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File: 46 KB, 628x353, what level does your democrat character need to be before cum starts dripping out of your mouth 24 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17253530 No.17253530 [Reply] [Original]

How well read is the average Western politician? Why do Islamic and Chinese politicians cite philosophers frequently, while Western politicians seem like they don't read anything other than the Economist?

>> No.17253539

you don't have to be smart to be a good politician. you just have to be good in front of a crowd or camera

>> No.17253542

This is about getting votes, not reading books Johnny

>> No.17253543

The readers become judges. The non-readers become politicians.

>> No.17253544

Democrats pretend to be well read, Republicans don't, except for the Bible.

Bootyjudge apparently loves Ulysses, his father was a Joyce scholar

>> No.17253550

I'm not familiar with the US context, but in Brazil it varies a lot. There are some scholars and others are blatant ignorant (and proud of it).

>> No.17253553

Because muslims and chinese politicians don't have social media so they are only left with face-to-face interaction.

>> No.17253558

Well said

>> No.17253587

Obama read Foucault

>> No.17253596

Obama was a law school professor. He doesn't count.

>> No.17253605

Many of them read the Bible for guidance

>> No.17253632

Buttboi is weird. I can't tell if he's just a massive poseur trying to satisfy the sort of narcissism that makes people become politicians, or if it's impossible to come across as genuinely intelligent when you're a politician. In spite of all the stuff he talks about, he still comes across as kind of a dumbass.

>> No.17253778

Western politicians have to appeal to the lowest common denominator in their base at home. Xi or Khamenei's bases aren't the broad, domestic public. They use speechs to score points with the sort of people who read and comment on world news.

>> No.17253792

Like AOC, he’s just a phony narcissistic sociopath.

>> No.17253803

He’s drooling a bit

>> No.17253809

and you are a narcissistic tranny

>> No.17253818

Trump seems like the only book he's read is The Art of War.

>> No.17253828

>Like AOC
I thought you would have been her fan. She's as close to leftist as there is in the House.

>> No.17253830

Trump the kinda nigga pay someone to summarize a book to him verbally.

>> No.17253832

Is being an egghead even good for governance? I wonder if there have been any books written on this

>> No.17253836
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Bill Clinton said The Denial of Death was one of his favorite books. He was extremely intelligent and like all philosophers also a sexual deviant and drug abuser

>> No.17253839

Reagan was well-read and studied as an economist

>> No.17253850

Intelligence doesn't matter to the American electorate. Hillary Clinton was known for being a "policy wonk" who'd spend time deliberately reading bills and studying law, but she couldn't appeal to the public and lost to the game show host dabbling in politics for an ego boost.

>> No.17253859

Not well read at all. The average western politician is an uneducated parasite.

>> No.17253861

We've successfully refuted leftism in terms he could accept. Now he's a basedboi.

>> No.17253881

No, no she’s a careerist fake
I’ve been an anarchist pretty much since I started coming to /lit/

>> No.17253893

one of the senators is a former college football coach named tommy tuberville who said this

> Tuberville said that the European theater of World War II was fought "to free Europe of socialism" and that the three branches of the U.S. federal government were "the House, the Senate, and the executive."

>> No.17253916

For the Chinese thing, 'philosophy' has always been the backbone of politics. Their philosophy is similar to our pre-Thalean philosophy (completely aphoristic) and it's all about self-reference. They focus on fitting the world into pre-existing models and don't care much for observation, so quoting philosophers is only natural.

>> No.17253935

Based image. I had forgotten about this.

>> No.17253936

>Western politicians seem like they don't read anything other than the Economist?

Because they don't.

>No, no she’s a careerist fake

These Latino politicians always love talking about their lower class backgrounds. In grad school I had one Latino professor who had been president of the state senate and another visiting lecturer (the current secretary of state for California) both boast about how their mothers had been cleaning ladies, and all I could wonder to myself was why anyone would consider it a good thing that we have the poorly educated progeny of dumb menial workers running the state government. (In the case of the former, he would routinely suffer when attempting to spell basic words on the class white board.)

We've never had Plato's philosopher kings running the political scene, but it seems as though it's getting worse over time—particularly with politicians buying into social media fads and then basing policies on the short-term popularity of these fads.

>> No.17253955

My parents are dumb as shit menial laborers and I'm an attorney who has numerous notes published. Your parents' statuses don't really dictate how much you can achieve, is the point.

