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/lit/ - Literature

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17277901 No.17277901 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys use it, is it worth having or Im good without it?

>> No.17277910

Probably worth to keep track of things. There are alternatives, but it doesn't seem that bad by itself. I don't really use it.

>> No.17277961

>is it worth having
Holy shit, dude, you're not paying anything.

>> No.17277971

i like it, allows you to keep track of what you read, get some stats and see what your friends also read

>> No.17277990

If you're using any kike service, you're paying something.

>> No.17278159

I love it

>> No.17278187

>Do you guys use it, is it worth having or Im good without it?
It exists only to gamify your experience of reading books. Got to set goals, got to update my library, got to review books and get likes from nobodies - it all exists to keep you coming back to their site so they can make money through peddling ads.

Use a pen and paper to track what you've read, or like normal people just maintain a bookshelf.

>> No.17278197

>It exists only to gamify your experience of reading books. Got to set goals, got to update my library, got to review books and get likes from nobodies
But that can help motivate people to read

>> No.17278208

At the expense of selling your soul to the devil.

>> No.17278209


Yes, I use the letter g regularly.

>> No.17278212

Yeah, it's great, I use it all the time. The /lit/ group is sorta dead, but there's plenty of active users who are members there.

>> No.17278215

You say that and unironically frequents /lit/. Go figure...

>> No.17278220

Yeah but my brain has been broken so setting a reading goal and seeing it progress helps me to read.
So I like it.

>> No.17278224

>But that can help motivate people to read
I don't have any advice for people that need external motivation to read other than for them to find the nearest rope.

>> No.17278373

I have an account but don't really use it, you can mark what you read, they have this yearly book reading goal which you can set, you can create lists, bookshelfs, if you explore the site you might find good recommendations, or find a well written review, and so on and so on.

Just try it out, some authors use the site as well which you can follow.

>> No.17278379

what a bitter pseud

>> No.17278398

I award you 20 good boy reader points.

>> No.17278415

>Yeah but my brain has been broken so setting a reading goal and seeing it progress helps me to read.
You know you don't need a website that harvests your data and shoves ads down your throat to set goals?

>> No.17278440
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>> No.17278475

why the fuck do you keep harping on about ads? are you a boomer? use add-ons

>> No.17278527

>why the fuck do you keep harping on about ads? are you a boomer? use add-ons
Because it's the entire reason the website exists, regardless of you ignoring them.

Even if you do block them they get a personalised insight into your habits that they can sell to advertising affiliates without your knowledge.

>> No.17278534
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It's good for keeping track of books and seeing what your friends are reading. Beyond that it's a dumpster fire. Don't look at recommendations, don't look at reading lists, don't look at "Best of ___" lists, don't look at reviews. It's basically a highly functional notepad for me.

>> No.17278538

oh my, how terrible. they're going to use my anonymous data to improve amazon algorithms. the world is going insane

>> No.17278555

Since /lit/ turned into another shitposting board goodreads is my primary source for finding new books. Their recommendation algorithm kinda works so I am happy with it.

>> No.17278559

>the world is going insane
At least we can agree on something.

>> No.17278575

That is my fear, anon. The algorithm. Do you feel like turning into sheep? The more you read, the more you become like other people who have enjoyed the same thing?

>> No.17278577

Decent for keeping track of what you read, but so is a word doc, pen and paper or your brain. The recs are ok, you have to look into a specific work for good ones, the ones they give you on the home page are usually trash (Well from the mobile version I've noticed)

>> No.17278589

I use it for the algorithm and my lit friends. I dont like the reading challenge but I set a token one to get rid of the reminders

>> No.17278592

Letting an algorithm shape your worldview is incredibly careless. Whether it's your Facebook feed, Youtube, Goodreads etc. You don't know, and can never know, the intentions of a corporation.

>> No.17278606

Yeah, I completely turned into a sheep because the goodreads algorithm told me that I might like to read "Cycles of Time" by Roger Penrose. And then I went to gen lib, downloaded it and read it on my onions-reader.

>> No.17278608

if it's free, you are the product

>> No.17278621

Amazon will unironically mind control people with artificially generated books before the turn of this century. Just saying.

>> No.17278627

Nothing wrong with that. I would gladly be a Bezos' drone.

>> No.17278629

>Yeah, I completely turned into a sheep because the goodreads algorithm told me that I might like to read "Cycles of Time" by Roger Penrose.
I mean, it does sound like they herded you fairly effectively. The fact you're unquestioning about it is further evidence you make a very good sheep fren.

