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17250651 No.17250651 [Reply] [Original]

Was this a joke? Nothing of substance was said by either one and almost any difference of opinion they had was only nominal

>> No.17250659

You mean semantical

>> No.17250660

welcome to 21st century intellectualism

completely performative and packaged for your easy consumption

>> No.17250668

Peterson is not a philosopher and was obviously exposed but the whole thing was wack, the audience chanting as if their watching reality tv stars go at it and the topics and direction of the discussion was also so obviously bad. Their was no direction nothing no issues presented just two autist throwing zingers back and forth at eachother to put on a show for the audience. In the Chomsky Foucault debate the audience is dead silent and the two go through various topics with development from both sides slowly understanding the others position.

>> No.17250669

Hard for anything substantial to be said when Peterson came without even a basic knowledge of marxism or Zizek or any other subject they discussed. Zizek was forced to sit there explaining things to him.

>> No.17250680

Peterson is an uninteresting pop psychologist. I would prefer to see Žižek debating someone on the right who actually has interesting things to say, like Eric Striker, Kevin MacDonald or Greg Johnson.

>> No.17250687

sorry, I only watch Peter Hitchens owning libs on youtube

>> No.17250783

But doesn't this make it interesting in its own right. Start with Peterson. He says Struggle is eternal and so cannot be conflated with capitalism. Marx and Engels say the history of the world is the history of class struggle. So it is nothing that only pertains to capitalism. Already his first fucking point is idiotic. Then he goes on to say that hierarchies are natural. OK but first of all what do we have to do with lobsters and secondly this doesnt mean that we should design the hierarchies so that they work best for everyone. I think already the first 10 Minutes of Peterson talking competely disqualify him.

>> No.17250795

I think he was on drugs this debate or obviously stressed out he looked so shaken up on nearly everything that was thrown at him. I don't think he would have done as bad otherwise or at least not made himself look retarded

>> No.17250809

hey, at least Peterson has good taste in bottled water

>> No.17250868

he was on drugs in every public appearance for years, all his most famous talks and lectures were done binged on drugs. he probably doesn't even remember writing 12 rules he was so out of it, when he submitted a second version of it to his publishers they explained he already released it, and he got so mad he flipped the publishers desk over. eventually they agreed to release it as "12 more rules for life"

>> No.17250931

Probably because Peterson literally started the debate by outing himself as an absolute hack.

>> No.17251021

Stop listening to "intellectuals".

>> No.17251391

1.Peterson for some reason didn't read Zizek before. Zizek is not you typical ortodox Marxist. He is more like a left-progressivist. Most of Zizek's ideas came to life after him reading Sloterijks Critique of cynical reason. He just added his own left flavour.
2.There views are very close to each other.
3.Zizek didn't answer what he thinks about Petersons definition of Cultural Marxism. It was almost 3 hours in, so they were tired. That was the only worthwhile question but it wasn't discussed.

>> No.17251435
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>> No.17251936

ted should have stuck to math, his social commentary is legitimately retarded.

>> No.17251954

if zizek wanted to go hard he could have but it would unironically be like beating up a special needs child. peterson lacked even basic knowledge of marxism and postmodernism and zizek tried the best he could from refraining on hammering him for that

>> No.17252547
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Correct version

>> No.17252568

Yes, Ive read the communist manifesto and Michael Foo Co. It says here that we wish to destroy the white race and sissify white bois for BBC.

>> No.17252570

they´re both puppets of the establishment, no need to fight

>> No.17252577


>> No.17252581

Of course they are, i just had the peterson version saved

>> No.17252586


>> No.17252611

Peterson showed up to the debate like a high schooler doing a book report the night before its do. This was legit like a kid doing a powerpoint about communism for his social studies class. You're coming to debate one of the biggest names in philosophy armed only with a pamphlet written for peasants?

Couldn't even talk about the labor theory of value?
I'd give him more credit if he went full /pol/tard ranting about Frankfurt School subverting the West or whatever. At least then he'd be able to name names.

>> No.17252612

he is correct (and based). name one material change in the last 50 years that was achieved through humanities discourse.

>> No.17252633

>one of them finishes a sentence
>burgers clap and roar as if they were at a football game

>> No.17252676


this basically sums it up, Memerson famously announced months before that he'd read some of Zizeks books to prepare for the event, and instead came utterly unprepared, but still tried to keep up the charade and give his fanclub the epic showdown they paid for. I guess it makes sense since he was clearly overstretching himself, but it's still not a good look.

>> No.17252693

What was so bad about anything Peterson said?

Everytime this debate comes up, its typically Zizek people mad he didn't read his books.

