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17287624 No.17287624 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody help me with this?

>Be me
>Went to bar with friends rn
>Girl i went to bar with has a bf
>Bf is chill guy mostly,doesnt seem from around here,looks like cigani portorican lmao (i mean that in a good way)
>Some time passes,in a joking manner the fellow takes something of mine,as a way of,luring me out to speak with him
>To entertain him per say
>So,as the jester,flaunter i am,i oblige and go sit down with him and bargain over my simple hair tying thing
>I start off with jokes,at my own expense here and there,trying to break the ice as usual,people tend to laugh and have fun atmosphere around me
>but this time it isnt
>he is for some reason,deadpan serious with me,his face staring blankly into my soul
>"im not giving this back to you."
>i asked him why
>"You have been "naughty"
>of all things,i think he meant,evil?But asking him he said it would be childish,that i calling someone the word "evil" would be something a 13 year old,something i would say based on my 9 year old emo hairstyle,his words not mine
>"You neglect those around you,act brutish and unsavoury towards them,the only one girl that respects you down there is mine,and you neglect her too"
>i tell him that hes being a bit tense all of the sudden,that hes acting a bit too fast for my tempo
>"no,you remmind me of who i was when i was younger,you just pass threw life,without grabbing it by the balls and living your life"
This is what i wanted some help with friends
>i tell him,though my life is monoton and to some,mundane,it is the life i desire and like
>"have you ever fucked?Have you ever kissed a women?"
>i tell him i have not.
>"Why not?Self worth?you think you are too low for a girl?You think you are too high for a girl?"
>i tell him in the most simplistic of ways that i do not have any need of it yet,choosing to follow my own ambitions first (gym,collage,work etc)
>i do not see it as something worthless,but as something that will come in all due time but now is not the time
>and this goes on in circles
>Like madmen we rabbled on in the bar,he was quite frankly,on his 5th beer,but these werent the waillings of a drunken man,but the inner soul
>"You jerk off?"
>i tell him yes.
>"Wouldnt it be better to not jerk off?"
>i say yes,but i only do it as a biological fullfilment,if my body were to not teese me with it i wouldnt do it
>"What a sad,sad... life you live"
>"you wake up,go to cafe,eat,gym,eat,read and sleep"
>"and the next day you wake up,do the same and again"
>Shortly after,his gf came up,asked me that they were going home if i wanted a ride
>i said id go take a walk,clear my mind up a bit

So i ask you
A simple life,work,gym,read and sleep.
The books i read,teach me of a stoic outlook,i like the simplicity of my life.
Is it ok for me to not have a gf but rather focus on my own goals?

He states that having a gf is the what is most valuble,young love.

What do you say,friend?

>> No.17287694


>> No.17287718

What zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.17287899

If some dude acted like that towards me I would beat him like a steel drum. You can't just let other men demean you and act like they're better than you.

>> No.17287980

Yeah. You’re a retard OP.

>> No.17288034

OP admit you’re just some delusional fat fuck or came from Reddit or /b/ lmao.
Who the fuck does greentext for stuff like that.
“You have been naughty”, that’s the gayest shit some dude could tell you. I would be worried that he means to suck your dick or fuck your fatass. Lmao
“The only girl that respects you” bro lmao that’s the weebest shit I’ve read in my life fuck lmao

>> No.17288045


>> No.17288069

OP you should have kicked the shit out of that guy no joke. In response to your question however, he in general is a weaker man. To base all of your life's values on being in a relationship is how people an hero when they eventually end up single. Keep doing you OP but if you see that guy again knock him out and fuck his girl.

>> No.17288082

Uh alright
And no,I'm not fat and from Reddit I just wanted some advice
I can proudly say I can OHP,bench,squat and deadlift more then you pleb
That would be too harsh?
Beating up a guy over him telling me I get 0 pussy?
That would just worsen the situation lmao

>> No.17288104

Mmm thank you,I just needed a second opinion,no matter how diluted it is coming from this place

Though I see his point,I just like my simple life.
It's has its ups and downs but it's steady and always evens out in the golden middle.

>> No.17288131

Simple life is the best life bro.

>> No.17288149

Did you get your item back, OP?

>> No.17288150

Truth :)

Any book recc for some insight to have a tranquil life?
I've read Marko Aureliuses book and loved it,if you would know anything id gladly appreciate it.

>> No.17288182

You should read Ernst Becker's Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Denial of Death.

>> No.17288206


He gave me a simple,challenge?
Sounded stupid,don't know if he will follow up on it,neither do i
Before I go into this,just know I'm Serbian,translate the word "bezobrazan" the closest I thing is naughty or misbehaving but yeah
Basically he said:
>"Listen,you've been naughty,I'm not giving you your hair band back,actually I'm gonna keep it.Ans you know when your getting it back?When you go kiss that girl.Yeah,until you kiss that girl,I will personally take each of your hairbands"
I shortly just said,uhh ok
>"No,I'll take your hairbands AND drink your coffee"
Now,the thing is,this would normally be ok if it was any other coffee but this goes after my daily routine,so I kind of jolted a bit,said what?why?dude wtf
Then the girl came up and you already know what happens

I just said keep the fucking hair band,and went my way to idk,decipher his drunken blubber

>> No.17288268

Would recommend Walden by Henry David Thoreau, desert solitaire by Edward abbey, anything by Ralph Waldo Emmerson those are the best I can think of off the top of my head. Walden is a must especially if you enjoy nature as well as the simple/solitary life.

>> No.17288602

Oh, you’re from that wave of /fit/ nyr, that’s why

>> No.17288912

Focus on your goals and let loves go.

It’s the best advice that I’ve held onto, and it’s kept me sane in times of breakup. Just let chicks hang out, and don’t Perdue their interest on the blood of your own sacrifices. That blood belongs to your craft.

But by all means, let them hang out, and use your shit. But treat them like you’d the homeless, and don’t give them money.

>> No.17289505

Dude, he's coping and seething btw learn how not to include your entire life story when writing a greentext.