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File: 1.03 MB, 2400x2994, Portrait_of_Milton_Friedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17287034 No.17287034 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have an economics chart?

>> No.17287121


>> No.17287126

bitch are you going to give me a chart or not?

>> No.17287175

stuff like friedman is pure ideology

>> No.17287185

I could have posted a photo of Marx instead idc nigga just give me a chart

>> No.17287199

what kind of chart lul

>> No.17287207

economic theory, I've seen a bynch of charts here on political theory but never on economic theory

>> No.17287213
File: 1.69 MB, 4112x2064, 3rd position economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17287243

Get a textbook, OP.

>> No.17287250


>> No.17287379

Don't read meme books until you grasp basics. Do what >>17287243 says.

>> No.17287392

WTF would you read economics? Fucking retard

>> No.17288678

>This is what marxists actually believe

>> No.17288720

This, they weren't even attempting to be scientific and were quite literal "influencers".

>> No.17288726

He is though. His books are meant to justify libertarian economics therefore they are ideologically motivated.

>> No.17288737

There's a great book written by a finance insider called "Currency Wars." It's a very interesting intersection of macroeconomics and international relations. Not sure if it fits what the chart is going for but it should absolutely be a staple of this board

>> No.17288812

Holy brainlet, please don't reply to me ever again

>> No.17288966

economics is all just rationalization of domination and oppression.

>> No.17288980

Maybe in modern academia, but it's supposed to be the science of decision-making in an environment of limited resources

>> No.17288987

I don't if youre serious but that made laugh

>> No.17289004

Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics

>> No.17289129
File: 576 KB, 1728x1174, Economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a typical ancapish chart

>> No.17289135
File: 830 KB, 1732x1910, ANCAP Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17289141
File: 41 KB, 426x500, 51J7bOjt5BL._SX424_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like others said, read a textbook or take a class first.

>> No.17289179

God even intro level macro is the biggest blackpill ever
>this is how you calculate GDP, real GDP, etc.
>I've been taking this class for 4 days and it already looks like it's just pumping your numbers to game the system and keep the carrot in front of the capitalist horse
>yeah pretty much

>> No.17289394

You should separate Friedman the economist from Friedman the political advocate. As an economist he’s literally among the top 5-10 most influential in the history of his field, his work on monetary history and consumption analysis completely changed the game. As a political advocate he was obviously more of an ideologue, as we all are.

>> No.17289419


>> No.17290400

what about GDP calculation appears to you to be 'pumping numbers to game the system'

>> No.17290518

So you’re a freshman in college that thinks you’ve figured out the system cause you’re bored in your 101 class?

>> No.17291028


>> No.17291066
File: 18 KB, 306x400, the-goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this in the textbook thread. Really good reference textbook. It's pretty new so it covers virtually every topic from micro/macro to econometrics to game theory to even the new stuff like behavioral econ and MMT.

principles of econ by mankiw is the gold standard for introductory econ classes and the first book I had to buy as an undergrad. That's also a decent start but IMO much inferior to pic related.

haven't seen a single good recommendation in this thread otherwise including the charts posted which have been shit. Listen to the other anons who said pick up a textbook first and grasp the basics

>> No.17291124


>> No.17291135

Thanks, I'm saving this.

>> No.17291304

not him, I'm the guy that asked about what books support the fed's policy decisions.

The definition of maximum sustainable growth is an arbitrary number around 3%. From here we play with liquidity to achieve employment of as many people as possible. The more I read about it and watch bloomberg, the more it seems like we're keeping the prices of basic goods low while people fed on those basic goods do ineffecient jobs. No individual position can be shown to be 100% ineffecient, but, say 50%. We're paying people to dig ditches.

>> No.17291342

this guy here again, also, I'm getting my knowledge from the finance degree on my wall and the CFA L1&2 economics portion curriculum.

neat I'll check those out. DESU I'm studying econ again because I don't remember a lot of the nuance because I tuned out as soon as my prof seemed to imply that inflation creates demand which creates supply and the whole world goes around and if things hiccup the fed can inject liquidity and we'll all be okay. Money as an actual measure of labor or production? forget it.

btw I started that degree in 2010 and I just can't shake the idea that all the economics I was taught is propoganda-tier wishful thinking that piling on sovereign debt and increasing the money supply actually fixed the enormous fuckup of 2007/8.

I read the first half of the wealth of nations and everything is so clear and lucid and concrete. But it forces you to draw conclusions that we've been lying to ourselves for 20 years and we're slowly, subtly, and surely fucking things up- not actually making more real stuff than what we leveraged. Then you read modern economic explanations and nothing is concrete and there are phenomena with unquantifiable contradicting effects like liquidity prefence.

>> No.17291343


>> No.17291552

We get it you don't like Keynes.

Why do you say the rate of maximum sustainable growth is arbitrary? It's determined by the rate of technological progress.

>> No.17291571

Nice thanks

Here's a bit of an easier intro to start with third position econ, it's 4 articles

>> No.17292721

Completely depending on what you read. His monetary work was revolutionary. His public stuff is libertarian and near pure ideology yes. Some of his econ work is also motivated by his libertarianism. It's still useful though because it encapsulates an idealtypical view of phenomena, i.e. his belief in perfect intertemporal substitution of consumption

>> No.17292750
File: 47 KB, 450x359, 5415165165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here is one.

>> No.17292772

High School

Principles of Economics by Mankiw


Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus: A Modern Approach by Varian
Microeconomic Analysis by Varian
Macroeconomics by Mankiw
Advanced Macroeconomics by Romer
International Economics
International Economics: Theory and Policy by Krugman, Obstfeld, and Melitz
Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Mishkin
Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Ball



Basic Econometrics by Gujarati
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Wooldridge
Introductory Econometrics by Stock and Watson


Econometrics Analysis by Greene
A Course in Econometrics by Goldberger
Econometric Theory and Methods by Davidson and MacKinnon

Mathematical Finance

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives by Hull [Website and Errata]
Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering by Capinski and Zastawniak
Stochastic Calculus and Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pricing Model by Shreve
Stochastic Calculus Models for Finance II: Continuous Time Models by Shreve

Game Theory

Game Theory by Maschler, Solan, and Zamir
Microeconomic Theory by Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green
Recursive Macroeconomic Theory by Ljungqvist and Sargent
Econometrics by Hayashi
Estimation and Inference in Econometrics by Davidson and MacKinnon
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data by Wooldridge

>> No.17292785

> Money as an actual measure of labor or production? forget it.

What is the quantity theory of money and real money balances?

>> No.17293530

>rate of technological progress
how do you put an objective number on this?

>> No.17293545

Right, I'm saying that all the OMOps are messing that up

>> No.17293657

You make a model and define the residuals as technological progress kek

>> No.17293803

You compare TFP between nations