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File: 91 KB, 960x800, 1608772787215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17279517 No.17279517 [Reply] [Original]

I have never read a philosophy book that didn't seem like it was written by an annoying pseud.

>> No.17279520

>I have never read a philosophy book
Of coure. You're a woman.

>> No.17279526

Johanna was just coping because she knew her work would be forgotten and show would be remembered only through her son.

>> No.17279527

KEK triggered.

>> No.17279536

*she would be remembered only through her son.

>> No.17279543

Imagine being a woman kek. Must be a shame that you can't into philosophy

>> No.17279547

Based tough love mom.

>> No.17279553

total KO. schopenhauer completely BTFO’d.

>> No.17279554
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>> No.17279559

Kierkegaard is comfy if you have a soul.

>> No.17279568

Didn't Plato say that misanthropy comes from betrayal from others, especially early in life? For what is the individual to know other?

Seems pretty accurate.

>> No.17279576
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>> No.17279580


>> No.17279582

Desu there is academic literature explaining Schopenhauer's misogyny through his mom's bitchiness. She was so awful his dad literally committed suicide.

>> No.17279618
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Women get triggered by people who challenge the status quo because their inferior brains are 99% of the time wired to protect the existing power structure for the sake of social dynamics.
The only thing that gets a woman to change her mind is a show of force/dominance.

Basically psychologically all women are whores because they spread their psychological legs for whoever is providing them with stability/comfort.

All women are whores=women are sellouts with no integrity and its genetically hard wired into them unless you get a 1 in a million woman like that mongolian khan's daughter who wrestled men.

>> No.17279631


>> No.17279648

You in the pic?

>> No.17279675

I wasn't sure exactly how bad she was, but either way Plato's point is right in this case of Schopenhauer. As it turns out, his mother was so bad it negatively effected his social relations and feelings about humanity for the rest of his life.

>> No.17279688

Well said.

>> No.17279698

Her mom sounds like my ex lmao

>> No.17279731
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surprisingly good post. anyone have that lolita copypasta about all women being slaves

>> No.17279733

Little Schopie was only 19 when she wrote this letter (I crunched the numbers). His mom was a stone cold bitch.

>> No.17279751

holy based

>> No.17279799

why would you hate women? It's like hating trees or the ocean

>> No.17279802

I don't hate women, anon.

>> No.17279813


>> No.17279827

Based. Women can't read.

>> No.17279836
File: 114 KB, 200x200, 1464134785253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never read a 4chan post hating on philosophy that didn't seem like it was written by an annoying pseud.

>> No.17279843

Imagine saying this to your 6 year old son.

>> No.17279845


>> No.17279848

I dont get it. Is that gif supposed to be a jew? With the nose and weird looking eyes. Do you not like jews or do you just pick out the first meme that shows up in the Google results?

>> No.17280448

This is 10x better read in Joker's voice.

>> No.17280453

only bunkercuck trannies use these images
t. not evne a polak

>> No.17280521
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 1610483804106m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, literally every exceptional person or thinker in history ignored women and hecklers to get where they did.

You get nothing by playing by the rules other people try to set for you, especially as a man. This is basic wisdom anyone over the age of 15 has. Kys deadend grub.

>> No.17281041

because i will never lose my virginity and that makes me sad

>> No.17281047

wow she's actually pretty cute

>> No.17281071

It is not that great, anon. Just saying. And no, I haven't had to pay.

>> No.17281079

I had a terrible mother and was abused by women during childhood, including female teachers, so I can't trust them. They also generally exhibit loathsome and hateworthy behavior. They are typically petty, bitchy, narcissistic, cunning, hypocritical, cowardly, entitled, and stupid.
>It's like hating trees or the ocean
That's an insult to trees and the ocean.

>> No.17281082

It is a bit disappointing if you consider all the fuss people do about it. Like when it happened, I thought: "Is that it?"

>> No.17281089

Not all women are like that, anon.

>> No.17281102

And don't get me wrong, it does feel good. But I dunno, I think it is mostly about hormones.

>> No.17281124


I have read philosophy from the 1600s to 1800s
I'm trying to read Plato now
Are there dialogues where the person "interviewed" is intelligent and not ridiculed by Socrates? So far everything Ive read is Socrates "owning" people, sometimes with falacious arguments

>> No.17281130

KEK I'm not exactly sure, but he does provide some explanation in the Republic. But that is not how you are supposed to read Philosophy, anon. Just read and understand it, search for 'holes' after you finish it.

>> No.17281131

Women are so irrationally proud that they would rather psychologically destroy their own children than accept they are wrong.

>> No.17281133

A highlight on that "some," because it is mostly what you said.

