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/lit/ - Literature

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1724483 No.1724483 [Reply] [Original]


How do you explain the disparities in suicide success rates between males & females, /lit/? Male suicide attempts are 5+ times more likely to succeed than female ones.

My understanding of this is that females are generally sociopathic but also passive-aggressive so attempt suicide to make the men in their life feel guilty. They also exaggerate their suffering to make others feel sorry for them because they have nothing else going for them & like the attention. (Whereas men have legitimate reasons for suicide and are intelligent enough to have existential crises etc. and not fake attention-seeking "depression")

Also, a song that you guys might like! (it gets really good about 50 seconds in)


>> No.1724489

Please stop being so ignorant. I work for a suicide prevention charity and you're being idiotic.

The main reason for male suicide has been proven many times to be because men are far less likely to seek help for their problems and usually things escalate and get worse. You're also ignoring the higher rate of mental disorders in men and there's a direct correlation between mental disorders and suicide

>> No.1724493
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You know what's idiotic? Not being able to tell the difference between suicide rates and suicide success rates!

>> No.1724494

>My understanding of this is that females are generally
exactly that is wrong. children and women in (post-)agrarian societies depend on sentimental bonds and suicide attempts, along with tears and scandals, are the sentimental arsenal, anon.

>> No.1724496
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>believes in mental disorders

>> No.1724498

>mental disorders and suicide
think of the dozens of roman and japanese generals, of the bankiers and of the monarchs, of hamlet and of svidrigailov. they're, plainly, mad you say?

>> No.1724499

Saging this thread because it's already filled to the brim with ignorance and/or trolling and has nothing to do with literature in the first place.

>> No.1724501
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Im going to completely ignore the professional charitable suicide prevention guy and give my own opinion.
It's because men shoot themselves in the head like a boss and women don't want to mess up their face so they go for the heart.But,most women are idiots and know nothing about the human anatomy so they muck it up and survive.

>> No.1724508

and this thread shows just how mature men are

oh but this thread doesn't contain any men, only boys

>> No.1724513

yay dosto. suicide is a question of fashion as well.

also, there's anomy which women don't know due to cunt

>> No.1724514


If you become a misogynist we'll invite you to our clubhouse.

>> No.1724533

Even in death a womens biggest concern is her vanity.They'd rather try to overdose on children's tylenol or cough drops or gummy bears than try a more physically destroying approach.Overdosing is a much less reliable method.

>> No.1724535

mature grown men never mingle with slaves or with women

>> No.1724541

a mature grown man has no boundaries placed upon what he can and cannot do

>> No.1724543

think karenin. she took the train. in elden times they jump off cliff since it's poetic. yay!

>> No.1724550

im 17 and love devin the dude. all the other kids my age on some stupid shit listening to soulja boy and all them lol. devin the dudes the best fuck wat ya heard (

>> No.1724553

>a mature grown man has no boundaries placed upon what he can and cannot do
you're thinking of dogs or of barbarians and not of civillized men.

>> No.1724556

civilized men usually aren't very mature

>> No.1724561

because men are too dumb they actually kill themselves.

>> No.1724564


>> No.1724566

>civilized men usually aren't very mature
if equate maturity with the antics of slaves you are right. but commonly the debaucheers and cynics aren't seen as mature but as childish, wild and undereducated

>> No.1724574

It wasn't nescessary. I could read that from your tripcode.

>> No.1724577

you and they living up to a childish ideal now cast away years ago

if that isn't the exact antithesis of mature i don't much know what is

>> No.1724582

how does it feel being an obstacle to human progress.

>> No.1724592

>you and they living up to a childish ideal now cast away years ago
if you are the only man who does refuses to accept any mores, they are indeed outlived - in your parents' basement.

>> No.1724595


>implying woman's natural subordinacy is remediable

>implying it won't be male > female, jewish > white > negro until the sun explodes and we all die

>> No.1724598

humans don't progress, societies do. but who would you know that, from your isolation?

>> No.1724599

i don't have a basement

and i'm not a man

>> No.1724603

well rest assured your cultural species will be annihilated by the coming feminist revolution.

>> No.1724606

shut the fuck up nobody is interested in your outdated terminologies.

