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17246933 No.17246933 [Reply] [Original]

Lately, I've felt unable to read any books as I feel my mental abilities have drastically deteriorated to the point I am genuinely struggling to find words I use often.

What books will help me learn how to optimize my cognitive health?

>> No.17246960

Anon, this might sound weird. But I started using those nutritional supplements (whey protein + vitamins). And I got from feeling like shit to f great. My point is, do you eat properly? Water also makes a difference.

>> No.17246986

>My point is, do you eat properly?
What does this even mean?
Diet seems like such a hocus pocus topic, what defines a good diet

>> No.17247105

Lol, fat retard

>> No.17247112

I am 6'2 and 180lbs
I mean what constitutes a diet for good mental health is clearly not well defined, and people will tell you both eating plants only and only meat in the same thread

>> No.17247116

diet is important. people underestimate how much a shit diet can fuck with your mental performance and mood. also exercise, particularly cardio, will help a lot. really i don't think you need a book for this. just exercise and eat healthier.

>> No.17247118

Eat oats

>> No.17247133

fruits but not too much
meat but not too much

simple as. don't get caught up with all the diet autism.

>> No.17247469

Why Oats?
Hm, is there any books on why these? Like actual proper research?
What does eating healthier mean tho? Some sources say vegs are bad for you cause of toxins, others say meat is bad cause it makes you get cancer

>> No.17247474

Ketogenic diets will make you as sharp as possible, as the brain functions better when using fat. It's a very restrictive diet, though. Probably not worth it.

>> No.17247482

I've tried, and I agree. It does seem to change my personality quite a bit, but like you say maintaining it long term is very difficult in a society where carbs are the norm.

Fasting also seems to work well

>> No.17247594

The one fact that literally everyone agrees on is that unprocessed food is great and processed food is horrible, hence this anon's post >>17247133 outlining a the elements of a balanced unprocessed diet. Don't worry about all that vegan vs carnivore shit, just removing garbage such as sodas and candy will go a long way for you.

>> No.17247675

don't introduce things, you need to remove things

>> No.17247689

I agree. I've been thinking about eating only boiled eggs for a while.

>> No.17247690

Sleep better, maybe more, but better for sure.

>> No.17247768
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Look up Ray Peat

>> No.17247784

That's aso been happening to me ever since i got corona

>> No.17247799

Shit... shame dude. Ever since Corona I haven't felt the same way. I feel genuinely mentally challenged, and I can only function with Modafinil/Adderall.

Fucking shit.

>> No.17247834

This, sleep is super important. Tape your mouth too if you are a mouth breather, sleep apnea will kill your brain and heart

>> No.17247850

Few years ago I spent several months working in a relatively respectable research project in nutrition (I was writing software to support the project) and let me tell you: I can't possibly bring myself to trust most research results on nutrition anymore.
They really do try to apply the best methods, but the raw data is absolute garbage, and for each variable you can control, there are a thousand others unaccounted for, and all experiments are unreproducible...
My advice is: forget about trying to optimize your diet, ask your grandma what her grandma used to cook and follow that (or think about what she WOULD cook if her family wasn't starving). Should be something close to >>17247133 anyway

>> No.17247864

same as me, I know what I want to say but I just cant say it, like I cant find the right words, or if I can find the right words I cant structure the sentence correctly.

Pretty sure I'm suffering mental degradation.

>> No.17247873

Do SS (starting strength) + GOMAD (gallon of milk a day)
You will get to 1/2/3/4 ez

>> No.17247893

>what defines a good diet
Italy. Italy defines a good diet. A poor country where people get to live until their 80s. God I do envy how their bodies get lubricated since birth with the most perfectly refined food on earth. A life of pure pleasure. Imagine how nicely woven their bodies are.

>> No.17247959

I think it's called aphasia. I've been having it since I got corona. Feels like my brain isn't getting enough oxygen, IDK

>> No.17247995
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Here is my idiot-tier understanding of nutrition. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

A low-impact diet is a good diet. Some molecules are easy to process, some are not. There are good fats vs bad fats, good carbs vs bad carbs. Good = low impact, Bad = high impact.
Bad fats = saturated fats; Good fats = unsaturated fats... Bad carbs = simple carbohydrates (sugar and wheat); Good carbs = complex carbohydrates (potatoes and veggies)... I think there's no such thing as bad protein -- it's just good protein vs really good protein. Certain types of really good protein are found only in meat and fish.
You need a proper mix of fats/carbs/proteins, and you need a full regiment of vitamins. Eating veggies every night should give you the vitamins you need, as long as you have variety, 4 or 5 different ones per week.
Don't eat sugar (except fruit sugar), and don't eat anything that has hydrogenated vegetable oil.

>> No.17248008

***regimen, not regiment.

>> No.17248159

Good idea
Yeah, dieting is a convoluted mess of scams and misinformation

>> No.17249072

Download a nutrition textbook, anon. But I definitely was in a situation that thinking got really hard.

>> No.17249122

italian diet is quite shit actually.

>> No.17249153

keto can have good effects in short term, but if you do it too long you will do damage to your body. dont believe the ketocult, they seem to be everywhere

>> No.17249172

egg has a lot of satured fats, so eating only that is maybe a bad idea probably. you'll increase your chances of arthrosclerosis & associeted diseases (alzheimer, heart attack, impotence)

>> No.17249373

It works, we have one of the lowest obesity rates in Europe and highest Life expectancies, this makes /fit/ diet autists seethe because at least we enjoy what we eat.

>> No.17249384

Yes, the endless combinations of pasta, olive oil and tomato could keep anyone entertained.

>> No.17249396

Enjoy your plate of steamed broccoli and tasteless chicken breast, faggot

>> No.17249547

There is more variety of food in a single Italian province than in your whole country

>> No.17249558

>Italy, a poor country
mutts, everyone