>> No.17252744

it was supposed to be a debate, nigger. Peterson failed to engage Zizek on his own terms and further a productive dialogue between his own traditionalist responsibility thing and Zizeks position, meaning he missed the opportunity to diminish the discursive divide, and by that token he failed to live up to his own standards of revivifying and updating tradition by engaging with new information. Recycling the same (from my perspective basically valid) arguments against classical Marxism yet again isn't good enough.

>> No.17252746
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This was the outcome of having two people who’s thoughts are so far from another that they had to search out something to discuss.

Peterson’s Xanax addiction is on full display here. I know this from experience, even if he’d read marx’s literature (which he admitted never having read) he’d never remember the material, or be able to discuss it coherently.

He’s pretty fucking high.

>> No.17252773

>it was supposed to be a debate
About Marxism, not Zizek or his philosophy

If we have to read his books in order to even talk about it, then we're already beyond any productivity.
It's a debate, it has an audience that it should hopefully be easily interpretable for.

>> No.17252780

Professor Jordan Peterson seemed starstruck.

>> No.17252788

>quotes half a sentence
>ignores the bulk of my argument
look, you're doing exactly what memerson did. you think 'marxism' today means "let's do what Marx said to do in the communist manifesto"?

>> No.17252801

>quotes half a sentence
I quoted 87.5% of a sentence ignoring the curse word.
Have you realized you're the disingenuous one yet?

>> No.17252804

>its the hegelian dialectic of ideology submersing us and so on and so on this old jewish joke about the farmer illustrates my point
>and thats the bloody thing about these dang marxists man they just dont get it we need to get to the root of our civilization and save the dragons rescue our father and be the hero

>> No.17252811

>he missed the opportunity to diminish the discursive divide, and by that token he failed to live up to his own standards of revivifying and updating tradition by engaging with new information.
read you double-nigger

>> No.17252817

I haven't seen anything Ted has said that is wrong. The way he went about things was wrong, but you can't deny that he spoke a lot of truth

>> No.17252831


>> No.17252871

I don't still dont understand why he's obligated to go read Zizek.

You wanted something more depthful okay, based on Peterson already having already read formed some kind of counterargument or response to Zizek's idea.
I haven't read any Zizek, that shit wouldn't mean anything to me.
I don't know anything about his brand of marxism.
And the discussion would then be centered about Zizek's perspective on marxism.
I don't care about that.

I just laugh at him because he sounds like Daffy Duck.

>> No.17252899
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>> No.17252917

The issue here is that you don't seem to be interested in knowledge or intellectual discussion but rather just want sports entertainment where there's a clear "winner" dunking on the other guy that you can holler for as part of "your team"

>> No.17252935

the point about lobsters is that we diverged from that a fuckton of time ago and we share sinilar reward systems in our brain when it comes to competiton and winning/losing. this means the struggle in the heirarchy isnt just ideaology its several millions years of biology

im no neurosientists and many of the neuroscientists i have seen try to do a takedown are either dishonest or autistically missing the bigger point peterson was making.

ive done some research into this independently and id guess that hes sort of right biologically but it doesnt really mean anything. everything is colored by biology but the system we live in is in no way in accordance ot our biological reality. it twists our basic drives in so many ways as to be nonbiological and inhuman

>> No.17252964

That doesn't really logically follow.
Just because I'm not prepared for or interested some hyper-depthful analysis of Zizek, doesn't mean I don't want anything.

I wanted something accessible about a very broad topic.
And I got it.
Obviously thats difficult to do so the end result is relatively shallow to your expectations, but I saw in brief the distinction between Peterson's and Zizek's perspectives on Marxism and nominal arguments against the other.

>> No.17253034

yes, it's a peak american common-sense empirical argument. as humans start to modify their dna and become wireheads it will fall flat completely.
there's a good philosophical case for the structural necessity of hierarchical structures though, and I think the lobster example is just meant to serve as an illustration of the principle of the eye and the pyramid, to speak symbolically.

>> No.17253038
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>*wipes (((nose)))*
>and so on
This simply can’t be refuted

>> No.17253100
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>r-roughly speaking, that's a bad idea, bucko!

>> No.17253186

lods of emone

>> No.17253373

There wasn't anything to argue about. Peterson showed up ready to talk about happiness under Marxism, since this was in the name of the event. He started off at square one, passed it over to Zizek, then Zizek basically threw that all away and refused to defend Marxism at all. Then it turned into a tepid discussion between a guy reiterating his old points and a guy who clearly just wanted to shake shit up and see what came of it. People keep talking about the "Who are these postmodern neo-Marxists" bit as if it was some kind of a fatal zinger, when the ststement was immediately proceeded eith "I know which people you're talking sbout." Their biggest conflicts were over words, not even the actual ideas. It was fucking nothing.

>> No.17253471

what the fuck

>> No.17253655
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>This thread