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17277668 No.17277668 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of pic related?

>> No.17277677

Won't read, got other things to do. It is not like people are doing a bad job messing with those. So I don't really care about it anymore.

>> No.17277686

Unfalsifiable dribble. If you criticize the book you're fragile. There's no way to prove that white people aren't fragile without being called fragile yourself.

>> No.17277703

It's so hard for white people to talk about racism because it's an uninteresting topic and the people who usually talk about it are uncomfortably confrontational and demand a level of gravity and remorse from us which we do not inwardly feel.
Add to that the fact that racism (if taken to mean the superiority of the white race over the black race) is factually correct, as backed up by basically all statistics and history, whereas we have to pretend that it's not, and explain away all statistics and history with excuses in the form of "socioeconomic conditions".

>> No.17277707

Think it's a fad that lib normies ate up to repent with their well deserved wagiedollars to some literal HR Shill

>> No.17277713


>> No.17277733

Unironically a racist white woman coping by projecting her thoughts onto all white people. She literally says things like "i saw a black professor and thought that's weird, black people aren't meant to be professors" and then uses it to justify "and see, that thought is inate in all white people".

>> No.17277744

There's such a thing as American fragility, which is not exclusive to white Americans (even though they're genetic trash like all other Americans). Granted, there is no such thing as white fragility because they have a lot of cultural diversity in Western Europe. A Swede should not be held accountable for Britain's past imperialism, and even so, other non-whites have engaged in British level imperialism too. Non-whites can be just as fragile when confronted over their nation's horrendous actions. Anyways, a lot of British do seem aware of their country's past atrocities, and it's not like they had any power to stop it though.
There is no such thing as white fragility, but Americans are the most fragile and disgusting beings in life and should not be considered sentient beings.

>> No.17277793

That book is one giant exercise in gaslighting.

>> No.17277831

Someone on r/stupidpol posted a picture of a stack of copies of this book for sale in the home decor section of a big box store. Seems appropriate.

>> No.17277894

>Take your meds schizo: The book.

>> No.17277905

t. African

>> No.17277968

Garbage, proud I trashed the display at my local B&N

>> No.17278247

It taught me to not be racist, liberating me from the bigotry innate to my white skin. My existence is an insult to POCs which I must continually repent for and there is no way for me to compensate them enough for the injustices of white colonialism and slavery, of which I am individually responsible. The mere fact of my whiteness is a burden that must not be tolerated and to deny it is to be fragile. And that's not allowed.

>> No.17278277

excellent work, it made me think a bit about society and the struggle of others

>> No.17278296

game changing and eye opening

also read settlers

>> No.17278321

Can anyone tell me, without meming or presenting a straw man or false gloss on the book, what the main thrust of it is?

>> No.17278326
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>it's another 350 post WF thread

>> No.17278331

I had a pleasant revelation midway through that the work had a point: I was feeling a deep burning desire to don an SS outfit and fucking exterminate all Jews and non-whites because of the sheer gall of this femoid's sniveling gaslighting.

So maybe she has a point--doesn't change the fact that I went from repressed unthinking racist to actual gnostic committed racist over the course of reading it, because if this is the shit we're going to have to deal with to "end racism" I'm just going to embrace it instead.

>> No.17278338

I think it was great.

>> No.17278366

you're proving the book's point

>> No.17278390

Don't worry buddy. It's only at 20 right now.

>> No.17278401


Not him but it's perfectly clear that he doesn't care, so I don't know why you'd bother to point that out to him.

>> No.17278421

We'll get there, newfag, I've seen this show before

>> No.17278441

I am deeply disappointed that the closest approximation to kinship I could ever feel for someone of your mental capacity would be provided by kicking you in the nuts.

>> No.17278442

Strange catch 22 where every criticism of the book is met with “you just proved it’s point.” I haven’t read it but the title alone is incredibly divisive and enflames the racial tensions it ostensibly wishes to mend

>> No.17278462

I mean, nobody is forcing anybody to read it. Also, it says nothing about fragility being an inherent characteristic of a "white-skinned" person. It calls into question the racial bondaries of whiteness in the first place, and suggests ways of overcoming the feeling of uncomfortability or being attacked when race relations are being discussed. I personally have this problem, and the part of the book I read didn't help much.

But saying "there's nothing a white person can do to redeem their inherently flawed whiteness" is definitely not the point, even if some people like to say shit like that. I think the point is to relax a little if possible, and get informed if you feel like you want to

I think books like this are a lot less helpful than James Baldwin's stuff, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, etc.

