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17287844 No.17287844 [Reply] [Original]

>Western civilization is moving towards self-destruction
>100 years later
>still no destruction
Why do /lit/trannies like this psued again?

>> No.17287856


>> No.17287872

>western civilization has endured invasions by persians, barbarians, mongols, black death, napoleon, industrialization, ww1, spanish flu, ww2, cold war

why are radicals (both left & right) so dumb? especially if they're old like adorno or spengler
it's like they just never grew up.. weird

>> No.17287874

>>still no destruction
We're working on it

>> No.17287884

>implying there is any real continuity between ancient Rome and the modern west
It's all a lie

>> No.17287893

Exactly because he's a pseud, reminder he shat on the culture industry and media yet still loved to watch TV. Based af

>> No.17287900

so there has been no self destruction then, just transformation

why don't all radical trannies ever just own up to this and say that the western civilization is going to transform? why do they always got to preach that THE END IS NIIIIIIIGH when the end is obviously NEVER coming?

>> No.17287904

If the West ever falls, it will be due to environmental/ecological issues, not politics.

>> No.17287908

are you not seeing the fucking collapse we are going through, you fucking retard

>> No.17287909

>we're still reading plato
close enough

>> No.17287924

>radically progressing towards the non-human
>no destruction

>> No.17287929

We also read Confucious, does that make China a part of the west?

People have been anticipating the end of civilization for thousands of years. Civilizational collapses do happen, after all how many Sumerians do you know? But as long as there are people left something new will emerge.

>> No.17287935

There is no collapse going on.

If you think whatever current event is happening signals collapse, you're either young, dumb, or a combination of the two.

>> No.17287940

>muh jewish philosophy
No one cares Cohen, go back to r*ddit

>> No.17287941

Who the hell reads Confucious?

>> No.17287943

your entire life as a medieval peasant was to toil your life away for some lord you would've never even met once in your life. going by the same abstract motions of unnatural agriculture over and over again, 1 year describing already all years of your life

how is this human?
what *is* human?
how is what we do now different from what i described above, in essence?
what if you're (along with other commie/anprim/radical trannies) just full of shit?

>> No.17287947


>> No.17287950

>he thinks he now meets the lord he works for

>> No.17287954

>how is this human?
>what *is* human?
>how is what we do now different from what i described above, in essence?
>what if you're (along with other commie/anprim/radical trannies) just full of shit?

>> No.17287960

Both equally cringe doomer theories. Have sex.

>> No.17287970

>western nations losing its economic powerhouse status, every day depending more and more on China
>Europe’s native people being replaced by Arabs
>western traditional values eroded in favor of short-sighted gains and pleasure
>nooo but we have iPhones
Go back, cocksucker

>> No.17287971

>are you not seeing the fucking collapse we are going through
of burgeristan maybe, which the rest of the world is happy about

>> No.17287973

5000 years and going

>> No.17287982

Western nations everywhere are worse than they were a century ago, this is non debatable

>> No.17287984

>>western nations losing its economic powerhouse status, every day depending more and more on China
so just like the middle ages then. what's new?

>> No.17287986

Brown people being able to sit next to you isn't civilization collapsing, chud.

>> No.17287988

it's already dead. only self-serving (also against the interests of the masses under it) economic interests remain. literally nothing else of substance or vitality, people don't know their own values or minds because they have none. even prolefeed media, which already set a low bar, suffers from this.

>Civilizational collapses do happen
yeah but unlike our fake history we project onto them, it's more of a transformational, several hundred year long process. not marked by any particular event, not a collapse.

>your entire life as a medieval peasant was to toil your life away for some lord you would've never even met once in your life.
wrong. fucking retard don't regurgitate what some hollywood film said. feudalism is marked by manorialism in which a lord directly manages his manor and interacts with his court and people. the middle ages are extremely decentralised and only later changes in the system, to property rights in particular, made it into large swathes of land owned by someone you've never met. after the black death farm workers were in high demand and agricultural products were in low demand, so they were extremely well off for like 1/3 of the medieval period. incomparable to the horrible conditions of the modern wageslaves that were around until like the 1960s.

