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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 982x726, brooklyn-manhattan-bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17284750 No.17284750 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ place to live in and why is it Brooklyn?

Also if you are a hick don't even bother posting LMAO. "m-muh rootless cosmopolitan m-muh soulless urbanite bugmen m-muh tradition m-muh wheat fields" losers.

>> No.17284776

>most /lit/ city
>anywhere in muttistan

>> No.17284783

yeah i can't take ppl who don't live in the nyc metro areas seriously, if you live past newark or new rochelle forget it, well, the sf bay area is respectable i guess

>> No.17284836

Clueless normalfag answer
>New York
Decent tier
In the know tier
Literati tier
>St. Petersburg
Elder God tier

>> No.17284861

>inb4ing timeless truths
The most /lit/ place to live is in a non-remote cabin, like Thoreau's, because this place is a well-intentioned LARP but a LARP nonetheless.

>> No.17284921
File: 1.37 MB, 4032x2450, Forest Hills Queens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brooklyn is gay and full of degenerate leftoids, Queens is for right wing chads. Brooklynoids BTFO

>> No.17284928
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What is even going on in Brooklyn? Disgusting stupid podcasts. No art or talent to be found.

>> No.17285147

>Queens is for right wing chads

>> No.17285153

All of these are normie as fuck

>> No.17285157

cope, seethe, and you will never be a woman

>> No.17285200

Queens is only good because it has Astoria, which of course makes it the best borough. Wish Astoria was still a little more Greek, but immigrant neighborhoods are a thing of the past in nyc

>> No.17285246
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>What is the most /lit/ place to live in

>> No.17285258

>most /lit/ place to live
In your own head

>> No.17285283

Zoomers really have no clue

>> No.17285286
File: 378 KB, 1868x1798, D443BAFD-A25E-483D-A90A-6E61E5095096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most /lit/ city is Mexico City

>> No.17285359
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>> No.17285368


>> No.17285415

I lived in Peterburg for a while. Based.

>> No.17285418

Chicago because that’s where F. Gardner lives.

>> No.17285422

Queens is definitely the most based. No other borough has as many Kashmir Shaivists

>> No.17285476

Enjoy getting mugged by pavement apes.

>> No.17285500

Brooklyn rules. What bookshops do you frequent fren? I'm partial to Spoonbill and Molasses myself.

>> No.17285680

What was it like? It looks pretty cool.

>> No.17285866

Not as comfy as Moscow desu. Feels more like a tourist city than somewhere to live. Fucking canals everywhere, it's kinda cool till you realize that's where the stench is coming from... And Russia in general is just full of degenerates. The glamorization of alcohol and despair is aesthetic on paper, but just repulsive to witness. idk. I'm really torn on it. I liked almost everyone I met in Russia, but I hate almost every Russian I meet in the US. I don't know if it's selection bias (emigrants are different from nationals?) or just it being clearer seeing them side-by-side with normal people.
The city itself is pretty cool from a tourism perspective though. Tons to see. Especially if you know about art, I think -- I didn't, so the hermitage + a handful of other big museums were mostly lost on me. I wish I'd known more literature before going there, too. We walked with my group (I was there on a study abroad program) through the path Raskolnikov takes in C&P. We also saw locations D had lived. It was a really cool experience. But I don't think I'd choose to live in St. P.

>> No.17285957

Ahh that's a shame, was thinking of going there to teach English but fuck living in a tourist trap.

>> No.17286012

Who the fuck needs a city? All I need is my own house and a grocery store. My mortgage is cheaper than your rent. I read in my office or my living room or my screened porch or my back yard. I'm 25. Fuck cities.

>> No.17286056

North Brooklyn died years ago and you faggots killed it art can never thrive in a place where the rent is as high as it is currently

>> No.17286065

oh, I didn't mean to say it's a tourist trap exactly. I just think it's probably more interesting as a tourist. Other than the sort of touristy things, I'd think it's just a normal city.
You have to remember, when most of these novels set in Petersburg were written, it was the capital. And also, just living in a big-ish city was exciting to a lot of people. Petersburg is cool but it's just a city. All cities are alike, or, there are two kinds -- those developed pre-automobile and post-.

