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17262833 No.17262833 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know where in europe i could order one of these for a reasonable price (<35Eur)?

Or, and this is kind of a long shot, anybody here that would be interested in selling their copy to me?

>> No.17262844

Maybe if you let the UK back into Europe you can get some copies of this schizo-angloid classic gratis.

>> No.17262868

its just about sold out there too, from what i can tell
hopefully urbanomic will make a third edition some tme soon

>> No.17262905

can somebody who has actually read this explain what the point of any of this shit is

>> No.17262920

Read this thread

>> No.17262963

I think Land Plant Fisher etc are worth looking into and I've gotten into this scene enough to have read some of the hyperstition blog, but what I have seen of the CCRU stuff it's not even like they explore any interesting positions through all the fiction, they just do the equivalent "HWOOOOOOO NUMBERS ARE DEMONS IM GOING INSAAAAAANE". So i have not looked into it much past that, but if there is actually a coherent project I think I'd be interested

>> No.17262976

Best to come out of that imo are Flatline Constructs from Fisher (PBUH) and Spinal Catastrophism from Moynihan

>> No.17263012

Can't you just wait for more? Stop consuming for one god damn minute and steal it from libgen before you decide to purchase it you deranged troon

>> No.17263077

spinal catastrophism is GOAT

>> No.17263259

Please explain why that is
Buy a used copy on abebooks, get it shipped.

>> No.17263302

It is the most radical antihumanism to come out of pomo that I have read; transcends pomo to become esoteric pomo. Just reading Spinal Casatrophism secures one as a stream-enterer in Buddhistic thought, placing on him the road to nonduality with the life beyond good and evil, organic and inorganic.