>> No.1724609

i should have known! you are a filthy catamite!

>> No.1724612

>your cultural species will be annihilated by the coming feminist revolution.

onion, are you some sort of amazon queen?

>> No.1724618

>shut the fuck up nobody is interested in your outdated terminologies.
i just pictured a chantard shouting that into a book

>> No.1724620

i guess you aren't as civilized as you once claimed

>> No.1724621

*seemed to imply

>> No.1724627

>well rest assured your cultural species will be annihilated by the coming feminist revolution
furry, you forgot the furry modifier. the next 4chan revolution will be done by feminist furfags. so it goes.

>> No.1724632

this is what happens when little boys have power.

>> No.1724633

So much for being female in moral valence

>> No.1724643

so you actually think you deserve to be treated like a real person after a hateful comment like that? try again.

>> No.1724645
File: 45 KB, 408x605, Its_Kind_of_a_Funny_Story_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this film or read the book OP

>> No.1724647

>i guess you aren't as civilized as you once claimed
No civilized citizen would practice sodomy today. Leave that to the Taifals who go unwashed. sauce::

>> No.1724648

your very existence will be the object of erasure. but of course, we do this by education and guidance before you develop these problems. however, you seem to be stuck in this state, so you'll have to be contained.

>> No.1724654

yes, please. erase all the metaphysical categories you have in mind. there is still hope for you

>> No.1724656

>he doesn't worship male-on-male love as the highest love there is

have fun never having any substance

>> No.1724658

Psychology and Anthropology graduate here:

Evolutionary biology could be a significant if not dominant factor in the skewed suicide rates between males and females.

Consider that women often become less attached to their lovers after they've successfully mated, and that they only need to get pregnant once to earn half a lifetime of obligation to rearing their young. This can often be accomplished no matter how young or seemingly undesirable a given woman is; there will always be someone willing to fuck them.

Men on the other hand, often experience sexual malfunction when they get depressed (or the other way around) both of which often stem from or contribute to perceived feelings of self-worthlessness and low self-confidence.

Basically, if a man loses his mojo or becomes convinced he never had it in the first place AND believes it's impossible or extremely unlikely that he'll never get it back, he could lose sense of purpose in life since as we all know the main point in life is to keep the species going.

Women, though more emotionally expressive and some would say more 'violently emotional' tend to bounce back from very tough breakups and things of that sort than do non-player type guys.

Player-types, or the so-called Alphas, are another story. It's been well-documented that only about 10% of males do about 90% of all fucking both in terms of quantity and variety of sexual partners.

So, the 5X suicide rate in males is likely stemming from the fact that 9/10 males' purpose in life from a strictly evolutionary point of view is, for a lack of a better phrase, negligible.

>> No.1724659

>erase a metaphysical category

>implying this is what i am doing

>> No.1724662

you should be doing that. you should drop all that metaphysical prejudice. do that, or an hero.

>> No.1724665

i have ETHICAL prejudices you fucktard.

>> No.1724667

onion just start with the jargon and this can stop

>> No.1724669

lol maybe another disciple of hurrdigger what a fucktard that guy was holy shit.

>> No.1724672

the highest love there is is the love to the fatherland, you philandering scum

>> No.1724673


This is not to say non-alphas have no purpose in life or contribution to make to their species given that we're such a complex breed of organism nowadays with all kinds of sweet science and culture and crap like that.

It's just that from a strictly evolutionary POV since we have for the vast majority of our evolutionary existence been no better or more cognitively advanced or significantly more dextrous than most other animals, our emotional systems are primarily based on the same basic needs and desires including that to reproduce.

>> No.1724677

i called the guy a retard because he's obviously a nazi as illustrated.

>> No.1724682

>i have ETHICAL prejudices you fucktard.
Either drop the prejudice or drop dead as you are being, as you put it well, an obstacle to progress.

>> No.1724685

oh you're a nationalist?

i didn't know those were still around

i figured anyone with half an education today could predict the future state of world affairs

i know i agree

>> No.1724686

>Psychology and Anthropology graduate here:
from which deep south? the african or the american?
>Evolutionary biology
that's where you're wrong since etiology can't be applied to animals only.