>> No.17286069

Only first world megalopolis... you kids are so pampered.

>> No.17286073

>All I need is my own house and a grocery store
You people lament the downfall of community yet say shit like this

The only people who are afraid of Chicago are pussies who have never been there.

>> No.17286085

Nigger how is fucking Samarkand a megalopolis? it's not 1400

>> No.17286092

Brooklyn is for faggots with podcasts and even bigger faggots who wish they had those podcasts. It should be obvious that the most /lit/ city is Carthage, Texas.
Yeah I'm also scared of driving directly into a concrete wall at 100 mph

>> No.17286106

>Yeah I'm also scared of driving directly into a concrete wall at 100 mph
What are you even trying to say?

>> No.17286136

Have you seen Chicago's crime rates?

>> No.17286140

Turkey, Hungary, Czech, and Russia are not first world, dumbass

>> No.17286153

Oof, too bad these guys had to go so Twitter could pretend their bans weren't one-sided

>> No.17286155


>Aspiring authors then: I'll go fuck prostitutes in Hanoi and smoke opium in the fields of Laos to find my muse.
>Apiring authors now: I need a Manhattan apartament or a studio in Prague to feel inspired.

>> No.17286156

Based anon

>> No.17286168

Shitposting faggot.

>> No.17286210

>authors then
Stevens was a lawyer in Connecticut, eliot was a London editor, Kafka was a bureaucrat, Proust was a literal neet, etc etc

>> No.17286278

Ah, Forest Hills. A lot of people I knew from church lived there so I spent some time going there. Truly the nicest part of Queens. Also very white for New York, but also very expensive.
Most of Brooklyn is not very /lit/, if you're aiming for Williamsburg why not go for Chelsea or Greenwich Village instead?

>> No.17286361

Split, Croatia

>> No.17286390

Literature is dead
Cities are dead
God is dead

Everything is fucking dead.

>> No.17286435

Couldn't care less about community, I'll stay at home with my loving wife. Grow a brain and a dick and stop being a weenie

>> No.17286498

>$4000/month studio apartment that reeks of body odor because you can’t afford to take showers

>> No.17286600

I live in northern new england and it's pretty damn good, I'm not sure what criteria you consider. It's quiet and a good space to think. Good relations with neighbors, friends, and family - it's tight knit. Plus the natural world is beautiful and we get all four seasons in full force.

>> No.17286739

>everyone should copy me
Peak solipsism. Get the fuck over yourself

>> No.17286988
File: 283 KB, 595x585, 49AA83EF-311E-4B4E-AF82-08B7FAD75B7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did my neighborhood filthy, I wish I could move back, but I would never be able to afford it.

>> No.17287000

ive lived in new york city my entire life, brooklyn included. any part of north brooklyn with white people is a complete cultural deadzone now. dont do it... move to queens

>> No.17287030

I live in a shitty suburb and not Chicago proper. I just say I live in Chicago because it sounds better, even if it is totally false.

>> No.17287073

All of you fucks no nothing.

Let me enlighten.

Iowa City, Iowa.

World renowned writers workshop, farmers lifestyle, actual small business, they literally have quotes from famous authors in the fucking walkways its so /lit.

>> No.17287074

As opposed to the guy claiming his "borough" is the best. You should stay on twitter with your kind

>> No.17287306

I don't even know if I'd wanna move back honestly
my parents still live in green point but its so foreign whenever I go back

>> No.17287323

Your books suck shit

>> No.17287329

>he doesn't write in 1st century BC Alexandria

>> No.17287354

gibs golabki and pierogi

>> No.17287402
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>> No.17287404
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For me? It's most small fishing towns in the Maritimes.

>> No.17287405

Iowa City is dinky as shit and its theatre is basically community theatre, even at the University. I did my undergrad there and haven't been back.

