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17285906 No.17285906 [Reply] [Original]

>How did u know I have a philosophy major?

>> No.17286445

Because I teached you, sexed you and then extorted you to buy cocaine

>> No.17286452

Is that the only end, anon?

>> No.17286455

You are a woman and they give those things out for free nowadays.

>> No.17286471

You could also take the Socrates pill. Not shower and bother people on the street.

>> No.17286494 [DELETED] 
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Because you got no job lmao
pic related has a BA in phil and she's now camwhoring to make money.

>> No.17286543

all attractive young women are camwhoring today because society is collapsing and capitalism has failed
>but if they're generating a market with massive demand then how is that a failure of capitalism?
it's a moral failure.

>> No.17286576

Capitalism doesn't have morals. Thus there can be no moralistic failure on its part

>> No.17286602

Are there... actually people on this board who paid money to have philosophy assigned to them? There’s no way

>> No.17286629

Correct. The moralistic failure is on the part of those that allow such a system to propagate.

>> No.17286644

I got some responses that seemed seemed knowledgeable enough, anon. There are probably some.

>> No.17286705

>cuz you are too ugly to marry a rich chad lmfaooooooooooo

>> No.17286727

It's not a failure it doesn't fall short of any moral aims. It just doesn't care about your moralfaggotry and that's based.

>> No.17286736

How is it a failure when it's working better than literally anything else?

>> No.17286746
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>How did u know I have a philosophy major?

>> No.17286755

it's not working

>> No.17286791

hmm lets see. Here in Northern Europe (capitalist) most people aren't poor, they have food, healthcare, and opportunities.

Meanwhile the rest of the world (socialist) is a shithole with actual poverty and hyperinflation

>> No.17286800

You will never be a woman

>> No.17286805

Have sex

>> No.17286820

Women are camhoring today, then, as a celebration, a bodily liberation before the mind has caught up. Pretty rad, really.

>> No.17286826

that's not butters

>> No.17286834

It's not a result of the system, but of the users. We shouldn't allow anyone to propagate. Then capitalism will be flawless.

>> No.17286841


>> No.17286883

There can be no functional society without an ethos. That means we must have morals if we are to have a stable society and Christian morals have produced the finest civilization to date. So we ought to be moral in order to have better lives.

>> No.17286904

True unfettered capitalism should be a reflection of the morals broader society upholds

>> No.17287037

Ackchually phil majors do ok as far as modern BAs go. There are dozens of shittier BAs

>> No.17287149

Damn, unique viewpoint you got there? Did you come up with that yourself?

>> No.17287176

phil majors do better than any other ba and any non applied bs (i.e., only engineering business and CS), by at least a number of metrics lol

>> No.17287188

Ha ha, she's not a Maserati-driving CEO, how humiliating.

>> No.17287217

What we need is revolution, by the people for the people. The majority think that you can win by playing the game of capitalism but it ends up playing you. Wake up and rise.

>> No.17287223

It's because you think the enlightenment thinkers are worth reading.

>> No.17287228

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17287236

Hello fbi.

>> No.17287241

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

>> No.17287242

>Northern Europe
You had 20 years of public education that you nor your parents had to pay for. And yet you are still a complete ignorant of anything related to economy or politics.
Hint - Things aren't black and white. And the term is "mixed"

>> No.17287270

Socialism never took root in America because of state funded persecutions, witch hunts, assassinations, and political trials. And yet the US Golden Age was the Social Democratic New Deal 50's. Read a history book.

>> No.17287285

Capitalism rewards people who take the initiative. The reason why your silly "revolution" won't work is because the initiative one takes to start a revolution will just be used instead to succeed under capitalism.

>> No.17287327

>The New Deal
You wouldn’t happen to actually be talking about the war and post war economy would you? Unless you think FDR’s programs were thirty years late.

>> No.17287385

Ah yes, as we all know Communism was a great success in every single country it was implemented in.

>> No.17287414
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>How did u know I have a philosophy major?

>> No.17287594

Philosophy major here. Lawyer now. Got to have my cake and eat it too.

>> No.17287612

I still regret not majoring in philosophy. I studied something practical that I hate, and I feel like my life is a dead end.

>> No.17287613

Capitalism is working out great for me because I'm smart, work hard, and I made good career choices. You have this opinion because you're a failure.

It would be the exact same in any other system. People like me will take our rightful place at the top, and lazy low IQ people like you will be our doormats. Be better. Take the improvement pill.

>> No.17287621


>> No.17287623

Ah yes, we all know we judge the credibility of a country not by their fundamental political structure, but by their ability to resist foreign interference by coup or assassination handled by the CIA.

>> No.17287641
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Philosophy undergrad + Law postgrad (not burger so it's not called law school) chads reign supreme

>> No.17287680

Philosophy major here. Learned that throughout most of history work wasn't something to be proud of, wasn't how you realized yourself. It was a burden forced upon you by some external power. Of course this doesn't apply to self-employment, which is fine. Moderns have made a virtue of necessity by declaring work a social good. Anyway, that's why I'm a NEET.

>> No.17287817



>> No.17287829

I don't see how being a clerk for people with more power and money than you is fit for a philo-sophos

>> No.17287847

Based butterfly????

>> No.17288111
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>"because you look like you want to kill yourself, but not yet"

>> No.17288160

Fake, people that study philosophy are either richfags with a position at some hedge fund/think tank lined up, or a giga autist academic that finds success in whatever niche field they happen to love.

>> No.17288288

Good grief, it's just a pithy quotation. Calm down. I wasn't really venturing to explain the failure of socialism in American in a single sentence.

>> No.17288736

You mean Philo-sopho. It's dative not nominative.