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17270022 No.17270022 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.17270079

After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world was horrified by the powers recently unleashed. In order to discourage the use of nuclear weapons, it was decided that once a generation, two random cities around the world would be selected, and destroyed with atomic weapons, to remind people of their power.

Our story takes place in the year 2001. In 1972, the cities of Odessa, Ukraine, and Denver, Colorado were destroyed by atomic blasts. The main character is an American employee in the United Nation's Department of Nuclear Security. The shortlist is out, and his hometown of Milwaukee is on the list. He's strictly forbidden from leaking any information from the list, but he chooses to inform his wife and mother. A mass panic ensues as it spreads from word of mouth.

>> No.17270104

Two polycules engage in supernatural combat so that the narrator can prove they’re willing to try an open relationship with their ex

>> No.17270113

>it was decided that
Who gets to decide? Is there some kind of world government?

>> No.17270123

That's the stupidest premise I've ever heard. Maybe you can make this a satire of shitty dystopias.

>> No.17270183

A divorced failed politician in his early fifties who is a fiery rhetorician and pious but also suffers from womanising and gambling (stock market) establishes an odd relationship with a young single mom who teaches the language and literature of a foreign nation that's rival to her homeland
While they are able to find solace from their miserable lives in their affair, they also bring their respective baggage on the relationship to very harmful consequences for the other party

>> No.17270250

some dumbass UN bureaucracy where this was the only thing the US and USSR could agree on for some retarded reason
Yeah I feel like it'd be better as satire too and not played seriously. But I don't know how to write a satirical dystopia.

>> No.17270360

I like this

>> No.17270385

I think it's cool man. You should write it. You could make it like The Purge, or do something more subtle about the corrosive nature of misinformation. Like, what if there AREN'T any bombs and the cities are just ripped apart by rioting and sheer panic?

>> No.17270416

A virgin man in his late twenties dies of covid he wakes up reincarnated in a fantasy world as the chosen hero to defeat the dragon threatening this world he must have consensus sex with every girl in the realm ugly or not

>> No.17270893

In a small town, a man gets killed by a local guy with down syndrome and the only one who witnessed it was his 10 year old daughter. Enraged, she pretends that she didn't see who killed his dad because she plans to take revenge on the disabled guy. What do you think?

>> No.17270918

A novel about the day in the life of a mortician who lives in a post apocalyptic future where 99/100 people are thrown backwards and forwards in time against their will. Suffic to say, hilarious deaths ensue

>> No.17270938

i mean its kinda interesting, stupid, but interesting. though personally never got the atom bomb scare that much. its not like a big bomber with conventional warheads is all that much different (yes in actual distruction its night and day, but a firebombing of ny with a bunch o conventional explosions aint to peachy either)

>> No.17270984

Near future, scientists detect a 5th fundamental force, which seems to be the source of consciousness, a la panpsychism theory with some particle physics. It also gives rise to some psychics.

During experiments into the noosphere/collective consciousness to figure out better ways to remotely view on other nations and better predict attacks, one of the psychics accidently contacts a non-physical entity, and rips a hole in space-time, releasing radiation, and causing people who go near it to experience hallucinations and altered behavior. As it's growing, it threatens to consume the world unless they can figure out how to shut it down with minimum damage, before things cross over from the other side, it expands and crosses over with the world, or it collapses in a burst of energy destroying the base and nearby cities and towns.

>> No.17270992
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An unstable teenager becomes obsessed with his male classmate. He is unsatisfied with the weak binds he shares with his classmates. Idolising Achilles, he wants a Patroclus, an experience of philia, true Platonic love, of indescribable intensity - someone who would die for him, and that he could die for - someone with whom he could share one self, and have total dominion over. The object of his affection, a young man from a rich UAE family, is wild and unlike, but also a secret homosexual, and wants eros, a sexual aspect, from the friendship - which unnerves and repulses his pursuer. An examination of power, control, frustrated desire, and the longing for meaningful friendships.

>> No.17270993

slow down, too much ideas thrown together. A mortician in a post apocalyptic future sounds interesting. the rest... meh

>> No.17271007

Also set largely at a prestigious boarding school in England, and a skiing chalet in the Alps. Forgive typos, I'm phone posting.

>> No.17271026

>mentally ill Brit gets fucked by degenerate Arab
Powerful socio-political symbolism, Anon. Love it.