>> No.17281140

In the dialogue "Parmenides" the philosopher Parmenides shows the flaws in the young Socrates' thinking. It's also probably Plato's hardest dialogue.

>> No.17281146

Most of them are. The only ones that aren't are ugly ones, but they'd be the same if they were able to get away with it. Women are just fucking trash compared to men. It's the oldest of elephants in the room.

>> No.17281249

If men weren't trash too they wouldn't allow this too happen. These things have happened because men have forgotten God and started thinking with their dicks. In other words, in lack of an objective authority of morality, the only authority becomes the dick, and the dick tells men they should listen what Eve says and take the forbidden fruit.
>"and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor."
1 Timothy 2:14

>> No.17281290

They develop this as they age. But most use their "power" for egotistical purposes. The best you can do is what >>17281249 said, 'outgun' (as in get educated and perceptive) them. And don't think with the wrong head.

>> No.17281296

>>17281290 I'm the quoted anon
But some are really cool. I had a bunch of cool friends that were beautiful.

>> No.17281310

i am glad this bitch was wrong

>> No.17281326

There's good women out there, but all of them have this one virtue: they're humble and know their place as followers. Proud women who want to lead and rebel against authority are destructive creatures.

>> No.17281390
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I hate women!

>> No.17281411

No, some are ok. I had a friend who took "control of stuff" without being a bitch about it. But in the end most are people, they have their own faults.

>> No.17281419

She looks so much better like this

>> No.17281448

Thank you anon, also check em. Nice Hitler dubs.

>> No.17281475


>> No.17281729


>> No.17281846

Are you being ironic or are you a high level sociopathic incel?
Do you know John Stuart Mill?

>> No.17281892

this statement tells us considerably more about OP than it tells us about philosophy books

>> No.17281913

Shame true Hitler 1488 dubs didn't happen ITT and further bless it

Shut up, STUPID woman.

>> No.17281934
File: 127 KB, 699x1024, 1609619864851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true though, all philosophy books are written by pseuds that bring absolutely ZERO value to modern thought.
Tell me, what was Cioran achieved besides trap you men into the shadowy tentacles of Nihilism?

>> No.17281944
File: 102 KB, 1312x1902, cynics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it.

>> No.17281948

That letter could not be a bigger reflection of truth, Schopenhauer got obsessed with knowledge because he felt insecure and inadequate. It was a chip in his armor. Women are born to detect such things and to be repelled by suck weakness.

It was inevitable that this would happen.

>> No.17281962

It doesn't matter though. Schopenhauer is a world renown philosopher who inspired countless artists, poets, and composers. No one gives a single fuck about his mother. Insecurity and a sense of inadequacy can be exactly the right ingredient to birth greatness in certain individuals, the desire to prove others wrong in your abilities.

>> No.17281977

It DOES matter though. It doesn't matter to you cause you are not a woman having to select a suitable mate based on biological wiring you cannot control. And, which have been crafted through time to intuitively spot weaknesses in men that makes them unsuitable candidates for long term survival.

So why the fuck would you hate women? If you were one, then you'd be acting the same way

>> No.17282022

Poor fucking Arthur... I mean she probably had her points, but he was 19 in 1807, can you imagine being a teenage version of Schopenhauer?

>> No.17282037

He made a harsh critic on his mother stuff, anon. That is probably why she wrote that letter.

>> No.17282048

brutal. he sounds like an insufferable twat of the highest order.

>> No.17282071

No it doesn't matter. Schopenhauer obviously felt that he had something to prove, or to give to the world, and that he was equipped with the intellect to do so, so why would he give a shit if he came off as boorish and rude to women, that he wasn't able to cater to their needs or (shock horror) to the needs of his idiot mothor? Beethoven was the same. Why would you care what some banal roastie thinks about you if you can write a symphony while deaf?

>> No.17282076

He was a fucking 19 years old. The woman was a cunt.

>> No.17282080

It was her job, anon. She probably used that to raise him. She has a point to be mad about it.

>> No.17282083

>Why would you care what some banal roastie thinks about you if you can write a symphony while deaf?
It is a silly question, because they did care. Why? Because no matter how many contributions you give to this world, there's no single man on Earth that does not want the approval of women, there is of course, those that delude themselves in thinking they are above this or immune to it. But it is just a cope.
Much like an emo that wants to kill themselves cannot help but move away when a car comes speeding down and threatens to run him over.

Such is the power of nature

>> No.17282085

Yeah, that's why his father killed himself. She was so pleasant that he could no longer bear it.

>> No.17282091

I mean, I don't know if she was cool. But he was a bit of a jerk with her, not sure if it was "justified."

>> No.17282094

He was a weak man

>> No.17282101

And what are you, conglomerating with outcasts and freaks?