>> No.1724687


>> No.1724701


Are you trying to say that etiology does or does not apply to humans? "Can't be applied to animals only" seems to imply that it "must" apply to both humans and other animals.

And I graduated from University of South Florida, which was the first university in the world to establish both Masters and Ph.D programs in the field of applied anthropology.

>> No.1724703

>oh you're a nationalist?
I'm not being a nationalist but an upright citizen. With a due respect to the Greeks, the titans who hold our civilisation are Seneca, Vergil and Diocletian.
If Late Rome was as strict with the barbarious peoples at their borders as it was during it's youth it still might've been standing.

>> No.1724706

and that's the progress that will be stuffed back into your face you piece of shit.

>> No.1724709

tripfags are the cutetest of pokemon

>> No.1724716
File: 12 KB, 255x198, JJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses others of being "filthy catamites"
>worships the greeks
>thinks vice is what caused the downfall of Rome

>> No.1724718
File: 408 KB, 355x190, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone a pokemon as an attempted insult
>performative contradiction


>> No.1724728

So you have indeed applied terms zoologists apply to dogs to human society in your studies? Who was that megatroll who wrote a book about "the evolutionary strategy" of Jews?

>> No.1724738

We all, I think, agree that whatever caused the fall of Rome was a vice. Do we or do we not?

>> No.1724748

take taht to your retard cabal nobody is a we with you

>> No.1724750

It's not an attempt to insult. You cannot insult the last man, the catamite tripfag, the furry sodomist retard from 4chan as his very existence is an insult to civilization.

>> No.1724756

well how is being 15 treating ya.

>> No.1724758

So, you perceive the Goths and Vandals as great benefactors, is that so?

>> No.1724761

in my book it was two big virtues

but then again i don't get my shit from history channel documentaries

>> No.1724775

just shut up nobody wants to talk to you.

>> No.1724784

>in my book it was two big virtues
You could call sodomy/corruption and mercy a virtue but it doesn't do a thing about the role it played in the bloody downfall of Rome.
>but then again i don't get my shit from history channel documentaries
ah, you watch television? Is that why your language is fixed on the anal and genital sphere?

>> No.1724788
File: 23 KB, 400x292, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Durkheim was a complete faggot.

>> No.1724792

>Rome was "corrupted"
yes, by the factionists who split the church in two

are you a closet fag?

>> No.1724794

That is a paradox.

>> No.1724804

>nobody wants
you're pretty stupid kid

>> No.1724806

>confuses talking with other verbal acts

filed as a case example

>> No.1724816

>are you a closet fag?
We define ourselves through our deeds.

>> No.1724820

oh my god

you are so in the closet

i kind of feel bad for yelling at you now

>> No.1724833

How can you possibly confuse two synonyms? If you don't want to talk, don't.

>> No.1724838

To which God have you appealed just now?

>> No.1724841

oh boy i feel bad for wasting time with you. even invoked the retard hurrdigger just to see this retard who doesn't know verbal acts

>> No.1724843
File: 99 KB, 500x463, i am multitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me obviously

>> No.1724854

Who's Hurrdigger? I think you might mean Heidegger, the nazi philosopher of the American counter culture. You must be US American.

>> No.1724857

In any case if he has a God to appeal to he isn't mature by his own standards.

>> No.1724858


Listen, I think you're reading too much into it and seeing what you want to see. All I said was that humans evolved to get to where we are today, and that for the overwhelming majority of our evolutionary history there was little to distinguish us from other apes.

I didn't say we should describe or categorize humans in the same way we do animals. I said that humans always have been subject to the same evolutionary forces and motivations as other organisms, and that our emotional systems haven't and shouldn't be expected to have entirely caught up to what's important and valuable to us as a more cognitively advanced species.

>> No.1724866

but i am a god.

>> No.1724872

shouldn't you be a goddess

>> No.1724880

>check mate

>> No.1724894

In Searle jargon to talk is to exchange acts of speech, or as you put it having a broom up your arse, verbal acts. But there is no need to drop jargon in public, outside of it's original context, except to parade your social ineptitude. But by now that is superfluous for you, onionring.