>> No.17271152
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Holy shit

>> No.17271168
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No tapyr, no posting

>> No.17271301

Based tapirposter

Not Baird's though, am disappointed. Malayan is B tier.

>> No.17271361

An actor mainly known for doing “TV Dad” roles is given the chance to be an upcoming art house film by a mysterious but famous auteur director. The actor jumps at the chance immediately as he’s tired of the type-casting he faced. However, as the production goes on he and the rest of the crew see through the director’s pretentiousness. The film is utter garbage and potentially career-ruining for everybody involved. However, one day, the director brings the actor aside and tells him (and only him) the secret meaning of the film. The actor then tries desperately to advertise the greatness of the film to others via press interviews and whatnot, but can’t sell the film to anyone as he is now seen as another pretentious weirdo.

I literally had this idea before Charlie Kaufman’s Antkind came out and now I’m basically stumped on what to do without coming off as derivative of that.

>> No.17271418

The landlocked conglomerate known as the "Jungland Keys" is a relatively small collection of nations located at the heart of the continent Jungland. These countries, although so closely located, share nothing but resentment for each other. While barely related to the events at hand, the disdain for one another can be traced all the way back to before the establishment of the countries themselves. The early colonies, descendants from different kingdoms, warred over the territories until a white peace was drawn between all of them. What was left of the hatred fueled by loyalty to a crown soon turned into a matter of bloodline and ethnicity. While other continents shared a similar sentiment, the Jungland Keys were the only patch willing to spit over the matter and repeatedly clashed in multiple wars over the following centuries. Now, the four nations are as follows: Friedland to the West, Obferstera to the North, Frenzistava to the South, and Antipoli to the East.

In the year 1923, Antipoli immigration was finally allowed into Friedland in a sudden collective burst of reformative policies that swept over the Jungland Keys. To the rest of the world, this was the first of a final bout of changes to bring ultimate peace to the small collection of previously unruly countries. Families, once separated by the rapid border changes due to the prior wars were now allowed to reunite and live together once again. However, anti-federal groups soon began to rise out of the greatly disputed border zones, most of them heading to the densely-populated urban areas to rouse protest. The ruckus drew in pro-Antipoli citizens who were attracted greatly to the idea of sustaining the old ethnic quarrels which had plagued the countries for years. The growing movement soon came to a crescendo in the year 1933, ten years after Antipolan citizens were allowed into Friedland. On the evening of March 11th, a small anti-government protest soon began to grow and teeter on the brink of becoming a riot. In a fit of panic the Friedland police opened fire on the crowd, killing over twenty people and sending the entirety of Friedland, as well as the rest of the Jungland Keys, into utter shock and chaos.

The immigration status was immediately shutdown, on word of the government, "The gates are not to be reopened until radical feelings of the Antipolan citizens come to rest." Yet the event, known as the "Mayford-Hayes Square Massacre" was a bomb tossed into the furnace that was the heart of the Antipolan people. The neighboring government did not receive the massacre well either; Antipolan citizens murdered in cold blood at the hands of those who promised them that things were different. And thus, it was enough to throw the will of the people into demanding war once again. A week after the incident, the nonaggression pact between Antipoli and Friedland were dropped and the Antipolans began their quiet militarization.

>> No.17271424

For a whole year, the Antipolans built further and further upon their already-strong military. During the period of buffing, a single war game was held in which a Friedland General, General James Whitforth, attended as a spectator. All he could remark upon his return was, "We'll all be a sore lot if the Antipolan government still remembers March Eleventh." when speaking to Field Marshal Harrowfield. Shortly after his return, Friedland began militarization in a similar manner to how Antipoli conducted theirs starting a year ago. However, despite any effort on behalf of Friedland at this point, it was far too late to match the Antipolan Armed Forces.

The day is now April 19th, 1934.

The General staff of the Friedland Defense Force have their heads spinning as Antipoli has strengthened diplomatic ties to Obferstera and has reportedly sent multiple envoys to a country once entirely alien and hostile towards Antipoli. The air in every office and barracks of the large country is thick with anticipation and dread, the only event willing to release everyone's held breaths being the worst event imaginable, war. Army Groups South and Center have reported moderate Antipoli troop movement while all three Groups have reported Antipoli aircraft flying dangerously close to the border. Yet without any actual airspace penetration, no pursuit order can be given. To complicate the matters even further, General Whitworth has been less and less responsive during General Staff meetings and appears to be in poor health. In just a couple of days from now, he is scheduled to doctor's appointment in a nearby county from where the Staff meets.

