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/lit/ - Literature

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17277481 No.17277481 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17277498


>> No.17277507

>read the Dao De Jing
>now I try really hard to stop trying
I don't think I got this quite right

>> No.17277525

How to end racism
>affirmative action
>importing immigrants
>civil rights legislation
>bending the knee
>checking racial privilege
None of those work. To end racism, every white male needs to HAVE SEX with ethnic women
This is the only verified way to cure and individual of racism.

>> No.17277534
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What compels me to argue for hours with people on the internet? I'm not going to convince them, they are not going to convince me. I just keep wasting time getting upset with other people's points of view and opinions. I shouldn't care that they don't like mine, I don't see why I keep sharing mine, no one gives a fuck. I shouldn't give a fuck about theirs.

>> No.17277604
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This could have been an interesting experiment in empathy and emotional depth but it gets too caught in typical anime romance. Trigger’s forte is over the top action, not nuanced character studies. Disappointing.

>> No.17277613
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you have to realize that when asked about what was good, Jesus himself said that he was not good, and that there is only one who is good. If you are playing a "be a good person game" (like me) then you are literally trying to place yourself higher than Jesus placed himself. What the fuck are you doing man. I feel like I'm stuck in some logic game where I have defined all the worlds to point to something, but the definitions are actually arbitrary and the result makes me sick.

>> No.17278004

I remember being extremely interested in cross-dressing because the sensation of different fabric touching the different parts of body was exciting (there was also a taboo fetish factor). However once i started thinking why i'm doing this, i realized that for the most of part i wanted to become another person aka escape from neurotic myself. Since then i have very little desire to act on cross-dressing.

>> No.17278034

Oh and it started from the very young age (atleast 6-7)

>> No.17278235
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The ACLU finally spoke out against the unconstitutionality of the no-fly list.. on the basis that if we use this illegal and tyrannical implement on white Trump supporters, it might ALSO later affect brown and black people!

>> No.17278248
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These were the first four replies to the ACLU's tweet.

We've seen things like this before, but usually it's inter-ethnic or inter-faith. Whites may be the first people in history to sign their own death warrant and participate in their own lynching. Is it the legacy of puritanism? What is it?

>> No.17278271

Im lonely and I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life

>> No.17278273

Brother David is a good man. He doesn't get wrapped up in culture wars, self-righteousness or endless counter-productive arguments. He just sits in his woodshop in the New York countryside and tries to live a Christian life as best as he can.

>> No.17278305

>I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life
why are you programming yourself in such way?

>> No.17278405

I'm hooking up with a former coworker today. Gonna smoke weed and fuck. Her place, of course.

>> No.17278431

My job is the absolute peak of drudgery and I'm disappointed in the fact I lack the discipline to write a novel and hold myself up in life on my own merit - not because some suit wants monkeys to push a button.

>> No.17278448

this co-worker I talked to about having a thing for friendzoned me kinda. It was mutual. I was mature about it and confronted her about her intentions and whether I was getting mixed signals. She said it was all in my head. She gave me a christmas card saying "thanks for being a great friend" and put a heart in front of her name.
Not looking for advise. It's just one of those things that runs in my head. Women know what they're doing. Maybe she just likes the attention. What could it mean? Why a heart? We're not really that close. She's lied to me before. Is it just an insignificant gesture?

>> No.17278455
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dangerously based

>> No.17278458

having a stuffed animal to cuddle with is awesome and everyone should have one.

>> No.17278460

Dude you're tearing yourself apart over something that's already been solved. Read The Genealogy of Morality and feel better. Then have a brewskie on me

>> No.17278469

Thinkin about killing myself like every other day for the last 5 years. I'm not gonna do it so it does not matter at this point. It's gotten kind of fun to come up with new scenarios.

>> No.17278476

I think about suicide a lot. Not because I'm depressed - it's actually quite the opposite. I love life and living, I just find other people insufferable to the degree that every interaction regardless of how small makes me internally seethe. I like forums because it's like my idealised form of human interaction. Just nameless faceless note passing.

>> No.17278478

I really, really need something to do. I'm going crazy doing nothing alone at home. I have a routine for physical activities throughout the day but it's void of meaning. Maybe I should get into some charity-thing. I am technically studying at uni. It's a long story. Basically it is very good that I need something to do, for a long time I was content with very little to do. I just don't really know how to proceed. I suspect I should have become a worker, work construction or something, but all I know is academia and that type of thing. Maybe the reason is because that's where I fit in socially, idk, but I more and more believe that working with your body is 100% where it's at if you're in a country where it pays alright.

>> No.17278491
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Religion is literally a subscription model against uncertainty, it is no different than paying a restaurant to cook you a meal to protect you against hunger.

You should make your own religion, the same way you should cook your own meals.

>> No.17278492

Sounds like she's just being nice and you're reading into something small. She specifically said "great friend", I don't think it could be more obvious.

>> No.17278503

>You should make your own religion
i have

>> No.17278513
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>In the "First Treatise", Nietzsche demonstrates that the two pairs of opposites "good/evil" and "good/bad" have very different origins, and that the word "good" itself came to represent two opposed meanings. In the "good/bad" distinction of the aristocratic way of thinking, "good" is synonymous with nobility and everything which is powerful and life-asserting; in the "good/evil" distinction, which Nietzsche calls "slave morality", the meaning of "good" is made the antithesis of the original aristocratic "good", which itself is re-labelled "evil". This inversion of values develops out of the ressentiment felt by the weak towards the powerful.
suppose I sympathise with the weak on this one

>> No.17278521
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>> No.17278561

I have a very large family and place in my community but I’ve felt severely isolated for the past 4 years. I’m not entirely sure how it started or got so noticeable. Gradually I’ve watched my environment become more atomized and distant especially when this pandemic began; old friends are gone from my life, my courses are all online, and my family has to stay alone to protect the elders. All I can think about the past few years is falling in love and having someone with me for the first time, and now I think it’s better to actually make it happen for the sake of my mental health instead of idealizing it. If the world is gonna be this bad for the foreseeable future there’s no reason to not find someone to share your life with, but I don’t even know where to begin with finding someone. And I’m sure many people are in this position where they desperately need someone during a time when most people are miserable and socially alienated but don’t know how to make it happen because of the crushing anxiety and uncertainty we feel.

>> No.17278595

I don't doubt it. But I have a mental illness that gets the better of me. She's known me for a few years. She should know something is off about it. At work, there's like tension between us (the tension is real, there's a rumor we're together because of some office politics). Plus she's done some things that clearly show her character. It's just so much for my mind to indulge in. I know it's probably all in my head but I hate that even when i decided the best recourse was to confront her and take the response maturely, she'll do something like that. And she's made some remarks alluding to the rumor about it and made some comments with like a devilish grin.
If I were to try to make a fair appraisal is that my mind is retarded but there's something there. Again, not sure if it's the attention or a little game of flirting (which I understand is fun to have at the workplace and it can be innocent). I guess I just have to take it and forcefully ignore it.

>> No.17278600

Wondering how this F. Gardner guy took over this whole board with his meme books

>> No.17278603

She's teasing you and you're biting the bait every time. As the saying goes, when you put a woman on a pedestal they can't help but look down on you.

>> No.17278645

There's a lot to unpack here but in the spirit of positivity - I think you're arbitrary definitions of the world might be false and you should re-evaluate them beyond the scope of logic (as I believe you've made some critical error). Nietzsche definition was not meant to glorify resentment at all and empathising with the weak is a misunderstanding of the argument entirely. If you're playing the "be a good person game" than in no way has that definition ever aligned itself with self-pity.

Shits hard yo - but I hope you find the gumption to push on and redefine your assumptions. Read more, and drink more.

>> No.17278664
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>be me
>be hungry
>already ate lunch and dinner soon
>open fridge and see bag of apples i bought specifically for snacks
>cut up apple
>no bruises, looks good
>eat apple
>its tasty, no longer hungry

thank you apple :)

>> No.17278703

Me too

>> No.17278713

I care about your opinion

>> No.17278719

Death to all kikes.