>> No.17253957

I understand that boomers think NatSoc = socialism, but yikes sweetie with that last one. I hope it was like AOC where she tripped on her words a bit and accidentally misstated the branches of government/houses of congress.

>> No.17254000

Tranny lol

>> No.17254008


>> No.17254009
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Not sure about the arabs, but Iran's Islamic Republic was modeled on Plato's Republic. They take the "captain of the ship" thing really seriously. So the Mullah's, especially the high ranking ones, rigorously study theology, jurisprudence, and philosophy (mostly neo-Platonist, Aristotlean, and their islamic variants). Of course, this knowledge leaves one rather unprepared to deal with the filth that is known as "modernity", but hey at least they tried.

>> No.17254034

Khomeini was always cool, one of the most fascinating and effective statesmen and philosophers of the 20th century.
It is a damn shame that America threw in with the autistic Wahhabi Saudis instead of their fellow Republic in Iran

>> No.17254040

ugly traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanny

>> No.17254044

This. In America politicians are concerned with politicking not politics

>> No.17254052

>Bootyjudge apparently loves Ulysses
that's probably a bullshit psyop along with all the claims that he speaks 37 languages

>> No.17254101

The "being an corrupt and uncharismatic sociopath" thing probably helped as well. I don't think there's anyone who didn't vote for Hillary because she's a nerd

>> No.17254119

You’re the exception, not the rule.

>> No.17254125

ok nerd lmao

>> No.17254146
File: 147 KB, 1020x432, C208927A-EF86-4003-9056-8ADFAF720910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooooogli kekekekkekekek

>> No.17254300

ya seething hard rn

>> No.17254310

I am sorry you are so ugly tranny

>> No.17254318

Kek-ing in your face. I don’t need anyone here to find me attractive. I might as well be Louis Gossett jr

>> No.17254332

cope in its purest form.
sorry I hurt your feelings tranny.

>> No.17254421

Did you figure out how an objective, equal diet is infact the best for humanity?

>> No.17254450
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It's not that they don't read (although I doubt they read much past philosophy past school), it's that their constituents don't read. If they start quoting philosophers they will literally get voted out because their average voter will have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

t. massfag

>> No.17254457

depends. If you listen to the US Supreme Court justices talk, they obviously brainmog congressmen to the point of embarrassment.
Presidents are generally the most intelligent congressional veterans with the greatest charisma, and rarely do they match the kind of intellect and vast reading that the justices have. There are a few exceptions tho. Lincoln was obviously extremely well read and among the greatest orators in history.

>> No.17254543

Ah, the autist who thinks younger brothers should always eat less than their elders

>> No.17254561

Trump has read Carl Jung

>> No.17254569


>> No.17254587
File: 1.08 MB, 960x1072, crazymansmiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iran's Islamic Republic was modeled on Plato's Republic
I might need to read up on some Iranian history.

>> No.17254609

>I don’t need anyone here to find me attractive.
That's good to hear. It would've been very unfortunate if you ever wanted to be attractive, since that's not possible. I'm glad you've adapted to your circumstances.

>> No.17254668

That's why he fucked the US economy so professionally.

>> No.17254930

Yes, because (1) each individual, so long as they are not absolutely equal, have different dietary requirements, and because (2) the specification 'little brother' implies inequality. That does not mean that the little brother eats less, for perhaps he is the one most in need of food to become big and strong, but it means he eats differently.

>> No.17254961

The same reasons America is the richest country — you don’t have to read to be smart, you just have to be good at money.

Capitalism in America produces the best results and the best equity through the free market.

>> No.17255026

>Capitalism in America produces the best results and the best equity through the free market.
Based Butterfly

>> No.17255156

Implying making money makes one smart?

The hell

>> No.17255346

Boy oh boy, does it feel good to be a retarded tranny.
When they say ignorance is bliss they're really not kidding, it feels great to be this wrong about what I say. My, My, am I a massive faggot.
Also haha, disregard what I said above, I suck cocks.

>> No.17255362

Based Capitalist Butterfly.

>> No.17255375

I’m sure you do

>> No.17255398

Butterfly was a capitalist all along? Based

>> No.17255469
File: 6 KB, 465x472, 097E1668-1A90-4AE5-8C2F-D07E9AA3CE19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my trip

>> No.17255484

This is strange...why did I reply to myself?
I guess my gender dysphoria is proof of an underlying schizophrenia and even split personality disorder.
I'm insane and retarded!

