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/lit/ - Literature

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17263969 No.17263969 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that are easy to read, under 300 pages, and make me seem interesting? It can't be a pop book and it has to be on an interesting topic like philosophy, history, or art. I'm thinking maybe Hume's essays or something short by Goethe.

>> No.17263985

threads like this have serious loser energy

>> No.17263986


>> No.17263995

Yeah because people like you post in them

>> No.17264034

Reading for pride's sake isn't a very noble cause and you're probably so addicted to porn and vidya that even a short book might be too challenging to hold attention.

start with narnia i guess.

>> No.17264050

What a superficial reason for reading.

>> No.17264057


>> No.17264065

>how do I go from pleb to pseud without much reading?
go to /mu/ or /fa/, but never come back here

>> No.17264077

I don't need much reading just 1-5 books are enough so that I can bring them up in a conversation with a female and they will impressed.

>> No.17264080

While this thread is up, where else do I buy ebooks besides amazon? I’d not like their censorship.

>> No.17264086

ego and its own

>> No.17264091

Anon, the girls haven’t read them either.
There, I just saved you a bunch of reading,

>> No.17264098

I'm talking about like art hoes. They won't have read Schopenhauer but they will know who he is. If I don't have at least 5 books like that then I won't make it. I know this.

>> No.17264103

war and peace

>> No.17264145

If they call you out on anything just explain that it’s a common misconception about (author)
Fuck you are NGMI

>> No.17264149

The only correct answer. Think ur pride can carry you? Jump in the deep end, sink or swim.

>> No.17264150

Is this your first post here?

>> No.17264220

Spinoza, Ethics

>> No.17264243
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After not reading a book from cover to cover in over 5 years during quarantine I sat down and read Sailor by Mishima. It was a good book to get me back into reading. But dont start reading just because you want to look a certain way to someone else because 10 pages in your gonna think "I have no idea what is going on what the fuck am I doing"

>> No.17264263

No I've made at least 500

>> No.17264269

This is why I don't want to pick books that are difficult to read because I know I'll get end up stopping half way.

>> No.17264294

This movie was frustratingly cheezy. I fucking hate the movie trends/sfx of this era.

>> No.17264302

The entire movie is cheesy because of two minutes at the end?

>> No.17264355

the only right answer is IJ

>> No.17264459

Kek, you sound like a real loser.

>> No.17264466

Does there exist someone who uses "kek" that isn't a loser?

>> No.17264489

If you want to attract women, read the Iliad and the Odyssey. Women really like Greek mythology. Also if you think about it, really it's 40 odd books in 800 pages which is achievable.

Once you do this, you'll be equipped to say "Now I know how auburn haired menelaus feels" when Chad ultimately comes and takes your Helen away

>> No.17264491

I tried them but it's too hard and too long

>> No.17264515

>I tried them but it's too hard and long
- Anon's future wife on why she settled with him instead of Chad

>> No.17264518


>> No.17264519

Get a random introductory book to anything, anon.

>> No.17264532

If someone asks me what's your favorite book I can't go "Introduction to 19th German Philosophy"

>> No.17264541

KEK that is what cliff note's are for. Pick something read Cliff note's, but read the intro book to anything. And get into either Plato or Socrates first, they are the mainstream shit of philosophy.

>> No.17264555

I have principles.

>> No.17264556

And don't try to pass as anything you are not, anon. Just do your thing on your own pace.

>> No.17264563

Well, I think it is not shameful to say that your favorite book is "Introduction to 19th German Philosophy." And while I'm not the smartest anon out there, I'm not a retard either. So I think it is fair to trust my judgement.

>> No.17264588

you don't have to read anything anon you can just bullshit and it will be enough for 90% of people

if you don't want to be a total fraud then just go skim through wikipedia articles on plato, socrates, etc. to get an idea and that's good enough

>> No.17264595

KEK he would miss the scourge of Ionian scales sperging out on music.

>> No.17264598

Read the Republic, anon. It is pure KEK. I'm not going to tell the actual story, but after you read it you come here and talk to some anons.

>> No.17264615

Ionian? I only listen to Dorian and Mixolydian, like a real man. Lydian is for niggers (jazz reference)

>> No.17264618

The longer this thread goes on, the more I despise you.

>> No.17264753

spent 5 minutes on bookstagram or booktube and choose according to your liking, now go

>> No.17264773

KEK anon, are you unironically fucking retarded? Women don't care about books. Get a job or something. It is that simple. You would probably rather read books than get children before 20, anon. Just saying.

>> No.17265064

"Confessions of a Justified Sinner." I read it in an afternoon. It's got big Dosto energy, but lesser known and not quite as good. You'd probably like it given your image. Also you could read "The Sorrows of Young Werther," which I read in a night. It's indulgent but still good, even if it's not super memorable. Last book I read in a single sitting was "The Man Who Was Thursday," which was simultaneously hilarious, masterfully suspenseful, full of pathos, and completely anxiety-inducing, since it felt as though the author was speaking directly to me (but in a friendly way, as a trustworthy and wise stranger). "Fathers and Sons" was a two-sitting book, enjoyable but not very memorable. "Demian" is great for wayward boys who dabble in esoterica, even though I'll probably never read it again. "The Third Policeman" was a one- or two-sitting book, and one of the funniest books I've ever read. "Invisible Cities" is gorgeous and short, but demands future rereadings — I almost think of it as a reference book for writers, even though it's closer to a poetic travellogue. "Pimp" is rich with purple prose (no pun intended) and interesting slang, and is a great time capsule of 1930s Chicago.