>> No.17287990

>Enoch Powell predicted rivers of blood
>All we have are cleaner rivers with better flooding protection

>> No.17287997

>>western traditional values

>> No.17287999

Ok tranny

>> No.17288001

>cleaner rivers
lmao no

>> No.17288003

>wrong. fucking retard don't regurgitate what some hollywood film said. feudalism is
funny, as it is you who regurgitates common myths. feudalism is commonly recognized by historians as a gross oversimplification and falsity, a non existent entity. there has never been such a system as feudalism, ever, on Earth

>> No.17288005

>western traditional values eroded in favor of short-sighted gains and pleasure
Incel spotted.

>> No.17288010

Looks at the state of our society retard, it's all coming down in front of you.

>> No.17288011

Try harder creature

>> No.17288024

Persians were Western, and it would have been better if the West became Zoroastrian instead of Christian.

>> No.17288029

i know. it's an early modern invention but people use the word all the same. in the near past you'll note it doesn't refer to a system or anything it just means something like 'hierarchical'.

>> No.17288035

Look, Chang, I don’t know what they told you back in re-education camp, but China was never relevant on a global scale until a couple of decades ago.


kek, fucking retards, what’s the matter, you think your degenerate ways were normal back in the day? You’re a symptom of the collapse

>> No.17288038

I don't have to do anything, "civilization is collapsing" for you meaning you're seething 24/7 because you can't have sex.

>> No.17288041

>i know
clearly, you don't

>> No.17288046
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>China was never relevant on a global scale until a couple of decades ago.
american education, everyone

>> No.17288051

>you think your degenerate ways were normal back in the day?
Imagine thinking humans beings were ever not degenerate. Your view of the past is so overly romanticized it's hilarious. I can't imagine how mentally draining it must be wishing to be born in the 17th century every day of your life.

>> No.17288095

Not a burger, chings were self secluded until brits fucked them all the way into opening their ass and their borders, everyone knows this

>no no u don’t understand, there’s a questionable ancient greek vase that shows two men grabbing each other dicks, thousands of years’ worth of capital punishment for sodomy doesn’t matter

>> No.17288115

>what is the Silk Road

>> No.17288129

A Roman invention first managed by Europeans, then arabs, and then Europeans again. Your high-school-degree of knowledge can suck my dick.

>> No.17288133

There's way more than one "questionable" vase depicting gay sex. Isn't there a Socratic dialogue about plowing teen boy ass?

>> No.17288137

>No destruction

Anon i...

>> No.17288139
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>unnatural agriculture

Peasants worked their own plots of land. Tenants and serfs who didn't have the plots to get a surplus of goods (would have a garden for family consumption) to turn a profit worked other peasants' plots or if available a lord's plots. And serfs typically owed no more than a couple days labour each on a lord's plots during harvest. So like a week a year. Tenants (also peasants) owed nothing but rent which was not paid in labour but money or possibly produce (depends entirely on the agreement made, their rent cannot be changed without a new agreement btw so a lord can't just demand more money -- everything they do is complicated network of agreements).

Because peasants are seen as the feeders of society, stifling the food they put into it is a no-no.

>> No.17288171

>There's way more than one "questionable" vase depicting gay sex.
There’s more than one furry depiction online, but thank God we have laws against fucking your dog. I sure hope future humans aren’t stupid enough to think that we were all dog-fucking degenerates.

>Isn't there a Socratic dialogue about plowing teen boy ass?
The one where Socrates explains how wrong it is to be a degenerate faggot?

>> No.17288185

>silk road
>a roman invention

>> No.17288193

Silk Road was first managed by Sogdians, I believe.

>> No.17288223

The silk road was a less than average trade route between China and a few neighboring states before Rome made it what everyone think it was. Even before Rome, Persians were of more importance to it than the Chinese were. You dumb fuck.

>> No.17288322

Low IQ people*
and yes, it is, faggot.

>> No.17288326

>all white people are high IQ

>> No.17288444

> the trad people think a collapse is happening
> reddit fags ideologically and spiritually opposed to them also think collapse is happening (/r/collapse)
> some meek s o y boys on /lit/ thinking they can pass as bullies say nothing is happening

Buckle up, bottom line is, no one has hope anymore. This state can't last forever.