>> No.17278735

Wrong board

>> No.17278834
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Words being redefined to win arguments makes me pissed off. This has been done so much recently that having conversations prerequisites a semantical audit so both parties know what each other are talking about. If one party wants to win they simply claim that the other party is referencing the worst possible meaning of a term.

>> No.17278872

I read Zarathustra a couple of years ago. I enjoyed it a lot as litterature, but I.. what I got out of it in terms of moral teaching was a kind of relativism that I don't subscribe to. Basically I'm deep in some form of theological model. I'm not entirely sure what it is that we get to "do" in life, and have serious doubts about free will in material matters. Mostly I think you get to choose what you worship, and the rest being a consequence of the order of things and of that choice. The better choice is worshiping God. It is better because it causes less suffering. What Adam and Eve got was the possibility to go against Gods will.

So are you a good person for choosing to worship God? The answer has to be "no", as seen above with Jesus. One reason it is "no" is because both "good" and "person" are objects of the intellect, and the thing about worshiping God is that unlike any other worship it is not intellectual. An attachment, I believe, in dharmic religion, is worshiping an intellectual object. "You" are some kind of a mechanism in your soul. Intellectual objects are of the body. I suspect that the reason why worshiping God does not make "you" good is because it doesn't involve anything that can be "good". Good is a classification that belongs to the material. To the extent that there is a human being, it is because there is a material body that is associated with a soul. What is human about a human, I suspect, is the specific set of senses and abilities- material- that come with having a body. Therefore what is particularly human about a human detracts from... it just becomes word-soup, doesn't it. But I do believe in
1. body-soul duality
2. "You" are in your soul, whereas your personality is of the body
3. free will is real but limited
4. intellectualism is worshiping other than God
5. the only thing to do is to worship God

So what is my problem? My problem is that I have ingrained patterns of worshiping other than God, or "attachments", that run deep. I value other than what God commands me to value. This causes suffering. One of those things is the "be a good person game". I have become judgemental, and contrived in trying to constantly prove my virtue. This is attachment to an idea of myself, placing my hope in it rather than in God. I see that it causes suffering, and therefore it is not the will of God.

>> No.17278920

>5. the only thing to do is to worship God
typically we judge based on what someone does, or in the best case on what they intended to do. This in relation to the material. Someone is good if they do good things for good reasons. But both good things and their reasons are material. Or, rather, it is recurring that things that human beings understand to be good are inherent to the soul itself, and that there is a kind of goodness that is ontologically distinct from other reasons, by it being a movement coming into the material from the soul. the causa noumena. The spirit that can not be blasphemed against. But even in this case- if your reasons are "good", they are so because this is Gods will, not yours.

>> No.17278929

>But both good things and their reasons are material.
the point being that the choice to worship God, by not being material, could very well be a completely different thing

>> No.17278935

Had a big discussion with my mum. She was telling me about the time I tried to kill myself when I was 7. I didn't really believe repressed memories were a thing until this moment; all the memories came flooding back and it's been difficult to process.

>> No.17278973

this might sound really cliche but address the fact that it happened, check to see if you need to take action, go ahead and implement the plan, and then shelf it. Might have been a good move on your brains part to keep it repressed.

>> No.17278980

This and right board. Jews have weaseled their way into literature just like the human turd kafka.

>> No.17279012

Good suggestions anon. It's not so much the suicide that's shaken me, but the realisation that my memories are so fallible.

One time I told an ex-gf that I was molested when I was black out drunk. I've no memory of being molested, so I chalked it up to "probably saw it in a movie or something" and moved on. Now I'm entirely unsure whether or not I actually was.

I think I'll try to go to therapy for this, just felt like venting it.

>> No.17279013
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Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck trannies
And above else
Fuck jannies

>> No.17279022

>your fortunes lie entirely in your own hands

>> No.17279297

My thoughts are so bleak now that I don't think I should keep sharing them with people

>> No.17279518

Look in to the history of the ACLU. This is what it was destined to become. I like to joke they're a fascist organization, all your "rights" according to them are within the state.

>> No.17279548

Women probe for mates using the following criteria
-Career / career prospects
-social status

Women cannot be straightforward about things as a rule. They play a game to make themselves appear different than they are, and then capitalize on the illusion they cast upon men. Women, before one encounters success in life, are vital to reaching it. Afterwards, they are dispensable cocksleeves.

>> No.17279773

I ought to ask myself that. I suppose I kind of just look at it as practice, arguing with people is an inevitability of life. Better to brush up on it when there are no stakes involved. I could care less about convincing someone and and only slightly about being right. Also, there' something to be said about taking a sample of the stupidity in the world and being reminded that it is out there and is a force.

>> No.17279814
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>feeling hopeless lately
>pick Walden back up again by chance
>"I sometimes despair of getting any thing quite simple and honest done in this world by the help of men. They would have to be passed through a powerful press first, to squeeze their old notions out of them, so that they would not soon get upon their legs again, and then there would be some one in the company with a maggot in his head, hatched from an egg deposited there nobody knows when, for not even fire kills these things, and you would have lost your labor."
I feel you... I'm not far enough in to know how you cope with it though.

>> No.17279862
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Just came up from a smoke. Since the nightly lockdown is in effect here, everything is completely empty, silent, dead and dark. Now I think I understand that primal fear of the night, feeling completely irrelevant, ephemeral, and alone, as if this void wants to swallow me as well into oblivion. Even after coming back into my empty apartment I can't help but feel it sticking to my mind like mud. When will it come for me, for all of us?

>> No.17279879

Gonna take a semester off from uni again.

>> No.17279924
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>In the long run men only hit what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.
I agree. The problem is, my elder generation aimed quite low. They traveled to the moon in great competition, built incredible cars and jets in great competition, and built the internet in a great race (a variation of competition)- but, those accomplishments were the end goal, and not the procedural goal of a society-wide aspiration. And as you say, for many efforts you must work hard to convince others even though it may be unraveled at any point by someone with "a maggot in his head", so I'm left feeling feeble yet required to inspire others. Will continue reading to see if you have an answer.

>> No.17279975

I distinctly remember the first time the notion of suicide was conceived in my mind. I was 9, in the middle of our classroom during a break, and everyone was laughing at me while I was crying in frustration at my bullies not leaving me be. Our classroom was on the second floor and when I looked at the windows, I thought that if I jumped out and fell hard enough I could die, and if I died, I wouldn't have to endure anything anymore, not my classmates nor my home environment. I'm not manic enough to seriously play around with the thought nowadays but that feeling of being wholly unbound from this world never quite left me.

>> No.17279982

Writing a book seems too large a mountain to climb when I've never tried before

>> No.17280007

Currently 7zipping my now password protected (non jav) porn folder so i cannot get into it until i send myself the password in 6 months. Its going to take 8 hours. lmao.

>> No.17280008

>I'm not manic enough to seriously play around with the thought nowadays but that feeling of being wholly unbound from this world never quite left me.
That's a good way of putting it anon, and I know exactly what you mean. Even though I didn't succeed with it then, the part of me that was attached to living definitely died.

>> No.17280019

Italian - Russian - Chinese
Can't decide!

>> No.17280044

A while ago I asked if anons thought /lit/ had a sense of community, and they said yeah which was surprising. But now that I think about it, it's obviously true.

>> No.17280067

I haven't so much as shaken someone's hand since last march. I'm not even sexually frustrated anymore. I just want to go on a date or something. I just want to sit in a cafe with another human and have a conversation with them, like a normal person. AAAARGH

>> No.17280069

There's sub-communities within /lit/. There's the Christ-posters (typically fetishising the bibble), the Islam-posters (converts who are eager to share their enlightenment), the Buddhism-posters (copy and paste whatever they're reading), Philosophy-posters (each with their favourite figure), Bookshelf-posters etc.