Prairie Lights is also overrated to fuck and back.

>> No.17287410

Also, the "world renowned writers workshop" hasn't produced anything worth reading in decades.

>> No.17287474


>> No.17287482

Has anyone here done the IWW MFA? Very curious about applying .. or if it’d even be worth bothering

>> No.17287531

horrible idea.

>> No.17287552
File: 110 KB, 1023x1024, 1608788988141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our neighborhoods culture was damn fine, it was there where I found my love of writing. If only it were the same as it was a few decades ago. Considering that I would have to ditch my guns to move back, I reconsider.
Also I wish I kept in contact with the few people I made acquaintances with :((

>> No.17287577

this seems like a great answer and I love stan rogers

>> No.17287598

It changes more and more and more every year but I'm glad I get to go back often since I just live in jersey
Curious about how you made the decision to leave the city and buy a bunch of guns

>> No.17287602
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Incredibly based. Keep it quiet though, let's make sure the Maritimes stay pure :)

>> No.17287606

>What is the most /lit/ place to live
Anywhere I am will be the most /lit/. Just follow me.

>> No.17287609

OK you deracinated faggot

>> No.17287610
File: 407 KB, 796x1060, 1606372622724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where you gonna take us breh?

>> No.17287619


>> No.17287626

It wasn't choice, our family was evicted due to the rising costs of living.

>> No.17287669

On top of the Alps, once submerged by sea. There the open mountain ridges sometimes look like abandoned cathedrals. There you can pick up serpent-clad stones who developed green scales under the burn of scalding deep seawater and who were later carried atop the mountain as they sludged they way out of the ocean, only to sleep in the fresh air for a hundred thousand millenia, and at last to be picked up by none other than you, anon.

Also, there may be goats.

>> No.17287720

Actual writers looking to read and write:

>> No.17287722

based and sils maria-pilled

>> No.17287732

You’re a dickhead

>> No.17288002
File: 296 KB, 602x474, New-English.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lived in Leeds for a bit, it wasn't /lit/ at all. Don't go there.

>> No.17288499

Anywhere, if you're not a brainlet.

>> No.17288508

Arizona, in the desert. Unironically

>> No.17288914

west texas over Arizona imo

>> No.17288915

That scene looks so fucking claustrophobic.

>> No.17288970

Lefties hate the police so much. They have no fucking idea how many Americans don't even deserve to be in the general population.

>> No.17289261


>> No.17289284

new york was literary up until the 80's when it started becoming a new disneyworld for rich people. i'm talking the days you literally couldn't walk in most places after 7:00pm without a very decent chance of getting mugged

comfort and wealth isn't as good of a driver of artistic talent as rich faggots would like you to think. have you actually seen the arts and culture community in NYC lately? good grief

>> No.17289312

same thing happened to san francisco, honestly

>> No.17289316

there are plenty of good artists, you just need to know where to look

>> No.17289387
File: 225 KB, 1197x1002, seel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way the elites convince urban proles to look down on rural proles is exactly the same thing they used to do making white proles look down on black proles.
>I read the NYT and live in this 5 million person city so I am elite :3 dumb hicks haha

>> No.17289599

>you just need to know where to look
The cry of every faggot aware of how shit his city is. I'm sure all the good artists are just hiding in a brownstone that only you know about.

>> No.17289610

dude, have you looked at the nypost lately? they got so much great security cam footage of authentic muggings, deblasio is bringing them back so tourists can have a more authentic experience

>> No.17289618

underrated reply, smartest man in the thread. cities are the AIDS of human living arrangements. I'm trying so hard to leave.

>> No.17289620

i mean yeah, basically.
who are you friends with?

>> No.17289636

i moved upstate during covid but i miss the city, or what it was before. but it’ll bounce back, it always does. might be a fucking shithole but it’s the greatest city on earth and the level of talent and drive it attracts are unlike anywhere else i’ve ever lived.