>> No.17278493
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Im a minority. Asian American male. This 2010s left movement simply looks like communism rebranded to me. This leftist movement need to stop seeing America exclusively through an ethnocentric lens which views all white people as being privileged oppressors who hold them down from reaching personal success. You are an individual.

What I especially don't like about this whole movement is a lack of tolerance for dissenting viewpoints. They claim to be tolerant but anyone with views that clash with their own essentially becomes an enemy that must be suppressed at all costs.

These activists also exhibit a strong sense of entitlement that leads them to believe that they alone are the rightful representatives for not only their own ethnic group, but also for all oppressed people and non white groups everywhere. If one were to suggest otherwise—that perhaps they do not speak on behalf of everyone who has ever experienced injustice in history or currently does so—then this is viewed as an act of direct oppression rather than a simple exercise in free speech. They have a strong sense of self-righteousness that leads them to believe that they alone are the arbiters of what is right and wrong.

This can not end well in my opinion. My grandfather left a communist country Vietnam on a boat for freedom, and now this freedom is being eroded by the same people who took his.

>> No.17278536

Never read it, never will. I don't give my time to cuckholdry and Liberal ideas

>> No.17278537


>> No.17278546

Fanon - Wretched of the Earth is my rec

>> No.17278588

Did the author actually think a book titled like this would improve race relations

>> No.17278591

You are just a fool with no grounding in reason, tradition, truth, or honor.

>> No.17278611

keep kissing whiteys ass

>> No.17278617

I'll definitely check it out

>> No.17278623

Weak, pale hands wrote this post.

>> No.17278635

suck my dick

>> No.17278641

Something I do not take light heartedly.
They unironically are trying to wipe us out in our own countries.
What I think about it is that it’s disgusting racist propaganda that is worse than anything the Nazis ever wrote about Jews

>> No.17278648

>worse than anything the Nazis ever wrote about Jews
thats a total exaggeration and delusional

>> No.17278651

They might be particularly dark hands. You never know.

>> No.17278655
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>They claim to be tolerant but anyone with views that clash with their own essentially becomes an enemy that must be suppressed at all costs
No shit. Anyone who pulls this "hurr I'm so tolerant" crap on you is either fucking you over or doesn't have any convictions. Everyone who has beliefs has naturally decided that these views are superior to the opposite, usually because the opposite is harmful. If you believe something is harmful, chances are you won't be tolerant of it. Everybody who says they're tolerant is just making a show of their virtue and saying that in order to capitalize on the good boy points, so must you.

>> No.17278659

That clearly wasn’t her intent.
I’ve been trying to find evidence of her ethnic background for a while but it’s curiously missing from the Internet.
There’s almost no way she’s not Jewish, but I’m a reasonable man, and I won’t call her a Jewish racist unless I know she is one.

>> No.17278672

Name one thing that doesn't "prove this books point" it's meaningless sophistry

>> No.17278674

You won’t be saying that when they start codifying anti-white policy into law

>> No.17278679

Schlemiel Fragility.

>> No.17278681
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Nice sophistry, weasel. It’s called a Kafkatrap and it’s fallacious

>> No.17278684

They've been doing that since 1965 at least

>> No.17278689

I doubt that will happen. Most Asians like us.

>> No.17278692

>Early life

>> No.17278694

Imagine falling for sophistic rhetorical traps on a board dedicated to intellectual pursuits. Yikes

>> No.17278699


>> No.17278700

White people are innately privileged by consequence of the society they are born into, and this privilege imprints itself upon them to the extent that even if they do not consider themselves to be racist, their world-view and consequently their thoughts and actions are necessarily steeped in racism. Moreover, that they are unwilling to confront their innate and to some extent un-erasable racial bias, to the point that they become guarded and hostile when it is demonstrated to them. This is the so-called 'White Fragility'.

>> No.17278702
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refute pic related

>> No.17278848

An issue in this discourse that normie whites do not appreciate is that a far larger percentage than one would think of Afro-Americans genuinely believe they are geniuses who are intellectually, physically, and spiritually superior, but everyone else is just too racist to even comprehend the form of their excellence. For example, the future head to the DoJ Civil Rights Division writes:

>One: Dr. Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the "locus coeruleus" which is a structure that is Black because it contains large amounts of (neuro) melanin which is essential for its operation.

>Two: Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.

>Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

>Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcification or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.

>Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities--something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.

>> No.17279084

>Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities--something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.
In other words, abilities which cannot be measured in terms of successful objective life outcomes—only by rendering it poetically in vague supremacist language.

>> No.17279108

As many people have pointed out she confused melanin for melatonin.