All loosely held together by posting on the same Indonesian blacksmithing forum.

>> No.17280080

i hate the ideology posters. none of their threads are about literature or literary theory.

>> No.17280104
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>houses are unwieldy so they're a kind of prison
>people always want more than they have
>houses improved, but we haven't
>we live similar lives to savages but possess greater relative wealth
>"The luxury of one class is counterbalanced by the indigence of another."
You're only making me feel worse, but I guess the truth hurts sometimes

>> No.17280110

I agree to be honest. If a new /rel/igion board was added, I'd argue the quality of /lit/ would improve substantially. The only drawback would be that the board would become slower than it already is.

Even the Philosophy-posters are fairly divorced from actual literature given the depth of their understanding is typically a wikipedia article or two.

>> No.17280121


You're a few levels of abstraction below the true horror of the situation.

>> No.17280140

/his/ is technically meant for religion and philosophy too, but no one wants to use it for that it seems. /lit/ is the catch-all board, which I don't mind. If anything it could just use an increase in thread capacity so more things could be discussed.

>> No.17280147

I'm willingly to leave philosophy to /his/ if it means getting rid of nazis.

>> No.17280182

To specify, it's not that I mentally checked out completely, but that I never could conceive myself as an integral part of it. Most people, I believe, are too enmeshed in their social circle, in their family, in their duties, in the elements that bind them to this world one way or another to see themselves from a perspective lacking a significant sense of ego. For me, I never really had such sense of enmeshment to begin with, something from that point on made me perceive myself as something temporarily stuck in this existence rather than as an integral, organic part of the whole. I suppose this is what most people would call a sense of "otherness" but I have no delusions of grandeur/exceptionality that would honestly allow me to cover such a banal concept as awareness of one's unbound, temporal nature in a dramatic veneer. I don't think of it as some sort of enlightenment, but rather as a natural side effect of never really having anyone for my sense of self to bounce off, of not being enmeshed in that net that makes "normies" able to maintain their sense of ego in the face of the close presence of other people's existence. If you've ever seen Eva it's kinda like that part where they explain how most people conceive of themselves not as an existence in themselves, but as a presence defined in relation to the sort of relationships they share with others and the outside world at large.

>> No.17280192
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I'm convinced tfw no gf is going to kill me in the long run.

>> No.17280193

Why do people who post about their mental illness always have this vague humblebrag quality to them like we're supposed to be impressed that you're some mopey guy who thinks about suicide

>> No.17280199

i think girard is on to something because i only care about gf when i see other people with their gf. now that i just work from home and never see anyone, i don't give the slightest shit about gfs

>> No.17280208

I didn't get that sense from his post
Did the big words scare you?

>> No.17280211

What vague humblebrag? I get reasonably wordy when I'm disturbed, anon. That is how it works. Until I learned that I could just dump everything in a diary, my life was a bit messed up.

>> No.17280217

He's just getting his thoughts off his chest, it's the point of the thread.

>> No.17280226

I explicitly said that I don't think of it as something that makes me exceptional or enlightened. Which part did you find humblebraggy? I'm not the best at explaining things, and I'm an ESL to boot, so if any of it was a bit more oblique than it could have been I'm sorry.

>> No.17280240

you thought there were big words in that post?

>> No.17280245

>The only drawback would be that the board would become slower than it already is.
U fucking kidding? That would be a huge boon. You have no idea how things used to be. Much slower, but with infinitely more quality. Nowadays half of all posts are shitposts and you have to keep f5ing to stay on top of the front page. All the attention goes toward the absolute lowest quality, shitflinging competitions. Good threads can hit page 10 in less than 3 hours. I can't have a level discussion with anyone anymore. Even the nature of this wwoym thread demonstrates what I mean; almost 2/3 of these posts don't have any replies. Everyone is talking past one another. The FUCKING STATE of the board is a shambles. I wish I could ban all single-word posts and similar shitposting

>> No.17280273

Hit the nail on the head. Something about that sight (competition with the boyfriend?) actviates a primal urge to mate. It's honestly disgusting how seeing couples at Walmart has made me start dressing up just to get groceries

>> No.17280277
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>build something to overcome uncertainty
>get so stuck maintaining it that you forget your spirituality
>art just makes you more complacent with being stuck
166-year-old words describing the harms of the modern entertainment industry on societal ambition. Wow.

>> No.17280284

this board was better when it was slow

>> No.17280288


>> No.17280293
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>> No.17280306

Don't you sometimes think to yourself that beds are better suited for two than one? Or that it would be nice if you had someone warm and soft to just laze around in the bath with?

>> No.17280307

Well, I get to have this discussion with you guys over a few minutes. I frequent some very slow chans and it can get annoying maintaining conversations over days if not weeks.

>> No.17280311

I have gf and I unironically hate both of those things.

>> No.17280317

Oh, do tell why.

>> No.17280327 [DELETED] 

maybe when i was younger, but now, not really, no. i guess that's why the advantage switches to men as we age.

>> No.17280388

Why of course

>> No.17280397

Imagine an anon's housing. The hygiene conditions.

>> No.17280435
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>there's little point to personal luxury when society lacks spirituality
>even so, "luxuries" are cheaper and easier to obtain than suitable caves and whole logs
Very true. It seems the delusional will carry on a shell of society in pursuit of luxury, while the wise avoid such pursuits and obligations...

>> No.17280459

Anime could have been real if Trump just had four more years.

>> No.17280473

Enlighten me dear anon

>> No.17280479

No, you are not ready.

>> No.17280505

You talking out your ass then? Can’t abstract that high? Can’t articulate your ideas? Spit it out

>> No.17280534

I’m unhappy. I love my girlfriend but I’m not attracted to her anymore. I hate my job. I feel schizophrenic all of the time. I miss childhood. I am 30. I think my best years are behind me. I don’t know what to do with my life. Nothing excites me anymore. I used to have passions and interests. But now I just wake up, survive, and go to sleep. I am not thrilled about reality. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

>> No.17280539

It's a delicate balance. At first when things started to speed up I welcomed it, but now I want to go back to how it was.

>> No.17280541

there's a boomer song about that it's like "life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone" if you leave your local classic rock station on long enough i'm sure they'll play it

>> No.17280582

Full of shit

>> No.17280636
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>"Shall we forever resign the pleasure of construction to the carpenter?"
Ok now I have to build my own house
>"Where is this division of labor to end? And what object does it finally serve?"
Well the division makes sense if you want people to specialize deeper into specific topics, because that deeper specialization may yield deeper understanding and bigger yield than if everyone was a carpenter while also being a scientist. Luckily, our current economic system at least somewhat incentives this continued investigation... because it may improve societal living standards, or even automate the maintenance so that people may focus once more on spirituality. Maybe AI will liberate humanity from the non-spiritual things in life, but AI may also control such simplicities as carpentry... there's tradeoffs
>"No doubt another may also think for me; but it is not therefore desirable that he should do so to the exclusion of my thinking for myself."
Yup. It's too bad technology is growing out of the understanding of the common people, people are being boxed out even harder on those skills than the skills required to build a home

>> No.17280687

Women are better humping pillows than having anything to do with most anons. I would unironically feel bad for them. So I'm sparing them the trouble.

>> No.17280721
File: 409 KB, 917x755, tenant with no spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a tenant with no spirit makes his carpenter into an unwitting coffin-maker
>if a person built his own house he'd be better able to appreciate it
If building your own house is so spiritually satisfying, then maybe it should be cultural. Maybe I'll go build a house and make my future sons (knock on wood) build their own... sounds fun

>> No.17280723

I'm pretty bummed that America is collapsing although I can't say I'm surprised. This honestly feels like the death of America. I have no love of it. Most of my experience of it for the bulk of my adult life has been nothing but entirely unnecessary strife, anxiety, alienation and stress, and I've always been more on the shit side of it and having to claw my way out of it without help, in fact in a culture that scorns helpfulness. I'm sad that my folks are going to live through this, it's an outrage. They are aging and getting frailer by the year and are helpless. They just want peace and stability for once. And they are of a class that will have no protection from the nihilistic social cannibalism, the white lower working class that deceitful liberal scum have demonized for the benefit of their own power games and posturings.