There are no shortcuts in philosophy. Plato is well worth the study and is one of my favorite writers, if not my favorite. The Early Modern tradition should be read as a chronological whole, otherwise you'll miss certain points in Hume and Kant. Kant is much easier to understand once you've critically read Locke and Berkeley. Aristotle's ontology of hylomorphic compounds is attractive, though burdensome. You can understand the most "important" philosophers of the 20th century *easily* through a close study of Kierkegaard, who might be the most influential philosopher that doesn't get proper credit. Plato also doesn't get enough credit, as it's so rare to find a novel theory that wasn't first prefigured by him. It goes similarly with history. I don't know why you'd want to read about art instead of just reading art. Read a short story by Toomer or O'Connor if you're so ADHD. Read poetry from the early Romantics if you want baby philosophy that's still good. Read myths and folktales. These are all interesting, accessible, and short.

>> No.17265831


>> No.17265872

People like you are walking NPCs. You probably voted for Biden like a good little slave, and genuinely think Tom Hanks is a good role model. Luckily your low testosterone and low sexual energy will prevent you from finding a mate to reproduce and carry on your lineage and you will live in some shitty cubicle apartment and fill the void in your soul of not living your life by buying video games and jacking it to Brazzers, because you've never had a single original thought in your life.

Assuming this wasn't a troll post. If so, 7/10. You got me rustled enough to respond.

>> No.17266558

takes a degenerate to have this company's name on the back of your mind

>> No.17267688


>> No.17267843

Hume isn't easy to read if you don't have an understanding of empiricism, rationalism, idealism, and the general philosophy of his time. Reading a random philosophical classic will give you nothing, you need to read them as part of wider philosophical reading.

>> No.17267885

Critique of Practical Reason - Kant
Logic of Science - Hegal
Being and Time - Heidegger
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia - - Deleuze & Guattari
Philosophical Investigations - Wittgenstein

There's your 5 books.

>> No.17267898

>a female

>> No.17267920

The Metamorphosis

>> No.17268188

The shortest book you can read and have normies think you're the bollocks is the Prince, it's like 90 pages and is philosophy.

>> No.17268405

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever (Book 6

>> No.17269508

What's wrong with voting for Biden?

>> No.17269513


>> No.17269989

Literally everything.

>> No.17270075


>> No.17270138

Wtf my translation stated menelaus was blond

>> No.17270246

He won't give you free shit, he won't give you free college or free healthcare, nigger enabler, will most likely start a war with Iran because his jew masters will tell him too, lockdowns will continue, masks will be mandatory, you will live like a slave in your cubicle apartments watching The Mandalorian and jacking it to Pornhub until the day you die, you will never get a wife, you will never have a family, meanwhile niggers will have 12 kids each and demographically replace you, national and international IQ will slump even further, and no good thing will ever happen to anyone ever again.
Trump was unironically our last chance to dodge the globalism bullet, and now this is the future you chose, so enjoy it.

>> No.17270295

Most people believe he was a redhead, but blond is possible too. Xanthos was used to describe him, which can mean either blond or auburn haired. Idk if there's any concrete fact one way or the other.

>> No.17270327

>He won't give you free shit, he won't give you free college or free healthcare, nigger enabler,
Why do you think this? It's his platform it would be retarded to not give it especially with the full control he now has.
>will most likely start a war with Iran because his jew masters will tell him too, l
And Trump killing Soleimani won't?
>ockdowns will continue, masks will be mandatory,
This is a good thing.
>meanwhile niggers will have 12 kids each and demographically replace you, national and international IQ will slump even further,
Niggers are niggers because of socioeconomic and cultural reasons. Biden could help fix them. As for the replacing maybe just have more kids? Do you have kids?

>> No.17270357

You are such an NPC, holy shit dude. Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.17270368

Not an argument

>> No.17270392

this is /lit/ not /schizo/

>> No.17270408

Explains a lot about this board

>> No.17270444

>And Trump killing Soleimani won't?
Some factions in Iran were actually quite pleased because he was proving to be a little too popular and was creating his own powerbase.
>It's his platform it would be retarded to not give it especially with the full control he now has.
Oh you sweet summer child.
>Niggers are niggers because of socioeconomic and cultural reasons
the naivete in this post is actually endearing

>> No.17270524

>Some factions in Iran were actually quite pleased because he was proving to be a little too popular and was creating his own powerbase.
Factions that have any political capital?

The rest aren't arguments.

>> No.17271413

He ain’t getting through Being and Time.

>> No.17271423

Actually it was . Saying “nuh uh” isn’t, though.

>> No.17271990

>Pimp" is rich with purple prose (no pun intended) and interesting slang, and is a great time capsule of 1930s Chicago.
No way, I had always assumed this book was written and set in the 90s. I don't know why. It now sounds a lot more interesting.
Not OP but thank you for your recs.

>> No.17272626

dude we're on 4chan, we're all fucking losers

>> No.17272632
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read this