>> No.17279155

lib shit, read texts by the black panthers instead.

>> No.17279165

I don't really understand people who read pop-politics books, why would you spend time reading something that no one will be reading in 10 years when you could be reading a classic that has lasted over a hundred years?

>> No.17279172

>the future head to the DoJ Civil Rights Division writes:
Well we have officially moved beyond the point of parody.

>> No.17279175

Everyone listen up. I'm going to solve race relations and soothe the tensions betwen the races. I've got a solution I've been working on all last year and I'm finally ready. Alright here it is. Spooks need to relax.

>> No.17279194

>Six: King Tut wuz Black. Cleopatra Wuz black. We wuz kangz

>> No.17279195
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>Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

>> No.17279201

Yes, racist screed

>> No.17279211

but they're getting paid billions to work, they can't relax

>> No.17279217

Not one "achievement" of a black in 2020 has been on their own merit.

>> No.17279304

Author is an awkward white lady who probably doesn't have any black friends, or any friends outside a professional context for that matter. Nothing she does actually serves to improve interpersonal relations between people of different ethnicities, her employers are massive corporations trying to cover their asses and if she ever actually fixed the problem she'd be out of a job, hence the constant emphasis that racism in white people is both intrinsic and incurable.

Mandatory diversity training is a covert form of union-busting because high diversity workplaces are already less likely to form unions and it often further strains racial relations in a workplace, white people being uncomfortable with being told that they are innately racist and the problem is incurable, POC in the workplace being uncomfortable with the fact that their white coworkers are now walking on eggshells around them, rather than just treating them like coworkers.

I read an article recently about Amazon Wholefoods heatmapping their employees and measuring a variety of metrics to determine risk of unionization and it was generally lack of diversity tended to increase risk of unionization. It's in the interest of companies to pump the gas on uncomfortable race relations while still maintaining a guise of tolerance and people like Robin Diangelo facilitate exactly this. She clearly has a lot of internalized racism herself (as she states time and time again) and projects it onto white people. She isn't helping anyone except rich CEOs not to get sued and she's no friend of marginalized groups.

>> No.17279385
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>>Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities--something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.

>> No.17279419

I can just imagine Anon walking up to the display at his local B&N, frowning, then suddenly howling “REEEEEEEE!” and backhanding all of the books off the display before flipping the entire thing over.

>> No.17279433

>Add to that the fact that racism (if taken to mean the superiority of the white race over the black race) is factually correct
You were going great until you wrote this cringe

>> No.17279504

it's absolute garbage

>> No.17279509

Cringe, pseud.

>> No.17279514

Friends, please, the whole language is at your disposal. Use your words.

>> No.17279530

I imagine it took him several feeble attempts with his stick limbs before he managed to do the deed.

>> No.17279572

Giant kafkatrap by someone with personal issues.

>> No.17279599

I don't think about it

>> No.17279663

I literally thought this was fake, but it’s not. Kristen Clarke wrote this in the Harvard Crimson in 1994.

>> No.17279689

>Author is an awkward white lady who probably doesn't have any black friends, or any friends outside a professional context for that matter
Why? You think there aren't enough shitlibs around for them to have perfectly normal social lives with each other?

>> No.17279705

>Goes around making sweeping generalisations and calling them facts
>Calls others a pseud

>> No.17280137

Literal propaganda

>> No.17280139

>book title: white fragility
>subtitle: why it's hard for whites to talk about racism
>book claims a whole race is fragile
>book is racist confirmed

Imagine writing a 200 (two hundred) page long book on such a retarded topic.

>> No.17280145

Are we going to be a minority in our lifetimes bros?

>> No.17280167

>Imagine writing a 200 (two hundred) page long book on such a retarded topic.
AND becoming a best selling author and "respected" academic.
This generation is fucking strange, man.

>> No.17280183
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>> No.17280207

Exactly, anon. Your impulse to defend yourself is fragility.

>> No.17280263

Cute, but this doesn't even warrant a response.

>> No.17280312

Yes, but Hispanics won't be so taken with this type of garbage.
They will make it in this country, at the very least they will go farther than blacks, and blacks will resent them for it. However, Hispanics don't have the guilt of the ancestors to weigh them down, so expect callousness toward the negro in return.

>> No.17280362

A guide on how to become a racist.
The point is literally to raise racial consciousness and obsess over racial differences.

The only people who could be perceptible to this drivel are middle class white people who are possessed by white guild and wish to cleanse their souls.