>> No.1724895

the monad god isn't charged. everyone can have one.

>> No.1724909

yea but searle is missing the subtle changes to the communicating participants by the acts performed. a deliberative, shall we say, act of communication is different from an act of rejection.

not wasteful jargon.

>> No.1724911

>I said that humans always have been subject to the same evolutionary forces and motivations as other organisms,
So the POV of your science is that humans are bacteriae in denial, is that so?

>> No.1724928

Obviously not. I think that's pretty understandable what he said.

>> No.1724973


This, this, a thousand times this. Women usually don't want to leave a fucked up corpse.

>> No.1724976


Never taken me so long to spot a troll before. I apologize to myself for getting sucked into your blatantly intentional bullshit.

>> No.1724997

wimenz are so lulzy

>> No.1725030

To Searle rejection or deliberation expressed is an act of speech.
>missing the subtle changes to the communicating participants
One piece of advice: If one particular piece of nonsense seems incoherent and thus profound to you it won't nescessarily seem so to others. Searle does reduce all talking to several kinds of acts of speech. "subtle changes" to "communicating participants" are irrelevant both to the common and to the Searle jargon term for talking.
Why are you trying so hard to build a monument to your loneliness and social ineptitude online, onionring? You could impress the world with your non-existence much harder if you hanged yourself on a highly visible place like the Arc de Triomphe. Nobody will ever read your parade of stupidity and of an utter lack of life on http://green-oval.net/cgi-board.pl/lit/reports/post-count.. Try summarising it all in a suicide note. It is hip.

>> No.1725037

>implying i'll formalize my stuff here
look kid you are mistaking a phoenix for a sparrow.

>> No.1725038

I'm not trolling
>humans always have been subject to the same evolutionary forces and motivations as other organisms, and that our emotional systems haven't and shouldn't be expected to have entirely caught up to what's important and valuable to us as a more cognitively advanced species.
you operate with terms such as alphas or mojo or self-confidence known mostly from etiology. Do you believe that our animal "emotional systems" can explain a particular woman's suicide better than a Russian romancier or an Athenian dramatist?

>> No.1725040

but just a taste

when i am talking to you about some object, the 'you' is indexical. when i am talking to you as if i am doing something to you, the you is a person or whatever.

so you see?

>> No.1725046

me waits for the retard to misread this post.

>> No.1725047

> you are mistaking a phoenix for a sparrow.
What's the matter, sparrow? Don't have the guts to become a phoenix?

>> No.1725049

already a phoenix, just wait.

>> No.1725050

Better? Dunon if better, but in a more rigorous way, for sure. And without appealing to your empathy.

>> No.1725060

>without appealing to empathy
if this has force for you then you are quite lost.

>> No.1725066

Pop-science approach: studies show women are slightly more developed in areas of the brain involving communication than men, ergo, they are more likely to express themselves in an effective and sociable way. The consequent of this being that they develop, generally speaking, better social networks. The conclusion, then, is that since women can express their frustrations, and they have people to express it to, they are less likely to be so miserable that they kill themselves in a final way.

>> No.1725071

No, no! The contrary, appealing to someone's empathy is what has force, this is why art is the best way to express this kind of emotions. But if you want to explain things rigorously, following the scientific method to get things clear, you'll have to avoid using empathy.

>> No.1725074

forget it

>> No.1725080

Oh, I get it. You understood as the subject what I was taking as the method.

>> No.1725089

The few "Suicide attempts" I've seen or heard in first hand accounts from women (Attempting to overdosing on prescription pills) seemed more like attention seeking than anything else but I'm sure that's not always the case.

>> No.1725094

I came into this expecting I'd've to school OP but he's spot-on.

Suicide rates throughout humanity are negligible. They're like .001% even where they're high.

Man's the highest form of life. Suicide is a demonstration of the OS completely ruling the body. Beasts can't override their drive for self-preservation. Women are lesser forms of man, closer to beasts than a male.

No one really "fails" or "tries" to commit suicide. Anyone who wants to kill themselves does. Those who say they do instead of play around by knicking their wrists or whatever just want you to like them.