With the only people responsible for the country's safety in a state of disarray, a possible enemy assault on the horizon, and an ill-prepared fighting force, the country of Friedland is left without anyone to fall back on and stands alone amidst a rising storm.

Copy pasted from a prompt I fleshed out a while back

>> No.17271497

Don't worry about setting yourself apart too much anon, execution is king.

>The actor then tries desperately to advertise the greatness of the film to others via press interviews
Just be careful about this part, actors tend to sing the praises of utter shit, and it's hard to tell the difference (i.e. look up Brad Pitt talking about World War Z)

>> No.17271521

Tuck Everlasting but she actually loves him so she stays with him and becomes immortal but it breaks the curse and they live normally. Feel free to critique and give ideas, frens. I'm writing it because I thought the ending to that book was just depressing, nothing "bittersweet" about it, just sad.

>> No.17271529

A loser in a dystopian world where people are forced to be socially segregated tries forming a club of free thinkers where they gather once a week, to socialise like normal people. This is illegal in this world.

While he thinks they're in the worst period of human history and they should strive to be better, one day another wit joins. The newcomer who's soon to rise in ranks is the exact opposite of our good-willed protagonist, he thinks this is the best period in human history, albeit people of this society don't deserve this, thus they should strive to make everything worse.

As soon as the newcomer is introduced, POV alternates between these two. The original protagonist's descriptions are that of a totalitarian dystopian society, while the secondary protagonist's are that of a technological utopia. A close reader however would notice the said society is in fact not a far-cry from our current pandemic society.

>> No.17271583

A young man wakes up in Hell after a successful suicide attempt. He's informed that Satan left his positions as leader of Hell, turning what once was an organised system of torment in a desertic mess when people aren't punished anymore, just left to rot for eternity. But rumours say there is a way to leave that place. He will start his adventure.

>> No.17271627

Damn this is a cool premise. Good execution would make this a really good one.

>> No.17271719

A young immigrant boy , who always saw everyone around him have everything and he didnt have shit as he thought. Deciding to pull up the greatest heist of his life to become rich , as he grows up he understand that he need information about the world around him and what has the biggest value to steal. He start to read books , he felling in love with reading , and stumple upon ancient documents. He find about gods and universes and outer worlds , he find the secret keys to enter their world, at one time when hes there he meet the goddes of beuty at one of their worlds and decide to steal her heart , a big chaos start to reign in the gods world as they find out what happen , he brings her home to his hood, and show her the world that he know, gods become angry and come down to earth to find the mother fucker,but she fell in love with him

Dont know if this considered novel tho

>> No.17272006

Upon losing a fight outside the local pub, the bitter middle aged main character goes on a walk and thinks deeply about his life, the way people perceive him, and regrets. Along the way he meets people from all walks of life making him more open minded and appreciative of his dull existence. When he gets back to the pub he buys the guy who beat him up a drink.

>> No.17273234

I think this is totally brilliant. It's a hilarious premise and very realistic (not in the politics, but in the human response to the extraordinary circumstances). Though maybe it would do better as a film, unless you get around to writing it.

>> No.17273259

Interesting, but where does the story go? Torture porn? She beats up the retarded guy? And then what?

>> No.17273284

Very cool, 5/5 and I haven't even read it yet

>> No.17273373

A young man with a severe stuttering problem passes himself off as mute, and is able to meet and hookup with many girls (and guys) he meets online. However, when he stubs his toe, he cries out and curses (exposing him as non-mute). He explains himself, and she promises to cure his stuttering (through unorthodox coaching techniques she calls the Method). She gives him a set of 12 speech-related tasks which ends up completely embarrassing him or pitting him in fights with strangers. Hilarity ensues. His speech improves a lot, but is not completely fixed. She admits that she lied about the Method and was just making it up as she went along, but it still increased his confidence and gave him ways to deal with his stuttering. Angered about being fooled, and made to do so many ridiculous things, (and frustrated that there is no easy cure), he leaves her. He then realizes how much fun he had with her and how much real improvement he made because of her. He goes back to her, apologizes for getting mad, and they end up together :D

>> No.17273396

Anon... did you steal my high school diary?

