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17261098 No.17261098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here in or completed a graduate program? Also general thread to talk about academia, particularly the humanities.

> 31 y.o.
> In my last semester of MFA
> Prestigious program, fully funded
> It's had its ups and downs, but has overall been a great experience and really helped me grow as a writer. I've also made some great friends and contacts through the program. However, I'm not sure it'd be worth it if I had to pay full tuition to the tune of $60K/year.

>> No.17261137

dropped out a year ago and going back in because history and literature as your interest can only give you employment if you have a decent degree these days. Not sure if I want to bother because I know and hear how bad academia is (USA) but if I can be a historian that would be sweet, otherwise a high school teacher or something. Any things I should keep in mind? Also any anons know if academia is just as bad in europe, I want to take my masters abroad in Italy and if I can move to europe as well even though I know its easier said than done.

>> No.17261143

Yeah, I did a useless Ph.D., and now have no idea what to do. Still don't regret it though, YOLO

>> No.17261185

In the states, grad degrees are essentially required to even teach high school at a decent school, let alone any professional career in the humanities field of your choice. Not sure how it is in Europe, but if you want to do anything other than teach at an inner-city highschool, you need to get that degree.

I gave up on being rich a long time ago. I'd rather enjoy my commitment to my field than slave away doing something profitable that I hate. I'm just thankful not to have debt. I guess that's not much of an issue in Europe.

My program was pretty annoyingly "woke," but if you keep your head down and focus on your work, no-one really cares. The woketards were only a small fraction of the students, baizuos who got off on raising hell. They were a pain in the ass for the administration, but most of the profs and other students didn't really care about their rabblerousing.

>Piled higher and Deeper
Well, congrats, it's still quite an achievement. What field, fren? How long did it take you?

>> No.17261210

>undergrad in the humanities
>all my fellow students are retarded
>all the lecturers are also retarded
>I am also probably retarded for enrolling
>probably going to flunk out because I am too lazy to write essays (or even take notes)
>it's going okay
Depends on where you go. I went into a mid grade university and the quality of the student body is awful. The teaching is decent, but no one cares about degrees provided by unis like mine. The top of the line universities can probably get you any job regardless of what degree you take.
Do you mind sharing the subject, anon?

>> No.17261239

phil undergrad here
I suck

>> No.17261264

that sounds fine then, Im the same I dont give a shit about money as long as I get by, it just has to be in this field because nothing else I can maintain interest in, just whatever lets me commit to my field and contribute and not have to wage slave. I think I could keep my head down because Im so depressed I dont care but I dont know if I would be able to do it for long, thats why if I do it I have to take my masters in europe.
Im in the same boat then, Im in a mid grade university in Texas. I already made peace with the fact most student bodies are horrid, I already have depression anxiety so I dont talk to people to begin with and can avoid any trouble.

>> No.17261440

I know a few grad students. The smart ones must be hanging with other people because mine are not. None of them used their advanced degrees it was just a way to gain social status and avoid adult life

>> No.17261464

>Tuition, for instance, is an important item in the term bill, while for the far more valuable education which he gets by associating with the most cultivated of his contemporaries no charge is made.
University is a scam

>> No.17261523

What is the point of graduate school, for say, humanities? Last year because of covid I was able to read about 30-40 philosophy books. It only cost the books and I already have a job.

>> No.17261543

what's your job?

>> No.17261549

I dropped out of my MA midway

>> No.17261559

Outside of the practical need of gaining a degree in your field, there is the value of establishing contacts in a small, elite, exclusive career field. The interpersonal dialogue that comes from research, writing, and critique between students and faculty adds enormously to the learning process (if it's a good program. I have heard that people in midrange programs can sometimes be a lot less committed). The discursive quality is in general much higher than /litl....
At the same time, there's a lot you can discuss here, and things you can say here, that go outside of what's accepted in an academic context... Which is why I keep coming back here.

>> No.17261561

Audit, I ask people if they've done their job. While waiting for their responses I read Greeks and pomos

>> No.17261595

If money were no object it would be nice I suppose to study something as a group with a dedicated advisor. My undergrad experience was the opposite of course, few people read and our day care professors usually tried to encourage participation instead of letting the people who cared enough to read run the whole conversation. Sort of the worst of both worlds.

>> No.17261610

German here.

I get payed 1500 Dollars a month for writing my PHD.

Being an Anglo must suck so much lol.

>> No.17261620

you have no fucking idea

>> No.17261635

So tell me, how much does it suck, I am quite sadistic, give me something to masturbate about.

>> No.17261658

See if you can find notes online or from a friend. I also do not like writing essays but I have been using a method for when I get writers block. I write ideas in bullet point format down the page. No logical order or anything. Just get out as many thoughts on the subject as you can. Then go back and expand on each point for a half page or so, whatever comes to mind. Usually this helps me overcome my writer’s block and helps me organize my thoughts, and with a little bit of rearranging you might end up with a working outline.