>> No.17255534

I don’t have any dysphoria or schizophrenia, bitch.

>> No.17255860

>Lost my trip
So you reverted back into a capitalist after your drugs wore off? Not surprising.

>> No.17255895
File: 93 KB, 736x1217, 70240F43-5D2D-46DB-9830-751685BC938F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17255958

brown politicians from toilet countries have to cope, they're forever wracked with insecurity about coming from a debunked and obsolete culture, in order to show just how advanced and western they are they pretend to read books, or worse yet they're so cringe they actually read them. western bureaucrats don't need to pretend, i remember when the former PM of Britain David Cameron was like "lol i don't read, i just play the Wii, it's brill" and the media applauded him for his stunning candor and down to earth attitude

>> No.17255968

Foreign politicians are just as uneducated, but they derive more authority from pretending to be educated

>> No.17256035

He can't even read.

>> No.17256071

>lol i don't read, i just play the Wii, it's brill
Did he actually say something like this? Please tell me it's true.

>> No.17256184

Joe Biden quoted Kierkegaard.

>> No.17256351

"Pull on my leg hairs before I slather your pussy in honey barbeque sauce you lying dog-faced pony soldier" ?

>> No.17256355

women don't read books anon

>> No.17256371

Imagine being this brainwashed by the globohomo media propaganda.

>> No.17256410


>> No.17256505

>trying to satisfy the sort of narcissism that makes people become politicians.
Of course he is. He’s a faggot.

>> No.17256570

Depends, if Xi is our golden standard, he is the equivalent of an Il/lit/erate
He can namedrop all kinds of Chink authors but whenever he talks about an author I've read, it seems as though he's never actually read them, Sima Qian being the most glaring case (he outright recommends him in his reading list and yet I doubt he's ever read the castrated Livy)
The theory that these philosophers are code words for "I'm purging X", "I'm promoting y" seems way more probable
With the exception of the current president of Tunisia whose the pinnacle of basedness, Arab leaders I'm convinced can't read
Khomeini attempted to model Iran on Plato but Khamenei was a corruption candidate who didn't even fulfill the Islamic scholar criteria, he's an ayatollah in the same way Jill Biden is a "doctor"

>> No.17257502

Fags are pretty narcissistic, aren't they? Just look at trannyfly.

>> No.17257509

No, that's from Montesquieu.

>> No.17257534

>With the exception of the current president of Tunisia whose the pinnacle of basedness
Why is he based?

>> No.17257591

To be fair, he said poorly educated progeny. You, clearly, do not fit that.

>> No.17257605

Many of them pretend they read the Bible for guidance*

>> No.17257610

Today's elites are below average competence

>> No.17257657

They don’t read. If they do, it’s like those Bill O’Reilly or Ibrim Kendi books. I knew a few personally.

>> No.17257666

I want to agree with you (and her campaign was pretty terrible to boot) but I feel like a not insignificant part of the american electorate is instinctively hostile to books and academic learning.

>> No.17258048

they aren't at all, you don't ask managers to be well read.
>Western politicians seem like they don't read anything other than the Economist?
they've memed themselves into reading only the economist, that's also the biggest advice you'll receive when you try to get into a polisci degree or job.

>> No.17258063

PSST. The elites of yesteryear were below average competence, as well. And the elites of tomorrow will be below average competence, as well.

The people who are competent do not want the job.

>> No.17258800

>that's also the biggest advice you'll receive when you try to get into a polisci degree or job
Really? What is it with the Economist?

>> No.17258811

He's the perfect political candidate: a weird, amoral robot who also happens to be a minority.

>> No.17258862

everyone who went to college read Foucault

>> No.17258870

Main Kampf doesn’t count

>> No.17258875

>All of these obese black women who were pushed into theae positions are incrediblg well read

>> No.17258935

>his father was a Joyce scholar
His father was a Gramsci scholar who translated the complete edition of The Prison Notebooks in to English.

>> No.17259204

I didn't mean the economist especially but they'll all tell you to read a shitload of papers, you need to stay INFORMED

>> No.17259740

Yikes. Were the normiecons right when they said leftists were run by the Frankfurt School?