I don't want to become too attached to my anti-Americanism. There is much that is good about it and America bashing is too easy these days. Certainly there is another America. But I have earned my right to be mad at it. I have long known that what is happening was going to happen, and that reassures me that I also know what the solution is. Arrogance and greed and chauvinism will never see that come to pass.

>> No.17280731
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my life is slowly falling apart and there's nothing I can do about it

>> No.17280741

Take the Stoic pill, anon. Stick to the part you can mess with and ignore everything else. Religion kinda works like that too.

>> No.17280745

America isn’t collapsing. We’re nourishing an epoch that the previous generation has cultivated, and the next generation will be dealing with our remains. It’s pretty straightforward if you’re poor; take the steps to not be poor.

>> No.17280752

I'm not from the US, but >>17280745 is right, anon. If you disregard COVID things are kinda fine.

>> No.17280795

yeah I try to cope through stoicism, taoism what have you but it's simply too much rn

>> No.17280805

Get off of 4chan, anon. Relax a bit, and don't browse social media.

>> No.17280810


>> No.17280817

>If you disregard COVID things are kinda fine.
Yeah if you ignore those 400k deaths in 8 months things are going perfectly well!

>> No.17280824

Yes, anon. But there isn't much you can do about it.

>> No.17280830

it's honestly not that bad, these people were slated to die death anyway

>> No.17280831

>But there isn't much you can do about it.
I think this attitude might have something to do with the 400k deaths.

>> No.17280846

400k people is nothing in the face of a contagion. The world is still functioning in the face of COVID. Healthy young people aren’t going into total organ failure. Think of that 400k as casting aside some deadweight. The horse has grown too massive and the soul of Socrates has returned to sting us back into action.

>> No.17280852
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2196, college illogical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>securing leisure and retirement without physical labor robs you of the satisfaction that comes with them
Labor earns the satisfaction, but that labor doesn't have to be physical, it just has to be your own. But that satisfaction isn't *well-earned* without the physical aspect, totally agree! Also, without a greater societal purpose that you agree with, society might not be worth more than what you can pilfer from it, and that effort may itself be living!
>A student "should not play life, or study it merely, while the community supports them at this expensive game, but earnestly live it from beginning to end. How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living?"
I think this goes back to the "specialization" that I mentioned earlier. Deeper understanding of plants through the scientific method and rigorous testing allowed us to increase crop yields, which decreases the cost of food (increases standard of living). We agree it's important to know basic things and those basic understandings can be lost in pursuit of specialty, but modern society also provides for the "gaps", so it's less important now. Not to say I won't continue trying to learn and teach others the basics...

>> No.17280871

Besides following guidelines of what people are asking you to do, it is not like getting out there making things will improve the situation.

>> No.17280874
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>> No.17280884

>Think of that 400k as casting aside some deadweight.
If this was actually the case, you wouldn't have been able to write your idiotic post.

>> No.17280891

Allegedly loneliness causes you to age faster.

>> No.17280893
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>our inventions are likely to end up as improved means to unimproved ends
>we can speed up communication by weeks but maybe the communication is stupid anyway
If only you knew how fast and stupid it would become...

>> No.17280922

If it thinks, it can be convinced. If it has needs, it can be bargained with. If it has passions, it can be seduced. If it has pride, it can be goaded.

>> No.17280959
File: 357 KB, 889x716, pave the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in your prime years in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the least valuable years
It's hard not to work when you've got a family to clothe feed and house. And the result of cultivating those things is much more valuable than the earned sweat on your brow from manual labor, especially when society deserves none of your output. Also, it only takes a few years of good work to make a life of retreat (as long as you budget properly).

>> No.17281013

I would like to put together these threads and the bar threads on fit,and the vent threads on /ic/ and try to distinguish which reply is from which board

>> No.17281058 [DELETED] 

Listened to Houellebecq saying that you can't be a writer or be a man of action of any kind without being a megalomaniac.

I hate to admit it but I think he has a point.

>> No.17281063

He’s right you know

>> No.17281065

There are a lot of studies saying this but I maintain it's a matter of correlation over causation.

>> No.17281083

Go back to plebbit, soiboi

>> No.17281105

Absolutely amazing that for most of your first paragraph I wasn’t sure if you were going to blame the liberals or the conservatives. Everyone has their heads so far up their own asses. In their echo chambers. People like you are most of what’s wrong with America now.

>> No.17281115

Definitely Russian

>> No.17281143

How long does an opened bottle of beer last in room temperature? I found one half full and I can't recall if it's been 2 or 3 days.

>> No.17281227

I’ve had ones go bad overnight and others be good days later. It depends on the style of beer and the temp of your room and other things.

>> No.17281275

It's an IPA 6,2% ABV, room temp around 22 degrees I guess. I've already had my inner struggle though, I'm not desperate enough to finish it off.

>> No.17281276

this site can be so addictive sometimes, but ngl kinda sick of /lit/ rn

>> No.17281281


>> No.17281320

After some meditation and digging around in the vault of childhood repressed memories, I have uncovered multiple instances of my mother neglecting or physicaly abusing me from a young age in attempt to form a bond of dependant obediance. Just as well, I believe she attempted to molest or, atleast, groom me multiple times when I was around eleven, and that she had a barely suppresed Jocasta complex ontop of being a narcissist who would do things like telling me a story about a little boy who would get eaten by the bad thoughts in his head through various ways whenever I expressed a negative mood or sought comfort from her. This, I believe, is largely part of why I went to live with my dad around the time I was twelve. He may have imposed strict, almost authoritarian, standards on my grades and pesonability, and with an unfortunate blend of perfectionism and flagellatory self loathing, but I find this to be small potatoes to the closing of my heart induced by my mother.
This revelation would explain why I am a covert narcissistic high maintenance pile of romantic insecurities and ravenous yet repressed sexuality, bordering on the unfortunately strong, when in a relationship who craves and at the same time reviles pity, among other very malign ways in which this has affected me.
But, I am not as troubled as one would expect by uncovering these truths. If anything, I am slightly relieved at how much sense it makes.

>> No.17281408

Hundreds of hours spent touching dough. Moulding it into a flawed version of my ideal. Countless more hours thinking about it. Flour, water, salt and yeast. Within the confines of such a limited recipe, there is the potential for perfection that I am yet to find. And even with such a large part of my recent life spent in dedication to learning bread I find myself unable to describe the touch of the dough.
A scientific approach to the mixing of ingredients with the mindful caress of shaping and caring for the dough ends in an almost violent heat. Totally inane description. Soft. Stiff. 75% hydration. Inclusions. Crumb structure. Enriched. More useful in a technical sense but lacks the nuance that makes great bread. Soft and smooth with a lack of resistance to shaping. Firm and strong with a decidedly resistant attitude towards moulding.
There may be no way of transmitting physical knowledge except through the demonstration from a master and the careful application of experience combined with openness on the part of the student. In my case, there are few words ever spoken between us. Communication with a foreigner is always difficult. With little language in common, the act of watching a master at work is all I have to guide me.

>> No.17281456

Based and baking pilled

>> No.17281534

What I do in this situation is pour it into a glass and put it into the freezer until slushy. I squeeze a decent amount of lime and a little simple syrup. Now I have a kind of slushy beer lemonade and the lack of carbonation and everything isn’t a problem.

>> No.17281600

Too many steps, don't have the time for that. Besides, carbonation isn't an issue, I just wanna know if it'll make me sick.

>> No.17281675

Why i am the way i am?

