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/lit/ - Literature

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1727704 No.1727704 [Reply] [Original]

>English major
>your job interviewer's face when

>> No.1727713
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>> No.1727726
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>mfw you posted anyway

>> No.1727733
File: 50 KB, 1033x1080, EWBTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a freelance editor for a major publisher who charges $60-$90/hour. I majored in English.


>> No.1727745

Boring. These threads get posted every day and they're not getting any more interesting, amusing or insulting.

>> No.1727840
File: 75 KB, 500x333, tumblr_l2s685RimA1qzzhzdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this topic

>> No.1727847
File: 239 KB, 2550x3300, 1303433746127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just super sayan:

My interviewer's face was very serious. She hired me. I'm paid 5,000 dollars a month now.

>> No.1727848
File: 10 KB, 293x172, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a freelance burger flipper and coffee server for a major corporation that charges $3.50 a meal.

I majored in English.


>> No.1727853


Why don't you teach? That's what I've done with my major in English. Why don't you?

>> No.1727870

>make a dumb, played out, obvious troll-ass statement on /lit/

keep bein' cool.

>> No.1727878
File: 16 KB, 400x266, 11472_squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be surrounded by entitled, ungrateful teenagers all day
>be administrators' plaything
>most of your co-workers are idiots
>be paid the same as shit teachers who don't even plan for classes, no matter what you do
>your face in twenty years

>> No.1727882


That was my face the first day of work, sir. But I'd rather do that and be paid what I'm paid than work 8 hours a day at McDonald's.

>> No.1727886


Who's that faggot with a name? One more proof that /lit/ has a certain percentage of morons who are here for ego, not literature.

>Look at me like who I am matters, my name is this and that

>fails to understand the concept of anonymity

>if you're a failfuck, get a name

>> No.1727888


cuz kids are annoying
cuz teaching basic shit is boring--i'd like to teach upper level University courses, but I don't have a phd in english

and im not getting one because the demand for english teachers is 0 and im not an idiot who feels like spending 5 years in poverty getting a phd

>> No.1727889


You fucking idiot, not everyone spends their lives on 4chan, unlike you, they have a life, work, and live. Responding to this thread helps encouraging people who consider teaching as a career. It's not like the world needs LESS teachers, you dumb poofcake.

You need a teacher or 2 dozens of them, and a cock up your cunt, stop being so frustrated.

PS: Virginia was an unfaithful asshole bitch.

>> No.1727893


Same. But still:

school > mcdonald's

My kids ask me "What does this word mean?"

>Your kids ask you for a cheeseburger.

>> No.1727897


Do you regret your choice of major?

>> No.1727910
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ITT: anecdotal evidence

glad to see those English degrees have really taught you "how to think critically"

>> No.1727950
File: 39 KB, 501x373, 1272639008467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh out of uni
>idly browse through job ads looking for a better job
>pharmaceutical industry
>"The ideal candidate is a graduate of English"
>apply for the job
>get the job
>have decent job, decent pay while all IT/engineering graduates I know still can't get their shit together

>> No.1727962


>> No.1727965

English major here. What the fuck am I gonna do. Seriosuly. I don't wanna teach and I don't wanna go to law school.

Well, I don't want to teach English at least. In my opinion essays are an utter and complete waste of time, because I get As on papers that I just bullshit through completely.

>> No.1727993

>don't wanna

Just because you took a course in a field that interests you more than others doesn't mean it gives you liability to sit on your ass and have a job plopped into your life with the criteria of being intensely gratifying.

Man the fuck up.

>> No.1727996
File: 87 KB, 247x294, 126848641567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching, Law, and Journalism are your only steady career paths. If you didn't want those, then why the fuck did you major in English? Did you expect to become a famous writer?

>> No.1728002

>27 years old
>can't get a job doing anything: flipping burgers, working in a shop, entry-level office job, etc

>> No.1728006

No way you're 27, Sunhawk. I've always assumed you're a high school kid...

>> No.1728011

>steady career path
>the Internet has literally annihilated the need for print, seriously cutting into the available jobs


If you're still in undergrad, get a teaching certificate while you're there. You'll have steady, living wage work to fall back on. You'll also have the free time and the potential to form a social network necessary for starting a small business.