>> No.17260916

>James “fart in my face” Joyce
Yes, the pinnacle of cultural development

>> No.17260926

bootyjudge is a charismaless overachiever, the kind who thinks that if he gets enough A's you'll be forced to love him forever

>> No.17260932

AOC found a great gimmick to get elected but she's about as socialist as grover cleveland

>> No.17260936

He's a grumpy Grampa constitutional law professor who writes in the archaic Maghrebi script
He's probably the only leader of a country that is well read in his language's literature
He has by no means stopped the spread of jihaditards in Tunisia but it's certainly improved the situation somewhat

>> No.17260941

>posting based dennis quaid
you're alright butterfly

>> No.17260949

do that in conjunction with the history of oil exploration in the persian gulf if you want a real eye-opener. you'll probably end up on a watch list though

>> No.17261133

>Hillary Clinton was known for being a "policy wonk"
A lot of politicians are "known" for things only to be shown to be frauds. I doubt this talking point was ever true. It was just a branding exercise to make her look smart

>> No.17261215

IQ has a 60-80% heritability.

>> No.17261227

Persians truly suffer...

>> No.17261266

Assad is a literal eye doctor
Putin is supposedly an avid student of history
While britain has

>> No.17261397

There is no complete translation of the prison notebooks to english

>> No.17261441
File: 1.27 MB, 1122x1578, Boris_Johnson_official_portrait_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recites the Iliad in ancient Greek

>> No.17261994

Politicians are low IQ bugmen. Why would they read

>> No.17262034

He said status not IQ. You can have an above average IQ and do blue collar work. Sometimes it’s nice to get paid for work that doesn’t require you to think so you can just contemplate the books you read after work or even during work.

>> No.17262646

>Putin is supposedly an avid student of history
To what extent? This is questionably impressive since politicians naturally learn a lot of history.

>> No.17262892

I'm pretty dumb but I did this when I worked in a factory. Super easy work, paid good for the area, and I got paid to read for at least 30 minutes each day.
I was basically the only person who did this though.
It's too bad the union was full of boomers who only gave a shit about getting more money for themselves. It sounds like the job isn't as good now as it was a year ago.

>> No.17262916

Boomers gonna boom. They need that scheduled pay increase to get their new veeate MOPAR

>> No.17262943

>people dont value intelligence because they wouldnt vote for hilary clinton

>> No.17262949

I was pro-union until I was in one. Seniority is an utterly stupid reason to pay someone more. It doesn't mean they do a better job. In fact, many of the newer guys were faster and more productive than the people making 4 times their wages. It's disgusting.

>> No.17263015

the only beneficiaries of unions are union members who currently have a job and union bosses receiving dues
which makes them quite counterproductive

>> No.17263031

There are companies that furnish aesthetic books by the yard for offices for maximum pseud cred. DC is the largest market.

>> No.17263036

Hes a phony, which makes him seem very pseud-like, but I think he is actually pretty intelligent according to a friend who knows him. But can you really be that smart if you take it up the hershey shoot every night?

>> No.17263050

It would be amazing if you had a link to one of these

>> No.17263065

They got rid of that a few years ago and pay was based on position. There was only a $1/hr difference bewteen top and bottom though. Signup for positions was granted based on seniority but I was one of the highest paid people there because no one wanted those jobs.
I think those dumbfucks let the company put in a facial recognition temperature scanner now. I was the only person who ignored their mask mandate too, bunch of cowards.

>> No.17263085

Judges are the biggest morons on Earth. Morally and politically corrupt, petty, weak cucks.

>> No.17263173

Yeah it's a completely unique experiment in Islamic history. Even without the Greek philosophy, direct rule by scholars is unprecedented

>> No.17263235

I'm think it's called books by the yard or books by the shelf.

>> No.17263247

> Well-read
> Western
> In 2021

>> No.17263475

That's what they want you to believe.

>> No.17264081

Muslim politicians have political power. Chinese politicians have political power.
American politicians have no political power. This is the difference.

>> No.17264107

Twas a dark day in Dallas, November '63
A day that will live on in infamy
President Kennedy was a-ridin' high
Good day to be livin' and a good day to die
Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb
He said, "Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?"
"Of course we do. We know who you are"
Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car
Shot down like a dog in broad daylight
Was a matter of timing and the timing was right
You got unpaid debts we've come to collect
We're gonna kill you with hatred, without any respect
We'll mock you and shock you and we'll put it in your face
We've already got someone here to take your place
The day they blew out the brains of the king
Thousands were watching, no one saw a thing
It happened so quickly, so quick, by surprise
Right there in front of everyone's eyes
Greatest magic trick ever under the sun
Perfectly executed, skillfully done
Wolfman, oh wolfman, oh wolfman howl
Rub-a-dub-dub, it's a murder most foul
Hush, little children, you'll understand
The Beatles are comin', they're gonna hold your hand
Slide down the banister, go get your coat
Ferry 'cross the Mersey and go for the throat
There's three bums comin' all dressed in rags
Pick up the pieces and lower the flags
I'm going to Woodstock, it's the Aquarian Age
Then I'll go to Altamont and sit near the stage

