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17272363 No.17272363 [Reply] [Original]

>met a very lit guy at uni
>says he's into Pynchon, DFW, and has a deep library with the greeks
>I ask to see his shelf
>"I don't have a shelf I usually just listen to audiobooks while I'm working, I think the last time I read something was Atlas Shrugged in high school"

There really is no hope

>> No.17272374

He is proud of his deep and rich memory palace and all you care about is silently judging his bookshelf? Come on OP.

>> No.17272376

Sounds like anonymous alright.

>> No.17272378

Books are not tropheys to be displayed on a shelf. You have a lot of growing up to do, OP.

>> No.17272386

I don't care whether or not he has a bookshelf you dolts it's the fact that he does not READ. Audiobooks everything...

>> No.17272391

They are treasures to be prized on a shelf.
Not shaming the audiophile though.

>> No.17272392

I retain more from audiobooks than reading IF the author is clear AND the subject matter is simple. When this is the case in a book I subconsciously skim or begin thinking about something else while part of my mind continues to read.

>> No.17272399

Yes, they are. There is nothing wrong with judging the capabilities of an individual based on his library, hobbies, intellectual prowess, and etiquette. Are you a nigger perchance?

>> No.17272405

No. They are not.

>> No.17272408

i met a girl into zizek and got too anxious to keep talking to her

>> No.17272410

Who cares if he only listens to audiobooks. It's better than whining about it on 4chan.

>> No.17272418

>uses n word
yeah youre not well read

>> No.17272419

I love my archive. They are to me.

>> No.17272453

Rand's phiosophy is pretty decent, Atlas Shrugged is just a stupidy written novel

>> No.17272458

like children, huh?

>> No.17272479

I would find listening to Gravity's Rainbow on audiobook difficult to say the least, and DFW doesn't really translate to audiobook because of the endnotes and footnotes.

>> No.17272539

No, like long form letters from people I like.
Like depository of knowledge that doesn’t need electricity. Exactly that actually.

You are all like my children

>> No.17272589

He certainly posts here

>> No.17272599

I agree with anon. Listening to audiobooks you will gloss over a lot of little yet important details, especially for writers like Pynchon and DFW they shouldn't be recommended as definitive.

>> No.17273787

Nobody is like your children though,
That's because you cut off your dick and balls and your neovagina can't actually bare any children because you aren't a woman.
Also, you sure as hell can't get within 1,000 feet of any actual children kek