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17272472 No.17272472 [Reply] [Original]

I won't tell you the name of the book I just read because I want to keep it as something personal and special. I will say that it is somewhat similar to Moby-Dick. This book flopped when it first came out over 40 years ago, but it is one of the greatest books I've ever read. It contained beautiful prose describing the ocean, and the plot was moved by dialogue alone, so the narration served only to take a picture of the scene. This novel was both prosaic and poetic, and I appreciate the novel as an artform more after reading this book. I've looked in the archive and I know there is at least one anon who used to shill this book and I agree with him. You will never know what book I'm talking about, but it is incredible.
I hope you stumble along this book someday on your own, but for now I will enjoy being one of the few people to love this book

>> No.17272557

anon I am genuinely glad for you.
May you stumble upon things which may give you feelings that come from similar, but not the same, places.

>> No.17272564

Please tell me

>> No.17272575
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>> No.17272593

>This book flopped when it first came out over 40 years ago
That can't be it, Röde Orm was and still is popular in Sweden.

>> No.17272801

Come now, give us it. The honeyed words, the sweet nectar of a flowing composition, the ecstasy of a remarkable spirit pouring forth their being onto parchment. We want it - I want it. Shame on you in all your miserly clutchings, to withhold such treasures from the kin of your own accord. We are brethren, us and you, and still you keep it. To think, those that previously cast it in the murk did so as a product of their own shortcomings, their inabilities to esteem a work of penned ambrosia. But now it is discovered by one capable of a more astute appraisal, only to again be tamped in obscurity, if just to satiate a sense of selfish vanity - what a great condemnation of mankind! The wheel of time turns and continues crushing, things doomed to be crushed on the first pass shall be crushed on the second and onward till infinity. The author in all his purported brilliance reaps the same harvest as the countless unskilled sowers of words in histories past, not by any failure of his own but in the failure of his contemporaries and the children of his contemporaries, like father like son and onwards. But it might not have to be so. Break the cycle and give us it. Give us it now. Would you please be a darling and just give us it?

>> No.17273951

did you even read it?

>> No.17274116

>Pieces of art that become memories of their own and touch you on a deep personal level
That's one of the most beautiful things in life.

>> No.17274124

I don't think you're ready to know. Are you?

>> No.17274147

Tell us Anon

>> No.17274161

I'm really, really hesitant to do it, though. I don't think you really want to hear it.

>> No.17274172

Why? What reason would telling us detract from your enjoyment of the book?

>> No.17274204

There was a thread like this a few weeks ago where OP revealed that he was talking about Heartiste's PUA book. I'm betting you're that same anon.

>> No.17274242

Is it Old Man and the Sea?

>> No.17274270

Ye, was about to say that also.
It's full of bible references

>> No.17274344

Is it Horcynus Orca?

>> No.17274703

How retarded are you two? Everyone has heard of that

>> No.17274744


>> No.17274764

I feel this way too about an author, except since I'm not a fucking loser, I'll tell you what I'm referring to:

The collected short stories of Breece Dj Pancake. Go read them and then come back and post a thread about him.

>> No.17275249

Paul Metcalf?

>> No.17276057

Give us another hint

>> No.17276519

OP here, I was talking about my diarrhea

>> No.17276532


>> No.17276551

Having known this joy how can you live with yourself knowing you have not only denied the same pleasure to others, but taunted them with it beforehand? This is a crime second only to murder in my book.

>> No.17276568

Book of Ebeneezer Le Page.

>> No.17276995

Appreciate the rec bro