>> No.17282110

You don't understand. Their legacy renders meaningless whether they desired the approval of women. Of course they desired the approval of women, being men, I'm not disputing that. What I'm saying is that it obviously doesn't mean shit in light of what that desire gave to the world, indirectly in the form of their creative work. I can tell you're probably a woman because you can't think beyond the basic social dimension of "that they channeled their feelings fruitfully into enduring works of human thought and spirit doesn't matter; that they failed with women renders it all meaningless". People read Arthur Schopenhauer today, not Johanna Schopenhauer, so I really couldn't give a fat shit what Johanna felt or thought.

>> No.17282119

I'm unironically trying to fix this shit.

>> No.17282126

Anon, I hate to break it to you.
You are here forever.

>> No.17282133

Well, I grew up as an outcast and freak so this place still feels like home despite now knowing, and being able to do better in the normie scene
I am actually a guy, so you seem unable to really tell much. Ironically, you suffer from that which you judge me of, an inability to see past beyond basic social dimensions (of men) to consider both sides.

>> No.17282137

No, I can leave it, anon. This place is boring. If I get back to college I doubt I will get back to here.

>> No.17282143

I can see the woman's side, I'm just saying the woman's side is silly and irrelevant when you take the bigger picture into account.

>> No.17282149

I'm here mainly because I can have some fun trying to mess with anons.

>> No.17282174

You're right. Philosophy should be called stupidity. It gets way too in the weeds of semantics, meanings and being and could have been really great and even helpful but no, its dominated by idiots

>> No.17282214

This, thousand year worth of Philosophy can be completed discarded and dismissed by doing something as simple as getting a job, exercising physically or socializing

>> No.17282298

KEK anons, Philosophy is involved in a thing called Ethics. Which is supposed to be a thing in every profession.

>> No.17282306

Holy shit she is way much prettier

>> No.17282316

Oh it is that girl. I dunno, she had a mocking smile that was kinda cute.

>> No.17282324

But she uses too much makeup, you probably can't even recognize her without it. That might be the reason for it too, considering that people buy her fucking bath water. KEK

>> No.17282325
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>He thinks Philosophers define Ethics
Let me see if I can abstract this enough to explain.
Philosophy is nothing but a rack. It brushes in the darkness, in copes to couple up leaves together into a pile, so that when the light is switched on, one might see them clearly.
But the leaves exist irregardless of philosophy.

Make sense? You don't need to know philosophy to engage in ethics.

>> No.17282338

Dunno, anon. Have you actually bothered reading a Philosophy book? Doesn't seem like it. Laws are a thing too. Maybe you should read a book called the case of the espeluncean explorers and see if you can find any Philosophy in it. It is a quite interesting read even if you are not into Law related things.

>> No.17282369

There is an instinct making you look for them, even when you know it's terrible. Society is set up so you have to pretend to take women seriously (though that's just an effect of the above instincts).
>inb4 hurr hate the instinct, not the women
No, both. If only because women manipulate men through those instincts.

>> No.17282378

We found a coooooool guy, everyone

>> No.17282394

He is right, you need to go back.
Have you tried meditation? It makes you more aware of and in control of your instincts. That's why buddhists with their obsession of desire place so much importance on it.

>> No.17282421


Some women are reasonable, anons. I miss a friend from college sometimes. But I'm so crazy that I couldn't help but think that she was trying to do something with me. And it ended up that she was just being cool to me.

>> No.17282435
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>ywn bride-kidnap bell dolphin

>> No.17282451

he's not 6, that's the date

>> No.17282459

He was 19 but it's still awful. Imagine having a mom like that, oh god

>> No.17282460
File: 942 KB, 579x586, 908786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do redditors need to take every image and turn it into a gay wojak meemee

>> No.17282701

Lol someone just triggered reddit.

>> No.17282758

>Imagine having a based mom like that
Fix't it for you, you s o y f a g g o t.

>> No.17282767
File: 76 KB, 700x765, B759504D-153B-4D41-A5C3-3148CA344009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only bunkercuck trannies use these images
>t. not evne a polak

>> No.17282777

>be gone, THOT
his roastie mom was unable to comprehend his genius
big surprise, I know

>> No.17282838 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is up with all the 13 yo posting lately

>> No.17282850

Like mother like son

>> No.17282911

Read "On Women" without knowing who wrote it and you'd realize he's telling the truth. You're not necessarily wrong, but resentment sometimes fuels the best literature.

>chip in his armor

The phrase you're looking for is either chip on his shoulder or chink in the armor.

>> No.17282920

Cioran isn't an edgy pessimist. He liberates men from ideology and megalomania more than any anyone since the cynics and skeptics.