>> No.17261676

Brits have to pay for their PhD programs? Even in the US schools pay for you to do your PhD. If you are paying to get a PhD in the United States you are a fool.

>> No.17261726

In Britain, if you have good grades and a good degree, you will get paid to write your PhD. Otherwise, you will be the one paying.
>See if you can find notes online or from a friend.
I just memorise everything lol. The issue is that I can't cite anything and that fucks my essays.
I think your essay writing method is good. I also jot down bullet points and then expand those into a proper text. The real issue is that I can't be bothered to actually write anything.

>> No.17261732

Faggot eurotrash

>> No.17261747

I am not european, I am german.

Not being european is whats being german is all about.

>> No.17262381


>> No.17262397

>teaching grad level film studies class
>complaint that I don’t do enough queer cinema
>now make people sit through hellraiser and discuss it in depth
God I hate how I can’t teach what I want to teach, constantly hamstrung by administrators.

>> No.17262418


>> No.17262430

>>teaching grad level film studies class
There is your mistake, just get a blue collar job and do something of actual worth.

>> No.17262441

But you have such sights to show them

>> No.17262471


Still sad though, imagine paying for that horseshit.

>> No.17262513

Hellraiser is great though.

>> No.17262515

Eh, I watched Cronenberg in an undergrad film class and we did an intricate Deleuze-Bergson analysis on it, it was pretty interesting actually.

The irony about all upper level humanities studies is that your field’s only application is to pass it on to a small circle of students who will themselves become overspecialized profs some day (in the best case scenario). It has no real world application outside of academia, not even journalistic film criticism.

>> No.17262536

I sometimes get distracted by the need to cite stuff. If you already have your sources, I just leave a note to go back and cite and then do all of it at the end of the essay. This takes longer than it would to do it as you go, but if it means beating writers block then it’s worth it.

>> No.17262544

You’ve no idea
Yep and people either love it or viscerally hate it
>no application outside of academia
You’re either retarded or don’t have any understanding of Deleuze.

>> No.17262559

>just a way to avoid adult life
Can you blame them? Academics is pretty damn cozy compared to most jobs

>> No.17262583

>constantly have to publish papers I don’t want to write
>by the time you have a PhD you have maybe 3 people in the hyper-specific area in which you’re the expert on
>administration are always fags
>no guarantee I am employees next semester
>can’t actually teach what should be taught
Honestly the conferences and frens are the only decent parts

>> No.17262595

>The absolute STATE of anglo academia.

Things like this are to be experienced by an individual alone, fucking grading an essay about a film takes the whole point from it. Like blogging about a film. Don't do it. Disgusting.

I will be honest with you I am digusted by the mere thought of considering writing an essay about a film academic.

>>17262544 I have not the slightest bit of respect for you, I hope the next economic crisis takes your professional hipsterism from you and forces you to work in construction, you are exactly what is wrong with todays academia.

The destruction people like you cauce acsends the academia, it also affects art.

>> No.17262668

PhD here. Glad to see so much hate for grad school. I used to say it can still be wort hit if you're just ultra careful and know how to exploit it for your own purposes, but with the pandemic I don't know if even that is still good advice.

>> No.17262694

How do I become a PHD without grad school?

>> No.17262710

>Buttangry reply
>Reddit spacing
Would you like to go back?

>> No.17262719


>> No.17262727

Every sentence is heartfelt. A reddit poster would defend your horseshit instition of academia. Dontcha think bro?

I am from europe if you need to know that.

>> No.17262735

Tbh the class he teaches sounds like it dilates on the daily basis.

>> No.17262751
File: 52 KB, 800x596, DC04B015-BDD4-4EA5-A45D-9AB534F27032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come off as someone incredibly upset that they’re not a part of academia.

>> No.17262758

>Anyone else here in or completed a graduate program?
Law school. best years of my life

>> No.17262770

But I am! Just not that horseshit, I am writing my doctrate on analytical philosophy and think that things like that should not exist at all.

Humanities! There actually are some courses like that in my european high prestige university.

What a disgrace.

>> No.17262773

I considered becoming a barrister in the UK then realised the governmental control body can strike you off the practising roll for literally any reason at any given moment if they feel like it.

>> No.17262774

>Law school.
Look at this jolly fellow! An actually respectable profession!

>> No.17262786

Show Blue is The Warmest Color. It’s a great film on its own.

>> No.17262790

You don't.