>> No.1725106
File: 56 KB, 500x313, demolishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is something seriously wrong if an ultimate symbolic act such as suicide is capable of being explained and predicted structurally or as part of the code of significations. where is the authenticity. now you can't even kill yourself without it being adapted and intelligible to the whole

>> No.1725121

>me waits for the retard to misread this post.
It doesn't take genius to "understand" the incoherent ramblings of an oligophreniac. It just takes a person of exceptional politeness.
When you are talking every word of yours is indexical. You have now put another brick into the aforementionned monument to the inane, pretentious and boorish nobody from the internets.
There is no other meaning to this vacuous mess. If articulation is not your strong point you could still become an hero in a way that would catch the eye of exegete bloggers. They still could attach something decent to it.

>> No.1725124

>Women are lesser forms of man, closer to beasts than a male.
I love it when someone, in the middle of some educated and intellectual conversation, lets fall some of this kind of pearls from his hands and continues talking like if nothing particularly strange or offensive was said.

>> No.1725133
File: 149 KB, 1599x647, 466699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the great irony about this is that this pointing out is simply a hiccup of the system at best, at worst it reinforces it. We are only losing more and more ground

>> No.1725139

Faggot wants to be called, "gender queer" or some bullshit.

You got a laugh from me c/lit/.

Don't do it OP! Don't throw your life away! You have so much to live for in those 2 hours.

That movie sucks balls. I thought from the trailer he jumped off the bridge and they resuscitated him. Instead he's going through typical teen angst but whines and bitches more than most boys. I hated his character and that movie's terribly boring.

>> No.1725152

How is it offensive? The emancipation of the woman is the task of the women themselves. If most of the chose the life of a pet they can be justly likened to exactly that.

>> No.1725154

>General Systems Theory everywhere
Guess it's too late.

>> No.1725155

interesting. Thanks for posting.

bah! bitches run their mouths more. They don't convey concepts as consicely or clearly.

The most real-life examples of suicide from women I know are when they've lost their husbands and children.

>> No.1725156

Most humans choose to live as pets, not only women. i don't think gender is the deal here.

>> No.1725166

/lit/ is the douchiest board

I thought it might be cool but so far pretty much every thread has been like this

>> No.1725167

I agree with that sentiment.

The point of political correctness is to avoid arguing the validity of your thesis by making its' antithesis taboo.

What art school are you attending?

>> No.1725173

>What art school are you attending?

>> No.1725179

it's okay if you can't complete the last step of the loop.

>> No.1725180


4chan as a whole is douchey. the entire website is a misogynist's paradise.

>> No.1725185

see, this is why you need to prove reductive physicalism works, in order to establish the legitimacy of human authenticity and emotion as more important than pure instrumental calculus.

rebirth of religion but naturalized. full use of people's resources for meaning. im sure this is rather obvious.

>> No.1725206

Wow,a whiteknight on /lit/ I had to check what board i was on for a second to make sure.Anwyays,WOW a whiteknight on /lit/ have you traveled a long distance to get here today?

>> No.1725212

the suicide is more likely to be successful if the problem has escalated

>> No.1725214

Du kannst auch gleich in einer Fremsprache reden, man versteht dich nicht. Niemand versteht dich, im Internet genau so wenig wie im wahren Leben.

>> No.1725221
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1290754510989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw manchildren try to use the fact that they're better at killing themselves as evidence that they're superior to women.
Yes, you're absolutely right. So why don't you go demonstrate your superiority for us right now?

>> No.1725234
File: 27 KB, 444x483, 1279841869035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw women can't even kill themselves correctly

>> No.1725236

Actually the burden of proof is kind of on the women because they're the ones who would say it's not true.

>> No.1725238


there are more of us reasonable people on here than there are of you. the only difference is you're louder and more unintelligible.

>> No.1725240

No we cannot kill ourselves correctly, we're more badass than that, vis medea

>> No.1725247

Women tend to be aware of the fact that they have more to live for than themselves, especially if they have children, whereas men have always been more successful at abandoning their families to pursue their own self-interest. Why you should be proud of this, OP, is beyond me.

>> No.1725249

>now you can't even kill yourself without it being adapted and intelligible to the whole
You can. I swear I wouldn't pine for you.