>> No.17281721

Because you were, and are, moulded and being moulded by a mix of your genetics, the actions of others and, in ways, your own actions.

>> No.17281750

I sometimes wish my brother's ex-wife just died. Gets hit by a bus or something. I'm tired of all the yelling and crying because just as he got rid of that parasite with debts that literally left him and their children hungry, just as he got his life back in order, here she is again, using their children as excuse to get part of the ownership of his apartment, most likely to get more money from the deal. Just go back under the rock you crawled out from, you horse-faced demon.

>> No.17282078

So talent is genetic?

>> No.17282098

Just do the fucking thing, anon. It is mostly practice.

>> No.17282155

I cant do the thing if i cant feel the natural leaning towards it.

>> No.17282161

What are you talking about? Just start. You will do a bunch of shit at the start but that is how everyone start.

>> No.17282169

I tried bunch of things back in a day but nothing stuck with me. Now im out of ideas.

>> No.17282182

Get into whatever you are probably going to need in the future, anon. Do you know how to cook your favorite dish?

>> No.17282197

Are you reasonably good at writing? This is important even if you don't want to go to college or feel like being a writer.

>> No.17282199

i am convinced"natural leaning" is a spook

>> No.17282334

Yes i do. I try to feel what thing i could naturally do better than others but theres none.
Im not writer material. Thats pretty much clear and i have no doubts about it.

>> No.17282348

Ok, write about this favorite dish of yours then. What are the catches when making it? What can go wrong and how have you probably improved the first recipe you used.

>> No.17282367

Its just simple grated potatoes pie. I could probably improve by adding different kind of meat or spices.

>> No.17282390

I prefer solitude because it gives me the illusion of dominion. I am absolute, even though I am wretched. In the presence of others I feel the phantom of self-sovereignty dissolve into the throngs of the anonymous mass and am reminded that I am just another fish in a swarming school.

>> No.17282391

Write it down, anon. As if you were teaching me how to do it. This is the important skill when it comes to writing. Putting your ideas so other people can understand.

And this is not related to writing, but you can also think about flavors. As in anticipating what goes with what. Try to think which kind of meat/spice would be good with it based on your previous experiences.

>> No.17282425

Do you guys know that album Sunbather? It came out 7-8 years ago, and was super popular, but I didn't actually hear it until recently. Honestly it amazes me that album reached such a level of popularity, the opener is accessible but it's still 9 minutes long and true to the genre. Kind of stunning to think I saw this album referred to in commercials, but the actual music is way more intense and real than anything else you see promoted to the same degree. Really surprises me a bit.

>> No.17282437

It sucks how at each other's throats everybody is. How did society become so callous and petty? I place an enormous amount of blame on social media, which amplifies minor altercations into blazing melees that seem to pull more and more people into it like quicksand. Psychologists have barely begun to piece together the damage of this experiment. It's as if the nature of the problem does not make it easy to gain analytical distance from it. It's uncanny, how my idea of a stranger has become an object of distrust rather than at least neutral curious possibility or at best a potential friend.

>> No.17282443

i'm starting with the greeks and looking at greek statues and it's turning me gay

>> No.17282466

That is how you know it is working, anon.

>> No.17282472

I've been ready for death since I was a boy. I hate this place, and everyone in it. I would say I hate myself, but what am I even to hate? Just a collection of memes and memories which might as well be memes, and if that is all I am, then to hate myself is to hate nothing. But nothingness I do not hate.

And so the cycle goes.

>> No.17282478

First of all you need a baking tray and the size of it determines the amount of potatoes you're going to need (usually fill the tray with grated potatoes). Then you can grate or chop a medium sized onion into small pieces and put it in purè. There are different variations regarding meat and everything can go. I usually cut a bit of salo, smoked bacon and sausage into small pieces and roast a bit until salo becomes slightly transparent (it goes into pure too). Lastly mix a raw egg, put a cup of boiling milk (pour it once the bubbles start appear) and add spices. I like it simple such as a mix of pepper, salt and rosemary. Put the tray with pure into oven for about an hour and twenty minutes at 180 celsius temperature. If you want crispy crust then add a piece of butter 15 minutes before the end. Let it cool off for about 20 minutes and eat it with sour cream.
Its hard to write recipe when you're ESL.

>> No.17282480

Take the Stoic pill and change what you can change, anon. Which is probably a lot.

>> No.17282483
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If non-dualism is the ultimate truth, what does it matter? Why should I bother with ego death if I know the answer?

>> No.17282489

Yes, I'm an ESL too, and I used to have a hard time writing things in English. Nowadays, I'm just as fast as with my native language. It is only my handwriting that is still horrible.

>> No.17282500

So that you can stop the suffering? And not only that, but to be in pure bliss?

>> No.17282510

Are you trying to become a writer? I respect people who know what they want to become and dont pity themselves over the fact that they're clueless like me.

>> No.17282521

I think thats the effect of globalization.

>> No.17282528

Not really, I feel like writing a book before I die. I do have some drafts and random stuff written. But it is mostly bs. I want to get back to college desu. Going to take the entrance exam in a couple of days. I'm a bit confident that I will make it.

>> No.17282564

What are you going to study? Good luck with exam.

>> No.17282580

Whatever I can get in, you take the test and pick it after you get the grades. Got to pick something quick. So anything that I can probably get decent at it. Most stuff that don't involve speaking in public to a group of people are probably fine.

>> No.17282621
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I mean why should I? If I suffer then what ever, ill get over it.
Pure bliss? I would rather live a full spectrum of emotions
Should I take the Christ pill?

>> No.17282660 [DELETED] 

reproduction is opting into prison, choosing to limit self to monkeyhood; women enable that sin. one is not released till one dies without offspring. imagine being bred to believe; that's a bad thing; welcome to monkeydom.

>> No.17282706

That sounded a bit weird, but I'm into a lot of different things. And I'm quite good at most of them, but not great at any. I'm one of those jack of many trades and ace of none. I would probably fit in any course, because I would definitely enjoy studying practically anything.

>> No.17282795

Yeah oath. Covid is bad because all the oldies who get sick clog up the hospitals which is a big problem. But on principle I couldn't give less of a shit if it was 10 million people dead if they were all 70+

>> No.17282835
File: 2.00 MB, 356x400, 1604290746943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking dislike people younger than me, which is especially tough since I took break from uni and now have to study with kids born after 9/11.

>> No.17282886

KEK I got into college at age 27, anon. It is ok. I'm fucking 31 and I'll get back to it again. And I'll be 32 if I manage to get into whatever, which might not happen. At least you are doing it.

>> No.17282904

I fucking hate this place sometimes. Seems like they fucked me on purpose. The worst part is that I will never know if its true and the reason behind it if it is.

>> No.17282912

And it is not like I don't have a reason to believe it is. My father did some weird fucking nonsense to me for no good reason at all. I mean, he was not a fucking retard. So why do that shit? He seemed to love me so why this weird shit?

>> No.17282923

As in why would you want your son to have a bunch of fucking phobias?

>> No.17282931

The worst part is that some of those aren't even that significant. And I can't possibly think about the reason why he would do that. Why this was important to him?

>> No.17283011

I was the same in school. I wished to be talented in one area and retard in other as it would been much easier to choose life path.

>> No.17283039

This is fucking pointless, maybe that is the point. Have a problem to deal with and leave it behind. That makes sense.

>> No.17283050

Biggest reason for deterioration of mental health is the destruction of the community.

>> No.17283115

True. It made person more free but also more susceptable to mental illness and insecurity.

>> No.17283158

alright, I've reached my limit of bullshit. I'll see you guys again in a year.

>> No.17283204

good night

>> No.17283707

i just cant read more than couple of pages before i have to put down the book, let my brain absorb the info and continue. I dont think that hows supposed to be.

>> No.17283714

if I ever have a dog its name will be "boggo"
if I ever have a cat its name will be "кoшeк"

that is all.

