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/lit/ - Literature

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17259558 No.17259558 [Reply] [Original]

>not a single influential work
How do they do it?

>> No.17259587

Stay in your containment board weebcel.

>> No.17259597

poor literary culture brought about by not caring about works from other countries (they are so xenophobic they won't even learn english): you can't write good literature until you read good literature
also, prioritizing technology over liberal arts
>critizing japan = weeb
based retard

>> No.17259615

>not knowing about the weebcel shilling his shit through reverse pschology
Kys newfag

>> No.17259640

>letting weebcels live in your head rentfree, making them dance every time japan is mentioned
have sex

>> No.17259662

Meds, now weebcel

>> No.17259694
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based projecting schizo
never watched anime or been on /a/ in my life

>> No.17259718

Have sex

>> No.17259736
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>seething so much you just repeat what has been said to you
never seen a defeat admitted this shamefully
your dignity is in fucking pieces, weeb virgin

>> No.17259792
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Have sex bro, life will change for the better

>> No.17259805

>they are so xenophobic they won't even learn english
This is blatantly false

>> No.17260447

I am monitoring this thread!

>> No.17260454

>The Tale of Genji
>Not influential

>> No.17260467

Nobody here read Hajime Nakamura

>> No.17260497

A jap anon on /int/ told me you get made fun of if you try to pronounce English words the "correct" way instead of the butchered "Japanese" way. Probably not so much xenophobia as typical bullying of nerds.

>> No.17260505

From the hundreds of bored weebs that yearly come to /lit/ asking for advice on how to write their shitty western Light Novels, I wouldn't exactly call them non influential.

>> No.17260509

they are unironically too stupid to learn English

>> No.17260512
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For me, it is this guy.

>> No.17260534
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> you can't write good literature until you read good literature
How did he do it?

>> No.17260546

They have their own tradition, you just don't know about it
I thought you guys were against "globalization"

>> No.17260557

Are we not counting manga, anime, or film?

>> No.17260561

>(they are so xenophobic they won't even learn english
Are you high? Japs are total Xenophiles (for white people), their language is littered with random English loanwords these days, it's actually bizarre to listen to Japanese and suddenly hear the random Anglicanism here and there.
They don't speak English because their education system is genuinely trash at teaching it. Like most of Asia, they stick to 1920s methods of just memorizing words and hoping for the best

>> No.17260565

>random English loanwords
and german

>> No.17260566

>poor literary culture brought about by not caring about works from other countries (they are so xenophobic they won't even learn english): you can't write good literature until you read good literature
Bro, since you're obviously a jaded /a/utist who gets his information from 4chan and wikipedia I'd recommend you read the Meiji Restoration wiki and what the government did to expand their culture with foreign art and life styles.

>> No.17260907

its utter shit and no one outside shitpan has heard about it
cope harder

>> No.17260930

How is Mishima not influential? Practically every insecure right-wing twink-in-denial talks about hm in their off-the-meds threads on twitter.

>> No.17260984
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Japanese books are influential IN JAPAN.

Who gives a fuck if the rest of the world isn't copying Japanese literature, I'd rather have them doing their own thing rather than just doing their part in further muddying the global cesspool.

And they clearly need to stay on their little island. The most influential Japanese expat authors were Nicholas Eijirou von Coudenhove-Kalergi and Francis Fukuyama, and just look at the globalist shitbags they've become.

>> No.17261168

All my cunny literature is in Japanese.

>> No.17261355

You read Lolita in kanji?

>> No.17261372

Lolita is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.17261390
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Oe's great, but my personal favorite is Kawabata. Snow Country is incredible.

>> No.17261398

This. South Korea is what happens when you let the west flood through the gates - disastrous consequences to all culture, as exemplified by their music. It's a fantastic thing that nowadays we can access the best works of another culture (if you're in the know) without waltzing in and shitting it up

>> No.17261416

Japan is influential but for Japanese readers only Soseki is highly influential affecting the rest of Japanese writers like Tanizaki, Kawabata etc
More influential then you will ever be

>> No.17261513

South koreans are the Jews of Asia, japanese are the Asians of Asia, Rusians are the white. Also South Korean music industry is a copy of 90s MTV

>> No.17261530

>without waltzing in and shitting it up
enter funimation

>> No.17261565


>> No.17261670

>How do they do it?
Nearly everyone gets filtered by Japanese

>> No.17261705

Only non-idiot itt

don't tell them about the journals

>> No.17261707

Actually everyone gets filtered by the lack of coherent thoughts.

>> No.17261717

What Genji? What Journals?


>> No.17262014
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> Lolita is just the tip of the iceberg.
Tell me about it

>> No.17262201

lol in high school trivia there would be questions about the tale of genji every year. it is widely known as the first novel. Congrats, you have passed the pseud test.

>> No.17262568

>Rusians are the white
Russians are niggers with white skin.

>> No.17262624

Your mom is a man with a snatch.

>> No.17262948 [DELETED] 

Ghost in the shell inspired the matrix. Kurosawa movies have inspired many western movies too. Most interesting ideas that the west copies seem to come from them nowadays.

>> No.17262950

>Tale of the Genji
>He fucks some chick
>He contemplates art and does calligraphy
>He talks shit
And that’s all we need to know about that book.

>> No.17262960

Dragon Ball has inspired more people to be better versions of themselves than the Bible or the Republic ever did.

>> No.17262973

You have lost touch with reality.

>> No.17262982

You know it's true

>> No.17263025

This lol, dont even talk to him, he is obviously trolling.

>> No.17263049

plato easily, not sure about the bible, but who even reads it now by choice? in many countries anime was everywhere

>> No.17264630

Because they are America's bitch.

>> No.17264671

Both Japan and South Korea immensely take from the west in terms of literature, animation and music. just as an example they wouldn't have anime if it weren't for Walt Disney