>> No.17289645

As insufferable as faggots who say Koenigsberg instead of Kaliningrad. The old city from your history books is gone, accept it. It's Istanbul.

>> No.17289671

>emigrants are different from nationals?) or just it being clearer seeing them side-by-side with normal people.
In my experience, emigrants love to play up their own national stereotypes. Every Russian I met abroad actively enjoys to play the role of "tough alcoholic MAN!" and they will play that role. They'll behave like obnoxious drunks because they assume that's what their role entails or something.
I also notice this with Canadians abroad who insist they're immune to the cold because theyre Canadian, and Aussies who think they're Steve Irwin and give us lectures about spiders and shit
>t. Worked in a hostel in Munich

>> No.17289674

Living in the East in the current year is definitely not /lit/. The East died in the 60s. It's been a shit hole since the 70s. It's so damn dirty and grimy and devoid of nature I can't imagine the mental gymnastics to think it's nice.

>> No.17289680

fucking kek, this is exactly why i browse the nypost. it's like liveleak on there some days, what the fuck happened

>> No.17289682

>first world
>Turkey and Russia
Granted, Petersburg is first world, but Russia outside of Moscow and SP is pretty gnarly.

>> No.17289685

Czechia is definitely first world.
Hungary however, yeah they're still kind of teetering on the edge.

>> No.17289758

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.17289809

Is that a non-sequitur?

>> No.17290008

Tranny tier
Faggot tier
>San Francisco
Eleven year-old girl tier
Clueless normalfag tier
>Any European city
Decent tier
>Any city not listed above
In the know tier
Literati tier
>El Paso
>Port Angeles, WA
Elder god tier
>Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
>Sioux Falls
>Sun Valley

>> No.17290025

Most of those places are in a septic tank.

>> No.17290041

Slowly but surely becoming like that again

>> No.17290064

>Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
>population: 1,159

damn son, where'd ya find this?

>> No.17290077

do you think yang can win as mayor? supposedly the polls have him up by 1 point over the closest democrat

>> No.17290114

Kek didn't even know he was running. Would be ok if he does I guess. Nothing can be worse than bill desu

>> No.17290187

Just the fact that Flannery O'Connor went there, who has been probably the best American writer after Faulkner died, puts it ahead of any other "prestigious" university.

>> No.17291155

Third world environments are not conducive to good writing. I live in New Delhi and I want to hang myself everyday. It’s almost anti-inspirational as a place

>> No.17291239

You literally posted the most Jewish part of Queens. But yeah, aside from that I'd have to agree Queens is the best borough.
>t. Woodside Chad (formerly from Jackson Heights)

>> No.17291244

>Wish Astoria was still a little more Greek
Fuck Greeks, especially the ones from Astoria. Probably the least pleasant people I met in New York. Glad that their economy is tanked

>> No.17291336

Nah. 19th-century writers from the West almost exclusively referred to Istanbul as Constantinople and I will do the same.

>> No.17291409

I used to live on the Woodside/Jackson Heights border, on the Jackson Heights side. The parts of Woodside I ventured into looked mostly like trashier Jackson Heights if I'm being honest, but it was stuff near the expressway around 35th avenue or so. I spent some time closer to 61st and the other side of Roosevelt Avenue by the LIRR tracks as well and it wasn't much better. If you take a walk in Jackson Heights from around 72nd street on 37th avenue all the way to about Junction Boulevard, it's honestly pretty cool. The best segment of course is the mid 70s and the 80s, it gets real nice and comfy. The Indian stuff closer to 75th street has its highs and its lows. Not the biggest fan of the Hispanic stuff on Junction but technically that is Corona. Meanwhile walks on 35th or 34th avenue are peak comfy residential homes. Does Woodside get as good?

>> No.17292428

I wish I got to visit NYC before covid

It will never be the same, pretty sad.

>> No.17292600

yeh this all sounds about right.

>> No.17292892

Roma & Firenze: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahaha

>> No.17292898

how do i know that you're czech?

