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17259076 No.17259076 [Reply] [Original]

What books do privilidged people read?

>> No.17259088

Good books.

>> No.17259099

Anything they want without considering whether or not it's "approved" by social science professor / friend group / online trashmag

>> No.17259104

How many updoots did this brave girl get?

>> No.17259110


>> No.17259134

Someone should call CPS. Teaching a child to hate themself is emotional abuse.

>> No.17259138

The really privileged read Kahneman and cry about food deserts

>> No.17259139

She's white, she was going to be taught to hate herself anyway

>> No.17259147
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>> No.17259150
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poor kid.
I wonder what form the teenaged rebellion against this generation's moralizing church moms will take. This time the moms are liberal so I imagine the kids will play at being rightoids, the way midwestern kids used to play at satanism and shit.
Just drove through this lovely little historical neighborhood in my city, which happens to be a little pricier than surrounding areas and happens to be majority white. There was some massive graffiti on a community center which read "fuck white wealth," "Fuck you," "(founder of neighborhood) ruined this neighborhood," and "white neighborhoods are creepy."
Some raised-liberal kid is getting driven to school or errands and seeing that message of open hostility, probably getting the shit scared out of them.
Not even that wealthy of a neighborhood by the way. Doctors and lawyers, upper management in nearby corporations, engineers and shit. PMC type people, working class downwardly-mobile people in denial.
Basically what I'm saying is now is the time to start a NSBM label and start signing some teenyboppers, racking up controversy, in much the same way gansta-rap and marilyn manson-style neutered metal was used in the 90s to appeal to the disaffected teenaged children of suburban socially conservative christians.

>> No.17259155
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>> No.17259260

What are some books that explain this phenomena

>> No.17259280

Industrial Society and It’s Future

>> No.17259285
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Lasch's culture of narcissism (not revolt of the elites, which is more about the origins of this ideology which was taken on in a much more retarded (despite being near-maximally retarded at it's gestation) ideology of self-absorption and utter failure to empathize with anyone- including niggers).
Otherwise read paglia's essays on feminism and the 60s counterculture

>> No.17259291

not pagllia, didion. I get the three female authors mixed up

>> No.17259311

Plutarch life of Alexander. He cross bred Greek and Asian children so that they would feel no loyalty to either empire and only the unnatural union of the two races created by his own rule. They were bred as a people-less, history-less Alexandrian mongrel race.

>> No.17259324

Based as fuck high IQ reply

>> No.17259334

Privileged people read. Thats it. Niggers dont. They have the same animosity towards asians because of it. I would be surprised if there isnt already an article or a paper out there discussing that the written word is in fact an instrument of white supremacy. A leftover relic from colonialism that directly seeks to supplant and destroy africas rich oral tradition or some shit like that

>> No.17259348

I live in the midwest and the "counterculture" here is just country culture. speaking in a southern accent, hunting, camo, country "music," and most importantly, conservative ideals. I've know skaters and preppy children born to lawyers and doctors develop a southern accent within a year.

>> No.17259358

These days? Biographies of liberal politicians like Obama and Hilary
Harry Potter
That's it, nothing else

>> No.17259381

Implying that non-privileged people can read

>> No.17259388

More the type that watch netflix maybe bought a maya angelou book during the blm shit and it just collected dust on their shelf

>> No.17259390

lmao dude some kids in my west coast affluent liberal high school started dipping and keeping the circle tin in the back pocket of their wrangler jeans specifically so they could get that circular wear mark.
DESU though I'm guilty too, dude I learned some townes songs and HW's "don't let me love you" on my guitar, just recently bought a realtree shirt to wear on the weekends.
that said my family's all a bunch of tri-cities idahoan guys whose primary goal in life is to score some money off of mexican day laborers at a chicken fight.
fuck dude maybe most huwhitefolx have this type of background and we're just connecting with it a little more these days since ou rprevious dream of living in harmony with the colors of the rainbow is looking less and less possible

>> No.17259396

This is legitimately child abuse

>> No.17259470

Persians aren't asian.

>> No.17259481
File: 108 KB, 660x915, 2+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you should say that. While not language itself, mathematics has already come under fire for being raycist.

>> No.17259488
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>> No.17259491

The day white women cease to be a force of influence in society the world will be better off.

>> No.17259495
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And like clockwork

>> No.17259502

Kek. Anybody else remember when the STEM fags were laughing at the Arts claiming they could never be taken over because >muh logic. Now XX and XY chromosomes dont exist and 2+2=4 is white supremacist patriarchy

>> No.17259516

>Fuck white men!
>Nooooooo you cant attack me because of the arbitrary factor of me being jewishhhh noooooooo bann them!

>> No.17259519

The New Science of Politics
Science, Politics and Gnosticisn both by Eric Voegelin

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy by Joseph Schumpeter

A Guide for thebPerplexed by E.F. Schumacher

City of God by St. Augustine

>> No.17259525
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What compels people to do these things. Like, how does one even get into a mind set where one thinks this is acceptable. Is it leftism? I've never seen a conservative, fascist, libertarian, or whatever do something even close to similar.

>> No.17259531

*A Guide for the Perplexed

>> No.17259532

April is the cruellest month, ~breeding~
Lilacs out of the dead land, ~mixing~
Memory and desire, ~stirring~
Dull roots with spring rain.

>> No.17259567

not leftism.

>> No.17259594

Already happened.
I grew up in the South and remember a Prof. failing me during a debate for having a thick accent, like saying "twunny" instead of "twenty". Hell, in my state there's a literal funded program to get rid of your Southern accent in our biggest university.

But as long as your accent isn't white, you're fine in academia.