>> No.17283815
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get a load of this shit

>> No.17283916

this is also my very strong suspicion

>> No.17284175

Easier said than done unless one's impulses run to the poetic, and holidays of one's own making happen spontaneously as an atmosphere too specific to name. By art one can augment their echoes a little, and convey them even less, but it isn't religion until the original is completely lost, becomes something else that's kept by others for motives contrary to it.

>> No.17284451

I've been having trouble breathing out my nose for months but I don't want to get it checked out and pay a $300 deductible just for that. This healthcare system is a blatant ripoff and causes people to barter with their own health. Absolutely disgusting and unjust.

>> No.17284561

Serves you right for voting against your own interests

>> No.17284583

the cost of obamacare actually started trending down slightly after trump took office rather than go way up every year, that's my main worry with biden is that obamacare premiums are going to start going through the roof again. when obamacare first started i had a silver plan, by the time obama left the white house thee years later, i was paying the same amount, but had to trade down to a bronze plan because silver kept going up every single year

>> No.17284946

I've been having erotic fantasies about young girls again. I had them a lot about 10+ years ago which I found to be the result of intrusive thoughts and OCD. I treated it with cognitive behavioral therapy and been happy since. Now that they're happening again, I'm not really bothered. I think about sex and my kinks a lot so maybe it's just that need for something more extreme to get my rocks off. I even have an idea for an erotic story that I've been developing on this theme based on my recent obsessions and but I hesitate to write, much less share it anywhere since I have a good job and a wife and son and I don't want to ruin our lives.

>> No.17285298

What does it feel to love and be loved by the same person? I never had such feeling so perhaps you could describe it.

>> No.17285323

Feels good, anon. One of the best feelings ever, but no that productive. You will lose half of your IQ, are you willing to be stupid? It is like being high 24/7. Not worth it. At least not with anyone, be picky. Because you are giving up half of your brain, ends up being easier to be deceived too. So be careful.

>> No.17285357

Really? Cuz I haven't been able to afford that shit since Trump's second year

>> No.17285393

I do realize that my lack of experience (or rather none) makes me more susceptable to being deceived or being used.

>> No.17285423

Get your feet wet. There is no other way.

>> No.17285451

Im too old too be inexperienced (28). Its not a sign of late bloomer but rather a mark of past expiration.

>> No.17285788

I don't vote.

>> No.17285835

Just fucking start, it is mostly about hormones anyway. Monkeys do it all the time. People unironically get to know each other in parties, anon. They don't even talk to each other. I cringe when I hear that rational animal definition of man, but whatever.

>> No.17285848

As if rationality couldn't be stripped from the human condition. And that is fine.

>> No.17286289

I'm quite happy

>> No.17286670
File: 80 KB, 1385x622, 1563027383997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw my father washing a knife by the sink. I walked up to him, put my arm around his shoulder, and rested my temple against his head. I watched him wash the knife for a moment, and a thought came to me - If he decided to stab me in the throat at that moment, I would bear him no grudge. Why? He is one of the greatest souls I've ever met. If he deemed it necessary to kill me at that time, then truly, I would have deserved it, and I would meet my maker without a regret. I kissed him on the temple and returned to my room, to write this post.

>> No.17286671

How young?

>> No.17286719

Write it. Obsession about young girls is pretty much my muse. Let it be yours.

>> No.17286812
File: 33 KB, 736x552, 1549036988545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a full wagie yet, just thinking when I become one gives me goosebumps, think about it:
>wake up at 6:30 AM
>shit, wash yourself , eat, etc, leave to work at 7:30 AM
>reach work at 8 AM, work until 4:30 PM or 5( people are fighting over you place so you can't work only 8 hours)
>picking up some groceries before going home
>is at least 5:30 PM, you're home, you lift or do some exercise, take a shower, is already 6:45
>make yourself some food, eat and clean, is almost 8 PM
>you have less than 4 hours until you go back to sleep and repeat for 40 years
and that's without taking into account when you have to clean the house and dust, vacuum, iron, wash clothes and dishes, take out the garbage, eat healthy, take care of your body, do sports, read books , become a better person or a human, enjoy life a little and to be happy, have time for friends and family, etc.
How do you not eat the bullet after a couple of years?

>> No.17286954

9-12. There was one IRL little girl who went to my family's church that I thought was lovely and she was 6, definitely the youngest in the range
We'll see. I wouldn't say they're my muse.

>> No.17287108

Easy for you to say. I can talk with girls rather normally but i cant flirt neither touch them.

>> No.17287122

Have you tried quitting porn, anon? I found incredibly hard to not engage in such things if i abstain from it. To the point of losing my focus.

>> No.17287123

>waa waa being an adult is hard

>> No.17287133

All the bs you are supposed to say start to come out naturally, and that bothers me so much, because I would rather be thinking my own thing.

>> No.17287145

Weekends, anon. Make them count.

>> No.17287178

I never had a porn addiction. If i need a wank i just do it with imagination.
It doesnt come to me naturally. Im terribly afraid of acting out on sexual impulses.

>> No.17287203

The don't wank part was implicit. Look, anon. Just think of it as not doing anything that you would get mad if you heard that someone did with (insert woman in you life that you love). This can be mother, sister, friend or whatever.

>> No.17287219

I've been writing about going to write for years

>> No.17287255

>Just think of it as not doing anything that you would get mad if you heard that someone did with (insert woman in you life that you love).
I dont get it

>> No.17287277

Have you ever read Kant, anon? This is probably the best you can get using him. Categorical imperative. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/

Check that out, it is the close to the best you can get without being a woman for a part of your life.

>> No.17287290

you could unironically write a book about that.

>> No.17287344

We were texting and she “loved” a message I sent her. I want to fuck her hard at a physiological level. I don’t know how to put up barriers.

>> No.17287505

Come to me and I'll show you ;)

>> No.17287585

reading my 15th don delillo novel.

i hear when you complete all 17 the infocratic wall street industrial complex pays to have you (character/) assassinated.

>> No.17287597
File: 135 KB, 768x1152, brit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the kobos are sold out
is that still the /lit/ approved ereader?

I just dont want to pay amazon for my books and finding mobis sucks.

anything besides kobo good? or should I just get the kobo nia?

>> No.17287599

All humans are ethnic, though. Ethnic literally means people or related to people.

>> No.17287806


The part on tenderness really got me. Such a beautiful interview. His voice eminates a level of compassion and love rarely seen. You can feel how carefully he picks his every word. Pausing for half a minute at times. For fans of literature, Berger is a must read. Who knew that such a soul existed behind a plain art critic. One can really feel the influence of Weil. I remember reading in a book that Simone de Bouvoir was jealous of her in college for having a heart that could beat across the world, and I believe that this man has something similar. I wonder how someone achieves such a state.

>> No.17287828

Your books suck shit

>> No.17288225

How did 'for you' become a meme? I don't go to /tv/

>> No.17288251

In The Passion of Christ there's a scene where Judas says to Jesus "You're getting to be a large fellow", to which Jesus replies "For you". It was clunky and out of place and became a meme.

>> No.17288301
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>> No.17288304

wtf, really? that really is out of place

>> No.17288490
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 1591671464451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone know the name of that young Irish traditionalist youtuber? He did a video about his bookshelf that I'm trying to find.

>> No.17288575

I want an answer!

>> No.17288600


>> No.17288716

A bird just shit on my copy of White Noise

>> No.17288725

Are you sure he was Irish? Could be thinking of Pewdiepie.

>> No.17288784

No lol, he's not that big but he was talked about here a bit temporarily. He's literally a traditionalist like Guenon and did debate videos with other youtubers about consciousness and such. He also has a twitter account with like a celtic sage as his prof pic.

>> No.17288896
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>> No.17288956

Yes its really embarrassing and insane to see the fat soldiers inside the capitol building. I laugh but even as a non American it unnerves me - the lengths that people will go to, from all sides, to psyop a nation and rape it's collective consciousness from the inside out.