Whatever you do, don't have a quarter-life crisis and become hopelessly depressed about the world as you graduate with just an English degree. Take action sooner rather than later, because there's some more bullshit you're gonna have to put up with any way you look at it.

Hope you enjoyed undergrad. Like another anon said, it's man the fuck up time, now.

>> No.1728017

I am a famous writer.

>> No.1728018


Funny, I thought the same about you, Anonymous. I'm not even American.

>> No.1728027

>yfw as the uselessness of your education slowly dawns on you while you enter the real world

Welcome to the club, faggot.

>> No.1728035

>yfw as the uselessness of your education slowly dawns on you while you enter the real world

Welcome to the club, faggot. Enjoy your life as a dependent.

>> No.1728040

To be honest, you're by far my favorite tripfag on /lit/. You always respond to my posts and attempted to take care of that 2000s project. Can I kindly ask you for an e-mail address?

>> No.1728046

studying just to get a job is cowardly

studying to piss your life away for nothing, that is true courage - stare into the abyss friends!

>> No.1728054

you know what im going to do when i finish my humanities degree and im unable to find any suitable work? im gonna get high as a motherfucker all day erryday and read/watch stuff online/fap.

i give not a fuck

>> No.1728064


if you're still hear, how did you get into that?
editing is what I want to do, looking from some Professional Tips

>> No.1728079

Master race.

>> No.1729561


>> No.1729566

Enjoy being a disgusting, foreveralone drain on society.

People like you are why the middle class is vanishing and the inequitable distribution of wealth only gets worse.

>> No.1729569

daily college major thread

now for kids

>> No.1729634

bitter much?

>> No.1729650

If your still hear.....
You are still here.....
you are here......
good luck editing your own words.....americunts at unit what a joke.

>> No.1729660
File: 46 KB, 634x424, aintnothang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>srs about lit & language
>majored in linguistics instead of English
>mfw high-salary jobs fall into my lap

>> No.1729739


>> No.1729823

trolling? or just stupid?

the world may never know

>> No.1731169


>> No.1731179

>math major
>going to make bombs for US government
>revenge for calling me a nerd on the internet faggots

>> No.1731186
File: 9 KB, 336x330, how can i hold all these fires.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a half dozens novels of different genres
>send them to publicists that specialize in said genres
>they refuse to even read my manuscripts because i've never been published
>decide to get an english degree to improve my skills
>all of my classmates are idiots, teachers know less about literature than i do
>learn absolutely nothing new for 2 years and get my associates
>publicists still don't read my manuscripts
>am considering using a female pen name to trick those stinking blood suckers

>> No.1731191

I want money, all of it. Not doing what I want to, but what I think they need me to. I'll laugh at the face of the baristas, McDonald's losers and bums on the street as I drive my Benz through the city, in my three-piece suit with my uber-hot wife. My job takes half of my day, half of my life and all of my energy, but I don't give a shit, since everything is worth it when I arrive at my home, turn on the tv, and forget about everything till next morning.

See you until then.

>> No.1731245
File: 89 KB, 500x375, 600full-klaus-kinski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double major in English and Accounting at one of the best business schools in the country. Almost everyone is offered a job to a Top 4 firm
>Accounting is filled with ESL Asians who will end up doing the dirty work
>mfw my ability to write and speak properly will catch me 200k + in just a few years.

>> No.1731288

the problem with an english degree isn't the degree itself, it's the people who get them, so many english major i've encountered are really lazy and in tunr, really incompetent. if you're going to 'follow your dreams' make sure it really is your dream and it being your dream, you're willing to work damn hard for it

all degrees can be equally useful and useless

tl;dr troll harder and wise the fuck up english majors

>> No.1731336

>International Affairs major

>Work for a politician who also majored in International Affairs who congratulates me on my choice

>Only people who tell me my degree is useless are people with a two-year degree from a community college

>Planning on taking the FSOT after I graduate

Not bad.

>> No.1731356

>Dual-enroll in community college in high school, graduate with an AA because all the requirements double-count towards my HS diploma

>Go to uni
>Dual major in English and Philosophy/Religion
>Concentration in Editing, Writing and Media
>Minors in International Studies and Pre-Law

>Now earning dual certificates in Paralegal Studies and Cartography, mostly because I wanted to stay in uni a year and a half longer without having to leave my friends

Well, damn, /lit/. I've got stars in my eyes and the whole world before me.