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/lit/ - Literature

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1725758 No.1725758 [Reply] [Original]

>Me: hey dude, whatcha reading?
>Friend: oh its some self help book by a celebrity
>Friend: it was on the NY Times bestseller list, it must be good!

>> No.1725759

this definitely happened and was worth making a thread about

>> No.1725760


>> No.1725765

Me: Man, OP sure is a fat fucking faggot, sometimes.
Friend: I don't know why you go to /lit/. Even /fit/ has more intellect.
Me: Yeah...
Friend: And they post on topic more often.
Me: Yeah...
Friend: You said yourself that /lit/ is full of pretentious douche canoes who're all basically out to mandate what other people read.
Me: Yeah, I did.
Friend: So why fucking go there?
Me: The truth? I go for the threads and gossip about the tripfags.

>> No.1725766
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>wow, man I haven't seen you in a few years! How's it been? I remember last time we hung out you were reading [novel I suggested], that was a good one. Glad you liked it so much! Read any good books lately?
>I haven't read any books since that. I don't really feel the desire to read to be honest.

>> No.1725773
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>> No.1725776

>Me: hey dude, whatcha think of that literary theory course?
>Friend: oh its alright, but I didn't really like any of the theories
>Friend: to be honest i have my own theory; to just read the book as it is and as it was intended ^_^

>> No.1725781
File: 52 KB, 337x367, pale version of gaddafi is not impressed with your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me: Heyy what did you think of that lecture on post-colonialism? i really liked it!
>Friend: Really? Seemed really shitty to me...
>Me: What do you mean?
>Friend: Seems like black people just made to to make us white's feel guilty

>> No.1725782

lol this is what happens to my like the 90% of the times when I talk with my ignorant friends about philosophy.

>> No.1725815

>Me: hey bra, sup
>Friend: nm home just doin some readin
>Me: oh dope. what book
>Friend: jus this one dat oprah recommended.

>> No.1725837

> Me: Hey, talk about a long train ride, good thing I brought a book.
> Femfriend: Oh cool, what is it?
> Me: It's by Philip K. Dick and-
> Femfriend: Oh ewww, SF is the shit! I got something better, real realistic too.
> mfw she pulls out Twilight

>> No.1725841

Oprah recommends good books asshole
>East of Eden

>> No.1725843

ITT: Hipsters whine about how their friends are all "mainstream", and are surprised when people enjoy popular things.

>> No.1725845

when they enjoy shitty things you mean

>> No.1725850

Everyone on /lit/ shits on Twilight constantly.Has even a single person here read Twilight?I doubt it.

>> No.1725852

bad thread

>> No.1725853

I have, on a dare. Just the first book, though.