>> No.17289034

De do do do, de da da da

>> No.17289079
File: 2.16 MB, 2200x1497, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17289369

I've read that when you argue, 99% of the time you're never gonna convince the person you're arguing against. You're arguing more to the audience. You're trying to turn them to your views or retain them in your collective view.

>> No.17289386

Is it? I always thought about it as doing shit on the internet. Like some kind of game. And you can set your own goals. As in getting people mad, proving them wrong, wasting their time.

>> No.17289396

"To give a person an opinion one must first judge well whether that person is of the disposition to receive it or not."

Most people aren't, especially online.

>> No.17289438

I found whiskey again recently after staying away from it for more than a year. Not going well bros

>> No.17289455

It's not too late to stop again.

>> No.17289473

Why though? I wasn’t any more fulfilled when I wasn’t drinking

>> No.17289489

Well, I assumed by your "not going well bros" that you were unhappy with the situation. If you're content with your self destruction and it doesn't substantially impact the people around you then by all means go for it.

>> No.17289512

is there just one drunk guy on /lit/ are are there a bunch of this guy?

>> No.17289690

I do think of it as a game as well. But there are times I argue in what I deem good faith, and times I argue in bad faith. Bad faith is bringing something up which I know will a trigger an NPC, thereby making any continuing conversation utterly bereft of any merit.

>> No.17289705

The darkness once discovered became a light.
It was salvation, hope.
Gone were the people, gone was the hell.
Gone were the dreams, but gone was good.

>> No.17289716

>is there just one lonely guy in his late 20s who doesn’t see any purpose in virtue and hasn’t been in love or felt alive in years and who tried the straight edge routine and found it to leave him just as hollow as he was as a degenerate alcoholic on /lit/ or are there a bunch of this guy?

>> No.17289740
File: 51 KB, 740x925, 6b621af91f1dda199e2f80c357eef0ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't doing nothing but listen to a album, rate it, jack off 3-5 times, listen to my lectures and play League. It's neat.

>> No.17289795

Based except the jack off part.

>> No.17289934

My life occurs in four month cycles, with each cycle being further broken down into three week periods. Aug. 14: I realize i cannot afford college anymore and so withdraw, and set my sights on joining the navy. Sep. 14: I meet the girl I would fall in love with. Oct. 14: I realize I am in love and cannot go any further with this love. Nov. 14: The last time I speak to the girl I love/First encounter with other highly significant woman in my life. Dec. 14: things are going full swing with the new woman and I discover hermeticism. Jan. 14: I cut all ties with second woman and pursue once again the navy

>> No.17289946

oh shit apple is having ridley scott make a napoleon movie starring joaquin phoenix as napoleon, that might be the first thing they've produced that has my interest at all, way to go tim cook

>> No.17290000

Can anyone recommend a good book on Napoleon? Doesn't necessarily have to be all-encompassing, but I'd prefer it to be non-fiction.

>> No.17290015

You sound like a retard

>> No.17290359

>is there just one lonely guy in his late 20s who doesn’t see any purpose in virtue and hasn’t been in love or felt alive in years and who tried the straight edge routine and found it to leave him just as hollow as he was as a degenerate alcoholic on /lit/ or are there a bunch of this guy?

>> No.17290374

Same except the rating, the lectures and the league.

I want this image but the girl has smaller boobs.

>> No.17290395

Get back to pornhub, anon.

>> No.17290511

damn this week sucked for new music releases, hopefully i'll find some obscure electronic shit on a blog or sth cuz the stuff on browse pages of apple music is not great tonight

>> No.17290542

for example:


there are apparently ppl who listen to this and enjoy it enough that it trended on the new releases section of electronic

>> No.17290552

I've recently come across an idea that seems to guide all my recent thoughts. It goes like this:

Much of philosophical confusion and dispute is facilitated by differences between a God's Eye-View and and a My-Eye-View.
Think of a football game where thousands of spectators watch an overhead shot of a moving organic machine. Now think of the wide receiver who looks only forward toward his defender.
Now imagine history from that overhead shot.
Now imagine history from Aurelius's eyes out.
This may come as strikingly obvious. Its the subjective and objective divide.
But now imagine where science is viewing from and think of its insights based on its God's Eye-view.
The God's-Eye-View tells a (non)story. I and thousands of other Americans watch a formation move across a screen. Number 24 sees an enemy.
We watch the moving parts of titans collide. Number 12s head aches.
When the God's-Eye-View permeates everything and everyone then the song is over since no One is there to listen.

>> No.17290564

God it sounds insufferable to be you.

>> No.17290570

yeah i thought that might go somewhere so i read it but it didn't

>> No.17290610

Forgive me anons if the idea is dull and my laziness shines through. One thing I'd add is to compare The Great Man Theory of history and evolutionary accounts of history (gene-culture co-evolution).

>> No.17291458

Shes making me feel guilty.

>> No.17291964

everything i have ever built, everything ive ever done, everything i am and in my life means nothing without her. i'd give it all up and burn it all. i'd sell everything. i sabotaged it and cant live with myself anymore. i have no energy to live or continue pursuing whatever goals i have, whatever hobby, whatever naive dream or hope i once had. fuck it all, meaningless. waste of time. all i can think about is her. this fucking money is worthless. the haze from the drugs wore off and the impact of losing her stings. i have no desire or drive to do anything anymore. i cant even look at porn or talk to other women without feeling existential dread. i just want to drink myself to death

>> No.17292218

I have a date coming in an hour. Had pesto for lunch (yurop), not realizing it has garlic in it.
What do now? Now's the time to help a retard out.

>> No.17292232

Try drinking milk. Some say eating parsley is good too, but I would say milk should give you faster results.

>> No.17292241

Just say "i ate garlic. I may fart. I am sorry. If you do not hold this against me I will make it worth your while.

>> No.17292248


>> No.17292259

Just hope that this girl has the same taste as Joyce

>> No.17292317

>I may fart
not what I'm worried about.
idk I'll probably just overdose on chewing gum and maybe this >>17292232 and hope there wasn't too much of it in the pesto

>> No.17292328

If that is enough to chase her away, do you really want her? She may very well show up with worse breath than you.

>> No.17292330

there's always this advice i see in contemporary psychotherapy that you should love yourself, or at least, like yourself in order to advance in life and be "happier". what a tragic pit to fall into. fueling more narcissism and promoting complacency. nobody should like themselves. don't make excuses.

>> No.17292353

I just think it's good manners to keep a good breath for a date.

>> No.17292400

To a point I agree. Be with the person who you want to be.

Sure, but biology often has other plans and garlic mint breath is not exactly pleasing. There are limits and any reasonable person is not going to judge someone for garlic breath, perhaps for obviously never brushes their teeth breath, but garlic breath is a different thing.

Then again, I am the sort who can eat garlic and onions all day long and no one would know, so maybe I just have no clue.

>> No.17292447
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I started watching Arsène Lupin tv series from 1971. Since I don't speak french and have just started learning it, I understand maybe few words per episode, but it's a good way to get one's ears accustomed to the sound. The story is rather simplified and only uses books as loose reference, so it's relatively easy to follow anyway.
I'm just annoyed it's set in 1920s, most of Lupin's adventures are set in belle époque, but I guess this was easier to manage.

>> No.17292522

I'm mad tired.

>> No.17292937

Does anyone else here constantly worry during conversation that the others just want you to stop talking every time you speak up?

>> No.17293043

For me it's the opposite.

>> No.17293054

I am a white American man aged 45 living in the Philadelphia area. I work as a credit analyst at a local bank. I have had many bad experiences with women in the past and currently live alone in a condo. I partake in illicit drug use and have occasionally purchased services of escorts. My current goals are to be happy and have fun living life as he wishes without being tied down by any commitments or responsibilities, but I feel an emptiness despite my material comforts and hedonism.

