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17286974 No.17286974 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Susan Sontag?

>> No.17287003

She used to be bored of things, like I am. But I never read anything of her. I downloaded her diary once, but I didn't read it and ended up deleting. Now that I gave up on that, I must ask you, anon. Have you read it? Is it worth it?

>> No.17287012

Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews of Lithuanian[5] and Polish descent.

>> No.17287022

Anonymous poster of Post No.17287012 was born Faggot McFaggotus in Shithole, USA, the son of a bitch and her tranny husband.

>> No.17287044

What's the problem, anon?

>> No.17287046

Ok, that was very informative. But let's take a re(a)d pill?

>> No.17287054

Hard pass

>> No.17287065

all I know is she introduced The Temptation to Exist by eminent master Cioran

>> No.17287067
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Disgusting subhuman kike.

>> No.17287079
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x450, stormy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far.... The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al, don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

>> No.17287146

I think it's funny how she constantly denigrated whites but had the audacity to make a pro-Israel documentary.

>> No.17287154

What's wrong with that?

>> No.17287161

I don't get this white thing. I'm unironically half-Asian and I think I'm white. And she looks white too.

>> No.17287200

She considered herself White.

She was just a depressed "intellectual".

>> No.17287225

Obviously she didn't. And wasn't.

>> No.17287263

She later renounced that viewpoint.

>> No.17287266

Go back to your containment board lit is not for you

>> No.17287269

What's the issue?

>> No.17287275

Kek. She is your typical subverting jew. The “depressed intellectual” part is but a byproduct of her obviously vile psyche.

>> No.17287286

We can identify kikes here without having to check Wikipedia.

>> No.17287288

Why say it in the first place?

>> No.17287295


>> No.17287297

Can you elaborate? That's pretty upsetting stuff.

>> No.17287300

Serious question: Why do all of you hate Jews so much? Why are you so unkind to them all the time? I just don't get it.

>> No.17287309

>jew shits on whites
>why do you hate on jews

>> No.17287312
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>> No.17287320

Susan Sontag is white. She has a Caucasian appearance. She is self-hating.

>> No.17287321

Her diaries, anons. What about them? Or even her other books. Does anyone in the thread ever bothered reading any?

>> No.17287331

*Susan Rosenblatt

>> No.17287338


>let's promote an agenda of race mixing, abolishing voter ids, busing niggers into white suburbs, giving welfare and aid to all races except white people, allowing all races to be proud of their race and heritage except white people, not allowing white people to audit the federal reserve, force the government to give hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Israel that could be better spent in infrastructure or helping American families

>gee why do white people hate us

All we wanted to do was play video games and live our lives in peace, but clearly you shlomos never learn your lesson.

>> No.17287345

Because Israel is perhaps the greatest embodiment of every issue with the white race that she listed.

>> No.17287347

I don't care about any of this. Thought it was some random role play, but noticed that some people are actually fucking retarded. I'm ok with Jews, as in whatever, like any other person.

>> No.17287357
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This desu. I remember she did an introduction to a book I read once and I thought the prose was pretty tight. It doesn't really bother me much that she hated white people since I pirate all my books, so she's not getting my money either way.

>> No.17287360

Also she's dead

>> No.17287363

She is dead, anon. What is wrong with you?

>> No.17287375

But it isn't white.


>> No.17287377

Jews receive money posthumously. Satan channels it to the third circle of hell

>> No.17287394

You are being retarded, anon. I'm ok with pirating but this is bs.

>> No.17287400

I am entirely convinced of my stance and will not change it.

>> No.17287423

Whatever, I won't bother arguing with unreasonable people. Just quit blabbering bs in here. This thread has almost 40 replies and practically nothing useful.

>> No.17287435

You're acting as if Jews control everything, or that they're a monolith, which they're not

>> No.17287440

People make mistakes.

>> No.17287447

I liked her essay on style.