>> No.17259606
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Fuck, forgot picture

>> No.17259626

I'm a yank but I really don't understand libs seething hate of the southern dialect. I really like it and it's probably the most distinctly "American" that exists

>> No.17259645

It's associated with poor, uneducated whites.

>> No.17259675

Fuck that man. I like America well enough but every day im a little more grateful that i was neither born or raised there. I really like the southern drawl

>> No.17259690

I really wish it wasn't that simple, but yeah

>> No.17259695
File: 39 KB, 480x360, snip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What books do privilidged people read?
Books in general. If you have the spare time to read books, you're privileged.

>> No.17259701

God damn I’m glad I’m not white, this shit is pathetic.

>> No.17259712

The level to which hollywood wants us to hate poor rural whites, particularly poor rural whites with southern accents, is fucking insane.
I was watching "nocturnal animals" the other day, there's all these scenes where these young southern dudes are acting all menacing and rapey to a cosmopolitan family, which is in tradition with all the movies like this going back to the hills have eyes and deliverance, and I thought to myself-
first of all, this movie would never be made if they had black people playing this role. Ever. Except which subpopulation actually carries out contrived and sadistic torture-rape crimes in real life?
Meanwhile, broke rural fuckers are by and large pretty nice people who at worst have bad addiction problems they finance through disability and SSI fraud, rarely robbing or mugging people because they still have that instinctual politeness their culture hooked them up with.

>> No.17259846

I don't know if I'm just tired but I actually can't understand what that first tweet is even saying. I can't parse it, it's just gibberish.

>> No.17259853


What NPR and the New Yorker tell them to.

>> No.17259872

They hate them because they fear them.

>> No.17259886

If it makes you feel better, this image is fake

>> No.17259894

nah. They see them as janitors in peace-time, fodder in war. They see them as less than human, probably what they fear is their own lack perceived masculinity based on their assessment (realistic) that they have no practical skills and are sustained by a massive complicated and fragile cultural apparatus.

>> No.17259897

This one I mean

>> No.17259932

I used to admire Alexander until every bibliography I have read about him mentioned his globohomo plan. (((They))) are doing the same exact thing by pushing interracial relationships on us. It's already a well known fact that mutts never fully integrate into either parents culture so they end up culturess. If they apply that notion on a national level, it shall be easier to manipulate us or at least weaken us since we have nothing to fight for.

>> No.17259943

She's retarded and believes coating her shitty theory in intellectual gibberish makes it more plausible. It's not you. It also requires reading her retarded theory on 2+2.
What she's saying is basically: if someone states: "of course math is neutral because 2+2=4," then they are coming from a position of power in the patriarchy (white devil man) and to use her aforementioned logic of why 2+2 does NOT equal 4 to fight back against that statement.

>> No.17259999

Yep. As a Southerner this is what I believe. Some yanks and urbanites just look down their noses at us. Although I've gotten vitriol from Californians more than anyone in my life.
You mentioned practical skills. I remember many years ago when I joined the Army and was in Basic Training, we were out in the field for a week doing training. We only ate a single MRE a day and me and this guy I shared a foxhole with were starving (he was black too, funny enough, from the Midwest) and we decided to go out into the woodline and forage for some blackberries, honeysuckle, pansies, anything edible.
We come back and show everyone the food we got and everyone freaks out seeing me and him eat the wild fauna. They we're convinced we had poisoned ourselves and called the Drill Sergeants. Then we all got shit on after that.
I was 18 at the time and it opened up my eyes as to how unprepared some folks are without any infrastructure.

>> No.17260061

Absolutely. We all want to be ready for some shit to go down, those of us who have less readiness get a lot of anxiety and perceive themselves as less-than, certainly to rural type dudes with hardened hands who don't say "my car broke" but instead identify the specific problem when cussing out their piece of shit vehicle.
For me, I'm not worried. Not that I have any major skills. I was pretty squarely sorted into the professional-managerial class before I could make any decisions about my life. I compensate a little, I know how to shoot and maintain a house without electricity (basically, use a wood stove and keep a pump from freezing) thanks to my parents' choice in leisure activities.
But I also know your average rural guy is decent, and while the infrastructure which sustains me is fragile, the raw skills I've felt drawn to (emergency medicine) will be useful regardless of whether I can get sterile normal saline from finland or whatever. I can learn to do more, and I trust my fellow man to continue to build regardless of challenges.

>> No.17260073

>probably what they fear is their own lack perceived masculinity based on their assessment (realistic) that they have no practical skills and are sustained by a massive complicated and fragile cultural apparatus.
Yes, hence why they fear them. They’re the last remnant of an old-world lifestyle.

>> No.17260088

I tried to explain that what they fear is not the guys but their own lack of measuring-up to these guys. It's all about the fear-er, has very little to do with the fear-ee.
It's the same narcissistic self-hatred projected onto the other which causes the cuck fetish among this population.

>> No.17260115

This happens in the UK and perhaps a few other countries as well, certain accents denote your social class and level of education.

>> No.17260118

The thing is, foraging and hunting aren't high level skills. They can easily be learned, so I don't turn my nose up at those who can't do it. They grew up in an environment where it wasn't needed and not a practical skill in a concrete jungle.
It's good that you're not worried, because you shouldn't. I guarantee any rural type person that has these skills would be happy to share them with you as well. These aren't skills that anyone would want to keep to themselves, there would never be any benefit in that. If two people can forage or hunt, then that's twice the amount of food.
Emergency medicine is extremely useful in any situation. Those skills are quite literally what can save someone's life in a pinch.
If the infrastructure falls, society will rebuild, fall again, and then rebuild. I just hope eventually we'll hit a sensible and long-lasting society.

>> No.17260120

It's kind of like how most people see preppers as nutjobs (Which I think there is merit too) but in a way... Someone has to do these things.

>> No.17260126

hell yeah brother.

>> No.17260164

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