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17272783 No.17272783 [Reply] [Original]

Reading the bible with a group of friends. Basically half christian, half atheist/agnostic. We are pretty agreed that we want to read and discuss with scholarly motivations rather than religious...

Any experiences with a more academically bent bible study group?
Any tips for reading groups in general?

>> No.17272824


>> No.17272830

Start with the NT then go back through OT

>> No.17272942

My being in a bible study happened by pure coincidence. Met a pastor and become good enough friends to the point that he invited me to his family's Bible study on Sundays. That was four years ago and I've been having it with them ever since. No idea about a more academically oriented study group

>> No.17272991

Put in some stuff you made up and see if anyone notices.

>> No.17272997

I recommend warhogs penises

>> No.17273011

I’m not sure that would fly under the radar.

>> No.17273019

>scholarly motivations
God getting his word out

There you go, saved you some time

>> No.17273092

i'm doing my first read thru on my own, my process is simple:

>read a few sections and take note of what i feel merits further investigation
>afterwards go online and look into them
>things i've been relying on so far: the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture series, the Wiley-Blackwell Bible Commentary series, the Anchor Bible series, the commentaries of Rashi and the commentaries of John Calvin... i particularly like the ones that analyze the language of the Hebrew

>> No.17273103

By throwing it away and ready older Middle Eastern works instead

>> No.17273104

it did last time we had a Bible thread

80% of the Torah is painfully boring and if you go through the Bible thinking it's all going to be like Leviticus then you won't appreciate it. Don't try to read it front to back, it's not meant to be read that way.

>> No.17273155

>Basically half christian, half atheist/agnostic
You are going to endlessly argue about the first few chapters of genesis and how that's impossible, maybe gets stuck for way too long at the circumcision parts depending on how childish you are, and then everyone will drop off by the time you get to Leviticus
This may be your best course of action
but reading NT without the OT seems kinda pointless and may open up room for bad interpretations

>> No.17273466

>Starting with the central argument is bad
OT is kind of supplementary

>> No.17273527


>> No.17273792

Jesus references the OT all the time, as do the letters in the NT. If you haven't read OT you miss out on why a lot of stuff happens in the NT.

>> No.17273819

>goes on to misinterpret what Jesus says on the cross

>> No.17275353

it might be difficult because like another anon said the secular types will get stuck on fundamental questions where others will be thinking ahead. i recomend focusing it on the life of christ, a very good book designed for study groups leaning towards more intelectual questions is the jesus of history by TR Glover, its 200 pages and has 10 chapters with questions for each chapter, it focuses on Jesus and his teachings, background and the culture he grew up in, Glover was an oxford classics professor and christian so he shows how unique and vouge christianity was in ancient times

>> No.17275616


Have everyone read Ecclesiastes first, it's a short but powerful read, you can finish it in an hour. After that maybe Job or go on to the NT

>> No.17275757

The Bible is the oldest document in continuous usage.

>> No.17275771


>> No.17275818

And Coca Cola is one of the oldest and most popular beverages, that doesn’t make it healthy

>> No.17275848
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Read the moral and ethical teachings of Christ and start weeding out the hypocrites in the group.
Make them squirm

>> No.17275852

My nigga really comparing the supreme word of God to a fucking soft drink. The utter state of redditors.

>> No.17275870

I'm not sure what that wojak was created for?

>> No.17276731

you are an idiot