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/lit/ - Literature

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17258838 No.17258838 [Reply] [Original]

When someone says 'genius', the first person I immediately think of is George R.R. Martin. After reading all of ASOIAF and hearing summaries and analysis of his other works, i genuinely believe the man is a literary genius. His ability to craft dramatic yet intellectually provocative stories, on such absurd grand scales, by himself, is rivaled only by Masamune Shirow's work with ghost in the shell. Like seriously guys, I can't even imagine how he's able to keep track of his thousands of characters and their family histories and the world lore without getting himself mixed up. To put this into perspective, people who have read all of ASOIAF generally agree that the TV series started off as an excellent adaptation of the books but has vastly decreased in quality as of late. Basically after they ran out of book material to adapt, the creative efforts of an entire team of HBO writers could not equal a single GRRM at storytelling. Pretty impressive.

Please understand i'm not calling GRRM a genius bc he's a famous author, but because the scope of his work is truly that impressive. I'm a very critical person when it comes to impressive works and I can say I genuinely believe GRRM's story crafting abilities is above virtually every other author i've come across up until this point. Yes Shakespeare's work was groundbreaking but do you honestly believe he could have told a story on a scale of GRRM's? Yes Leonardo Di Vinci was a brilliant inventor and painter and scholar but did he ever invent anything as world changing as Thomas Edison's light bulb or Alexander Graham Bell's telephone? Do you really think his paintings were as impressive as Jan Weenix or Paolo De Matteis ? Are Edgar Allen Poe's works truly that more frightening than the best horror produced today? Do you think men like these are remembered because they were really that much better than everyone else? Or were they just the first to do what they did at such a high level? It really makes you wonder...

The best part about geniuses is they propel society forward by raising the bar of excellence. As time passes on, humans will evolve to meets those bars and raise them even higher. We don't call our contemporary great works revolutionary because it hasn't become history yet. Its not until we look back in time and acknowledge their achievements when compared to their peers that we finally give them credit, like the artist and poet who don't become famous until after he dies. I believe there are many incredibly talented people in the world who will never be known because of, like you said, not having the right connections or motivation to make themselves known. All it takes is the will to bring your genius to the public. GRRM did so and something tells me if ASOIAF were written a couple centuries earlier, they'd be studied in literature classes today.

>> No.17258859



>> No.17258863

Nice pasta
If George RR Martin was a thin, balding student in his 20s nobody would give a crap about him or his books, and that's the truth. Just because he looks like a classical writer means people assume he must be good, when it's all just corpo shit masquerading as authentic literature

>> No.17258899

He’s a hack.

>> No.17259037

Great thread. Almost on par with the half-dozen "If '1984' is so great then why didn't it predict anything right about the '80s lol checkmate" threads.

>> No.17259055

This is the most reddit, Reddit post I’ve ever read. You can tell this nigger has never read real lit. Complex story with a shit ton of characters that interweave and seem lifelike? Nobody superior comes to mind? Seriously? W&P? You uneducated hack. Imagine believing that having a decent story with tones of characters is more difficult than one character in a limited setting. Can’t tell the difference between Shakespeare making plays and this guys fantasy fiction. Thinks Edison or Bell can stand next to Da Vinci. This reads exactly like that faggot who says you need a high IQ to understand Rick & Morty. I would fucking murder the little bitch who wrote this. I hate them. I hate myself for getting angry and OP is a massive faggot for posting this bullshit

>> No.17259078

That's nice and all but homeboy is only 2/3rds the way through his magnum opus and it doesn't look like he's gonna finish. His legacy will be a TV show known for its terrible ending.

>Chaucer didn't finish either

>> No.17259430

this, but unironically.

>> No.17259781

Funnily enough, there were quite a few people on /lit/ that thought this, before the show came out.

>> No.17259984

He weighs more than the european canon, which means he won't fit into european canon haha

>> No.17260048

Well written and informative post OP, I agree. This stuff is exactly why I joined this subreddit in the first place

>> No.17260211

In high school i had a guy actually tell me he thought these books were the best things he'd ever read. I tried them but i think i stopped reading by the middle of the 3rd book because it was legitimately stylistically terrible writing. also the mfer knows legit like 2 metaphors and uses them over and over for EVERYTHING

a story definitely better suited to HBO pseudo-porn than to a book series