>> No.17282930

At 19 most people were old enough to be take on the role of proper men. I think she was genuinely upset that he was a brilliant mind but such an intolerable person. Tough love, so to speak

>> No.17282985
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You simply don't understand. We will take the woman's position to be, in this instance, that "a man ought to meet the proper standards of social decorum; that is, he ought to be friendly, polite, have a degree of charm with women, in short, be perfectly benign and ordinary and therefore capable of catering to a womans needs. Well, Schopenhauer evidently wasn't ordinary. There is a supreme clarity and yet a certain kind of intellectual ferocity and passion that permeates through his writings, quotes out the ass in this language and that, untranslated of course (because fuck the plebs) a remarkable ability to condense down and crystalize difficult to comprehend ideas in such a way as to make them perfectly comprehensible (the hallmark of a great intellect), a searing contempt for charlatanism and obscurantism, all of which could not have come from such a well tempered and ordinary man as Johanna wanted him to be, the soft docile mommy worshipper than never puts a foot out of line, that never attempts to do what mommy does BEST. Yet without that irascible nature there would never have been a Wagner, a Proust, a Mahler, A Tolstoy. In fact it's that very nature, so repulsive to women, that male willingess to be a social ghoul and upset people, that is indirectly responsible for the very best that the human race has accomplished: the symphonies of Beethoven, Calculus, the transcendental aesthetic, and so on and so on, all produced by social goblins, all produced by a woman's failure, all produced by who, were they born today, would be labelled incels. So I can tell you now that the woman's perspective was absolutely and unequivocally WRONG in this instance, and that in fact Johanna was really nothing more than the archetypal wrathful mother who wants nothing less than for her son to succeed. Now if Schopenhauer hadn't been so talented, and was deluding himself, then Johanna would have been in the right, naturally, but he wasn't, so she was wrong. Really, a woman want's nothing less than for a man to succeed in spite of them. The old saying "behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes", it's completely true. Irrefutable. If ever you find yourself having incurred the wrath of a woman, count it a victory.

>> No.17283052
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Holy fucking based. Have a rare Schop

>> No.17283058

and yet, her words are remembered as we see in this thread and nobody knows what Schopen wrote beyond cope about Hegel

>> No.17283070

NOOO The Charlatan

>> No.17283087

>nobody knows what Schopen wrote beyond cope about Hegel
You're the dumbest nigger on this board

>> No.17283093


>> No.17283123
File: 33 KB, 500x483, Pepe 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Based Scho was aganist normalfag and normalfag roast*es. The only worthwhile people are the ones who separate themselves from masses. His essay "On Women" was a critique and not a conclusion. Schopenhauer was one the greatest radical feminist in the history of philosophy.
This is what Schopenhauer said about anti-normalfag women :

“I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.”


>> No.17283179

And yet Schoppenhauer's classes were empty where Hegel's were full.
He might have been a great thinker but he was a bad teacher where Hegel was a great one in both. It would have benefited him greatly to follow his mother's advice and temper his character.
Being a good teacher and surrounding yourself with intelligent students is key for the development of your thought, and its no surprise to me that Schoppenhauer fell into the bitter pessimistic strain of thought that he did.
being a decently palpable person would most likely have improved his academic success and through that improved his thinking as well, but its no surprise to me either that incels on 4chan have trouble realizing that.

>> No.17283194

I bet you feel really righteous right now

>> No.17283481

I read a book by Charles Taylor the other day. Really enjoyed the overall tone as it felt like listening to a well prepared course (which I love). I suppose it helps that he is a professor at McGill.

>> No.17283600

The worst thing is these kind of do look like me and it's extremely hurtful

>> No.17283606

Based, brother

>> No.17283655

You sound like you're on HRT

>> No.17283665

why are you assuming those guys are leftists?

>> No.17283672

Oh, everything to absolve the woman, fucking simp

>> No.17283673
File: 90 KB, 500x1200, A4F3F06C-7CC6-4768-8CBA-710642F2E8A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but its no surprise to me either that incels on 4chan have trouble realizing that.

>> No.17283680

Why are Americans allowed to exist?

>> No.17284379
File: 58 KB, 347x320, 1600577181867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my own trips and I haven't noticed them
until now

>> No.17284400


>> No.17284700
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x2434, 20210114_132544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post was too based, i had to save it.

>> No.17284753

In his defense while Schopenhauer WAS a totally insufferable pessimistic faggot, for a mother to talk that way to her own child would be so damaging as to complicate the problem irrecoverably--which, as we see with Schopenhauer, is exactly what happened.

>> No.17284943

He was a teenager then? Someone change the graphic to make him look like a zoomer