>> No.17278631

Shouldn't have turned /lit/ into a shitpost bonanza anon. 1 1/2 years ago or so I got most of my recommendations here by lurking, now if I look in the catalog most of the times I just leave right away. I am a slave to the goodreads algorithm and I love it.

>> No.17278638

This, but unironically. I want to consoom Amazon shit.

>> No.17278646

>now if I look in the catalog most of the times I just leave right away.

>> No.17278662

he's right. externalities are not authentic or sustainable sources of motivation. before you know it you'll be making book choices just to look good on some website built for data harvesting. it's twitter or Instagram for books. every time I read some overwrought review on goodreads I think about how the user could possibly think their views matter, have value, or were worth their time to express. embarrassing

>> No.17278667

At least I read a book this week. How much have you read this week? Least year? And how much of your time have you wasted on this hellhole here? Don't really care about an answer everyone lies on the internet. The algorithm gives me books to read and I read them for the glory of my beloved coorporations. Did you know that most of the physics books I read are sponsored by Moderna? Pretty cool in my opinion.

>> No.17278671

Say that to the AI processing everything and figuring out how the minds of people change through reading certain books.

>> No.17278675

I'm not sure it's better to indiscriminately wait for whatever fecal pap falls out of CNN's or NPR's asshole.

>> No.17278693

You're seething, I obviously hit close to home.

>I'm not sure it's better to indiscriminately wait for whatever fecal pap falls out of CNN's or NPR's asshole.
I agree.

>> No.17278696

But that is fine. Amazon is a good company, it is not like they want to set the world on fire.

>> No.17278723

Yes, I would unironically be happy living in an Amazon controlled world: "Alexa, give the >>17278671 some meds."

>> No.17278733

>gets btfo'd
>adopts an extreme insincere position
A story as old as time.

>> No.17278744

I'm samefagging, anon. I don't know what you are talking about. Just thought it would be funny. I don't care. I just have fun inventing those crazy situations.

>> No.17278767

As in, I'm

>> No.17278854

It is a bit funny, isn't it? I chuckled a bit in here KEK

>> No.17278934

I like it for tracking books, but that's it.

>> No.17278946

Hm, I guess I'm not funny.

>> No.17278959

It's slightly easier than using a spreadsheet which is what I used to do.

>> No.17279016

If YOU can't think of a use for it, you don't have one

>> No.17279095

I'm the quoted anon, anons. Is this autistic humor? As in I'm weird af?

>> No.17279112

Well, doesn't matter anyway. It is not like I would listen to an anon in such a thing. KEK

>> No.17279136

Faggot. He >>17278631 is right. /lit/ is the ground zero of the bugman invasion. It's plain to see

>> No.17279358

u r tarded I just use it to track books since typing is faster than opening a fucking notepad and writing it if ur not a weird boomer lol

>> No.17279368

Nice switching up your mannerisms to act like you're not the samefag guy.

>> No.17279372


>> No.17279384


>> No.17279424

I agree.

>> No.17280229

When you block somebody, can they still see your Librarian edits?

>> No.17280335

library thing is better in every single way.
both are unnecessary and should only be used as a way of wasting time, like /lit/

>> No.17280361

name one thing about librarything that's better than goodreads

>> No.17280430

Read the privacy pages from both sites.
I prefer the cataloguing in librarything over anything I’ve been able to do in goodreads.
Maybe it’s not better in every single way, I just prefer it.

>> No.17280456

>Read the privacy pages from both sites.
What about them?

I'm genuinely curious why would anyone prefer librarything over goodreads.

>> No.17280499
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Yeah I think I’ve said all I want to say about it. Check it out for yourself if you’re really curious.

>> No.17280515

What's your education level?

>> No.17280524

3rd grade dropout.

>> No.17280550

Yeah, well, at least you can read.

>> No.17280567

So what’s your story?

>> No.17281517

I stopped doing reading challenges after consistently getting btfo by my sister and her reading a new romance novel every third day.

At this point I use it purely to follow people who left insightful reviews on books I really enjoyed. Found some Phd of a topic i'm interested in who posted a reading list of everything she read in grad school. Similarly if I'm into lit of a certain country I can usually find someone from that country with a good reading list of notable books from that country. Good way to explore

>> No.17281705

You're my favourite.