>> No.17274281

hero vs dark lord is the only idea that matters.

>> No.17274377

Pretty stupid anon.

>> No.17274411

Just make it cliched at overdone

>> No.17274605

An extremely anxious NEET spends his days hiding away in his apartment, eavesdropping on his neighbours' hallway conversations. He developes an obsession with a woman who lives on his floor, and based on the snippets of eavesdropped conversations he fantasises about how perfect her life must be and how he wishes he could experience it.
One day he discovers that nobody can see or hear him, it's as though he doesn't exist. (I'm not sure how to go about this, he sees it in the mirror when he wakes up? He locks himself out of his apartment completely naked and somebody walks past and doesn't notice him?)
He realises that he can finally experience her life and begins to stalk her.
He wants to express his love to her but can't figure out how.
He finally decides to kill himself by jumping off a bridge, only to be stopped but a crazed and sassy homeless woman who for some reason can see and hear him just fine. She helps him realise how to express his love, by painting it on the walls of the woman's apartment.
He leaves his name and the police are called but find no trace of him in his apartment.
He overhears a conversation between the woman and the officer where she denigrates him and it crushes him. As he continues stalking her he grows more and more resentful and no longer sees her life as perfection.
This resent culminates in him murdering her and then disappearing into the wilderness.

>> No.17274632

My novel idea is just a knock off LotR

>> No.17274644

I mean yeah the hunger games had a stupid premise too but it did fine

>> No.17275855

A fan fiction set in the world of Dishonored video game but before any events in the game. Basically an original story. A young aspiring spy goes to track down the location of his mother who was arrested for heresy and worshipping the outsider. His best lead takes him to the Navy and he finds himself dragged into a war and comes home with the evidence and a lifetime of ptsd to find his associate stumbled on the evidence as soon as he left. Suck shit weeb

>> No.17275873

Set in the 70's it's about a mystical soviet composer and a conductor who is about to premiere his grand symphony at New York with the NY philharmonic. He is accompanied by his multi-instrumentalist child prodigy that will be the soloist in the symphony. The child, almost a woman now, was saved from a cult in Siberia by the composer and he raised her as his foster child.
The composer is known to be very eccentric, very inspired by mysticism and is very secretive about his works until they've been premiered.

A director of David Geffen Hall is our protagonist and the story follows how he works together with the composer and has to cope with some quite bizarre requests and starts to think that the grand symphony might be something more than just a symphony.

Don't worry. I'm not going to write it in English.

>> No.17275943

fat woman gets pregnant while cheating on her husband and hides the pregnancy until birth where she tries to get rid of the baby

this actually happened in my hometown

>> No.17276381

I feel so bad for people who have lazy eyes, I don't mean feel bad in the sense that I think they're charity cases or less than human or something, I just mean on an instinct level whenever I see a lazy eye nigga I want to protect him from ever feeling bad about it

>> No.17276468

Could work, if you were a masterful wordsmith. You're not tough. It all seems too complex.
Write a short story with these characters. Streamline and simplify their motives.

>> No.17276484

Fancy checking this thread just as you reply to my post. I AM a masterful wordsmith, anon, and I will absolutely make it work as a short novel, once I've finished the one I'm currently writing.

>> No.17276589
File: 161 KB, 1200x1396, 8B87465A-D7EA-476D-8DAB-3D1B80398800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock and set in 1950s Detroit.

A mediocre, low-level automotive executive has an affair with his brother's estranged, pregnant wife.

The main character lives a mediocre home life with a wife he resents and a son with epilepsy. A young engineer vows revenge after the executive steals his designs. The engineer photographs the affair for blackmail. The protagonist's attempt to stop this ultimately leads to the woman's death.

The executive's brother, an aspiring actor, unexpectedly shows up at the funeral. The brother slowly becomes intimate with the MC’s wife. The main character starts to suspect something when he sees them at the carnival holding hands. When the engineer returns, he now has pictures of his wife. After a car chase, the main character kills him, steals his gun, and takes the photographs. The protagonist then kills his brother in the middle of the act. He himself is killed anticlimactically by the police while his wife, barricaded in her bedroom, is cradling their son who is having a fit.