>> No.17288742

>things that weren't implied

>> No.17288840
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leave ze kulturindustrie to me

>> No.17289104


>> No.17289118
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I think it could be contended that insofar as the west is a cultural thing it did fall and the infrastructure/bureaucracy are still standing due to inertia.

>> No.17289130

There is never any shortage of dumb retards claiming the end is nigh. That was true 3,000 years ago and it's true today. It's a con game that can't be proven wrong until long after the false prophet is dead.

>> No.17289137

I'm sorry, how, exactly is "burgerstan" collapsing? Because some chubby suburbanites took selfies in the Capitol on an afternoon frolic?

>> No.17289186

Exactly, just look at global warming activists today.

>> No.17289216


Top lel

>> No.17290234

Civilization is a higher order Will than the mere sum of citizens of a technological multi-"class" communuty.
Western implies something more than merely a "civilization in the west".
The ideals of the past are gone.

>> No.17290238

I must
A woman.

>> No.17290281


>> No.17290368

Thats Western Europe. In England in particular peasants had a pretty good deal (although the days of labor they owed varied and often meant a day every week devoted to working the desmeine). Also don't forget that peasants weren't allowed to mill their own flour and lords often expected the peasants livestock to sleep on his land for fertilizer. There were lots of other small advantages that the lord held over his subjects and I think you need to be careful that in rightfully rejecting the Hollywood depiction of manoralism as outright slavery you don't end up downplaying the difficulties and injustices of peasant life. Even in England where it was milder than say eastern Europe, between the lord and his unfree tenants it was ultimately an extractive abusive relationship

>> No.17290846

What's the point of preserving civilisation? All have risen and fell in the past. Is it simple hubris that we think we've got it right this time? Civilisation seems like a constant game of assimilating multiple opposing forces into a single entity, resulting in constant compromise of its fundamental rules, inevitably ending with either the total collapse, or the civilisation being warped into something completely different. By this metric, all civilisations are doomed to fail eventually, so what it it that draws us to preserve it? Sure basic human necessities for survival are alright, and the system isn't all bad, but you can still have that stuff by other means. why do we preserve the meaningless systems that dictate our lives?

>> No.17291109
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>moral and cultural values have almost completely collapsed
>cultures replaced by mass consumerism and social media
>vast majority of people dont develop skills, just play videogames and browse social media
>people are non functional to the point where a majority of them are eating themselves to death, suicides are skyrocketing, birthrates are collapsing and the dysfunctional western peoples are just being tossed aside and replaced by nonwhites to keep the economy rolling in their absence so the elites can prop up their lifestyles

if this isn't collapsing then what is

>> No.17291120

you literally do not understand why people choose not to be apathetic about the communities and cultures and values and other things that they care about? good lord nihilism is complete mind rot

>> No.17291128

based postmodern trad LARPers

>> No.17291142

>actually caring about peoples well being and futures is tradlarping
honestly anon, what the hell went wrong in your life that you ended up here posting this trash?

>> No.17291152

yes yes you care about other people a lot anon, we all read it

>> No.17291176

not an answer

>> No.17291582

yeah a 4channer is really trad and part of their local community right

you neet porn addict anime fags wold be eaten alive in the 50s

>> No.17291599

Why are you responding to faggot trannies? Learn how to identify the leftypol tourists. They're always angry and bitter, and they always give away by their speech mannerisms that they don't belong here and don't even see themselves as part of the community. "U fuckin losers would get eaten alive by a real BBC Chad who isnt a racist chud" etc. Just ignore them, they come here just to hurt themselves because they hate it here.

I smell your discords on you.

>> No.17291601

projecting neckbeard

>> No.17291610

Bro /lit/ also has Spenglertards

>> No.17291640

>Western civilization isn't self destructing as we speak.
Have you been under a rock the last 80 years?

>> No.17291647

why are you so absolutely triggered by the absence of apathy? seriously, what went wrong to make you react this way?

>> No.17291656

we see through your posturing, faggot. You don't fool anyone
you're another narcissistic LARPer thinking he's the saviour of the white race or whatever corny LARP you need to cope with life

>> No.17291661
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>> No.17291665

You can tell this retard has no idea what he's talking about if he conflates Faustian and Apollonian civilizations.