>> No.17287458

Dead Jew, can confirm, although most of us are in the fourth, eighth and ninth circle of Hell.
>those third-circlers robbing us of our hard-stolen money

>> No.17287468

>She used to be bored of things, like I am. But I never read anything of her. I downloaded her diary once, but I didn't read it and ended up deleting. Now that I gave up on that, I must ask you, anon. Have you read it? Is it worth it?

I mean Whites killed millllllioooonsss of natives so yeah

>> No.17287731

>he doesn't know
Have you read any book ever? Even the first history book in the world starts with a bunch of Jews meddling with other civilisations. Then as you read more and learn more history, you'll keep seeing them popping up always in the wrong place and the wrong time. At some point you'll start noticing things then you'll eventually understand. The entire Western culture is full of anti-Jews sentiment and trust me, you don't know better than everyone.

>> No.17287896

It is mostly because of Christian autism. "Muh Jesus ded; it is the Jews' fault."

>> No.17287922

To read history and to keep believing Jews are mere victims who have been unjustly persecuted requires nothing short of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17287953

She wrote the introduction to the selected writings of Artaud and that’s good. Her 9/11 piece is great. Dont really care for the couple writings on aesthetics I’ve read from her though.

>> No.17287974

You'll understand when you read more.

>> No.17288000

Nope. Just not true. And the fact that you keep spewing this strawman fallacy crap only adds to the visceral repulsion non-jews feel towards your people.
Just lying, deceitful, manipulators of language. You want nothing to do with the truth, and therefore nobody else wants anything to do with you.

>> No.17288157

I'm Brazilian, half-Asian. I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.17288745

Jews are full of shit but it's funny to see white Americans try to use them as a scapegoat for their own historical shortcomings.

>> No.17288755


>> No.17289559

>All we wanted to do was play video games
Stfu, fat autist. You were making a decent point before becoming a retarded autistic piece of shit. You have to do more in life than playing fucking video games to live a life of peace, you obnoxious piece of shit. Also, I bet your taste in games is trash, much like your taste in lit.

>> No.17289627

Their religion literally teaches them, from birth, that they are special and given the only truth in the universe and that everyone else exists as glorified cattle who God might one day deign to enlighten. They're also overwhelmingly wealthy in most countries (In the US, 45% of Jewish households have incomes of >$100,000 per year, while for the whole population it's ~20%). They often also pretend to be white people when it's convenient for them, and admit they're Jewish when it's convenient for them.

They finally have their own country and what do they do? "Oy vey goyim, I only want 10% of the holy land. Please, all I'm asking for is a measly 20% of the holy land. I don't understand why you're so unwilling to let me have my rightful 40% of the holy land. Really, I can scarcely survive on 60% of the holy land, but I guess I can make do with just 90% of it."

I'd really like the Jews to all convert to Christianity or Islam and settle in Israel and behave like a normal nation and normal people, but I can live with them just fucking off and leaving us alone. It's pretty telling that pro-Semites open the argument by attempting to deny historical reality. They're not willing to argue that the things Jews are accused of doing aren't worthy of their treatment, they acknowledge it through their focus on debunking claims.

>> No.17289648

Just quit this shit ffs, rant somewhere else. OUT of this thread. People don't know shit about anything and keep bumping to say more shit. I keep looking because it might be something interesting.

>> No.17289693
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>> No.17289730

