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/lit/ - Literature

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17282015 No.17282015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real for a moment.

Most people here hate women because they are creatures intuitively capable of spotting chins in men's armour, and feel absolutely disgusted by weakness. If you find yourself hating a woman, then most likely, you were hoping to win their approval but ended up finding out rejection instead.
It'd be more productive for you to go fix the issues that cause you to be so bitter and so utterly devoid of self esteem, instead of taking it out against existence.

How can I know if I am doing this?
If you find yourself supporting any of this views, then you are probably weak and resentful of rejection by females.

>Anti natalist
>Islam (They are the most insecure men on Earth, I know cause I grew up in a Muslim country).
>Conservatives (Christianity)
>Male feminists
>Incel Hatedom
>Reading books

>> No.17282020

I hate women because they are stupid retards. Didn't read the rest of your post, seemed like you were a woman so I knew it wouldn't be worth reading.

>> No.17282023

The only thing retarded is to know women don't listen to logic, and insist that they do. You might aswell go bitch at the waves for crashing on the shoreline.


>> No.17282025

Great literature thread.

>> No.17282028
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>> No.17282026

Shut up. If you were here right now I'd punch you in the face for being a woman.

>> No.17282027

vegan and antinatalist groups have women majority you retarded faggot.

>> No.17282031

>Most people here hate women

>> No.17282032
File: 22 KB, 333x499, THEBOOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you agree, here is my book recommendation

>> No.17282040

>incel hatedom

lol youre a virgin faggot

>> No.17282042

Sadly for you, I am a 6'2'' 220 lbs /lit/fit/izen
Nah, women are the biggest haters of other women. If you payed attention you'd know, this is why they slut shame each other, it brings them down in the female hierarchy which relies mostly on reputation and prudeness

>> No.17282052

>Islam (They are the most insecure men on Earth, I know cause I grew up in a Muslim country).
>Conservatives (Christianity)
So basically everyone on Earth. Brb, gonna become a meat-eating Siberian shaman with twenty children who burns books for warmth in the dead of winter. No (you)s necessary. I've already given up on written lan

>> No.17282060

Unironically, yes. If you think about it, all civilizations are about men hating on women because they are the gatekeepers of nature, the ''sorters'' so to speak, which spot qualifying good traits to pass on into the next generation.

So it is no wonder men rape and hurt women

>> No.17282064

>Nah, women are the biggest haters of other women. If you payed attention you'd know, this is why they slut shame each other, it brings them down in the female hierarchy which relies mostly on reputation and prudeness
meathead gymcels have seriously worms in their brains.
improve your reading comprehension fucking animal.

>> No.17282069

Let me guess, you are one of those that only trains at the library. Kek.

>> No.17282198

Civilization is about men taming human passion through reason, to bring forth order out of chaos.
Likewise, man (reason) must necessarily dominate/tame the woman (emotion) in order to create civilization.

>> No.17282259

I hate women because they’re evil. No two ways about it, unless they’re your mother and not a narcissist, they will be evil to you in the end. They’ll scandalize you to other women, they’ll lie about you, they’ll fuck the invading Chinese army while your bones are being rained on in some battlefield. No two ways about it, there’s an evil in them.

>> No.17282275

And ironically, OP, your mindset of “they see the chinks in your armor” is the exact type of mindset which will make you hate women. Because women will betray you out of convenience. They’ll betray you because you’re far away. They’ll betray you because they’ve felt bored recently or they drank too much alcohol. You have that self-same cuckolder-cuckoldee mindset which convinced you the hero gets the girl. I know women who’ve cheated on masculine men with borderline homosexuals. It’s whatever they want, and whenever they want it, and if you aren’t giving them what they want when they want it then they’ll do something wicked. That’s the heart of narcissism.

>> No.17282277

>If you find yourself hating a woman, then most likely, you were hoping to win their approval but ended up finding out rejection instead.
Painful, but true.
The real question is, what should I do about it?

>> No.17282287

>If you find yourself hating a woman, then most likely, you were hoping to win their approval but ended up finding out rejection instead.
Nah, I'm just gay and women are annoying.

>> No.17282288

Fart rape

>> No.17282292

What is wrong with this?
Stop acting like my big brother. He is also a gymcel meathead like you who never misses an opportunity to joke about my "nerdy twink personality" in front of my only friend and sometimes in front of his gf.