>> No.17291666

This is like thinking the Roman Empire still exists because the ruins of the colosseum still stand.

>> No.17291709

cringe cope larp seethe schizo

>> No.17291785

its seems a whole hell of a lot like you're just projecting your own bitterness and nihilism. i actually live out my values the best my situation allows, I enjoy spend time with my peers and family and try to be a good influence on the kids, I genuinely appreciate literature and other forms of less mindless cultural works, I exercise regularly, donate food directly to people who need it. im no politician or leader riling people up in the streets to create change but I do the best i can, Id hardly call it a LARP

how do you live anon? does your entire life revolve around attacking people because they arent as aimless and hollow and bitter as you, or is that just tonight's special?

>> No.17292132
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>No you fucking morons dont understand, Hollywood have accurately depicted collapse of society for decades now like omg cities will be in ruin and I will be a roaming badass with a gun protecting my wife from mutant monsters thats the collapse bros wtf is this other shit???

>> No.17292242

>Implying western society isn't a rotting corpse already
And neoliberalism is what killed it in the 80s
Destruction doesn't mean everything looks like fallout ya dummies

>> No.17292262

Because kikes are tranny's natural allies.

>> No.17292268

fingers crossed

>> No.17292271

Western Civilization has already been destroyed. As Heidegger put it, we are living in the oblivion of Being, up-rooted from the Earth, the World, others. Any genuine meaning has been done away with. The West (and the world) is living in a twilight zone.

>> No.17292272

So what the fuck does it mean? It has a strong connotation.
Are you one of those faggots who's responsible for turning a quarter of vocabulary into buzz words?

>> No.17292275

Another le climate change cuck

>> No.17292276

yet most people do not subscribe to the entirety of the values of a certain state. Assume you are right in your idea that our personal communities and values are important (something I'm inclined to agree with) how exactly are those values upheld by civilisation at large. It seems to me that everything has become increasingly homogenized in my lifetime, with smaller, fringe ideologies and ideals being consumed by a larger homogoneic conglomeration of contradictory concepts. Don't get me wrong, I'm not nihilistic, just sceptical of the supposedly pure intentions of a civilisation.

>> No.17292277

>quarter of vocabulary
The entire english vocabulary is buzzwords mong.

>> No.17292280

Because our society literally only functions on abstractions of abstractions in a perpetual cycle.
And if you don't know which book(s) I'm referencing by this you're tough out of luck mate because I can't explain a philosophy's degree worth of theory in 4chan posts

>> No.17292326

>we could have had rad fire temples instead of glorified alarm clocks
yes please

>> No.17292367
File: 1.51 MB, 1876x1200, get fucked lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persians btfo

>> No.17292414

the zoroomer fears christchad

>> No.17292452

I don't even have to know what book you're referencing to know what a cancer neoliberalism has been on society.

>> No.17292625

there seems to have taken place a great proliferation of retards on this board over the last couple years or so, of people only capable of yelling buzzwords and reducing everything to psychological cope because they are too stupid to engage with anything remotely intellecutal, these people are identical to obese blue-haired feminists outright dismissing any cis-male writer

>> No.17292665

People are afraid of "controversial" takes that challenge or force them to reflect on what they've been conditioned is "natural", "moral", etc. so they respond with kneejerk defenses

>> No.17292833

No western country has birth rates that are above replacement levels and they all have like young population that is mostly immigrants. The middle class is vanishing ,religion is dead. Boys dream of being youtubers and streamers, women are actual whores and onlyfans e-whores. Homosexuality and degeneracy are now some virtues, something to be proud off and people applaud you at parades. It's bleak if you could show people from that time the current state of it they would tell you it's dead

>> No.17292842

>The middle class is vanishing ,religion is dead. Boys dream of being youtubers and streamers, women are actual whores and onlyfans e-whores. Homosexuality and degeneracy are now some virtues, something to be proud off and people applaud you at parades.
All of that is based though.

>> No.17292860

Depends on how people place themselves in relation to destruction or transformation

If you cling strongly to some value that over time might be considered traditional, and so, conservative. Then those values might be in the process of being destroyed
If one were to instead place themselves in, maybe, a disinterested state, then the values, mores, cultures and habits are merely going through an upheaval or a transformation

You never step in the same river twice

>> No.17293078

>You never step in the same river twice
You step in the same river twice if you hop in with both feet.

