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/lit/ - Literature

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17284040 No.17284040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could your favorite book get you a gf?

>> No.17284074

Kill yourself

>> No.17284079

Good thing I already hated women or this post might've affected me

>> No.17284089

She was right about everything

>> No.17284097

And these women wonder why they're alone.

>> No.17284105

Reading Russian lit gets you laid though. Especially Lolita

>> No.17284116

I hate this post so much

>> No.17284128

Hegelbros, will ever stop winning???

>> No.17284153

Sounds pretty based, these women are doing my work for me.

>> No.17284159

filtering themselves?

>> No.17284168

What else

>> No.17284178

> Hegel is generally okay
Imagine dating someone who's dumb enough to think they understand Hegel

>> No.17284188

My favorite book is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, where would that land me?

>> No.17284195

My favourite book is I and thou, I get all the jewesses

>> No.17284200

A man wrote that post, likely MTF. I can tell. I never miss.

>> No.17284201

Yeah, panties get soaked when you name-drop Martin Buber.

>> No.17284209

Teach me your ways.

>> No.17284210

You get a gf by being attractive, anon. That's it. There's no secret

>> No.17284211

In the "hasn't read a book since high school" camp, I'd guess.

>> No.17284215

Was thinking the same thing...

>> No.17284232

I didn't read it in high school though. Also checked.

>> No.17284243

If I met a girl who knew half of those authors she’d have to scare me away with a gun I’d be so persistent

>> No.17284246

>avoid anyone into Aristotle, Nietzsche, and especially Derrida and Foucault
What's wrong with Aristotle?

>> No.17284254

Posting Reddit here should be a hanging offense

>> No.17284258

He is extremely dry and very few people actually understand the novelty of his important ideas, most "Aristotelians" today just LARP about his logic, questionable politics and outdated Virtue Ethics.

>> No.17284263

>Yeah, god is present in each and every I thou interaction
Can hear the water drops

>> No.17284264

i wish

i'm a tranny so I long to die

brainlets misconstrue him as an actual authority on things with genuine value in the thing he says rather than a historical curiosity

>> No.17284276

>i'm a tranny so I long to die
well stop being a tranny

>> No.17284284


The real reason that tranny listed him is muh-soggy-knees, as their comment about Durant makes clear.

>> No.17284285
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>> No.17284295
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Fantômas will make her panties drop by themselves.

>> No.17284299

can't, it's something in the very depths of my essence

trannies don't post on femaledatingstrategy retard

that board is literally just seething plates that got twisted one too many times

>> No.17284311
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every single book conversation I've ever had with a female:
>so anon, what's your favorite book?
>[any title that isn't YA fiction or assigned reading in high school or college]
and then they make this face

>> No.17284323

"weeb shit" is a dead giveaway

>> No.17284325

ok woman

>> No.17284329

That’s is the most nonsensical post I’ve ever seen lmao. Especially the second half with all the damn generalizations about people who read basic philosophy and Russian lit lmao. Kek

>> No.17284337
File: 15 KB, 625x102, Screenshot 2021-01-14 103251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a comment from that thread kek

>> No.17284338

>me: Do you like poetry?
>she: Ooooh, yeah.
>me: What poets do you like?
>she: mostly Rupi Kaur.
never not predictable

>> No.17284341

Huh. Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever heard a woman use that expression (or even care to know what it means). Good catch.

>> No.17284344

brb, going to read all the books stated as red flags by this image and idealize them.

>> No.17284346


>> No.17284355

What's questionable about his politics and outdated about his virtue ethics?

>> No.17284365

>outdated Virtue Ethics
Alasdair MacIntyre seething rn

>> No.17284369


>> No.17284377

>it's something in the very depths of my essence
You're not a tortured poet anon get over yourself

>> No.17284384

>can't, it's something in the very depths of my essence
yes, mental illness usually is but its treatable don't let the brainwashing get to you

>> No.17284395

Same goes for the fact that they know about Sun and Steel and praise the Durants' history books. The only people I've ever heard talk about either are insecure teenage boys.

>> No.17284396

>avoid Foucault

I thought women like being dominated.

>> No.17284402

I wish the jannies did their job, newfags have destroyed an already ailing /lit/

>> No.17284404


>Russian lit


>> No.17284420


>> No.17284427
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Yes, I'm sure she would be delighted to read The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.17284441

I appreciate her detailed outline of which books make you a Chad unburdened by the interests of women

>> No.17284446
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Why would I want a gf?
Just say it's The Trial or The Myth of Sisyphus and you'll score all the one night stands you'll ever want.

