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File: 37 KB, 424x648, Brave New World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1724692 No.1724692 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really understand how describing a scientifically-dominated utopia is satirizing contemporary modern life, government, and society.

>> No.1724699


>> No.1724700

i don't really understand why i should have to hold your hand because you can't make the connections with a book commonly read and fully understood by sophomores in high school

>> No.1724696

you must have a very literal mind.

>> No.1724715

The kind of mindset anyone who wants to be a successful mathematician or scientist ought to have.

With such a blank statement like that I suppose I'm sure to believe you've wrapped your head around it better than I.

>> No.1724724

OP this book was written in the 1930s where the average IQ was 80

Huxley's satirizing the fact that using technology that isn't inherently dangerous to the child-laborers used during that time period (such as pneumatics) is reason enough to believe that one day we might be overcome by it.

>> No.1724737

>The kind of mindset anyone who wants to be a successful mathematician or scientist ought to have.

good 4 u. good luck w/ ur book adventures. might i suggest fantasy?

>> No.1724744

>>Scientists and mathematicians
>>reading fantasy novels

Maybe I'm thinking too literally, or you not literally enough, friend.

>> No.1724767

Aldous is most particularly emphasizing the result of when humanity allows itself to be usurped by science and technology. That result is exactly what alienates us as the reader and say, "Something MUST be wrong here!" when we read, even if there is nothing.

Alternatively, the civilization in Brave New World is entirely stagnant and halted. It's still relatively questioned whether or not Aldous meant to implement this particular idea into his novel, but it stands that the book describes an alien civilization created when we do not try to press forward into the unknown - both scientifically and literally. The life in the book is boring and unmoving, which encourages the way that, that life exists.

Those are my two readings of it, anyway.

>> No.1724811
File: 9 KB, 179x281, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave new world is basically the world created when you consider happiness to the greatest moral good, and its pretty surprising you guys didn't pick that up. They were happy. Endlessly, vapidly, pointlessly happy. The novel is anti-eudamonic, and because fervent belief in eudamonia is endemic to the internet crowd, none of you can fathom a worldview in which it doesn't hold first and last position.

Happy easter. This is a martyr. There are none, and never will be for eudamonia.

>> No.1724834

So he's satirizing happiness.

>> No.1724840

It's not just endemic to the internet crowd, it's more-or-less endemic to the entirety of modern western society right now.

>> No.1724849

Aldous Huxley created a future civilization in which life is lived for its own sake. It is stagnant and devoid of thought and beauty.

>> No.1724856


fantasy novels tend to not have a lot going on beneath the surface of the plot.

>> No.1724910

Yes, apposed to.... Auto biographical novels, right bro?

>> No.1724920

>utopia where is everybody is happy

oh, so I suppose you'd rather have the current world full of third-world slavery, extreme islam, child sex trafficking, starvation, AIDS, etc.

lol hipsters

>> No.1724936

>The kind of mindset anyone who wants to be a successful mathematician or scientist ought to have.
common misconception. Scientists sometimes have to very creative and have good design acumen when experimenting, operationalizing and working with a team. Similarly mathematicians have to memorize the conceptual truth behind complex rules and patterns, which literalism doesn't always help.

Anyway the key to the satire lies in
- the caste system and admiration of physical beauty
-John juxtaposed with the world controller
-The societies view of art and it's resemblance to Plato's republic

I.e. the devaluation of what was otherwise societies ideal.

>> No.1724938

Did you forget the part where science hasn't advanced in centuries, thus dooming mankind to whatever the universe throws our way, if all the fossil fuels don't disappear first?

>> No.1724943

the point is its not a perfect world. But again, its so endemic nowadays that you can't even seperate the two ideas.

Brave new world is good because it is well-written and interesting. Its great because it predicts you and your cohort perfectly. So take your soma, enjoy your endless diversion, your orgy porgy and community sings.

>> No.1724945

The geniuses are always artists.
Sometimes logical systems are an art.
Enjoy you lab-monkeying, OP, it seems all you'll really be good for.

>> No.1724950

>false dichotomy

>> No.1724955


>> No.1725004

>the conceptual truth behind complex rules and patterns
Holy shit, true dat. Euler's identity blew my mind when I understood it. I'm going to retake math 265 even though I have a B just because I've been lost since the second week.

>> No.1725009


did i say that fantasy novels hold this attribute exclusively, you little turd? go ahead, read a biography. hell, read an ethnography about the koo-wa-wa tribe in africa or a fucking DVD player instruction booklet while you're at it if a brave new world is just beyond your ability.