>> No.17292902

Byzantion t b h

>> No.17292906

Rome already had a solid literary tradition while the whole american continent was not even known.

>> No.17292912


>first world

>> No.17292920
File: 129 KB, 564x845, 2A68D157-71D7-4BF7-9D86-AF9C50B55EAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petersburg and Moscow is first world
pic related is Moscow. how is that first world?

>> No.17292921

Ale ne, nejsem.

>> No.17292932

>St. Petersburg
how are these /lit/?

>> No.17292949

>liked almost everyone I met in Russia, but I hate almost every Russian I meet in the US.
My experience as well

>> No.17292950
File: 189 KB, 900x600, A7F1B9AC-11D9-49B8-9E7D-95D68B903EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third world hellhole

>> No.17292959

no one cares or even knows where Prague is tho

>> No.17292967

that's on the edge of the city. Inner city is only rich people, it's nice

>> No.17292979
File: 99 KB, 602x402, 198271A3-783E-40CD-B38E-7C5DA4FD01BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the truly first world, inner city of Moscow that's only for the rich people then

>> No.17293045

According to some anons in this thread, it should be perfect for creativity. The shittier it is, the better.

>> No.17293100
File: 50 KB, 600x401, 29mon1web-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>United States is first world
pic related is US how is that first world?

>> No.17293125

Any city or town will have a ramshackle building anyone may photograph and say "see, it's horrible."

What you've done worse than merely cherry-picking. It's asinine.

>> No.17293175
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>> No.17293183
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>> No.17293189
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>> No.17293192
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>> No.17293196
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>> No.17293200
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>> No.17293202

that's not the inner city, that's novaya moskva and some trash around it. I'm talking about the area inside the ring line.

>> No.17293210

>you are not who you think you are
>you are not who I think you are
>are are who you think I think you are
I've been traveling all over the world (I'm romanian) and thisholds true in every single case. You would have to be extremely self-aware and in tune with yourself to go beyond stereotypes.

>> No.17293211

all the same american city

>> No.17293229

living in a big city is gay and retarded

the key is to live within 1 hr from them but still in a nice woodsy area

>> No.17293240

>I'm just love being in my intellectual desert of a suburb!

>> No.17293247

E for effort, I guess. Everyone knows the whole of America is not like your photos which you desperately cherry picked.

>> No.17293268

Never said all of america was like this and there are many other city's I could do this with
Just showing that having poverty doesn't mean somethings not first world

>> No.17293291

“intellectual desert”
holy fuck this was a gay thing to say that’s nuts you even typed it

>> No.17293372

If you don't like like Ted you are a fag

>> No.17293807

That's because it was still named Constantinople at the time, brainlet. The name Istanbul became official under Atatürk in the 1920s

>> No.17293814

Looks like it could be in parts of Germany desu. Even Finland has horrible brutalist buildings in many places.

>> No.17293834
File: 39 KB, 554x554, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in Belgium (Charleroi), the heart of the EU and Western Europe.

>> No.17293864

>And Russia in general is just full of degenerates
But Spb is overflowing with them. It's got a reputation for being the most degenerate city in Russia. In fact, most degenerates I know are either from Petersburg itself, or have close ties to degenerates living in it.

>> No.17294062

What post-industrialism does to a MF

>> No.17294108
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>what the fuck happened

it's not exactly out of character for the ny post

>> No.17294162

I'd believe it, I just didn't know enough to say confidently. you russian?

>> No.17294353

That's what makes them /lit/

>> No.17294647

100% correct

>> No.17294907

personal experience anon

>> No.17295053

>what’s 1+1
>and no you can’t say 2 shitlord

>> No.17295078

rootless cosmopolitan soulless urbanite bugmen, seek tradition and wheat fields, faggot.

>> No.17295137

>El Paso
I grew up in El Paso, love it, and visit often, but its not a particularly /lit/ city. Its general vibe and lifestyle is, but the people are frankly pretty dumb which will eventually get to you and squash any intellectual endeavor.