>> No.17293128
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The average 4chan user is an angry young white man, frustrated with his life and society. He is a symptom of the death of the West and similar to the Nietzschean Last Man. He feels powerless to change anything in his world, and believes he can only influence things by posting propaganda within online communities. The anonymity of 4chan allows him to vent his anger without consequences or repercussions.

This typical channer can be described as a bit of an outsider. He feels like society hasn't given him much of a chance or doesn't understand him. Many seem to have bigoted ill informed views indicating limited contact with people from different walks of life. They have a fear of the other, which also includes women and damages their romantic pursuits, reinforcing a cycle of self hatred and misogynistic frustration. They lose themselves in escapism such as video games, pornography, or anime while often claiming superiority over other vulgar consumerists into superheroes and Rick n Morty

I conclude that the average 4chan user would be a lot happier if he wasn't so hostile towards women, and was more open to people from different cultures. I believe that being able to relate to others could drastically improve his life and opening up rather than being closed off would allow them to find a place in the world.

>> No.17293145
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>> No.17293157

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

>> No.17293181

4chan is a release valve for the suppressed undercurrent of the west. its an outlet for people who feel uncomfortable expressing their true opinions in public or feel the need to vent without worrying about sanitizing themselves

4chan is where the disenfranchised go to be free of society's control. pure anarchy and free expression free of constraints of identity, reputation, or societal pressure. the discourse here is the language of the unheard.

>> No.17293201

I really don't understand the position of nazi apologists coming into these threads. Do you really believe that I'm going to suddenly realize that my grandmother, a survivor of Auschwitz, lone amongst her extended family, was really just a unfortunate bystander?

Do you think anyone, anywhere, is actually going to buy that drivel you wrote above?

nazi = nazi = nazi

>> No.17293239

The internet is the new center of discourse. Zoomers are raised on the internet and 4chan has influenced the rise of "alt right" reactionary thought within Gen Z. Likewise, Tumblr and Twitter have become important players in popularizing leftist/progressive/social justice causes among youth. They also play an important role in promoting identity politics, which often leads to hypersensitivity and fear of "microaggressions", exacerbating Gen Z anxiety with feelings of racial guilt. The West's decline is accelerating with the rise of the internet and the generation immersed in it.

The most visible symptom is identity Politics running amok. Many young people these days feel that their race or gender makes them more qualified than white men to speak about certain issues regardless of credentials or knowledge. Backlash of movements like Black Lives Matter and fourth wave feminism led directly into far right nationalism because instead of focusing on economic equality we end up arguing over which identity group gets preferential treatment.

The tradeoff of striving to achieve equality and fix these historical inequalities through the current methods will be a more polarized society leading to a rise of far right political parties as people see themselves part of identity groups rather than working together toward common goals.

>> No.17293381

nah man its not hard to be a racist
yall are fringe af

>> No.17293391

To be fair: he got sexually violated that day. Disgusting behaviour.

>> No.17293402


>> No.17293439

that vernacular only bothers you because you associate it with black people whom you have prejudice against

>> No.17293444
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>> No.17293454

yall crackas be trippin bc yall racist

>> No.17293458

prejudeez nuts

>> No.17293462

he based

>> No.17293468


>> No.17293565

all human beings need some sort of cultural identity if they are to feel fulfilled. those who seek to weaken or destroy western culture are deliberately attacking westerners psyche. they wish to destroy identity for consumerism and the generic globalized monoculture

>> No.17293717

what does adorno have to do with that?

>> No.17293759

nothing, im not blaming adorno or frankfurt school for this or insinuating any cultural marxism conspiracies.

i am saying that the sort of degradation of western culture into being rooted in economic value and standardized production templates crafted by corporations rather than being rooted in the human experience or authentic expression of european's values, norms, behaviors etc. in a way damages the west's psyche by making them feel alienated due to the culture being a product rather than an authentic organic expression

>> No.17293776

It already has been destroyed

>> No.17293802

what is authentic organic western culture exactly?

>> No.17293815

cultural expression produced by the people directly reflecting their values

>> No.17293819

Will to power

>> No.17293837

It's not shitting and pissing and cumming all over yourself, that's for sure.