In order to meet my basic needs and pursue my goals I must regularly interact with other human beings sadly, which is not necessarily pleasurable. In fact, interacting with other human beings can be quite difficult for me because of my bad experiences and ensuing distrust of others.

>> No.17293146


>> No.17293220

Keith Woods

>> No.17293303

My mother's lost her sense of taste. Perhaps things are soon to go to hell.

>> No.17293317

Worked on Brazil. Now there's the hate for poor violent people

>> No.17293322

The survival rate for COVID is in the high 90's. Unless your mom is 80 or grotesquely obese, you need to relax.

>> No.17293331

Had very similar interests regarding cross dressing, for me it evolved to autogeniphilia or however you spell that.

Essentially I wanted to be a different person badly I was turned on by the idea of being fucked as a woman, as if that would some how make my life better. Its gone away now that I’ve stopped masturbating regularly and tried to be more honest with myself and my interests/thoughts. Thank goodness, those feelings nearly plagued me for a decade. It feels good to not be controlled by them anymore, and my life has become substantially better since being more honest with myself.

>> No.17293343

This is incredibly based

>> No.17293348

this website is nothing but constructing ad hominem arguments ad infinitum without ever having truly examined the issue seriously

>> No.17293361

Walden is more based then I remember

>> No.17293367

No opportunity for salvation, always the fool. Never adequate, always raging. Hate spills. Loneliness soaks. Tangled strings in all ways. Forces pull towards destruction. Tangled strings. They are silenced by the sound of your own raging heart. if there was silence. If there was a reset. Maybe If there was an equalisation.but It’s you. It’s always been you. No one else can read this for you but your own mind. Let the cursor crawl forward perhaps truth can be found ahead. Always searching, always crying out for help. Until you realise you can no longer search or cry out any longer. You’re Voice is Gone, the mind is silent, You’re alone in the dark. Close your eyes. It’s time.

Tomorrow morning rises, the hand rolls the dice again. Suspended in darkness, floating peacefully before consciousness is present. Then for anguish to be white light. Scream. Keep screaming. Pain awakens consciousness. Now, survive.

>> No.17293375

She's in her 50s and obese. A friend of hers in similar conditions died last week.

>> No.17293385

Must become crooked to be straight.

>> No.17293406

As someone who’s been in the wagie life for a year now, it’s not as bad as it looks, but you aren’t far off the mark.

The best thing I’ve found is that unless you have a family, in general you’re pretty in control of how much you want to work, you just have to be more frugal in your expenses. Having a family to take care of is really when waging becomes a death sentence you can’t escape from. You’re tied down because of their wants and needs instead of your own. And if you’re a decent person you can’t get out unless there are special circumstances.

But you can get out prior to that, and I think that’s the goal everyone should strive for if the wagie life sounds bad. If you don’t want to go to an office and work 9-5 for 40 hrs a week. You need to find a way to replace that salary, and it’s hard but it’s doable.

>> No.17293409

PMA lads, PMA.

>> No.17293436

>be more honest with myself
That i can agree. It feels like i've broken a spell. I mean sure i'd like to have shapeshifting powers and turn myself into women even for one day. Sometimes i do imagine my dressed as a female which has a nice body and clothes but live i've said, barely any desire to act it out. I never had a body dysmorphia or desire to undergo hormone transplantation.

>> No.17293660

beating my dick to some thick asians

>> No.17293907
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Oh my God, /g/ is being absolutely flooded by newfags from /pol/ right now because of the recent banning spree Twitter recently went on, and they're all interested in "alt-tech" because of muh freeze peaches. The type of retards that are probably go follow through with this chart. Now /g/ has been telling them to stop using most of the stuff on the left side for years and only now those retards want out, but they all just want to blindly move to the "based platforms" on the right side of this chart hand side like fucking lemmings. Most of the alternatives on the right aren't even good. The root problem these /pol/tards don't get is that the reason why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit are particularly bad in this case (there are very many reasons why they're bad) is because they're all centralized platforms, and the users don't own anything on it. It doesn't matter who owns them, or if they're "pozzed", or "nazis", or whatever meme reason since moderation has always been a hard job for everyone. Social media platforms should die in a fire be decentralized/federated or even distributed, in other words host your own shit, or use federated/standardized networks since they should be Free and Open Source ways to use them.

>> No.17294380

why /pol/ is an stinking burrow? People unironically bother coming to /lit/ to talk about economics and politics. Why aren't they trying to fix it?

>> No.17295514

Can a man with a small peen live a full-fledged life?

>> No.17295535

i am so lazy

>> No.17295655


>> No.17295800

yes, but his woman cannot

>> No.17295824

I'm typing a reply to a post here on /lit/ and it keeps expanding in my mind, and it keeps branching, I need to put more into it - I stop. It's impossible to be concise, I can't post this, I linger on the "Post" button, I'm cold sweating, this is too poorly phrased, there are holes in my reasoning, I'm even being melodramatic, but not really though, and that's the point, but I can't get through here
I've had too much coffee after a long break from caffeine, that's it. I've got at least 50tabs open, it's time to step away.

>> No.17295830

It is mostly about fingers and tongue, anon. Lesbians do it just fine.

>> No.17295891
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Francis Fukuyama? Francis! Francis! Call 911!
Francis...Francis! How could you have done this? Francis!
I can't believe you killed history! I can not believe you killed history! How could you have done this? How could you have killed history!
I can't help you outta this one, Francis...with all we've been through, I can't pull you outta this one...goodbye, my friend...goodbye...

>> No.17295947

I feel so fucking terrible. I’m going to feel terrible for another month. Maybe six more months. I will not kill myself. I am 100% sure I will not kill myself.

I cannot imagine feeling much worse than this, and yet, if people kill themselves, it must get so much worse. I should man up and quit being such a pussy.

But if I just could undo a couple things and be her back everything would be perfect. This is completely wrong and I know it logically but it doesn’t stop the emotional part of my brain from blasting these thoughts on repeat 24/7.

>> No.17296507
File: 688 KB, 913x1214, soulless architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"As for the Pyramids, there is nothing to wonder at in them so much as the fact that so many men could be found degraded enough to spend their lives constructing a tomb for some ambitious booby, whom it would have been wiser and manlier to have drowned in the Nile, and then given his body to the dogs."
>same goes for pretty much all architecture- sketched by an architect, contracted out to a company... there's no soul in it
>people eventually begin to stupidly admire that soulless architecture for how long it has stood, as if man's soulless work should be praised
>people also see the soulless architecture for "who built it" in West versus East and other such competitions
>"I should like to know who in this days did not build them,- who were above such trifling."
Fine I hate the Pyramids now. Happy??

I agree!

>> No.17296763

>The root problem these /pol/tards don't get is that the reason why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit are particularly bad in this case (...) is because they're all centralized platforms, and the users don't own anything on it. It doesn't matter who owns them
based and unstable-equilibrium-pilled

Is anybody making significant progress on decentralized uncensorable trustless (probably blockchain-based but those are implementation details) content stores? I don’t follow the space too closely because it’s full of crypto shills and hype fags but a solution is certainly coming sooner or later and only then will we escape from the walled garden hellscape of the internet in $CURRENT_YEAR.

>> No.17296939

if you feel like not supporting bs, don't buy any books. Pirate everything, /lit/. Fuck those authors and publishers pushing their bs to you. Then proceed and buy it if it seems worth its price, otherwise never buy a book before reading it.

>> No.17297222

Heaven for me is a warm overcast day.
Damp sleeping backyard full of saturated greens whispering and nodding to each other, spied through a fogged up glass sprinkled in salty dying rain specklets.
Ozone seeping through the cracks in the windows coloring the gateways in coppertones
Cool carpet comfortably scratching between my knees as my finger drags along a skin of water.
Blanket of resonance enveloping the house in the soft patter of animals