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File: 166 KB, 800x1214, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17286355 No.17286355 [Reply] [Original]

why does he look like he could crush your head with his bare hands?

>> No.17286369

Dude looks like he was chiseled in stone.

>> No.17286397

Because he probably could. None of this faggoty limp-wristed weak professor stereotype back then. He probably spent more time training his body than most body builders today.

>Daily reminder that Socrates was a war veteran who literally fought on the front lines

>> No.17286451

>None of this faggoty limp-wristed weak professor stereotype back then
You forgot jew

>> No.17286487
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>> No.17286539
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Proper "comeback" would be to engage the gentleman in conversation, not sit there silently like an autist. That's literally ALL PLATO IS: dialogs in which random people run up to Socrates and try to trip him up and Socrates politely and humbly engaging with them

>> No.17286552

Wasn't there a post in this same thread written on the point of view of the black guy, where the guy is socially anxious and is trying to compliment anon but fails and regret it? It was pretty good.

>> No.17287571

He was literally the wrestling champion and was called "Platon" because he was broad-shouldered, wherein his real name was Aristocles.

Aristotle also experimented and tried for years different exercising and muscle building techniques, which eventually lead to him writing the treatise on the perfect body and how to attain it, too bad it was lost.

People forget the ancient Greeks were literally chad Ubermen.

>> No.17287882

>which eventually lead to him writing the treatise on the perfect body and how to attain it, too bad it was lost.
I wonder how fitness and sports would have evolved if these texts had not been lost

>> No.17287889

he looks like someone who would be btfo by a hobo

>> No.17288617

Nigger probably doesn't know any of these philosophers and was just dicking with you.

>> No.17288773

>reading Plato on the subway

>> No.17288779
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Because he was a med bull just like our guy Nassim. In fact, Taleb probably descends from Plato.

>> No.17288888

Diogenes btfoing Plato is the equivalent of a modern "and then everyone clapped" story on reddit

>> No.17288893

t. Chicken

>> No.17288903
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Should have just given a Chad Yes

>> No.17288910

Not entirely wrong and checked.
But plato, along with everyone that had ever considered themselves a philosopher, got obliterated by Kant. Specifically the part where he says (and I'm paraphrasing)
>like an idiot bird that thinks it would fly faster in a vacuum because there wouldn't be any air resistance, Plato thought he was thinking at a higher level because he thought without the friction from reality.
If enlightenment era epistemology were a slam dunk contest Kant was a 360, between the legs, double backflip dunk from the half court line by someone who wasn't very good at eye contact or social cues.

>> No.17288919

go back to pleddit

>> No.17288923
File: 237 KB, 1700x1700, tendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17288936

Whenever i read this I imagine the black guy pronounced Plato as "Play-Dough" since he doesn't know any better.

>> No.17288961

These bad reconstructions are always such hilarious copes.

>> No.17289012

bitchass kant should have read Theaetetetus
>And is not the bodily habit spoiled by rest and idleness, but preserved for a long time by motion and exercise?

>> No.17289022
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, immanuel-kant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add the image

>> No.17289024

The categorical imperative is a spook, anon. As is "Enlightenment epistemology".
Would you prefer it as "Plah-tonne" you fucking retard? I can pronounce that easily but 98% of your fellow anglos are going to assume I'm having a stroke if I say it like that.

>> No.17289045

He walked daily with such a rigid schedule that his neighbors says they could set their clocks to it

>> No.17289047

A link would be okay, links are okay.

>> No.17289055

You just hate rules because they force you to hold yourself accountable for your actions.

>> No.17289081

Not really, it's just literally a spook.
>"You must obey the categorical imperative because otherwise society will collapse into chaos and disaster!"
>"OK, so what? Why should the perpetuation of this society be an imperative?"
>"Well... I... uh..."
Kant is for rationalist retards who assign a priori axiomatic value to totally unjustified meme concepts like "rational self interest" etc.

>> No.17289099

Holy cringe

>> No.17289121

>But Socrates, what is one to do when confronted with the noumena?
>By Zeus, nothing other than a 360 right out of there.

>> No.17290173

Guess why Clitophon is cut short.

>> No.17290184
File: 25 KB, 375x500, Gottlob_Ernst_Schulze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17291332


>> No.17292847

>the virgin redditor Platonist vs the chad 4channer cynic

>> No.17293084

He was a wrestling champion in his youth