Meanwhile, the MC is being driven insane by recurring nightmares of a blue demonic lion [His impression of the Detroit Lions mascot, who under the mask is revealed to be a nasty looking black man]. At the carnival, the nightmare reaches a head when he loses his son in the hall of mirrors and sees the monster lumbering before him. Pic related.

>> No.17276620

ok well that's not very nice of you to say about my novel ideas op

>> No.17276658

With this system all cities will eventually be destroyed.

>> No.17277586


>> No.17277605

that's not the Detroit Lions mascot, that's the mascot of Columbia University

>> No.17277818 [DELETED] 

I'm aware. The image represents the appearance of the demon.

>> No.17277846

I'm aware. The image represents the demon's appearance.

>> No.17277869

A man who is loves to go walking in the local forest falls in love with a bear. He watches it all day and writes about it all night, develops a deep attachment to it, slowly becomes central to his life. Local hunters operate in the area. he sabotages one of their traps. as revenge, they butcher his bear. Probably better as a short story

>> No.17278014

I don't think the suicide part works very well because I'd imagine he would be spending much more time with the homeless lady. Just having him paint on the walls himself would work better imo. I like the premise is give it a read. Also you could just pull a magical realism and just not have anyone notice him stealing carrying things etc.

>> No.17278063

Religious acolytes, monks, philosophers, hermits, and nobles gain access to a drug that allows for them to instantly communicate with each other. (There is a whole sci fi thing explaining how it works just know that it involves ensalving people and drugging them to have them work as processors and hardrives.) It covers a young minor nobles journey across a psuedo midieval europe and attempting to end the slavery required for using said drug, but the system becomes impossible to end so he decides the only solution is to destroy the entire system.

>> No.17278173

A post apocalyptic survival story featuring a late teenage boy and his mother and father wandering the wilderness. It would begin from the son's perspective. The father is both physically and verbally abusive to his wife and child. this causes the two of them to bond over their shared mistreatment. One day while hunting the son accidentally scares off some hefty game causing the father to fly into a rage and beat his son nearly to death. The father leaves the son to die, but the son is able to shoot his father before he can get away. After recovering and burying his father the viewpoint would shift to the mother.

The son returns to their camp and immediately tries to seduce the mother. She refuses and he rapes her in his psychosis from the stress of post apocalyptic life and having killed his father. It would then shift to their day to day life where the son is far more kind and tender than his deceased father ever was and the mother realizes in horror that she is beginning to enjoy the nightly sex he forces on her. It would end with them finding a settlement and upon being asked what their relation is, the mother would reluctantly call her son her husband.

There would be some obvious references/parallels to Oedipus and despite what it may seem it would not be incestuous coomerbait.

>> No.17278234

check out this movie for inspo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWA7GtDmNFU

>> No.17278413
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This seems partly inspired by normal words but a horse guy.

>> No.17278811

You just reminded me how based the original game was anon.

>> No.17279287


>> No.17279317

>I don't think the suicide part works very well because I'd imagine he would be spending much more time with the homeless lady.
Why? She's just some random homeless lady and means nothing

>> No.17279555

A historical fiction about a young middle class blackshirt in 1935 Italy. His family is well-respected in the city of Ravenna, his father having been in WWI as well as Fiume and a celebrated landowner popular with his tenants. The main character, his youngest son, is an adamant fascist. He often finds himself contradicting previous beliefs in a desire to stay consistent with the P.N.F.'s constantly changing politics. (One day he is raving about how evil the Germans are for killing chancellor Dolfuss, the next he finds himself espousing support for their ingenuity and a proponent of the Anschluss) Although he has a strong sense of filial piety, he is also strongly filled with the desire to commit fratricide, as his older brother is a complete failure, addicted to drugs and stuck at home leeching off of his father. He also finds himself in a relationship with an italian jew, only to later be affected by the italian racial laws. He is a contradictory character throughout the book and his real character shines through only when he allows his girlfriend to be killed by an SS officer while trying to flee the italian social republic. He is a pragmatist with no one's interests in his heart besides his own, and all aspects of his identity, his overt nationalism, familial piety, and love for the girl are just a mask for his selfish nature. He is unable to reconcile this realization with his imagined personality and at the end of the book after forgiving his brother who now has his life on track, he kills himself.