Just leave me alone you braindead animals.

>> No.17282317

You're a self hating incel I can tell

>> No.17282320

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17282322

Lmao hope she sees this, fucking faggot

>> No.17282328

The trouble is that men have the capacity to channel their sexual frustration into things greater than themselves, and always have done. Unattractive women just get fat and dye their hair.

>> No.17282329

>Unironically, yes
This poster has never slept in 0 degree weather, and should be ignored when he speaks on nature.

>> No.17282340

>because they are the gatekeepers of nature
There is absolutely nothing natural about current human mating in the West and need to realize that

>> No.17282343

You're so close to spotting a perennial truth, but you can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.17282351

Then tell me it. since I’m “so close” it shouldn’t be hard

>> No.17282357

Seriously take your meds

>> No.17282468

Brutally raw anon.
>They’ll betray you because you’re far away.
>I know women who’ve cheated on masculine men with borderline homosexuals. It’s whatever they want, and whenever they want it
I have an anecdote that strengthens this argument:
>month ago ex classmate comes from France to visit. Let's call her "Stephanie"
>she is living there with her then fiancee, but he didn't come
>guy is a Chad and and successful engineer, good looking and with good prospects for the future
>reunion among ex classmates is organized, a pool party
>at some point I ask her how her fiancee is doing
>"Good, good. We're marrying next month!"
>I just respond "Glad for you guys"
>later in the afternoon, one of the ex-classmates, typical feminine, self-absorbed, narcissist type guy, borderline homo, starts low-key hitting on her. Let's call him "Peter"
>Stephanie complies and "joking around" starts giving hypothetical situations that obviously showcase her interest, as in "imagine Peter was my boyfriend..."
>later in the evening, we're all moving over to some other place to chill
>Stephanie: "hey guys, I'm going to Peter's place to take a bath, we'll be joining you soon!"
>everyone else is confused, the pool house clearly has everything you need to take a bath, why didn't she take it there?
>they show up hours late to the other place
>Stephanie is all jumpy and perky, constantly giving Peter complicit looks and comments
>Peter looks absolutely exhausted and tired
>we all know what happened, no one says anything
>some days later she returns to France
>fast forward to last week, we receive news Stephanie and her fiancee are getting married
>everyone congratulates her, including Peter, as if nothing happened
Gotta love the human race

>> No.17282488

All of humanity - male and female - is evil. You're just fixated on the evil of women because they have something you want.

>> No.17282494

I’m none of those. Fuck females, I’m all about the dickness

>> No.17282497

>If you think about it
You should.

>> No.17282505

y r u gae

>> No.17282596


>> No.17282604

What about Kali Yuga?

>> No.17282610

Absolutely not, I believe in the Kali Yuga myself. Kali Yuga is not an excuse to hate women tho, it is a reminder not to become feminized, not to hate the feminine.

>> No.17282634

Stop caring about genital stimulation.

>> No.17282715


>> No.17282750

Women just don’t interest me. Not in looks nor in personality. I don’t have resentment or deep seated hatred, I just really don’t care, and prefer not to engage with them, whether it’s their works in the humanities or with them socially.

>> No.17282794

>His gf is not an aeronautic Engineer
>He only knows women in the humanities
I pitty the fools

>> No.17283126

Why does this thread have 42 replies when I make a thread about books and it gets pruned by a fucking janny in five minutes. Fuck you!

>> No.17283134


>> No.17283142

Incels conquered nations, you zoomzoom faggot. Modern incels are just of the globohomo variety - spineless, weak and glued to comforts that they deem so valuable they won't abandon them to reach their reproductive goals. Monogamy became a thing because of incels. Male leaders always had to consider that they couldn't risk non-leaders becoming bitter and hateful towards them and their harems. Try to understand how power works first before lecturing others how to check if they are weak or not, you little bitch.

>> No.17283453


>> No.17283482

I hate women because they're retarded faggots

>> No.17283663

you are ugly, never will have sex, and will be weak and disgusting for the rest of your life. you are a pseudo-male who ought to be shot

>> No.17283701

You are perpetuating total falsehoods, shameful.

>> No.17283721


>> No.17283724

>women have X talent, therefore you must obey
>no proof

This is an often repeated strategy for when women wish to have unwarranted authority.

>> No.17283735

Women are ok, but I prefer cute guys.