>> No.17293838

>>still no destruction
I wish

>> No.17293935

Zoroaster also had whiter phenotypes than Jesus due to high steppe admixture.

>> No.17293955

They're attacking literally everybody's psyche anon. This is why I hate globalism so much. All the different traditions and cultures around the world gone and replaced with the lowest common denominator algorithm slop

>> No.17295446
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That doesn't apply to me tho

>> No.17295522
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>>still no destruction

>> No.17295595

>Iceland being heathens as ever

>> No.17295607

>y-y-you s-see w-when he said "destruction" he actually meant "declining birth rates"
you've backpedaled so hard this post can be use as a source of free energy

>> No.17295628

Not that anon, but can you even read? It says "percentage of births out of wedlock", not declining birth rates. At least try to put some effort into your shitposts.

>> No.17295639

what exactly is left of a civilization if its people are gone?

>> No.17295730

The destruction is quite the opposite to the dramatic one you'd imagine. Adorno argued that the regurgitation of tropes and formulaic media would reinforce the way its consumers would perceive the world and their own daily lives. Said media depicts a daily life very much in tune with functions necesary to uphold capitalism (others most earn more due to unpaid wages and treat lower classes unfairly for example) and thus sapped out workers would spend what little precious time they have passively consuming formulaic garbage that basically states that there are no other ways of perceiving a society functioning in any other way the one you see on the screen that by virtue of its process always reflects the condition of the worker itself.
>Culture industry is a product and extension of capitalism and its products robs you of the ability to understand that your life and society overall doesn't have to be the way it is, and with that drones of workers just play along this pathetic status quo.
>"Destruction" = complete alienation, compliance and passivity.

>> No.17295737

>what is overpopulation
We have too many people pseud, were not running out of them any time soon

>> No.17295870
File: 26 KB, 400x400, LZ8RVBBX_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he isn't living the re-animated corpse of a long gone civilization
lol. Where's the culture? Where's the progress? Where's the great men, the great artists, the new ideas, the new projects? Where's the hope? People hate life so much in this place they refuse to reproduce it. Have you been paying any attention to the markets since Mar 2020? Unemployment skyrocketed and never recovered, and yet market cap has done nothing but skyrocket? The US fed just takes on trillions and trillions of debt a month to continue to inject liquidity into the market, to keep capital circulating. Markets are purely a simulation at this point, and the only thing holding this place together is a slave class that keeps commodities from drying up. Western governments can't even organize to eradicate a virus that Asian nations have had far less trouble with, because they simply have no leadership. This place is finished. You are living in the destruction. No civilization has ever once collapsed like so god damned Hollywood movie. This is history, its meaning is only recovered years after the fact as the aftershocks are felt. You think the end of classical Rome came in one singular moment where everyone woke the next day and said "okay Rome is no more" or whatever? Everything happens in slow motion compared to the recollection in the form of history. How illiterate do you have to be to not see this is the end of the line? All we are getting is the indefinite repetition of this hell with zero progress.

>> No.17296165

good post

>> No.17296255

God I wish that were me

>> No.17296279

This is /lit and yet this is an incelpol thread. Go back to the containment shithole board you come from.

>> No.17296337

What are you talking about?
We are literally dangling by a thread above a pit of lava

>> No.17296358

Eventually it will, every civilization dies. Just like any other living organism, they are born, grow, get old, get sick, and die. It's just a question of when. IMO the west is already dead, it's just running on our own excrements and will continue to for God knows how long. It doesn't share the same values it once did, and is virtually unrecognizable from how it used to be.

>> No.17297519

>a more polarized society leading to a rise of far right political parties
And if there's any hope for the west saving itself from total decay and collapse, this will be it.

>> No.17297531

Do you think anyone is going to believe or care about your anecdotal sob stories?

>> No.17297572

Wow, he predicted the rise of consoomer soiboys fixated on capeshit and star wars.

>> No.17297587

Look at this bald faggot. I’m not reading any shite he produces based on his appearance alone.

>> No.17299003


>> No.17299582
File: 156 KB, 640x596, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /lit and yet this is an incelpol thread. Go back to the containment shithole board you come from.