>> No.17280579

Its a bad book that makes the same mistake as every other modern book on race relations. it presumes that the social inequality of the races must inform the way in which members of those races interact on a conscious level. this of course leads to racial division and strife, which is exactly what we have seen. to be honest, though, I don't really care about it either way. it isn't a particularly interesting book given the cultural context in which it was written. so aside from ideological differences, the only real problem I have with it is that it serves as easy fodder for race-baiting morons such as yourself.

>> No.17280655
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I agree. Defending myself from a blatant anti-white agenda just proves that I am fragile. I should allow myself to be punished for all of the agression
and resentment that lesser races project onto me. Noticing the hypocrisy and evil intent aimed at me is deeply racist. I should have myself sterilized, and insist my wife carry a brown child. My children must all be offered up to the dark races and we should give up everything we have ever had and still keep seeking forgiveness. When our whiteness is finally erased from memory we will finally be strong enough to overcome our fragility

>> No.17280686

I agree anon! We cannot overcome our original sin. There is no path to redemption. We can only suffer and seek penance. That's the beauty of white fragility. There is no prescription to alleviate the disease of whiteness. There are no conditions we can meet that will satisfy the victims of our whiteness. A core tenant of white fragility is that it is not formulated as a problem to be solved. That is also our fault

>> No.17280696

Y’all don’t know powerfully the pigment

>> No.17280909


>> No.17281237

The whole notion of white fragility is based on a logical fallacy called a kafkatrap: a sophistical rhetorical device in which any denial by the accused serves as evidence of guilt, first seen in Franz Kafka’s The Trial. Basically, the fact that you deny that you are a criminal is evidence that you are a criminal.

White Fragility follows the same premise that narcissists use to get a victim to prove their own false guilt from within. Similarly, the reason that narcissistic abuse is so damaging is because it causes the victim to damn one’s self, no matter their intrinsically known innocence. It manipulates the victim into assassinating their own character and identity, in spite of ironclad internal knowledge of innocence and a preponderance of outward evidence to the contrary.

Once a narcissist has their diabolical claws in your mind, no amount of external evidence to the contrary is enough to alleviate the constant pressure of guilt.

Requests to discuss allegations with a narcissist are met with a slow clever smile spreading across their face, and regulated breathing, as they respond, “The fact that you even want to discuss this, merely proves your guilt.”

DiAngelo argues that white people are inescapably racist, white people born with this original sin in which you are unable to ever possibly atone for. She writes: “All white people are invested in and collude with racism,” and that “The white collective fundamentally hates blackness for what it reminds us of: that we are capable and guilty of perpetrating immeasurable harm and that our gains come through the subjugation of others.”

Now, let’s go back to how narcissists operate. How does it benefit the abuser to put the victim’s head in a “guilty of the unprovable” vise? It gives them godlike power over the other person. If you can convince an individual of the unmitigated hopelessness of themselves, you can lead them to assassinate their own identity, all the while believing that they deserve this treatment.

The concept of identity assassination that is preached in White Fragility circles does not move the cause of justice forward. You cannot heal injustice by gaslighting everyone of a certain skin color. You cannot heal a lack of POC empowerment by excoriating the power of the individual to stand for or against racism on an individual basis, and to externally do everything within their power to fight injustice in their circles of influence and at the voting booth.

By accruing mass guilt to all white persons, you are removing their agency. Without agency, white people cannot affect change.
Furthermore, moral agency is an individual’s ability to make moral judgments based on some notion of right and wrong and to be held accountable for these actions. A moral agent is “a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.”


>> No.17281241


The premise of White Fragility, that that we are all born bad and our racism is inescapable, removes agency, moral or otherwise. In removing agency, author DiAngelo has also removed accountability. Logically speaking, we cannot possibly be accountable for something over which we have no agency of change.

White people publicly accused of racism risk social ostracization and professional ruin. The idea that some white people may be defensive when accused of racism is not surprising. But though SOME white people may exhibit a degree of what DiAngelo calls fragility, her grandiose theory as applied to all or even most white people has two fatal flaws.

There is no way to prove or disprove one’s internal world. Narcissists, too, love to deal in the realm of unprovable stuff, because evidence is too, well, inconvenient, for the desired power dynamic.

The legitimacy of a theory is in whether it is unfalsifiable or not.
DiAngelo’s theory of White Fragility is unfalsifiable. It is impossible for someone to prove that they are not fragile. More insidiously DiAngelo frames her theory of white fragility such that any denial of her theory is interpreted as proof of its validity.