>special and given the only truth in the universe and that everyone else exists as glorified cattle who God
doesn't every religion teach that
>They're also overwhelmingly wealthy in most countries (In the US, 45% of Jewish households have incomes of >$100,000 per year, while for the whole population it's ~20%).
oh no, they instruct their kids to get ahead and do well in life, how terrible
>They finally have their own country and what do they do? "Oy vey goyim, I only want 10% of the holy land. Please, all I'm asking for is a measly 20% of the holy land. I don't understand why you're so unwilling to let me have my rightful 40% of the holy land. Really, I can scarcely survive on 60% of the holy land, but I guess I can make do with just 90% of it."
the israeli government does not represent the opinions of all jews, most of whom want a two-state solution and end the conflict asap
>I'd really like the Jews to all convert to Christianity or Islam and settle in Israel and behave like a normal nation and normal people, but I can live with them just fucking off and leaving us alone. It's pretty telling that pro-Semites open the argument by attempting to deny historical reality. They're not willing to argue that the things Jews are accused of doing aren't worthy of their treatment, they acknowledge it through their focus on debunking claims.
i live in a tiny midwestern town pop 9000 and have never met a jew in real life alert

>> No.17289907
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>Jews continuing to Jew each other even in Hell

>> No.17289974

I love her, she’s brilliant, I like Pain of Others, Illness as Metaphor, Against Interpretation and her novels. Brainlet antisemitic /pol/tards itt can schlong a dong (circumcised).

>> No.17289976

learn how to actually use this site you fucking newfaggot.

>> No.17290019

Against Interpretation was underwhelming imo. She ends up treating art as this sorta mystical experience and this creates problems in understanding the act of creation

>> No.17290060

no she only apologized for the metaphor of cancer when she got cancer:

According to journalist Mark M. Goldblatt, Sontag later "recanted" the statement, saying that "it slandered cancer patients" but according to Eliot Weinberger, "She came to regret that last phrase, and wrote a whole book against the use of illness as metaphor."

Seems like she apologized for insulting cancer patients

>> No.17290065

This is the fucking literature board, retard. And I'm probably browsing this shit before you even had your first computer. "Muh newfaggot" go fuck yourself.

Anons are unironically fucking retarded. This is filled with shit and over-rationalized vomit.

>> No.17290082

to me shes just one of those "dispensers" of wit and judgement. shes kind of like a small step above a regular journalist, but some ways below a critic. definitely not a philosopher or anything too serious or permanent. i dont know, she always struck me as stuffy and stuck up. definitely prefer paglia by a lot

>> No.17290105

And guess what? This shit, you lost already. No one fucking cares about it. Only some random retards who happen to look after some books and LARP on the internet. Jews probably don't give a fuck about that.

>> No.17290108

grow up ffs

>> No.17290141

Then what the fuck do you know?

>> No.17290155

I read the volcano lover based on a Hitchens recommendation and I thought it was unbelievably tedious. I had to stop about half way through. Did I get filtered?

>> No.17290166

I'm not into conspiracy bs. I know that this kind of thing can be fun, but anons act like retards, as if this shit is true.

>> No.17290680

Asheknazim are white but not European. White is a stand in for Western Civilization aka European civilization.

>> No.17290696


>> No.17290706

More like Susan Ballbag

>> No.17290742

In terms of culpability, America exterminating the Indians is on par with Israel attempting to exterminate Palestine. Clandestine militias, bounties, open warfare, biowarfare, displacement, unilateral treaties, strong arming, etc

>> No.17291324

she looks like Samurai Cop

>> No.17291334

Holy shit she does, good eye anon

>> No.17291936
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that's enough info, they all write one and the same story over again - the neverending story

>> No.17292866


>wahhhhh i walked bob dylan on stage. whoda fuck are youu????

>> No.17292933

Jews are so ugly, the ugliness in their hypothetical souls manifests itself and shows itself on the surface. It's almost like nature's way of telling you to avoid these people.

>> No.17292958
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What the actual fuck. She literally looks like Chazz Palminteri just put a wig on. How is it possible to be this ugly

>> No.17293008

she looks like my mother desu

>> No.17293718

Weinberger is great, it’s a shame I can’t start threads about him around here

>> No.17293735

Kike bitch who hates whites

>> No.17294215

>the american passport is the most coveted passport in the world
>merp whitep eople derp

>> No.17294499

god she's so hot

>> No.17295910


>> No.17295942

Grow up, anon.