>> No.17264112

Put your head out the window, let the good times roll
There's a party going on behind the Grassy Knoll
Stack up the bricks, pour the cement
Don't say Dallas don't love you, Mr. President
Put your foot in the tank and step on the gas
Try to make it to the triple underpass
Blackface singer, whiteface clown
Better not show your faces after the sun goes down
Up in the red light district, like a cop on the beat
Living in a nightmare on Elm Street
When you're down in Deep Ellum, put your money in your shoe
Don't ask what your country can do for you
Cash on the ballot, money to burn
Dealey Plaza, make a left-hand turn
I'm going down to the crossroads, gonna flag a ride
The place where faith, hope, and charity died
Shoot him while he runs, boy, shoot him while you can
See if you can shoot the invisible man
Goodbye, Charlie, goodbye, Uncle Sam
Frankly, Miss Scarlett, I don't give a damn
What is the truth, and where did it go?
Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know
"Shut your mouth, " said the wise old owl
Business is business, and it's a murder most foul
Tommy, can you hear me? I'm the Acid Queen
I'm riding in a long, black Lincoln limousine
Riding in the backseat next to my wife
Heading straight on in to the afterlife
I'm leaning to the left, I've got my head in her lap
Hold on, I've been led into some kind of a trap
Where we ask no quarter, and no quarter do we give
We're right down the street from the street where you live

>> No.17264114

>Western politicians seem like they don't read anything other than the Economist?
At least half of our political elite would lose if they quoted philosophy, if not all of them. America is deeply anti-intellectual. I thought /lit/ knew this. Then again, /lit/ exhibits much of the same anti-intellectualism.

>> No.17264122

They mutilated his body, and they took out his brain
What more could they do? They piled on the pain
But his soul was not there where it was supposed to be at
For the last fifty years they've been searchin' for that
Freedom, oh freedom, freedom over me
I hate to tell you, mister, but only dead men are free
Send me some lovin', tell me no lie
Throw the gun in the gutter and walk on by
Wake up, little Susie, let's go for a drive
Cross the Trinity River, let's keep hope alive
Turn the radio on, don't touch the dials
Parkland hospital, only six more miles
You got me dizzy, Miss Lizzy, you filled me with lead
That magic bullet of yours has gone to my head
I'm just a patsy like Patsy Cline
Never shot anyone from in front or behind
I've blood in my eye, got blood in my ear
I'm never gonna make it to the new frontier
Zapruder's film I seen night before
Seen it 33 times, maybe more
It's vile and deceitful, it's cruel and it's mean
Ugliest thing that you ever have seen
They killed him once and they killed him twice
Killed him like a human sacrifice
The day that they killed him, someone said to me, "Son
The age of the Antichrist has just only begun"
Air Force One coming in through the gate
Johnson sworn in at 2:38
Let me know when you decide to throw in the towel
It is what it is, and it's murder most foul
What's new, pussycat? What'd I say?
I said the soul of a nation been torn away
And it's beginning to go into a slow decay
And that it's 36 hours past Judgment Day
Wolfman Jack, he's speaking in tongues
He's going on and on at the top of his lungs
Play me a song, Mr. Wolfman Jack
Play it for me in my long Cadillac