>> No.1725254

Just like the burden of proof is on the atheists who say there is no god?

>> No.1725259
File: 25 KB, 921x606, picard-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>129 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1725264

You're using extremely obvious loaded language to make something look good. It's really sad.

Yes. Atheists who can't back shit up (read: all of them) are following the same blind faith that theists follow.

>> No.1725272

>Just like the burden of proof is on the atheists who say there is no god?
Yes. The Atheist are even deplorable than women who reason.

>> No.1725273
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1281927785404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. My sentiments exactly.

>> No.1725277

>Atheists who can't back shit up
that's okay then, because they have no need to back anything up

>> No.1725280

>Atheists using observable, scientific evidence to back up their claims = Theists using old, anonymously-written books to back up their claims

>> No.1725282

>mfw male supremacists are also christfags.
Oh god, and you claim to be logically superior? Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.1725284

Strange, it took such little evidence to convince people there was a god. But it takes a mountain and a half+entire alternate dimension to prove god does not exist.
I am babbling,I just find it funny that Thiests demand evidence.

>> No.1725287


The only good post ITT. Women tend to depend on social networks to emotionally heal, whereas men tend to keep it all inside because of bullshit notions of masculinity. In our society women are more emotionally and spiritually healthier because of this, and I would say happier too.

>> No.1725292
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>> No.1725293

>MFW people still think all Jews have the same personality, or that you can predict a Jew's personality only knowing his ethnicity/religion.
>MFW people still think so many females are shallow because of the nature of their sex, rather than as a result of society's reinforcement of 16th century prejudices.
You're the scum of the earth, OP. Your desire to be classified as an uberman is laughable and characteristic of a teenager. Grow up.

>> No.1725299

Wow, guys, not only are we going to nail down incredibly complex and interrelated concepts within the realms of sexuality and psychology into concrete, simplistic terms and thus solve numerous problems that hundreds, if not thousands, of academics have worked on and argued over, we're going to accomplish this momentous, groundbreaking task while flinging shit at each other in an OBVIOUS troll thread!
And for an encore, we're going to solve the atheist/theist debate once and for all! 4chan must be the apex of all human discourse, thank god the internet was invented so these great minds could come here, to this website, and with their very serious thoughts, their unfailing dedication to standards of truth in research, work all this shit out.
Thank you, gentleman, for your intrepid spirits and indomitable wills and Godspeed to you!

>> No.1725322


>> No.1725344

>implying the fall of Rome was caused by any one thing, let alone, homosexuality.
Let me guess, you think the US is the next Sodom and Gomorrah? Sure are a lot of christfags up in this thread. Then again, religion and sexism seem to go hand-in-hand. I bet you also think that the world is 6000 years old and that fossils were sent by the devil to lead humanity astray.

>> No.1725351

The fall of Rome was caused by Ninjas. Only the speed and skill of the well trained Warriors of the night can explain the sudden decline of the worlds most infamously mismanaged empire.
Pa pa pa du

>> No.1725355

This is the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen on any board on this site.

And the most entertaining.

>> No.1725695

>Then again, religion and sexism seem to go hand-in-hand
bolshevism and atheism go hand in hand along with sodomy and the decline of the greatest civilizations.
>Let me guess, you think the US is the next Sodom and Gomorrah?
I don't care about this putrid injust fascist-sodomist sexist and syphilic shitter of the earth. you're irrelevant! live with it, you obscene piece of americunt whale blubber.

>> No.1725715


>> No.1725844


>> No.1725861

This thread was answered pretty well in the first like the first 5 post
Yet,here we are.
Men are fearless and strong
Women are weak,but are loving and caring creatures.Their fragile nature is what makes them feminine and beautiful.

>> No.1725888

>christians vs atheists meets men vs women
Woah, this thread never stops to amaze me...

>> No.1725892

never ceases to amaze how soft-bellied teddybears of manhood who post on 4chan don't realize how ludicrous it is for them to claim the heroic qualities they attribute to the male gender in general

>> No.1725901

Name one military leader in history besides Joan of Ark.Don't use google.

>> No.1725905

No chastising for that

>> No.1725914

Name one /r9k/ poster-slash-military leader in history. Don't use Google.