>> No.17284476

My real problem with this post is how she and her friends pigeonhole men into categories that they may not necessarily fit into, and also do not account for diverse taste and human nuances. In other words, fuck this shit. That said,
>Anna Karenina
would probably get me a gf.

>> No.17284477

Except they're not, you're delusional

>> No.17284482

surely if you have literary standards for the people you date, you don't need a guideline?

>> No.17284484
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>> No.17284490

God I wanna bust her fucking skull open

>> No.17284493

I've done both but never did I got laid because of having read Russian authors

>> No.17284494


>> No.17284514

>insecure teenage boys
God fucking damnit

>> No.17284559

That's exactly what she said
>he's most likely a pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
You ought to stop paying so much attention to the words people say, and pay more attention to what they're telling you.

>> No.17284581

Black women (which looks like the main demographic of fds) would use the term weeb shit. But I'd be skeptical that a black women read all those authors.

>> No.17284589

>kant and hegel is okay
Which one of you did this?

>> No.17284616

Pretty funny and accurate on most counts

>> No.17284618

its just how i talk no bully pls

>> No.17284624

>If their into world history in General its fine as long as its not just WW2,

Has this fucking cunt even read a book since high school herself? The grammar is fucking atrocious. No one with an IQ this low can never begin to understand any of the philosophical works referenced in the final couple of sentences.

>> No.17284661
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She didn't mention any authors I read, besides Dickens (although positively). I bet she would love it if I stuffed her hatchet wound full of moss

>> No.17284670

that's how you do it:
>"so anon what's your favourite book?"
>"Gargantua and Pantagruel"
>she quickly checks Reddit
>it's not on the list
>the book must be okay
>she checks wikipedia
>she sees that it's from 16th century France
>surely, I must have said that to impress her
>she decides to test me
>"what do you like about it anon?"
>"the poop jokes"
>we fuck all night long

>> No.17284684

with my dick

>> No.17284710
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>no Nabakov
We’re in boys

>> No.17284744

I got that impression too
WW2 paragraph for me

>> No.17284779

What's left, though?
Like this is basically saying "if the dude likes books more than a regular person then avoid them"

Like, the post implies I can't name a female author because it's just to get me laid, so then the only ones that come to my head that I like that aren't already excluded from this list are Kafka and DFW. I can't even pretend to like Jane Austen.

>> No.17284877

>What's left, though?
F Gardner

>> No.17284898

g. fartner

>> No.17284915

She is spot on about Sun and Steel being ruined by BAPtwitter niggers
Mishima, Junger and maybe Nietzsche are like few writers these shits know and they treat them as a self help crap

>> No.17284949

>Pynchon among a list of others completely different from Pynchon
>They're allowed to like history books but not history books about the two most popular history topics for young men
>Theorycel Kant & Hegel philosophers are okay but the utterly normie Aristotle and Nietzsche are not
Some perplexing choices, or at least they would be if I took women seriously

>> No.17284982

ie. Men LARPing

>> No.17284987

What? Atlas Shrugged is ok. I'm not really into it, but it is the kind of book that I would be ok giving to my kids (considering that they are teens). But she has a point, imagine dating an Objectivist in 2020. That would probably not be that bad in the 50s. And what is wrong with Margaret Atwood? KEK this woman is a fucking illiterate trying to pass as well read, someone pretending to really like a book written by a woman? There are a shit ton of great books written by them. Obvious. KEK Mishima litfit anons. I didn't read it all, what is about it? (I'm not that fit and not into related literature). What is wrong with that? Aristotle and Nietzsche? Derrida and Foucault? Why the Charlatan is allowed? And Kant is normie tier, this doesn't say anything about anyone.

>> No.17284991

cyclonopedia by reza negarestani. am i gonna make it bros

>> No.17285008

Based Pantagruelistbros. What's your favorite of the 5 books?

>> No.17285021

I'll just tell her that reading is for nerds

>> No.17285030

Not an easy choice but I'd probably go with Pantagruel. And you?

>> No.17285031

>trannies don't post on femaledatingstrategy retard

>> No.17285037

based deceitful anon

>> No.17285081

>Like this is basically saying "if the dude likes books more than a regular person then avoid them”
Anything other than a surface-level enjoyment of a hobby is off-putting to any normalfag woman.