>> No.17264126

Play me that "Only the Good Die Young"
Take me to the place Tom Dooley was hung
Play St. James Infirmary and the Court of King James
If you want to remember, you better write down the names
Play Etta James, too, play "I'd Rather Go Blind"
Play it for the man with the telepathic mind
Play John Lee Hooker, play "Scratch My Back"
Play it for that strip club owner named Jack
Guitar Slim going down slow
Play it for me and for Marilyn Monroe
Play, "Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
Play it for the First Lady, she ain't feeling any good
Play Don Henley, play Glenn Frey
Take it to the limit and let it go by
Play it for Karl Wirsum, too
Looking far, far away at Down Gallow Avenue
Play tragedy, play "Twilight Time"
Take me back to Tulsa to the scene of the crime
Play another one and "Another One Bites the Dust"
Play "The Old Rugged Cross" and "In God We Trust"
Ride the pink horse down that long, lonesome road
Stand there and wait for his head to explode
Play "Mystery Train" for Mr. Mystery
The man who fell down dead like a rootless tree
Play it for the Reverend, play it for the Pastor
Play it for the dog that got no master
Play Oscar Peterson, play Stan Getz
Play "Blue Sky", play Dickey Betts
Play Art Pepper, Thelonious Monk
Charlie Parker and all that junk
All that junk and "All That Jazz"
Play something for the Birdman of Alcatraz
Play Buster Keaton, play Harold Lloyd
Play Bugsy Siegel, play Pretty Boy Floyd
Play the numbers, play the odds
Play "Cry Me A River" for the Lord of the gods
Play Number 9, play Number 6
Play it for Lindsey and Stevie Nicks
Play Nat King Cole, play "Nature Boy"
Play "Down In The Boondocks" for Terry Malloy
Play "It Happened One Night" and "One Night of Sin"
There's twelve million souls that are listening in
Play "Merchant of Venice", play "Merchants of Death"
Play "Stella by Starlight" for Lady Macbeth
Don't worry, Mr. President, help's on the way
Your brothers are coming, there'll be hell to pay
Brothers? What brothers? What's this about hell?
Tell them, "We're waiting. Keep coming, " we'll get them as well

>> No.17264130

Love Field is where his plane touched down
But it never did get back up off the ground
Was a hard act to follow, second to none
They killed him on the altar of the rising sun
Play "Misty" for me and "That Old Devil Moon"
Play "Anything Goes" and "Memphis in June"
Play "Lonely At the Top" and "Lonely Are the Brave"
Play it for Houdini spinning around in his grave
Play Jelly Roll Morton, play "Lucille"
Play "Deep In a Dream", and play "Driving Wheel"
Play "Moonlight Sonata" in F-sharp
And "A Key to the Highway" for the king on the harp
Play "Marching Through Georgia" and "Dumbarton's Drums"
Play darkness, and death will come when it comes
Play "Love Me Or Leave Me" by the great Bud Powell
Play "The Blood-stained Banner", play "Murder Most Foul"

>> No.17264456

You're projecting. I know you're American

>> No.17264468


American politicians seem to be the least well read. British politicians usually attend prestigious universities and are well read

>> No.17264499
File: 46 KB, 353x499, D6CF5590-4057-450A-9B9D-395AB1C2D476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as it ever was

>> No.17264504

American politicians sound like they're barely fucking literate half the time. Obongo, Clinton, Biden, Bush Jr, were all terrible orators. Congress is a mixed bag since there's so many of them but a lot sound remarkably slow. Politics is a game, being well read isn't very useful and they don't seem to care.

>> No.17264509
File: 38 KB, 801x814, 1608801639078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gramsci scholar

>> No.17264520

Obama was honestly pretty good especially in his first campaign and term. For an American he was at least as compelling as JFK and FDR

>> No.17264537

he was a see-through robot who was not bush and black.

>> No.17264566

Well he sounds literate is what I’m saying.

>> No.17264601


>> No.17264749
File: 44 KB, 763x534, baudet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will occasionally find politicians from the old regent class in Dutch politics or people similar to that upperclass society, like Thierry Baudet, but they are rare, most Dutch politicians are basically educated bureaucrats or sometimes businessmen, any genuine conservative party like the FvD will automatically have the media lie and distort their position.

>> No.17264959

>British politicians usually attend prestigious universities and are well read
there was a video out there with Hitchens and some politicians, they were challenged to recite a poem and none of them could except Hitchens
I'm not saying they didn't receive top notch classical education but obviously a lot of them didn't care or never grasped it

>> No.17264977

>American politicians have no political power
That would be true for european politicians, certainly not for the US. Having the CIA director on speed dial and being a member of the board of directors of Lockheed Martins is what I would call power.

>> No.17264986

It's not just US politicians, though

>> No.17265037

RREEEEEE how can you not read? It is impossible to strategize and act effectively without reading all philosophers REEEEEEEEE.

>> No.17265097

obama read foucault only to impress art hoes, he says so himself lmao he is a literal pseud

>> No.17265154

>Why do Islamic and Chinese politicians cite philosophers frequently, while Western politicians seem like they don't read anything other than the Economist?
Because Western people don't read philosophy so they wouldn't get the reference anyway.