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1724947 No.1724947 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of reading high brow lit. I want something trashy and obscene.

Recommend me some pornographic books set in medieval times.

>> No.1724961

Chronicles of Gor

No need to thank me

>> No.1724964

How about both?

Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer.

alternatively, check out literotica.

>> No.1724960

animated by the way.

Adventurers going around, slutting it up or some crap. I just want something trashy.

>> No.1724967

Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy.

Sleeping Beauty as a subservient trembling maiden that errbody has sex with. Spankings abound. Enjoy.

>> No.1724981


Thanks for the help so far, but both of those are pretty bad =(

Gor and Rice, ugh....

>> No.1724987


Yeah, Anne Rice is awful. You said you didn't want high brow lit.

Poppy Z. Brite's older work is a little better, if you're into gay dudes.

>> No.1724999

Dave Duncan wrote some interesting fantasy books (Seventh sword series?) where there was a woman named Cow who had big tits and obediently followed the heroic protagonist as he beat up everyone who disagreed with him.

>> No.1725000


Was afraid of that. This might seem like one of those things that you have to rely on amatuer stuff from different sites, then anything official

>> No.1725001

The Painted Bird is very pornographic. It takes place during WWII but it deals with a lot of medieval superstitions and pagan ideas.

>> No.1725016

You... wouldn't happen to have a link to this, would you? Purely for research purposes, of course.

>> No.1725031


Hmm, yes. Violent rape and snuff. Exactly what I was looking for.

Get lose, tripfag

>> No.1725041
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not the time period but sounds like the party you are looking for.

>> No.1725051

120 days of sodom.

You get your trashy, obscene, and pornographic while still remaining high brow.

It isn't medieval though.

>> No.1725102

A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin.

>> No.1725109


Marquis de Sade is super not fappable material, though. It's too matter-of-fact/satire. Also, people are pooping on each other.

>> No.1725116
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>> No.1725150

I read that as matter-of-scat, which would actually make sense considering the book.

>> No.1725158

Harlequin's entire catalog.

Nothing but formulaic porn as far as the eye can see.

>> No.1725160


The trouble with Ann Rice is that she likes to act like her writing is high brow even though it's not. It's just sort of pretentious wannabe literature written for adolescents who think they are philosophical and smart.

>> No.1725176

Candy by Maxwell Kenton

>> No.1725184


Takes a while before you get to anything actually trashy in this series that isn't just used as character development for the (apparent) villains.

Still a good series of books though.

>> No.1725223

So anything like Swordswoman Fallopia has to break into the break into the prison and there's a guard on duty!

*remove breastplate and walk in*

Something trashy like that.

>> No.1725233

The Blue Notebook is pretty good. It's got prostitution, a trap (femboy?), castration, one lesbian almost-sex scene, and chicks getting raped by swords. Actually, just one chick. The narrator.

>> No.1725267

It's not a straight-up porn, but hey, there's medieval sex.

The Dream Thief by Shana Abe

>> No.1725430

American Psycho. My English teacher called it trash so you know it's good.

>> No.1725515


Nice try anon. American Psycho is only sexy if you are a bitter virgin.

>> No.1725516

Plum in the Golden Vase

>> No.1725533

fuck yes Chinese lit

>> No.1725549
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>> No.1726970

Bump for real answers.

>> No.1727267

>pornographic books set in medieval times
Well, The Canterbury Tales, of course. Especially the Miller's, Reeve's, and Merchant's tales, and to a lesser extent the Shipman's and Manciple's tales.