>> No.17262815

I'll get a masters but I dont think ill bother with a PhD ever unless I get a guarenteed job and its free. I just want a job in the humanities because its the only thing I can study without becoming suicidal Im not even asking for much anymore besides that and a living wage

>> No.17262817
File: 268 KB, 500x474, 39CFFDF1-E764-48DC-9BED-385045DBDEA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow another student that fits exactly into the stereotype of his field. I’m sure you’ll be making novel contributions in no time, keep up the good work!
>French age-play lesbian film
I’m down
Too bad, i can only run 20th century films.

>> No.17262847

Yeah but it's still better than a standard office job

>> No.17262862

You are not a philosopher, you are a fucking blogger and I hope you end up in construction, like hard constructions with stones, not that woodcraft americans like you call building.

Your entire field is forfeit!

I like black and white russian independent films though.

>> No.17262887

You are very cringe dude, please stop posting. You don't understand Deleuze or any of the practical contributions of his field. You also erroneously think that there is a sociological division between analytic and continental philosophy in current year. This is not true. You also seem very concerned with preening your social status over others, which makes me think you have some class problems

>> No.17263032

>class problems
Like in working or middle class? Or like in grades received in class?

>> No.17263062

I got a degree in marketing with a history minor.
The history bit was to make it more fun, the marketing for the actual career

>> No.17263072

>ou also erroneously think that there is a sociological division between analytic and continental philosophy in current year.

There is and I am a part of it, I won't be associated with someone interpreting Hellraiser in class.

The only thing I will give to you that it's propably pretty chill, you are giving the class stoned out of your mind aren't you? That would be respectable.

Sorry for that remark I am currenty laughing about that whole idea of your class.

>> No.17263146

>muh analytic philosophy
Actual scientists see your navel-gazing pseudoscientific speculations as a laughingstock. The only reason you are autistically dabbing on film studies so hard in this thread is because you are insecure, you realize your own discipline is equally abstract, hermetic and basically irrelevant to society as analyzing a horror film. Actually film studies is more based and relevant than analytic philosophy since it deals with the implications of and culture/arts, whereas your obscure branch of linguistic-mathematic philosopho-wankery is only read by about twenty people worldwide (all of them no doubt as unpleasant, stuck-up and autistic as yourself).

>> No.17263200

Yep, some faggot says the same thing in every uni thread. Get a job bro. Create value bro. Capitalism is da #1 bro
Is it inconceivable to you rockbrains that the intellectual has value?

>> No.17263206

Sorry buddy, not for me. Leave that to the rednecks

>> No.17263242


>> No.17263252

>There is and I am a part of it
You are irrelevant and will be lucky to find a job. Especially with that kind of attitude, it is unlikely. Deleuze is unironically taught to Mossad agents

>> No.17263305

Also did an MFA. Honestly I wish it had been more cutthroat. I'd heard rumors going in that competition and division would reign, but it wasn't so. My mfa was cozy and cooperative. On my part, wanting harsher critique and nastiness is probably a coded desire for more mature and well-read peers. Unironically, I thought of myself as the most talented writer of my cohort. I dont say that lightly, as I expect to be published in respected journals soon.

>> No.17263404

>attempts to conquer the European subcontinent and unites them under a proto Indo-European symbol designating the pan-European concept of the “Aryan”
Germany was and will be the autistic engine that drives a united Europe

>> No.17263518
File: 223 KB, 1000x1414, 89bb7232df39ee2011cd94fc3cb7b3a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone done a masters in (urban) planning?

>> No.17263590

no it does not outside of computers and math

>> No.17263598

jesus do not do that

I did that and now i do taxes for a living

>> No.17263607

look at the commercial real estate market. held up by mere straw.

do not go into planning.

>> No.17263656

What did you enjoy about it?

>> No.17263683

Damn son, Bill Gates purchased your soul for the cost of a few promotional speeches. Get off this board faggot. You're literally a bugman

>> No.17264045

Is it that bad? I'm in Europe if that matters. Would it be better to get a pure GIS masters? With my degree (history) I don't have many options besides the few degrees that let me pivot fields, teaching or starting a new bachelors.

>> No.17264061

>imagine going to university to study reading, a think you learn to do with 6, and can practice alone every day of your life just to end up working at a supermarket because your degree is useless in society

>> No.17264071

Same. I don't have high hopes though, plan B is construction or the military since office busywork would drive me crazy.

>> No.17264079

I don't want a job in academia, I just want a few more years of reading good philosophy before I go work myself to a lonely death. Is there any hope of an absolute brainlet getting into a funded program, no matter how low-tier?

>> No.17264141

Yes, there's certainly hope...! Write an original, convincing, and well-researched paper; apply to as many schools as possible; and present yourself well at the interview. There are a lot of funded programs out there. Some will take you without an undergrad degree if your work is strong enough. Good luck Anon!

>> No.17264180

Thank you for the reply, it means a lot. Hard work is...hard, here's to doing or dying