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17262999 No.17262999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What is happening in Washington right now is shocking and dismaying… but I can’t say I find it entirely unexpected.

>There have been all too many days, these past couple of years, when I feared that the United States was going the way of the Weimar Republic.

>And now the moment of coup is at hand. Rioters breaking into the Capitol, even the floor of the House and Senate. One of them trying to haul down the American flag and replace it with a Trump flag. Congressmen and senators being forced to recess and seek safety.


>This is an attempted coup. Make no mistake. I am still hopeful that it will end as a failed coup, a Beer Hall Putsch, but we shall see. The inaction of law enforcement thusfar has been shocking.

>Make no mistake, these are not protestors, these are not patriots, these are rioters attempting to destroy our democracy.

>They are traitors.

>And the traitor in chief is Donald J. Trump.

>He should be arrested, removed from office, tried for treason, convicted, and imprisoned. And Rudy with him. This is their work.

I can’t believe I ever wasted my time reading this fat asses books.

>> No.17263006
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He even uses reddit spacing on his blog

>> No.17263011




>> No.17263026

His latest post is about the last book Hemingway wrote before he killed himself and I think it was a suicide note

>> No.17263028

>. The inaction of law enforcement thusfar has been shocking.
Why do libs keep using this take. They spent the summer protesting about police using excessive for and exercising brtutality On citizens. Now they’re upset cops weren’t brutal enough. I don’t understand .

>> No.17263041

>excessive force

Sorry I’m retarded

>> No.17263043

They like police as long as they only kill white people. It was never about equality

>> No.17263075

Kill everyone left or right of Hitler.

>> No.17263082

theres a difference between some black dude being arrested and a bunch of fascists trying to coup the government

>> No.17263091

They are not fascists they’re just misguided boomers who think the election was rigged and want a fair election

>> No.17263096
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They are unaware

>> No.17263098

Dilate, my man.

>> No.17263110

>[Trump] should be arrested, removed from office, tried for treason, convicted, and imprisoned.

>And Rudy with him.
I think it's a bit flattering to assume Giuliani has the capacity for anything as complicated and intentional as treason at this point.

>> No.17263113

denying it wont change that it was a blatant coup attempt to keep trump in office

>> No.17263128

There’s a distinction though because they only want trump to be in office because they believe he was elected. Therefore it’s not an attempt to overthrow the current government, they believe the government has been overthrown and want the votes sorted out. They don’t want to just install their Caeser. So no you’re not correct

>> No.17263133

Based woman respecter

>> No.17263134

If they think the election was rigged, without any evidence whatsoever, and with multiple courts laughing Trump's suits out of hand, then they are too stupid to live.

>> No.17263135

a bunch of boomers unhappy that the election was blatantly stolen despite the very visible evidence standing around waving flags while a bunch of glowies and crisis actors being let into buildings with no opposition from poli8ce or the normally very present security services is similar to rampant looting and trashing of buildings in the streets around the federal reserve bank buildings in democrat cities is similar how?

>> No.17263143

That’s what I said

>> No.17263145

their belief is baseless and they attempted to keep him in power despite losing because of their delusional conspiracy theory. its a coup meant to overthrow the democratic result. the schizos cant accept a loss and tried a coup

>> No.17263162

It’s almost as if there’s no united “left” boogeymen. HHmmmmm

>> No.17263166

>they believe the government has been overthrown and want the votes sorted out.
The rioters were pretty open about the fact that they wanted to abduct or murder the legislators. All these gymnastics to make the attack on the Capitol seem one step removed from an Occupy Wall Street rally are just bizarre.

>a bunch of boomers unhappy that the election was blatantly stolen despite the very visible evidence standing around waving flags while a bunch of glowies and crisis actors being let into buildings with no opposition from poli8ce
So, were the people who were killed crisis actors also? If so, I hope they were well paid.