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17251106 No.17251106 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17251114

No, I don't feel like being either a shepherd or sheep.

>> No.17251149

Its not a choice

>> No.17251186

Not really interested in how to be a mediocre critical skills operator who commits war crimes only needing to be pardoned by a retarded president

>> No.17251193

Why, anon?

>> No.17251202

Yeah, that's what the book's about.

>> No.17251203

Just read testimonies from Croatian war criminals lol

>> No.17251216

You wouldn't be able to complete BUD/S even if your life depended on it.

>> No.17251223
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Cope harder faggot, Jocko will always be 10x more a man than you pathetic cuck

>> No.17251239
File: 35 KB, 582x582, jocko-part2-1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerds waste their entire lives pondering on philosophy wishing that people could care about their opinions
>meathead takes the philosophy and literature worlds by storm and becomes the most influential philosopher of our time with the utterance of a single word

>> No.17251244


>> No.17251251

Sadly, I learned this the hard way. I used to think like you, but in reality you either lead people, or let people lead you. You can rationalize otherwise but its just that, a cope

>> No.17251269

You can also evade the bootlickers

>> No.17251274

I avoid leftists like the plague, no worries.

>> No.17251280

Yes, anon. But not as in the long run, ok? I don't feel like being stuck with people.

>> No.17251285

i would kill any zogbot servant of the great satan effortlessly

if you're in the american armed forces, you deserve to be murdered

>> No.17251303

I completed MARSOC’s indoc

>> No.17251309


>you either lead people, or let people lead you

Retard in the house boys

>> No.17251322

Not a philosophy

>> No.17251325
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Sure you would tough guy

>> No.17251340
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>Sure you would tough guy

>> No.17251344

/pol/cucks are the ones who worship the military. its inherently fascistic.

>> No.17251346
File: 86 KB, 1000x642, 1607414449434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post body, chud

>> No.17251363

Butterfly is a woman.

>> No.17251364

you first, I still think I would kick your ass but not until I see you first

>> No.17251365

>its inherently fascistic.

>> No.17251378
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>y-you first, I still think I would kick your ass b-but not until I see you first

>> No.17251387

>Jesse Ventura
>Ryan Zinke
>Eric Greitens
>Chris Kyle

Navy SEALs don't have a good record in politics or public life

>> No.17251396
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>>>17251364 (You)
>>y-you first, I still think I would kick your ass b-but not until I see you first

>> No.17251407

>if you're in the american armed forces, you deserve to be murdered
Pretty juvenile, butters.

>> No.17251410

Kek, you just owned yourself faggot
/pol/cels will never learn

>> No.17251416

I don't know those people. Just saying that based on what is in the book cover and army movies.

>> No.17251420
File: 83 KB, 640x892, elongated mouth world citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>17251396 (You)
>Kek, you just owned yourself faggot
/pol/cels will never learn

>> No.17251423

The Navy SEALs are the most overhyped guys on the planet. People seem to think they're unstoppable elite killing machines, but they aren't.

>> No.17251441

wingardium cope-iosa

>> No.17251446

>they aren't their job description

>> No.17251515


>> No.17251523

Coping cucks who couldn’t even do a basic marine PFT/CFT

>> No.17251532

Are you a basic marine? Does this account for your jealousy of SEALs?

>> No.17251534

Nope, just demonstrating that you couldn’t even perform a fundamental workout required of all Marines yet you LARP as if you’re a critical skills operator

>> No.17251540

Haha, do I? You're so delusional bro.

>> No.17251544
File: 114 KB, 1028x675, D8F44787-A58F-4BEC-BEDF-D8504DB32511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t me.
They tend to be fashy bootlickers, but they’re not all bad. Like the cops, they push the good ones out.
And I like Jessie Ventura

>> No.17251546


>> No.17251553

I’m friends with Spencer IRL and he wouldn’t want your ugly tranny ass posting his pic

>> No.17251554

Is a SEAL dating your sister?

>> No.17251559

They're very good at what they do. Bullshit aside.

>> No.17251565

>Is a SEAL dating your sister
>t. Wrench turner on a decrepit carrier

>> No.17251571

why is he so angry?

>> No.17251578

I'm not in any branch of the military. And that wasn't a no from you to the question, lol

>> No.17251588

Cause killing little children for Israel takes its toll

>> No.17251600

And why’s that, anon?

>> No.17251631

oh very funny, you've posted a hilariously retarded product of an ecelebs money grubbing book deal. would be clever and funny if people hadn't been ironically shilling this bald phallic head retard for the last couple weeks

>> No.17251704

SEAL confirmed for rawdogging both sister and gf(male)

>> No.17251745

My dad works at Nintendo

>> No.17251830

>Extreme ownership by Israel
>How the US Navy seals lead and win for YHVH's choosen

>> No.17252211

Nothing to do with bootlickers, leading is literally in every single interaction you'll have in your life with another human being

>> No.17252221

Absolutely love this book, and the man behind it. BRING THE PAIN, EMBRACE THE WAY IT SUCKS.