For example, DiAngelo writes that:
“The mere suggestion that being white has meaning often triggers a range of defensive responses. These include emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and withdrawal from the stress-inducing situation. These responses work to reinstate white equilibrium as they repel the challenge, return our racial comfort, and maintain our dominance within the racial hierarchy. I conceptualize this process as white fragility. Though white fragility is triggered by discomfort and anxiety, it is born of superiority and entitlement.”

DiAngelo leaves white readers with only two options. Either acknowledge your fragility, which proves DiAngelo’s theory, or deny your fragility, which according to DiAngelo, also proves her theory.

The tragic thing is that white people are going out to read this book because they care about fighting racism and being allies to people of color. They are ready to listen and are unabashedly looking for answers to difficult issues. What they are met with instead are Kafkatraps and logical fallacies in a ruse to convince ALL white people that they are racist and fragile.

So, what’s the answer?

Continue to believe in the power of individual agency to create a better future, and where there are causes that have a scientifically proven track record of increasing the agency and self-empowerment of POC, I will continue to support them.


>> No.17281502

Based posts. Something similar might be said of "fragile masculinity" and liberal feminism's obsession with punitive measures against sexism.

>> No.17281514

Based and check'd

>> No.17281571
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>Continue to believe in the power of individual agency to create a better future, and where there are causes that have a scientifically proven track record of increasing the agency and self-empowerment of POC, I will continue to support them.
Is this what you look like irl? I can't see why you'd feel the need to do anything in particular for minorities unless you already believe white people are to blame for their current status, in which case you may as well be a fragile white boy. You are basically choosing to admit your fragility in these posts.

>> No.17281693

How is it incorrect Kang?

>> No.17282203
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A small fringe group of idiots believe in bunk science and view themselves as superior to whites, so what? Most of us are normal. In fact, we have way too many self-haters

>> No.17282303

Idpol has made me venomously racist

>> No.17282406
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Whites are fragile, blacks are insecure.


>> No.17282563

Well there's this, but it doesn't vary based on race or skin color.

>> No.17282576

I would rather spend and extra hour a day browsing this dumpster heap then read an extended opinion piece written by a lonely middle age woman. I don’t value my time much, but even then there’s some things that aren’t worth giving the time of day.

>> No.17283029

You don't even know what a generalization is. If I say that Japanese people are on average shorter than ethnic Dutch people, is that a sweeping generalization and therefore false?

I don't know what sort of hyper-individualist you are if you don't believe humans cluster in any way and that there are no patterns at all in traits.

>> No.17283036

It's our #98 best book ever!

>> No.17283262

Really? Similar vies are echoes by practically every “conscious” rapper who ever lived. Hip hop as an industry is just a propaganda machine for these beliefs, and organizations that hold them have a major foothold in every corner of black culture.
One of the reasons white people may be uncomfortable talking about race probably not mentioned in the book is precisely because people like the author are used to having them in controlled environments with carefully selected participants. In real life, most African Americans you meet have racial views closer to those of Alfred Rosenberg than those of Michael The Eric Dyson, and those views will come out in an honest conversation.

>> No.17283280

Nobody subscribing to the views of Michael ‘The Intellectual Vacuum’ Dyson is worth conversing with in the first place. Those types tend to out themselves quickly.

>> No.17283388

Agreed, but I think this book implies that those are the conversations you should and will be having about race. Instead you’re more likely to be greeted with genuine hatred, hierarchical notions of race essentialism, conspiracies, alternative history with no basis in historical fact, mythology stolen from early 0th century sci-if novels, etc. This usually is either praised by anti-racist types as some sort of critique of “white supremacy” that amounts to nothing more than their views expressed in a more forceful, poetic manner or justified with some sort of half-baked “material analysis.”

>> No.17283443


>> No.17283704

Entitled Karen bitching about other white men, shit book

>> No.17284157

its more of a critique than white liberals than anything. i dont get all the rage from the right.

>> No.17285116

>I can't see why you'd feel the need to do anything in particular for minorities unless you already believe white people are to blame for their current status
Imagine being this fragile lmao

>> No.17285223

>“The mere suggestion that being white has meaning often triggers a range of defensive responses. These include emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and withdrawal from the stress-inducing situation. These responses work to reinstate white equilibrium as they repel the challenge, return our racial comfort, and maintain our dominance within the racial hierarchy. I conceptualize this process as white fragility. Though white fragility is triggered by discomfort and anxiety, it is born of superiority and entitlement.”
I wonder how accurate it would be if you were to rewrite this book but replace every "white" word with "Jewish".

>> No.17285344

whys it so hard for white people to talk about racism? they wont shut up about it

>> No.17285360
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delet this

>> No.17285447

I automatically disregard anybody that categorizes people into outdated labels.