely curious. Is it Christianity? You a lil Jesus boy? A cock sucker of God? Or maybe you think it's pagan cultures! Yes revive... retvrn. Which? What do you want - is what I'm asking. What don't you ulike about the Sexual Revolution? Is it that sex=bad? Sex outside of marriage equal bad? New Age hippy shit? Or is it anti trad not basedpill libshits? What Adorno had to do with this - I do not know. I'm unsure. Maybe read like, uh, Vedic scripture? Yeah. Do that, learn Sankskrit. Greeks were faggots, (cocks went inside arseholes), and you ideally should avoid that - to remain based and tradpilled, so to speak - so i think you should learn sanskrit.

>> No.17293553

The meds, man, the meds. Take them.

>> No.17293583

Not so much about the Sexual Revolution, but there is a book about the moral decline of the West written by Robert Bork called "Slouching Towards Gomorrah" that you will likely enjoy.

>> No.17294179

Look in to stuff by Stephen Baskerville.

>> No.17294408
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>single motherhood goes through the roof
>with this many children are now growing up impoverished
western society status: absolutely trolled

>> No.17294457


>> No.17294681

I've been asking myself this a lot: why don't people ask for the right to kill babies, let's say, before they are 3 months old since they don't have selfconsciousness already? Murder is to kill another person. A person is a rational individual of the human species, and I believe this is only attainable through selfconsciousness. Therefore, I should ask for rhe right to kill a baby before it becomes a person.

>> No.17294739

because others capable of rational thought say that it's bad to, or because I want to live and wouldn't have liked getting killed as a 3 month old so I'd grant others the same. Or just societal contract theory